479 research outputs found

    A multi objective volleyball premier league algorithm for green scheduling identical parallel machines with splitting jobs

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    Parallel machine scheduling is one of the most common studied problems in recent years, however, this classic optimization problem has to achieve two conflicting objectives, i.e. minimizing the total tardiness and minimizing the total wastes, if the scheduling is done in the context of plastic injection industry where jobs are splitting and molds are important constraints. This paper proposes a mathematical model for scheduling parallel machines with splitting jobs and resource constraints. Two minimization objectives - the total tardiness and the number of waste - are considered, simultaneously. The obtained model is a bi-objective integer linear programming model that is shown to be of NP-hard class optimization problems. In this paper, a novel Multi-Objective Volleyball Premier League (MOVPL) algorithm is presented for solving the aforementioned problem. This algorithm uses the crowding distance concept used in NSGA-II as an extension of the Volleyball Premier League (VPL) that we recently introduced. Furthermore, the results are compared with six multi-objective metaheuristic algorithms of MOPSO, NSGA-II, MOGWO, MOALO, MOEA/D, and SPEA2. Using five standard metrics and ten test problems, the performance of the Pareto-based algorithms was investigated. The results demonstrate that in general, the proposed algorithm has supremacy than the other four algorithms

    Design of Mixed-Criticality Applications on Distributed Real-Time Systems

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    Addressing robustness in time-critical, distributed, task allocation algorithms.

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    The aim of this work is to produce and test a robustness module (ROB-M) that can be generally applied to distributed, multi-agent task allocation algorithms, as robust versions of these are scarce and not well-documented in the literature. ROB-M is developed using the Performance Impact (PI) algorithm, as this has previously shown good results in deterministic trials. Different candidate versions of the module are thus bolted on to the PI algorithm and tested using two different task allocation problems under simulated uncertain conditions, and results are compared with baseline PI. It is shown that the baseline does not handle uncertainty well; the task-allocation success rate tends to decrease linearly as degree of uncertainty increases. However, when PI is run with one of the candidate robustness modules, the failure rate becomes very low for both problems, even under high simulated uncertainty, and so its architecture is adopted for ROB-M and also applied to MIT’s baseline Consensus Based Bundle Algorithm (CBBA) to demonstrate its flexibility. Strong evidence is provided to show that ROB-M can work effectively with CBBA to improve performance under simulated uncertain conditions, as long as the deterministic versions of the problems can be solved with baseline CBBA. Furthermore, the use of ROB-M does not appear to increase mean task completion time in either algorithm, and only 100 Monte Carlo samples are required compared to 10,000 in MIT’s robust version of the CBBA algorithm. PI with ROB-M is also tested directly against MIT’s robust algorithm and demonstrates clear superiority in terms of mean numbers of solved tasks.N/

    Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling Optimization

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    Este trabalho propõe um método de solução iterativa para abordar a integração do planeamento táctico (dimensionamento de lotes) e operacional (sequenciamento) numa produção industrial com setups dependentes da sequencia. Este método quebra o problema da integração em dois. No primeiro sub-problema do planeamento táctico, o plano de produção é optimizado sem ter em conta setups necessários. O sequenciamento dos produtos é depois definido usando estratégias de pesquisa local que irão conceber regras para complementarem o primeiro sub-problema. De seguida, o planeamento táctico é repetido, considerando as novas regras definidas anteriormente. O algoritmo continua iterativamente até que as funções objectivo dos dois níveis convirjam. De modo a analisar resultados obtidos, dois experimentos computacionais são propostos. O primeiro para comparar o método iterativo com outros métodos de solução encontrados na literatura para problemas similares, nomeadamente meta-heuristicas e modelos MIP. Por fim, a investigação foi focada num caso de uma indústria de nutrição animal, onde o setup de produção é dependente da sequência e normalmente não-triangular, podendo produtos evitarem limpeza se produzidos entre outros dois que de outro modo necessitariam de setup. O propósito do segundo experimento é avaliar os eventuais ganhos a uma abordagem hierárquica usualmente usada nesta indústria.This work proposes an iterative solution method to address the integration of the tactical (lot-sizing) and operational (scheduling) levels in production planning with sequence dependent setups. This method breaks the integrated lot-sizing and scheduling problem into two. In the first sub-problem, at the tactical level, the production plan is optimized with production setups disregarded. The production scheduling solution is then defined using local search strategies that will also construct rules for the tactical level. After that, the tactical level is optimized again, considering the rules defined from the operational level. The algorithm continues iteratively until objective functions from both levels converge. In order to analyse results, two computational experiments are proposed. The first is performed to compare the solution method proposed with mixed-integer programming models and meta-heuristics from the literature. Then the research will focus on an animal-feed industry case, in which production setup is sequence dependent and usually presents non-triangular setups, so products can avoid cleaning setups if produced between two products that otherwise would require a setup. The purpose of the second experiment is to evaluate the potential gains to a hierarchical approach usually used in this industry

