5 research outputs found

    Factors of trust in data reuse

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to quantitatively examine factors of trust in data reuse from the reusers’ perspectives. Design/methodology/approach This study utilized a survey method to test the proposed hypotheses and to empirically evaluate the research model, which was developed to examine the relationship each factor of trust has with reusers’ actual trust during data reuse. Findings This study found that the data producer (H1) and data quality (H3) were significant, as predicted, while scholarly community (H3) and data intermediary (H4) were not significantly related to reusers’ trust in data. Research limitations/implications Further disciplinary specific examinations should be conducted to complement the study findings and fully generalize the study findings. Practical implications The study finding presents the need for engaging data producers in the process of data curation, preferably beginning in the early stages and encouraging them to work with curation professionals to ensure data management quality. The study finding also suggests the need for re-defining the boundaries of current curation work or collaborating with other professionals who can perform data quality assessment that is related to scientific and methodological rigor. Originality/value By analyzing theoretical concepts in empirical research and validating the factors of trust, this study fills this gap in the data reuse literature

    Entornos Virtuales de Investigación (EVI) e infraestructuras tecnológicas digitales para la investigación en ciencias sociales en Uruguay

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    El propósito de esta investigación es conocer el comportamiento de los investigadores uruguayos en ciencias sociales (CCSS) con respecto al uso de los componentes tecnológicos digitales que tienen a disposición para desarrollar su trabajo, explorar su actitud frente a la apertura científica y comparar las características e infraestructuras que se encuentran en los Entornos Virtuales de Investigación (EVI) a nivel internacional con las presentes en la ciencia social uruguaya. Como metodología se utilizó la técnica de recolección de datos a través de un cuestionario autoadministrado en línea. Se obtuvieron 443 respuestas válidas de investigadores en todas las áreas sociales provenientes de diversas entidades, tanto públicas como privadas, dedicadas a la investigación en Uruguay. La originalidad y el valor de este estudio consiste en generar conocimiento sobre la tecnología digital aplicada en las prácticas de investigación social de modo de servir como insumo para incentivar el desarrollo y uso de los EVI por parte de todos los actores involucrados con la ciencia nacional. Del análisis de los resultados se concluye que los investigadores uruguayos en CCSS, realizan todos los tipos de análisis propuestos en el cuestionario, utilizan una gran diversidad de herramientas y sus entornos tecnológicos de trabajo, contemplan, con distintos niveles de desarrollo, todas las características e infraestructuras que se integran en un EVI. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría desconoce la existencia de éstos y las posibilidades y facilidades que brindan para la investigación científica. Finalmente es importante destacar que ya se observan prácticas de investigación alineadas con la Open Science y se manifiesta una tendencia creciente de adhesión a ella

    Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography

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    This e-book includes over 800 selected English-language articles and books that are useful in understanding the curation of digital research data in academic and other research institutions. It covers topics such as research data creation, acquisition, metadata, provenance, repositories, management, policies, support services, funding agency requirements, open access, peer review, publication, citation, sharing, reuse, and preservation. It has live links to included works. Abstracts are included in this bibliography if a work is under certain Creative Commons Licenses. This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Cite as: Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography. Houston: Digital Scholarship, 2021

    A Trust Framework for Online Research Data Services

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    There is worldwide interest in the potential of open science to increase the quality, impact, and benefits of science and research. More recently, attention has been focused on aspects such as transparency, quality, and provenance, particularly in regard to data. For industry, citizens, and other researchers to participate in the open science agenda, further work needs to be undertaken to establish trust in research environments. Based on a critical review of the literature, this paper examines the issue of trust in an open science environment, using virtual laboratories as the focus for discussion. A trust framework, which has been developed from an end-user perspective, is proposed as a model for addressing relevant issues within online research data services and tools