9 research outputs found

    A Survey on Formation Control of Small Satellites

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    IA-OPD : an optimized orthogonal pulse design scheme for waveform division multiple access UWB systems

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    A new design scheme of orthogonal pulses is proposed for waveform division multiple access ultra-wideband (WDMA-UWB) systems. In order to achieve WDMA and to improve user capacity, the proposed method, termed as interference alignment based orthogonal pulse design (IA-OPD), employs combined orthogonal wavelet functions in the pulse design. The combination coefficients are optimized by using interference alignment. Due to the reciprocity between transmitted and local template signals, the iterative process based on maximum signal to interference plus noise ratio (Max-SINR) criterion can be used to solve the optimization problem in interference alignment. Numerical results demonstrate that the optimized orthogonal pulses provide excellent performances in terms of multiple access interference (MAI) suppression, user capacity and near-far resistance without using any multiuser detection (MUD) techniques. Thus, the IA-OPD scheme can be used to efficiently design a large number of orthogonal pulses for multiuser WDMA-UWB systems with low computational complexity and simple transceiver structure

    Hierarchical Decentralized LQR Control for Formation-Keeping of Cooperative Mobile Robots in Material Transport Tasks

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    This study provides a formation-keeping method based on consensus for mobile robots used in cooperative transport applications that prevents accidental damage to the objects being carried. The algorithm can be used to move both rigid and elastic materials, where the desired formation geometry is predefined. The cooperative mobile robots must maintain formation even when encountering unknown obstacles, which are detected using each robot's on-board sensors. Local actions would then be taken by the robot to avoid collision. However, the obstacles may not be detected by other robots in the formation due to line-of-sight or range limitations. Without sufficient communication or coordination between robots, local collision avoidance protocols may lead to the loss of formation geometry. This problem is most notable when the object being transported is deformable, which reduces the physical force interaction between robots when compared to rigid materials. Thus, a decentralized, hierarchical LQR control scheme is proposed that guarantees formation-keeping despite local collision avoidance actions, for both rigid and elastic objects. Representing the cooperative robot formation using multi-agent system framework, graph Laplacian potential and Lyapunov stability analysis are used to guarantee tracking performance and consensus. The effectiveness and scalability of the proposed method are illustrated by computer simulations of line (2 robots) and quadrilateral (4 robots) formations. Different communication topologies are evaluated and provide insights into the minimum bandwidth required to maintain formation consensus

    Optimized Design of Embedded Air Coil for Small Satellites with Various Dimensions

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    Issue Small Satellites

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    Small satellite is a disruptive technology in space industries. Traditionally, space industries were dominated by satellites which have thousands of kilograms and are bulky and expensive. Small satellites denote a new generation of miniaturized satellites which, by taking advantages of modern technologies (e.g., integrated circuits, digital signal processing, MEMS, and additive manufacturing), can achieve a significant reduction in volume, mass, development time, and cost of satellites. During recent decades, small satellites, including CubeSats, NanoSats, MiniSats, and MicroSats, have undergone rapid developments, and are playing an increasingly larger role in exploration, technology demonstration, scientific research, and education. These miniature satellites provide a low-cost platform for missions, including planetary space exploration, Earth observations, fundamental Earth and space science, and developing precursor science instruments like laser communications and millimeter-wave communications for intersatellite and intrasatellite links, and autonomous movement capabilities. They also allow educators an inexpensive means to engage students in all phases of satellite development, operation, and exploitation through real-world, hands-on research and development experience on rideshare launch opportunities. A number of miniaturized satellites can form spaceborne wireless sensor networks in the space, which are also going to play an important role in Internet of Space (IoS) of the futur

    Maneuvering formations of mobile agents using designed mismatched angles

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    This paper investigates how to maneuver a planar formation of mobile agents using designed mismatched angles. The desired formation shape is specified by a set of interior angle constraints. To realize the maneuver of translation, rotation and scaling of the formation as a whole, we intentionally force the agents to maintain mismatched desired angles by introducing a pair of mismatch parameters for each angle constraint. To allow different information requirements in the design and implementation stages, we consider both measurement-dependent and 10 measurement-independent mismatches. Starting from a triangular formation, we consider generically angle rigid formations that can be constructed from the triangular formation by adding new agents in sequence, each having two angle constraints associated with some existing three agents. The control law for each newly added agent arises naturally from the angle constraints and makes full use of the angle mismatch parameters. We show that the control can effectively stabilize the formations while simultaneously realizing maneuvering. Simulations are conducted to validate the theoretical results

