178 research outputs found

    A Universal RAM Machine Resistant to Isolated Bursts of Faults

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    The most natural question of reliable computation, in every computation model and noise model,is whether given a certain level of noise, a machine of that model exists that canperform arbitrarily complex computations under noise of that level. This question has positive answers for circuits, cellular automata, and recently for Turing machines. Here, we raise the question of the existence of a random access machine that---with some moderate slowdown --- can simulate any other random access machine even if the simulator is subjected to constant size bursts of faults separated by a certain minimum number of steps from each other. We will analyze and spell out the problems and difficulties that need to be addressed in such construction

    27th IFIP WG 1.5 International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems (AUTOMATA 2021)

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    The fixed point construction is a method for designing tile sets and cellular automata with highly nontrivial dynamical and computational properties. It produces an infinite hierarchy of systems where each layer simulates the next one. The simulations are implemented entirely by computations of Turing machines embedded in the tilings or spacetime diagrams. We present an overview of the construction and list its applications in the literature.</p


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    This paper does not pretend to originality; it is an attempt to bring to light the causes and the mechanism of rockbursts, as exposed in the literature. Furthermore, an endeavor has been made to give a comprehensive picture of the prediction, prevention, and control methods of rockbursts. Briefly, what has been done in the field of rockbursts, and what remains open to investigation is submitted to the reader. The choice of rockbursts as a thesis subject appears to be justified by the geologic interest of the question. Detailed geologic observations, and particularly the recording of all the structural features which may be present in a given mining district, are required before any attempt can be made to solve the rockburst problem in that district. Furthermore, an economic interest is attached to rockbursts; due to the fact that in deep mines, the control of rock pressure constitutes a problem which may be more or less serious than control of temperature and which will have a definite economic influence in the cost of mining. At the present time, the miens critically affected by rockbursts are scattered all over the world, and are relatively few. However, should the present trend towards deeper and deeper mines be continued in the future, the economic influence of rockbursts and associated ground movements could become increasingly important --Introduction, page 4

    Unlikely Comparison and the Transdisciplinarity of Comparative Literature: The Boundaries of Gender, Technoscience, Literature, and Visual Culture

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    The dissertation argues that current shifts in the humanities provide opportunities to transform comparative literature into a more transdisciplinary field that more fully attends to the agencies of knowledge work. In particular, comparative literature should center the intersections of the humanities and sciences, and feminist technoscience approaches in particular, to theorize and pursue "unlikely comparisons" that shed light on current debates on difference, disciplinarity, narrative, and the changing role of literary studies and the humanities more broadly. To illustrate the role of feminist technoscience in making agency-aware unlikely comparisons, the dissertation considers the resonances between the paintings of Remedios Varo and the philosophy-physics of Karen Barad. It is then shown that cyberfeminist narratives about Ada Lovelace reveal that networks, time travel, and emergent behaviors are necessary models for understanding the multiple and complex connections between Ada Lovelace and today's digital women, and for understanding the agencies of knowledge work more generally. The dissertation then argues for a more transdisciplinary, comparative, and "polyrhythmic" undergraduate curriculum, providing specific proposals for coursework and pedagogical materials. The sum of these arguments demonstrate that further theorization of "unlikely comparison," directed by the central questions of feminist technoscience, would enable comparative literary studies to more fully engage with the pressures and possibilities of complex and rapidly changing political, ethical, and intellectual connections and responsibilities

    Interior Materiality

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    The knowledge of materials and finishes is the bridge that links conceptual design to real-world application. It is among the core content of virtually all interior architecture/design curricula, moreover, access to up-to-date information on emerging technologies and trends is a key exigency for the contemporary designer. Accordingly, this book is authored to form a comprehensive resource for the “hows” and “whys” surrounding the functional and aesthetic contributions of a wide selection of materials and finishes used in multiple spatial design contexts. The knowledge base presented here is not only useful in shaping spatial experience, ensuring occupant well-being, and employing sustainable thinking but also beneficial in managing budget and schedule while enabling the delivery of top-quality work. The book investigates fundamental material properties, performance criteria, as well as sector-specific standards, regulations, and guidelines, with a special focus on concerns surrounding occupant health and safety as well as environmental impact and sustainability concerns. Furthermore, fabrication, installation, and maintenance issues were explored in detail. Various information collection and organization conventions are also discussed with regard to detailing, specification, estimation, and documentation of materials and finishes. The goals of the book can be listed as follows: ● Developing a vocabulary and knowledge base to comprehend and communicate concepts and paradigms associated with the history, classification, manufacturing, evaluation, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of materials and finishes. ● Identifying a broad range of materials and finishes, considering their aesthetic and performance properties, and understanding their utilization with regard to creative design intent, client expectations and requirements, user needs and experience, and incorporating life cycle implications. ● Providing a basis for achieving physical and psychological well-being for occupants, understanding the impact of changing social, cultural, economic, and ecological context, and eliminating negative environmental and social outcomes.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1042/thumbnail.jp

