5 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Cloud Execution Mechanisms Fog, Edge, and Clone Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is a technology that was developed a decade ago to provide uninterrupted, scalable services to users and organizations. Cloud computing has also become an attractive feature for mobile users due to the limited features of mobile devices. The combination of cloud technologies with mobile technologies resulted in a new area of computing called mobile cloud computing. This combined technology is used to augment the resources existing in Smart devices. In recent times, Fog computing, Edge computing, and Clone Cloud computing techniques have become the latest trends after mobile cloud computing, which have all been developed to address the limitations in cloud computing. This paper reviews these recent technologies in detail and provides a comparative study of them. It also addresses the differences in these technologies and how each of them is effective for organizations and developers

    Empirical Validation of Cyber-Foraging Architectural Tactics for Surrogate Provisioning

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    Background Cyber-foraging architectural tactics are used to build mobile applications that leverage proximate, intermediate cloud surrogates for computation offload and data staging. Compared to direct access to cloud resources, the use of intermediate surrogates improves system qualities such as response time, energy efficiency, and resilience. However, the state-of-the-art mostly focuses on introducing new architectural tactics rather than quantitatively comparing the existing tactics, which can help software architects and software engineers with new insights on each tactic. Aim Our work aims at empirically evaluating the architectural tactics for surrogate provisioning, specifically with respect to resilience and energy efficiency. Method We follow a systematic experimentation framework to collect relevant data on Static Surrogate Provisioning and Dynamic Surrogate Provisioning tactics. Our experimentation approach can be reused for validation of other cyber-foraging tactics. We perform statistical analysis to support our hypotheses, as compared to baseline measurements with no cyber-foraging tactics deployed. Results Our findings show that Static Surrogate Provisioning tactics provide higher resilience than Dynamic Surrogate Provisioning tactics for runtime environmental changes. Both surrogate provisioning tactics perform with no significant difference with respect to their energy efficiency. We observe that the overhead of the runtime optimization algorithm is similar for both tactic types. Conclusions The presented quantitative evidence on the impact of different tactics empowers software architects and software engineers with the ability to make more conscious design decisions. This contribution, as a starting point, emphasizes the use of quantifiable metrics to make better-informed trade-offs between desired quality attributes. Our next step is to focus on the impact of runtime programmable infrastructure on the quality of cyber-foraging systems

    Research allocation in mobile volunteer computing system: Taxonomy, challenges and future work

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    The rise of mobile devices and the Internet of Things has generated vast data which require efficient processing methods. Volunteer Computing (VC) is a distributed network that utilises idle resources from diverse devices for task completion. VC offers a cost-effective and scalable solution for computation resources. Mobile Volunteer Computing (MVC) capitalises on the abundance of mobile devices as participants. However, managing a large number of participants in the network presents a challenge in scheduling resources. Various resource allocation algorithms and MVC platforms have been developed, but there is a lack of survey papers summarising these systems and algorithms. This paper aims to bridge the gap by delivering a comprehensive survey of MVC, including related technologies, MVC architecture, and major finding in taxonomy of resource allocation in MVC

    A Taxonomy of Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing

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