644 research outputs found

    Single event upset hardened embedded domain specific reconfigurable architecture

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    The reliability and security vulnerability of modern electronic systems have emerged as concerns due to the increasing natural and intentional interferences. Radiation of high-energy charged particles generated from space environment or packaging materials on the substrate of integrated circuits results in natural faults. As the technology scales down, factors such as critical charge, voltage supply, and frequency change tremendously that increase the sensitivity of integrated circuits to natural faults even for systems operating at sea level. An attacker is able to simulate the impact of natural faults and compromise the circuit or cause denial of service. Therefore, instead of utilizing different approaches to counteract the effect of natural and intentional faults, a unified countermeasure is introduced. The unified countermeasure thwarts the impact of both reliability and security threats without paying the price of more area overhead, power consumption, and required time. This thesis first proposes a systematic analysis method to assess the probability of natural faults propagating the circuit and eventually being latched. The second part of this work focuses on the methods to thwart the impact of intentional faults in cryptosystems. We exploit a power-based side-channel analysis method to analyze the effect of the existing fault detection methods for natural faults on fault attack. Countermeasures for different security threats on cryptosystems are investigated separately. Furthermore, a new micro-architecture is proposed to thwart the combination of fault attacks and side-channel attacks, reducing the fault bypass rate and slowing down the key retrieval speed. The third contribution of this thesis is a unified countermeasure to thwart the impact of both natural faults and attacks. The unified countermeasure utilizes dynamically alternated multiple generator polynomials for the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codec to resist the reverse engineering attack


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    Radiation-induced single-event upsets (SEUs) pose a serious threat to the reliability of registers. The existing SEU analyses for static CMOS registers focus on the circuit-level impact and may underestimate the pertinent SEU information provided through node analysis. This thesis proposes SEU node analysis to evaluate the sensitivity of static registers and apply the obtained node information to improve the robustness of the register through selective node hardening (SNH) technique. Unlike previous hardening techniques such as the Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) and the Dual Interlocked Cell (DICE) latch, the SNH method does not introduce larger area overhead. Moreover, this thesis also explores the impact of SEUs in dynamic flip-flops, which are appealing for the design of high-performance microprocessors. Previous work either uses the approaches for static flip-flops to evaluate SEU effects in dynamic flip-flops or overlook the SEU injected during the precharge phase. In this thesis, possible SEU sensitive nodes in dynamic flip-flops are re-examined and their window of vulnerability (WOV) is extended. Simulation results for SEU analysis in non-hardened dynamic flip-flops reveal that the last 55.3 % of the precharge time and a 100% evaluation time are affected by SEUs

    Analysis and Design of Resilient VLSI Circuits

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    The reliable operation of Integrated Circuits (ICs) has become increasingly difficult to achieve in the deep sub-micron (DSM) era. With continuously decreasing device feature sizes, combined with lower supply voltages and higher operating frequencies, the noise immunity of VLSI circuits is decreasing alarmingly. Thus, VLSI circuits are becoming more vulnerable to noise effects such as crosstalk, power supply variations and radiation-induced soft errors. Among these noise sources, soft errors (or error caused by radiation particle strikes) have become an increasingly troublesome issue for memory arrays as well as combinational logic circuits. Also, in the DSM era, process variations are increasing at an alarming rate, making it more difficult to design reliable VLSI circuits. Hence, it is important to efficiently design robust VLSI circuits that are resilient to radiation particle strikes and process variations. The work presented in this dissertation presents several analysis and design techniques with the goal of realizing VLSI circuits which are tolerant to radiation particle strikes and process variations. This dissertation consists of two parts. The first part proposes four analysis and two design approaches to address radiation particle strikes. The analysis techniques for the radiation particle strikes include: an approach to analytically determine the pulse width and the pulse shape of a radiation induced voltage glitch in combinational circuits, a technique to model the dynamic stability of SRAMs, and a 3D device-level analysis of the radiation tolerance of voltage scaled circuits. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed techniques for analyzing radiation particle strikes in combinational circuits and SRAMs are fast and accurate compared to SPICE. Therefore, these analysis approaches can be easily integrated in a VLSI design flow to analyze the radiation tolerance of such circuits, and harden them early in the design flow. From 3D device-level analysis of the radiation tolerance of voltage scaled circuits, several non-intuitive observations are made and correspondingly, a set of guidelines are proposed, which are important to consider to realize radiation hardened circuits. Two circuit level hardening approaches are also presented to harden combinational circuits against a radiation particle strike. These hardening approaches significantly improve the tolerance of combinational circuits against low and very high energy radiation particle strikes respectively, with modest area and delay overheads. The second part of this dissertation addresses process variations. A technique is developed to perform sensitizable statistical timing analysis of a circuit, and thereby improve the accuracy of timing analysis under process variations. Experimental results demonstrate that this technique is able to significantly reduce the pessimism due to two sources of inaccuracy which plague current statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) tools. Two design approaches are also proposed to improve the process variation tolerance of combinational circuits and voltage level shifters (which are used in circuits with multiple interacting power supply domains), respectively. The variation tolerant design approach for combinational circuits significantly improves the resilience of these circuits to random process variations, with a reduction in the worst case delay and low area penalty. The proposed voltage level shifter is faster, requires lower dynamic power and area, has lower leakage currents, and is more tolerant to process variations, compared to the best known previous approach. In summary, this dissertation presents several analysis and design techniques which significantly augment the existing work in the area of resilient VLSI circuit design

    Speeding-up model-based fault injection of deep-submicron CMOS fault models through dynamic and partially reconfigurable FPGAS