    Approximate Algorithms for the Combined arrival-Departure Aircraft Sequencing and Reactive Scheduling Problems on Multiple Runways

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    The problem addressed in this dissertation is the Aircraft Sequencing Problem (ASP) in which a schedule must be developed to determine the assignment of each aircraft to a runway, the appropriate sequence of aircraft on each runway, and their departing or landing times. The dissertation examines the ASP over multiple runways, under mixed mode operations with the objective of minimizing the total weighted tardiness of aircraft landings and departures simultaneously. To prevent the dangers associated with wake-vortex effects, separation times enforced by Aviation Administrations (e.g., FAA) are considered, adding another level of complexity given that such times are sequence-dependent. Due to the problem being NP-hard, it is computationally difficult to solve large scale instances in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, three greedy algorithms, namely the Adapted Apparent Tardiness Cost with Separation and Ready Times (AATCSR), the Earliest Ready Time (ERT) and the Fast Priority Index (FPI) are proposed. Moreover, metaheuristics including Simulated Annealing (SA) and the Metaheuristic for Randomized Priority Search (Meta-RaPS) are introduced to improve solutions initially constructed by the proposed greedy algorithms. The performance (solution quality and computational time) of the various algorithms is compared to the optimal solutions and to each other. The dissertation also addresses the Aircraft Reactive Scheduling Problem (ARSP) as air traffic systems frequently encounter various disruptions due to unexpected events such as inclement weather, aircraft failures or personnel shortages rendering the initial plan suboptimal or even obsolete in some cases. This research considers disruptions including the arrival of new aircraft, flight cancellations and aircraft delays. ARSP is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem in which both the schedule\u27s quality and stability are of interest. The objectives consist of the total weighted start times (solution quality), total weighted start time deviation, and total weighted runway deviation (instability measures). Repair and complete regeneration approximate algorithms are developed for each type of disruptive events. The algorithms are tested against difficult benchmark problems and the solutions are compared to optimal solutions in terms of solution quality, schedule stability and computational time