    Technical Sensoriums: A Speculative Investigation into the Entanglement and Convergence of Surveillance and Technology

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    Surveillance and technology are among the most prevalent phenomena in the developed world, the proliferation of which is abetted by an ever increasing profusion of products and services extending the competencies of these capabilities into new opportunities and markets worldwide. More significantly, this momentum is leading to a convergence of these disparate competencies towards a common techno-surveillant milieu. Yet much of what is written and theoretically understood about these topics (singularly and collectively) fails to provide for a unified accounting that anticipates either the trajectory or the heterogeneous forms of this converging phenomenon. This projects sets out to excavate why our understanding of techno-surveillance is so myopic. Following the evidence, I assert that this short-sightedness is not simply the result of methodological shortcomings. Rather, most researchers of surveillance and technology are blinded by philosophical presumptions (primarily grounded in epistemology) that exclude the kinds of questions (largely ontological) they must ask to go deeper in their investigations. This study examines the archaeological detritus of an early techno-surveillant system, the characteristics of which are typical of the kinds of systems that have come to challenge researchers about the implications of their analyses. Based on this analysis, this study proposes an ontological model, which I call ontigeny that is consistent with the evidence and helps to explain the heterogeneity of techno-surveillance, as well as its potential trajectories

    Keys to Play: Music as a Ludic Medium from Apollo to Nintendo

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    How do keyboards make music playable? Drawing on theories of media, systems, and cultural techniques, Keys to Play spans Greek myth and contemporary Japanese digital games to chart a genealogy of musical play and its animation via improvisation, performance, and recreation. As a paradigmatic digital interface, the keyboard forms a field of play on which the book’s diverse objects of inquiry—from clavichords to PCs and eighteenth-century musical dice games to the latest rhythm-action titles—enter into analogical relations. Remapping the keyboard’s topography by way of Mozart and Super Mario, who head an expansive cast of historical and virtual actors, Keys to Play invites readers to unlock ludic dimensions of music that are at once old and new

    A study of the applicability of software-defined networking in industrial networks