    A review of optimization techniques in spacecraft flight trajectory design

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    For most atmospheric or exo-atmospheric spacecraft flight scenarios, a well-designed trajectory is usually a key for stable flight and for improved guidance and control of the vehicle. Although extensive research work has been carried out on the design of spacecraft trajectories for different mission profiles and many effective tools were successfully developed for optimizing the flight path, it is only in the recent five years that there has been a growing interest in planning the flight trajectories with the consideration of multiple mission objectives and various model errors/uncertainties. It is worth noting that in many practical spacecraft guidance, navigation and control systems, multiple performance indices and different types of uncertainties must frequently be considered during the path planning phase. As a result, these requirements bring the development of multi-objective spacecraft trajectory optimization methods as well as stochastic spacecraft trajectory optimization algorithms. This paper aims to broadly review the state-of-the-art development in numerical multi-objective trajectory optimization algorithms and stochastic trajectory planning techniques for spacecraft flight operations. A brief description of the mathematical formulation of the problem is firstly introduced. Following that, various optimization methods that can be effective for solving spacecraft trajectory planning problems are reviewed, including the gradient-based methods, the convexification-based methods, and the evolutionary/metaheuristic methods. The multi-objective spacecraft trajectory optimization formulation, together with different class of multi-objective optimization algorithms, is then overviewed. The key features such as the advantages and disadvantages of these recently-developed multi-objective techniques are summarised. Moreover, attentions are given to extend the original deterministic problem to a stochastic version. Some robust optimization strategies are also outlined to deal with the stochastic trajectory planning formulation. In addition, a special focus will be given on the recent applications of the optimized trajectory. Finally, some conclusions are drawn and future research on the development of multi-objective and stochastic trajectory optimization techniques is discussed

    Hierarchical Decentralized LQR Control for Formation-Keeping of Cooperative Mobile Robots in Material Transport Tasks

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    This study provides a formation-keeping method based on consensus for mobile robots used in cooperative transport applications that prevents accidental damage to the objects being carried. The algorithm can be used to move both rigid and elastic materials, where the desired formation geometry is predefined. The cooperative mobile robots must maintain formation even when encountering unknown obstacles, which are detected using each robot's on-board sensors. Local actions would then be taken by the robot to avoid collision. However, the obstacles may not be detected by other robots in the formation due to line-of-sight or range limitations. Without sufficient communication or coordination between robots, local collision avoidance protocols may lead to the loss of formation geometry. This problem is most notable when the object being transported is deformable, which reduces the physical force interaction between robots when compared to rigid materials. Thus, a decentralized, hierarchical LQR control scheme is proposed that guarantees formation-keeping despite local collision avoidance actions, for both rigid and elastic objects. Representing the cooperative robot formation using multi-agent system framework, graph Laplacian potential and Lyapunov stability analysis are used to guarantee tracking performance and consensus. The effectiveness and scalability of the proposed method are illustrated by computer simulations of line (2 robots) and quadrilateral (4 robots) formations. Different communication topologies are evaluated and provide insights into the minimum bandwidth required to maintain formation consensus

    Development of control architectures in multi-agent satellite systems for Earth observation services

