12 research outputs found

    A Two-Stream Deep Fusion Framework for High-Resolution Aerial Scene Classification

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    A Novel Multi-scale Attention Feature Extraction Block for Aerial Remote Sensing Image Classification

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    Classification of very high-resolution (VHR) aerial remote sensing (RS) images is a well-established research area in the remote sensing community as it provides valuable spatial information for decision-making. Existing works on VHR aerial RS image classification produce an excellent classification performance; nevertheless, they have a limited capability to well-represent VHR RS images having complex and small objects, thereby leading to performance instability. As such, we propose a novel plug-and-play multi-scale attention feature extraction block (MSAFEB) based on multi-scale convolution at two levels with skip connection, producing discriminative/salient information at a deeper/finer level. The experimental study on two benchmark VHR aerial RS image datasets (AID and NWPU) demonstrates that our proposal achieves a stable/consistent performance (minimum standard deviation of 0.0020.002) and competent overall classification performance (AID: 95.85\% and NWPU: 94.09\%).Comment: The paper is under review in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters Journal (IEEE-GRSL). This version may be deleted and/or updated based on the journal's polic

    Aerial scene classification through fine-tuning with adaptive learning rates and label smoothing

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    Remote Sensing (RS) image classification has recently attracted great attention for its application in different tasks, including environmental monitoring, battlefield surveillance, and geospatial object detection. The best practices for these tasks often involve transfer learning from pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). A common approach in the literature is employing CNNs for feature extraction, and subsequently train classifiers exploiting such features. In this paper, we propose the adoption of transfer learning by fine-tuning pre-trained CNNs for end-to-end aerial image classification. Our approach performs feature extraction from the fine-tuned neural networks and remote sensing image classification with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model with linear and Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernels. To tune the learning rate hyperparameter, we employ a linear decay learning rate scheduler as well as cyclical learning rates. Moreover, in order to mitigate the overfitting problem of pre-trained models, we apply label smoothing regularization. For the fine-tuning and feature extraction process, we adopt the Inception-v3 and Xception inception-based CNNs, as well the residual-based networks ResNet50 and DenseNet121. We present extensive experiments on two real-world remote sensing image datasets: AID and NWPU-RESISC45. The results show that the proposed method exhibits classification accuracy of up to 98%, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods

    Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance - Towards a transparent financialindustry” (FinAI) CA19130

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    The financial sector is the largest user of digital technologies and a major driver in the digital transformation of the economy. Financial technology (FinTech) aims to both compete with and support the established financial industry in the delivery of financial services. Globally, more than $100 billion of investments have been made into FinTech companies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) since 2010, and continue growing substantially. In early 2018, the European Commission unveiled (a) their action plan for a more competitive and innovative financial market, and (b) an initiative on AI with the aim to harness the opportunities presented by technology-enabled innovations. Europe should become a global hub for FinTech, with the economy being able to benefit from the European Single Market. The Action will investigate AI and Fintech from three different angles: Transparency in FinTech, Transparent versus Black Box Decision-Support Models in the Financial Industry and Transparency into Investment Product Performance for Clients. The Action will bridge the gap between academia, industry, the public and governmental organisations by working in an interdisciplinary way across Europe and focusing on innovation. The key objectives are: to improve transparency of AI supported processes in the Fintech space to address the disparity between the proliferation in AI models within the financial industry for risk assessment and decision-making, and the limited insight the public has in its consequences by developing policy papers and methods to increase transparency to develop methods to scrutinize the quality of products, especially rule-based “smart beta” ones, across the asset management, banking and insurance industries

    Deep feature fusion through adaptive discriminative metric learning for scene recognition

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    With the development of deep learning techniques, fusion of deep features has demonstrated the powerful capability to improve recognition performance. However, most researchers directly fuse different deep feature vectors without considering the complementary and consistent information among them. In this paper, from the viewpoint of metric learning, we propose a novel deep feature fusion method, called deep feature fusion through adaptive discriminative metric learning (DFF-ADML), to explore the complementary and consistent information for scene recognition. Concretely, we formulate an adaptive discriminative metric learning problem, which not only fully exploits discriminative information from each deep feature vector, but also adaptively fuses complementary information from different deep feature vectors. Besides, we map different deep feature vectors of the same image into a common space by different linear transformations, such that the consistent information can be preserved as much as possible. Moreover, DFF-ADML is extended to a kernelized version. Extensive experiments on both natural scene and remote sensing scene datasets demonstrate the superiority and robustness of the proposed deep feature fusion method

    A Semi-Supervised Deep Rule-Based Approach for Complex Satellite Sensor Image Analysis

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    Large-scale (large-area), fine spatial resolution satellite sensor images are valuable data sources for Earth observation while not yet fully exploited by research communities for practical applications. Often, such images exhibit highly complex geometrical structures and spatial patterns, and distinctive characteristics of multiple land-use categories may appear at the same region. Autonomous information extraction from these images is essential in the field of pattern recognition within remote sensing, but this task is extremely challenging due to the spectral and spatial complexity captured in satellite sensor imagery. In this research, a semi-supervised deep rule-based approach for satellite sensor image analysis (SeRBIA) is proposed, where large-scale satellite sensor images are analysed autonomously and classified into detailed land-use categories. Using an ensemble feature descriptor derived from pre-trained AlexNet and VGG-VD-16 models, SeRBIA is capable of learning continuously from both labelled and unlabelled images through self-adaptation without human involvement or intervention. Extensive numerical experiments were conducted on both benchmark datasets and real-world satellite sensor images to comprehensively test the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method. The novel information mining technique developed here can be applied to analyse large-scale satellite sensor images with high accuracy and interpretability, across a wide range of real-world applications

    Invariant deep compressible covariance pooling for aerial scene categorization

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    Learning discriminative and invariant feature representation is the key to visual image categorization. In this article, we propose a novel invariant deep compressible covariance pooling (IDCCP) to solve nuisance variations in aerial scene categorization. We consider transforming the input image according to a finite transformation group that consists of multiple confounding orthogonal matrices, such as the D4 group. Then, we adopt a Siamese-style network to transfer the group structure to the representation space, where we can derive a trivial representation that is invariant under the group action. The linear classifier trained with trivial representation will also be possessed with invariance. To further improve the discriminative power of representation, we extend the representation to the tensor space while imposing orthogonal constraints on the transformation matrix to effectively reduce feature dimensions. We conduct extensive experiments on the publicly released aerial scene image data sets and demonstrate the superiority of this method compared with state-of-the-art methods. In particular, with using ResNet architecture, our IDCCP model can reduce the dimension of the tensor representation by about 98% without sacrificing accuracy (i.e., <0.5%)

    A Two-Stream Deep Fusion Framework for High-Resolution Aerial Scene Classification

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    One of the challenging problems in understanding high-resolution remote sensing images is aerial scene classification. A well-designed feature representation method and classifier can improve classification accuracy. In this paper, we construct a new two-stream deep architecture for aerial scene classification. First, we use two pretrained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as feature extractor to learn deep features from the original aerial image and the processed aerial image through saliency detection, respectively. Second, two feature fusion strategies are adopted to fuse the two different types of deep convolutional features extracted by the original RGB stream and the saliency stream. Finally, we use the extreme learning machine (ELM) classifier for final classification with the fused features. The effectiveness of the proposed architecture is tested on four challenging datasets: UC-Merced dataset with 21 scene categories, WHU-RS dataset with 19 scene categories, AID dataset with 30 scene categories, and NWPU-RESISC45 dataset with 45 challenging scene categories. The experimental results demonstrate that our architecture gets a significant classification accuracy improvement over all state-of-the-art references