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    173 p.Las redes industriales interconectan sensores y actuadores para llevar a cabo funciones de monitorización, control y protección en diferentes entornos, tales como sistemas de transporte o sistemas de automatización industrial. Estos sistemas ciberfísicos generalmente están soportados por múltiples redes de datos, ya sean cableadas o inalámbricas, a las cuales demandan nuevas prestaciones, de forma que el control y gestión de tales redes deben estar acoplados a las condiciones del propio sistema industrial. De este modo, aparecen requisitos relacionados con la flexibilidad, mantenibilidad y adaptabilidad, al mismo tiempo que las restricciones de calidad de servicio no se vean afectadas. Sin embargo, las estrategias de control de red tradicionales generalmente no se adaptan eficientemente a entornos cada vez más dinámicos y heterogéneos.Tras definir un conjunto de requerimientos de red y analizar las limitaciones de las soluciones actuales, se deduce que un control provisto independientemente de los propios dispositivos de red añadiría flexibilidad a dichas redes. Por consiguiente, la presente tesis explora la aplicabilidad de las redes definidas por software (Software-Defined Networking, SDN) en sistemas de automatización industrial. Para llevar a cabo este enfoque, se ha tomado como caso de estudio las redes de automatización basadas en el estándar IEC 61850, el cual es ampliamente usado en el diseño de las redes de comunicaciones en sistemas de distribución de energía, tales como las subestaciones eléctricas. El estándar IEC 61850 define diferentes servicios y protocolos con altos requisitos en terminos de latencia y disponibilidad de la red, los cuales han de ser satisfechos mediante técnicas de ingeniería de tráfico. Como resultado, aprovechando la flexibilidad y programabilidad ofrecidas por las redes definidas por software, en esta tesis se propone una arquitectura de control basada en el protocolo OpenFlow que, incluyendo tecnologías de gestión y monitorización de red, permite establecer políticas de tráfico acorde a su prioridad y al estado de la red.Además, las subestaciones eléctricas son un ejemplo representativo de infraestructura crítica, que son aquellas en las que un fallo puede resultar en graves pérdidas económicas, daños físicos y materiales. De esta forma, tales sistemas deben ser extremadamente seguros y robustos, por lo que es conveniente la implementación de topologías redundantes que ofrezcan un tiempo de reacción ante fallos mínimo. Con tal objetivo, el estándar IEC 62439-3 define los protocolos Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) y High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR), los cuales garantizan un tiempo de recuperación nulo en caso de fallo mediante la redundancia activa de datos en redes Ethernet. Sin embargo, la gestión de redes basadas en PRP y HSR es estática e inflexible, lo que, añadido a la reducción de ancho de banda debida la duplicación de datos, hace difícil un control eficiente de los recursos disponibles. En dicho sentido, esta tesis propone control de la redundancia basado en el paradigma SDN para un aprovechamiento eficiente de topologías malladas, al mismo tiempo que se garantiza la disponibilidad de las aplicaciones de control y monitorización. En particular, se discute cómo el protocolo OpenFlow permite a un controlador externo configurar múltiples caminos redundantes entre dispositivos con varias interfaces de red, así como en entornos inalámbricos. De esta forma, los servicios críticos pueden protegerse en situaciones de interferencia y movilidad.La evaluación de la idoneidad de las soluciones propuestas ha sido llevada a cabo, principalmente, mediante la emulación de diferentes topologías y tipos de tráfico. Igualmente, se ha estudiado analítica y experimentalmente cómo afecta a la latencia el poder reducir el número de saltos en las comunicaciones con respecto al uso de un árbol de expansión, así como balancear la carga en una red de nivel 2. Además, se ha realizado un análisis de la mejora de la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos de red y la robustez alcanzada con la combinación de los protocolos PRP y HSR con un control llevado a cabo mediante OpenFlow. Estos resultados muestran que el modelo SDN podría mejorar significativamente las prestaciones de una red industrial de misión crítica

    Internet Daemons: Digital Communications Possessed

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    We’re used to talking about how tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon rule the internet, but what about daemons? Ubiquitous programs that have colonized the Net’s infrastructure—as well as the devices we use to access it—daemons are little known. Fenwick McKelvey weaves together history, theory, and policy to give a full account of where daemons come from and how they influence our lives—including their role in hot-button issues like network neutrality. Going back to Victorian times and the popular thought experiment Maxwell’s Demon, McKelvey charts how daemons evolved from concept to reality, eventually blossoming into the pandaemonium of code-based creatures that today orchestrates our internet. Digging into real-life examples like sluggish connection speeds, Comcast’s efforts to control peer-to-peer networking, and Pirate Bay’s attempts to elude daemonic control (and skirt copyright), McKelvey shows how daemons have been central to the internet, greatly influencing everyday users. Internet Daemons asks important questions about how much control is being handed over to these automated, autonomous programs, and the consequences for transparency and oversight. Table of Contents Abbreviations and Technical Terms Introduction 1. The Devil We Know: Maxwell’s Demon, Cyborg Sciences, and Flow Control 2. Possessing Infrastructure: Nonsynchronous Communication, IMPs, and Optimization 3. IMPs, OLIVERs, and Gateways: Internetworking before the Internet 4. Pandaemonium: The Internet as Daemons 5. Suffering from Buffering? Affects of Flow Control 6. The Disoptimized: The Ambiguous Tactics of the Pirate Bay 7. A Crescendo of Online Interactive Debugging? Gamers, Publics and Daemons Conclusion Acknowledgments Appendix: Internet Measurement and Mediators Notes Bibliography Index Reviews Beneath social media, beneath search, Internet Daemons reveals another layer of algorithms: deeper, burrowed into information networks. Fenwick McKelvey is the best kind of intellectual spelunker, taking us deep into the infrastructure and shining his light on these obscure but vital mechanisms. What he has delivered is a precise and provocative rethinking of how to conceive of power in and among networks. —Tarleton Gillespie, author of Custodians of the Internet Internet Daemons is an original and important contribution to the field of digital media studies. Fenwick McKelvey extensively maps and analyzes how daemons influence data exchanges across Internet infrastructures. This study insightfully demonstrates how daemons are transformative entities that enable particular ways of transferring information and connecting up communication, with significant social and political consequences. —Jennifer Gabrys, author of Program Eart