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    ilustraciones, fotograf铆as, graficas, mapasLas necesidades de apropiaci贸n tecnol贸gica y la estructuraci贸n de misiones espaciales en el contexto colombiano traen consigo la demanda de servicios y trabajos colaborativos y especializados, para los diferentes segmentos de un sistema espacial, como bien se est谩 identificando en la estructuraci贸n del Programa Espacial Colombiano. Frente a estos derroteros, la presente investigaci贸n aborda el reto de apropiaci贸n del conocimiento en el dise帽o de misi贸n, el control del segmento espacial y en especial el reto de proponer estrategias de control a sistemas satelitales multiagente, ya que los sistemas convencionales por su costo, centralizaci贸n y modos de control conservadores, restringen el desempe帽o individual y grupal para las nuevas alternativas de sistemas en red que se presentan con los sat茅lites de peque帽a escala. En este sentido y mediante el uso de la metodolog铆a en V, se abordan los procesos de dise帽o de misi贸n, as铆 como el dise帽o de controladores individuales y grupales para la orientaci贸n y traslaci贸n de sat茅lites en misiones de observaci贸n terrestre. Lo anterior con el fin de aprovechar la reducci贸n de costos y flexibilidad operacional que brinda el uso de sat茅lites de peque帽a escala; a pesar de su limitada capacidad operacional/f铆sica, la cual hace necesario disponer de m谩s de un agente para lograr los objetivos de servicio. Esta necesidad inherente, demanda la posibilidad de interconectar agentes en red y explorar arquitecturas de control con estrategias de cooperaci贸n, consenso y t茅cnicas robustas de control en red, que permitan afrontar las no linealidades, incertidumbres y errores que limitan su coordinaci贸n y cooperaci贸n. Seg煤n lo expuesto, se definen diferentes arquitecturas de control frente a perturbaciones, limitaciones de actuaci贸n e incertidumbres, donde se identifican y caracterizan par谩metros de desempe帽o individual y grupal ante diferentes tipos de misi贸n, comportamientos adaptativos, pol铆ticas de consenso y cooperaci贸n, en dos etapas: La primera con el an谩lisis, dise帽o y desarrollo de misiones, modelos y controladores, 煤tiles para la definici贸n del sistema y las arquitecturas de control formuladas; y la segunda mediante la evaluaci贸n e integraci贸n de algoritmos de control y consenso, validados con el m茅todo de Montecarlo y la aplicaci贸n de los 铆ndices propuestos como m茅tricas de desempe帽o de la red. Adicionalmente, se incluye el dise帽o e implementaci贸n de una interfaz gr谩fica para la instrucci贸n y entrenamiento en el dise帽o de misi贸n y configuraci贸n de agentes, como complemento a los controladores y arquitecturas propuestas para la apropiaci贸n de tecnolog铆as de control modernas y el manejo de sistemas satelitales de peque帽a escala, como medios para la democratizaci贸n y el despliegue del concepto del New Space en el territorio colombiano. (Texto tomado de la fuente)The needs for technological appropriation and structuration of space missions in the Colombian context bring with them the demand for collaborative and specialized services and works, for the different segments of a space system, as is being well identified in the structuration of the Colombian Space Program. Facing these objectives, this research addresses the challenge of knowledge appropriation in mission design, space segment control, and especially the challenge of proposing control strategies for multi-agent satellite systems, since conventional systems due to their cost, centralization, and conservative control modes, restrict individual and group performance for the new network system alternatives that come with small-scale satellites. In this sense and using the V methodology, the mission design processes are addressed, as well as the design of individual and group controllers for the orientation and translation of satellites in terrestrial observation missions. The foregoing to take advantage of the cost reduction and operational flexibility provided using small-scale satellites; despite its limited operational / physical capacity, which makes it necessary to have more than one agent to achieve service objectives. This inherent need demands the possibility of interconnecting agents in the network and exploring control architectures with cooperation strategies, consensus, and robust network control techniques, which allow facing the non-linearities, uncertainties and errors that limit their coordination and cooperation. According to the above, different control architectures are defined against disturbances, actuation limitations and uncertainties, where individual and group performance parameters are identified and characterized in front of different types of mission, adaptive behaviors, consensus and cooperation policies, in two stages: The first with the analysis, design and development of missions, models and controllers, useful for defining the system and formulated control architectures; and the second through the evaluation and integration of control and consensus algorithms, validated with the Montecarlo method and the application of the indexes proposed as network performance metrics. Further, the design and implementation of a graphical interface for instruction and training in mission design and agent configuration is included, as a complement to the controllers and architectures proposed for the appropriation of modern control technologies and the management of small-scale satellite systems, as means for the democratization and deployment of the New Space concept in Colombian territory.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingenier铆aIngenier铆a de Automatizaci贸n, Control y Mecatr贸nic