    Energy-aware scheduling in heterogeneous computing systems

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    In the last decade, the grid computing systems emerged as useful provider of the computing power required for solving complex problems. The classic formulation of the scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing systems is NP-hard, thus approximation techniques are required for solving real-world scenarios of this problem. This thesis tackles the problem of scheduling tasks in a heterogeneous computing environment in reduced execution times, considering the schedule length and the total energy consumption as the optimization objectives. An efficient multithreading local search algorithm for solving the multi-objective scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing systems, named MEMLS, is presented. The proposed method follows a fully multi-objective approach, applying a Pareto-based dominance search that is executed in parallel by using several threads. The experimental analysis demonstrates that the new multithreading algorithm outperforms a set of fast and accurate two-phase deterministic heuristics based on the traditional MinMin. The new ME-MLS method is able to achieve significant improvements in both makespan and energy consumption objectives in reduced execution times for a large set of testbed instances, while exhibiting very good scalability. The ME-MLS was evaluated solving instances comprised of up to 2048 tasks and 64 machines. In order to scale the dimension of the problem instances even further and tackle large-sized problem instances, the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) architecture is considered. This line of future work has been initially tackled with the gPALS: a hybrid CPU/GPU local search algorithm for efficiently tackling a single-objective heterogeneous computing scheduling problem. The gPALS shows very promising results, being able to tackle instances of up to 32768 tasks and 1024 machines in reasonable execution times.En la última década, los sistemas de computación grid se han convertido en útiles proveedores de la capacidad de cálculo necesaria para la resolución de problemas complejos. En su formulación clásica, el problema de la planificación de tareas en sistemas heterogéneos es un problema NP difícil, por lo que se requieren técnicas de resolución aproximadas para atacar instancias de tamaño realista de este problema. Esta tesis aborda el problema de la planificación de tareas en sistemas heterogéneos, considerando el largo de la planificación y el consumo energético como objetivos a optimizar. Para la resolución de este problema se propone un algoritmo de búsqueda local eficiente y multihilo. El método propuesto se trata de un enfoque plenamente multiobjetivo que consiste en la aplicación de una búsqueda basada en dominancia de Pareto que se ejecuta en paralelo mediante el uso de varios hilos de ejecución. El análisis experimental demuestra que el algoritmo multithilado propuesto supera a un conjunto de heurísticas deterministas rápidas y e caces basadas en el algoritmo MinMin tradicional. El nuevo método, ME-MLS, es capaz de lograr mejoras significativas tanto en el largo de la planificación y como en consumo energético, en tiempos de ejecución reducidos para un gran número de casos de prueba, mientras que exhibe una escalabilidad muy promisoria. El ME-MLS fue evaluado abordando instancias de hasta 2048 tareas y 64 máquinas. Con el n de aumentar la dimensión de las instancias abordadas y hacer frente a instancias de gran tamaño, se consideró la utilización de la arquitectura provista por las unidades de procesamiento gráfico (GPU). Esta línea de trabajo futuro ha sido abordada inicialmente con el algoritmo gPALS: un algoritmo híbrido CPU/GPU de búsqueda local para la planificación de tareas en en sistemas heterogéneos considerando el largo de la planificación como único objetivo. La evaluación del algoritmo gPALS ha mostrado resultados muy prometedores, siendo capaz de abordar instancias de hasta 32768 tareas y 1024 máquinas en tiempos de ejecución razonables

    Short Term Unit Commitment as a Planning Problem

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    ‘Unit Commitment’, setting online schedules for generating units in a power system to ensure supply meets demand, is integral to the secure, efficient, and economic daily operation of a power system. Conflicting desires for security of supply at minimum cost complicate this. Sustained research has produced methodologies within a guaranteed bound of optimality, given sufficient computing time. Regulatory requirements to reduce emissions in modern power systems have necessitated increased renewable generation, whose output cannot be directly controlled, increasing complex uncertainties. Traditional methods are thus less efficient, generating more costly schedules or requiring impractical increases in solution time. Meta-Heuristic approaches are studied to identify why this large body of work has had little industrial impact despite continued academic interest over many years. A discussion of lessons learned is given, and should be of interest to researchers presenting new Unit Commitment approaches, such as a Planning implementation. Automated Planning is a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence, where a timestamped sequence of predefined actions manipulating a system towards a goal configuration is sought. This differs from previous Unit Commitment formulations found in the literature. There are fewer times when a unit’s online status switches, representing a Planning action, than free variables in a traditional formulation. Efficient reasoning about these actions could reduce solution time, enabling Planning to tackle Unit Commitment problems with high levels of renewable generation. Existing Planning formulations for Unit Commitment have not been found. A successful formulation enumerating open challenges would constitute a good benchmark problem for the field. Thus, two models are presented. The first demonstrates the approach’s strength in temporal reasoning over numeric optimisation. The second balances this but current algorithms cannot handle it. Extensions to an existing algorithm are proposed alongside a discussion of immediate challenges and possible solutions. This is intended to form a base from which a successful methodology can be developed