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    Actualmente, las tecnologías CMOS submicrónicas son básicas para el desarrollo de los modernos sistemas basados en computadores, cuyo uso simplifica enormemente nuestra vida diaria en una gran variedad de entornos, como el gobierno, comercio y banca electrónicos, y el transporte terrestre y aeroespacial. La continua reducción del tamaño de los transistores ha permitido reducir su consumo y aumentar su frecuencia de funcionamiento, obteniendo por ello un mayor rendimiento global. Sin embargo, estas mismas características que mejoran el rendimiento del sistema, afectan negativamente a su confiabilidad. El uso de transistores de tamaño reducido, bajo consumo y alta velocidad, está incrementando la diversidad de fallos que pueden afectar al sistema y su probabilidad de aparición. Por lo tanto, existe un gran interés en desarrollar nuevas y eficientes técnicas para evaluar la confiabilidad, en presencia de fallos, de sistemas fabricados mediante tecnologías submicrónicas. Este problema puede abordarse por medio de la introducción deliberada de fallos en el sistema, técnica conocida como inyección de fallos. En este contexto, la inyección basada en modelos resulta muy interesante, ya que permite evaluar la confiabilidad del sistema en las primeras etapas de su ciclo de desarrollo, reduciendo por tanto el coste asociado a la corrección de errores. Sin embargo, el tiempo de simulación de modelos grandes y complejos imposibilita su aplicación en un gran número de ocasiones. Esta tesis se centra en el uso de dispositivos lógicos programables de tipo FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) para acelerar los experimentos de inyección de fallos basados en simulación por medio de su implementación en hardware reconfigurable. Para ello, se extiende la investigación existente en inyección de fallos basada en FPGA en dos direcciones distintas: i) se realiza un estudio de las tecnologías submicrónicas existentes para obtener un conjunto representativo de modelos de fallos transitoriosAndrés Martínez, DD. (2007). Speeding-up model-based fault injection of deep-submicron CMOS fault models through dynamic and partially reconfigurable FPGAS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1943Palanci

    Digital Design Techniques for Dependable High Performance Computing

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    As today’s process technologies continuously scale down, circuits become increasingly more vulnerable to radiation-induced soft errors in nanoscale VLSI technologies. The reduction of node capacitance and supply voltages coupled with increasingly denser chips are raising soft error rates and making them an important design issue. This research work is focused on the development of design techniques for high-reliability modern VLSI technologies, focusing mainly on Radiation-induced Single Event Transient. In this work, we evaluate the complete life-cycle of the SET pulse from the generation to the mitigation. A new simulation tool, Rad-Ray, has been developed to simulate and model the passage of heavy ion into the silicon matter of modern Integrated Circuit and predict the transient voltage pulse taking into account the physical description of the design. An analysis and mitigation tool has been developed to evaluate the propagation of the predicted SET pulses within the circuit and apply a selective mitigation technique to the sensitive nodes of the circuit. The analysis and mitigation tools have been applied to many industrial projects as well as the EUCLID space mission project, including more than ten modules. The obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed tools

    Null Convention Logic applications of asynchronous design in nanotechnology and cryptographic security

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    This dissertation presents two Null Convention Logic (NCL) applications of asynchronous logic circuit design in nanotechnology and cryptographic security. The first application is the Asynchronous Nanowire Reconfigurable Crossbar Architecture (ANRCA); the second one is an asynchronous S-Box design for cryptographic system against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The following are the contributions of the first application: 1) Proposed a diode- and resistor-based ANRCA (DR-ANRCA). Three configurable logic block (CLB) structures were designed to efficiently reconfigure a given DR-PGMB as one of the 27 arbitrary NCL threshold gates. A hierarchical architecture was also proposed to implement the higher level logic that requires a large number of DR-PGMBs, such as multiple-bit NCL registers. 2) Proposed a memristor look-up-table based ANRCA (MLUT-ANRCA). An equivalent circuit simulation model has been presented in VHDL and simulated in Quartus II. Meanwhile, the comparison between these two ANRCAs have been analyzed numerically. 3) Presented the defect-tolerance and repair strategies for both DR-ANRCA and MLUT-ANRCA. The following are the contributions of the second application: 1) Designed an NCL based S-Box for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Functional verification has been done using Modelsim and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). 2) Implemented two different power analysis attacks on both NCL S-Box and conventional synchronous S-Box. 3) Developed a novel approach based on stochastic logics to enhance the resistance against DPA and CPA attacks. The functionality of the proposed design has been verified using an 8-bit AES S-box design. The effects of decision weight, bitstream length, and input repetition times on error rates have been also studied. Experimental results shows that the proposed approach enhances the resistance to against the CPA attack by successfully protecting the hidden key --Abstract, page iii

    A New Single Event Transient Hardened Floating Gate Configurable Logic Circuit

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    Radiation-induced soft errors have become a significant reliability challenge in modern CMOS logic. The main concern for safety-critical applications such aerospace is due to Single Event Transient (SET) effects. SETs are exacerbated by the technology scaling of modern technologies especially when they are adopted in harsh environments. This paper evaluates the SET sensitivity of state-of-the-art floating gate configurable logic circuit and proposes a novel methodology for filtering a SET pulse generated inside the logic cells by increasing the charge sharing effect on the sensitive node of a cell due to remapping of its configurable switches. Experimental results, performed with radiation particle simulation on several benchmark circuits implemented in a 130nm floating-gate device demonstrate an improvement in filtering SET effects of more than 24% on the average with negligible delay degradation