13 research outputs found

    Professional librarianship: always preparing for the future

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    The Context Statement is Part One of my submission for my thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctorate in Professional Studies by Public Works. It is presented to be read in conjunction with Part Two of this submission, which contains publications which represent the public works. The Context Statement is written in line with the requirements of Middlesex University regulations for doctoral awards and the chapters are structured in relation to these requirements. The submitted works were not initially written for submission as part of a D. Prof. The Context Statement has stimulated me to bring together a description of the reflective practice which has been inherent in the development of my public works, both those selected for special treatment in Chapter 2 and those described throughout the context statement. In chapter 1 I place my work in context, beginning with my interest in libraries which then became specialised in the library automation field. In section 2, as mentioned I introduce four public works which are in the case of the first three represented by publications. Chapter 3 is a justification for the Doctorate in Professional Studies by Public Works, outlining the place of reflection and reflective practices throughout the development of these public works. In Chapter 4 I return to the themes of International Librarianship, General Librarianship, Library Automation and Standardization which permeate my public works, before drawing my conclusions on the importance not only of reflection but of innovation in my public works

    Primo VE e UNIMARC

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    Il seguente documento nasce nell’ambito delle attività svolte dal Gruppo di Lavoro ITALE (Associazione Italiana Utenti Ex Libris) dedicato ai Discovery Tools (è possibile consultare la lista dei membri nell’ultima pagina). Da giugno 2018 Primo VE è presentato alle installazioni italiane come un nuovo modello di implementazione, parallelo a Primo (Total Care o Direct). Alcune istituzioni italiane (Università di Genova, IULM) sono state coinvolte in un programma “early adopter” per analizzare le problematiche legate ad UNIMARC. Da fine 2018, in concomitanza con il passaggio ad Alma, altre istituzioni ITALE (Università dell’Insubria, Università di Verona, Università di Sassari, LIUC, Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano) sono entrate in produzione. Questo documento è stato predisposto per descrivere meglio le problematiche legate allo standard UNIMARC ed è stato approvato dalla 68. Assemblea dei Soci ITALE

    Library Automation and Use of Open Source Software to Maximize Library Effectiveness

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    Automation of library services and the use of open source software are essential for efficiency and effectiveness and at a minimal cost, too. Library automation benefits both the library staff and the users as it reduces the level of job stress on the staff and enhances remote and timely provision of up-to-date information to the users. This literature based opinion paper majorly aimed to establish the relevance of using open source software in library automation. To achieve this goal, the paper was divided into sub-headings that respectively highlighted the relevance of library automation, spelt out the salient issues to consider in library software selection, discussed the characteristics of OSS that qualify them to be effective library automation software, and enumerated and briefly discussed the various OSS available for integrated library management. Recommendations on the key factors that should be prioritized for the achievement of a successful automation of the library services with the open source software is equally made in the paper. Keywords: Library automation, Open Source Software, Library effectiveness, Software selection criteria

    Open Source Software for Integrated Library System : Relative Appropriatness in the Indian Context

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    Libraries in all fields of human activity are involved in collection, preservation, management, and effective distribution of information that determines the quality of development in concerned sectors including that of higher education and research. Now information is flooding and along with that the recorded information to be managed; which necessitates automation of libraries to make the information stored in their collections useful and retrievable. Hitherto the cost of commercial packages for automation has prevented millions of libraries from using those tools. The recent emergence of Open Source Software has drastically reduced the cost of automation as well provided tools for new and innovative information services. The present research work focuses on comparative study of library automation packages with stress to appropriateness of Open Source Integrated Library Systems (OSILS) for countries like India. Study is based on a survey among library professionals from India using commercial and OSILS packages. The sample users belong to 601 libraries covering university, college, school, special and research libraries using any one of the integrated library systems. Packages covered is limited to the software /versions used in India. The survey found that features users of library automation packages consider are cost effectiveness, technical infrastructure, staff skills, software functionality and the availability of support, documentation and community. Study revealed that OSILS provides technological freedom and so is changing the landscape of library automation. Survey found Koha to be most popular in India. Suggests solutions to improve the situation. Few recommendations are provided to help libraries to choose suitable OSILS by understanding their advantages. Opines that being an attractive alternative to costly commercial package for any type of libraries OSILS, which is free to experiment and easy to use and customize for local requirements needs to be promoted in Indian libraries

    Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing: Volume 1, Mapping of Chemical Data Bases and Mapping of Data Base Data Elements Using a Rational Data Base Structure

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNational Science Foundation / NSF SIS 74-1855

    Library Automation Domain Ontology

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    Disertace je věnována problematice automatizace knihoven. Zkoumá vztahy mezi oblastí automatizace knihoven a knihovními systémy a zohledňuje přitom potřeby knihoven v souvislosti s problematikou výběru knihovního softwaru. Cílem disertace bylo vytvořit doménovou ontologii pro oblast automatizace knihoven a navrhnout nástroje pro podporu rozhodování při výběru knihovního softwaru. V rámci disertace byla vytvořena doménová ontologie popisující oblast automatizace knihoven ve vztahu ke knihovním systémům, které jsou zasazeny do širšího kontextu oblasti automatizace knihoven a je na ně nahlíženo z hlediska potřeb knihoven. Z účelem získání termínů pro názvy entit v ontologii byla provedena analýza odborných textů vztahujících se k problematice automatizace knihoven a knihovních systémů, pro kterou byl využit softwarový nástroj Voyant Tools. Vlastnosti a vztahy entit v ontologii jsou založeny na výsledcích kvalitativního průzkumu potřeb knihoven ve vztahu ke knihovním softwarům. Na základě doménové ontologie byly vytvořeny vývojové diagramy, které ilustrují rozhodovací proces knihovny při výběru knihovního systému. Vedlejším výstupem disertační práce je metodická příručka pro knihovny Připravujeme změnu knihovního softwaru.The dissertation focuses on library automation. It examines relationships between the field of library automation and library management systems and the needs of libraries in relation to the process of library software selection. The main goal of the dissertation has been to create a library automation domain ontology and to develop tools to support a decision-making process of library software selection. The domain ontology has been created; it describes the field of library automation in relation to library systems, which are set in the broader context of the field of library automation and are regarded in terms of needs of libraries in connection to library software change. To obtain terms for ontology entity names both quantitative and mixed research methods were used, namely the analysis of scholarly texts on library automation and library systems; text analyses were performed using Voyant Tools software. Object properties and relationships among entities in ontology are based on the results of a qualitative survey of the needs of libraries in relation to the library management software. Based on the domain ontology, flowcharts have been created that illustrate the library's decision-making process when selecting a library management system. During the work on the dissertation, a methodological...Institute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipÚstav informačních studií a knihovnictvíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Programme du congrès de l\u27IFLA 2014

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