38,658 research outputs found

    Comparing φ and the F-measure as Performance Metrics for Software-related Classifications

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    Context The F-measure has been widely used as a performance metric when selecting binary classifiers for prediction, but it has also been widely criticized, especially given the availability of alternatives such as φ (also known as Matthews Correlation Coefficient). Objectives Our goals are to (1) investigate possible issues related to the F-measure in depth and show how φ can address them, and (2) explore the relationships between the F-measure and φ. Method Based on the definitions of φ and the F-measure, we derive a few mathematical properties of these two performance metrics and of the relationships between them. To demonstrate the practical effects of these mathematical properties, we illustrate the outcomes of an empirical study involving 70 Empirical Software Engineering datasets and 837 classifiers. Results We show that φ can be defined as a function of Precision and Recall, which are the only two performance metrics used to define the F-measure, and the rate of actually positive software modules in a dataset. Also, φ can be expressed as a function of the F-measure and the rates of actual and estimated positive software modules. We derive the minimum and maximum value of φ for any given value of the F-measure, and the conditions under which both the F-measure and φ rank two classifiers in the same order. Conclusions Our results show that φ is a sensible and useful metric for assessing the performance of binary classifiers. We also recommend that the F-measure should not be used by itself to assess the performance of a classifier, but that the rate of positives should always be specified as well, at least to assess if and to what extent a classifier performs better than random classification. The mathematical relationships described here can also be used to reinterpret the conclusions of previously published papers that relied mainly on the F-measure as a performance metric

    Distinguishing Topical and Social Groups Based on Common Identity and Bond Theory

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    Social groups play a crucial role in social media platforms because they form the basis for user participation and engagement. Groups are created explicitly by members of the community, but also form organically as members interact. Due to their importance, they have been studied widely (e.g., community detection, evolution, activity, etc.). One of the key questions for understanding how such groups evolve is whether there are different types of groups and how they differ. In Sociology, theories have been proposed to help explain how such groups form. In particular, the common identity and common bond theory states that people join groups based on identity (i.e., interest in the topics discussed) or bond attachment (i.e., social relationships). The theory has been applied qualitatively to small groups to classify them as either topical or social. We use the identity and bond theory to define a set of features to classify groups into those two categories. Using a dataset from Flickr, we extract user-defined groups and automatically-detected groups, obtained from a community detection algorithm. We discuss the process of manual labeling of groups into social or topical and present results of predicting the group label based on the defined features. We directly validate the predictions of the theory showing that the metrics are able to forecast the group type with high accuracy. In addition, we present a comparison between declared and detected groups along topicality and sociality dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Document representations for classification of short web-page descriptions

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    Motivated by applying Text Categorization to classification of Web search results, this paper describes an extensive experimental study of the impact of bag-of- words document representations on the performance of five major classifiers - Naïve Bayes, SVM, Voted Perceptron, kNN and C4.5. The texts, representing short Web-page descriptions sorted into a large hierarchy of topics, are taken from the dmoz Open Directory Web-page ontology, and classifiers are trained to automatically determine the topics which may be relevant to a previously unseen Web-page. Different transformations of input data: stemming, normalization, logtf and idf, together with dimensionality reduction, are found to have a statistically significant improving or degrading effect on classification performance measured by classical metrics - accuracy, precision, recall, F1 and F2. The emphasis of the study is not on determining the best document representation which corresponds to each classifier, but rather on describing the effects of every individual transformation on classification, together with their mutual relationships.

    Fame for sale: efficient detection of fake Twitter followers

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    Fake followers\textit{Fake followers} are those Twitter accounts specifically created to inflate the number of followers of a target account. Fake followers are dangerous for the social platform and beyond, since they may alter concepts like popularity and influence in the Twittersphere - hence impacting on economy, politics, and society. In this paper, we contribute along different dimensions. First, we review some of the most relevant existing features and rules (proposed by Academia and Media) for anomalous Twitter accounts detection. Second, we create a baseline dataset of verified human and fake follower accounts. Such baseline dataset is publicly available to the scientific community. Then, we exploit the baseline dataset to train a set of machine-learning classifiers built over the reviewed rules and features. Our results show that most of the rules proposed by Media provide unsatisfactory performance in revealing fake followers, while features proposed in the past by Academia for spam detection provide good results. Building on the most promising features, we revise the classifiers both in terms of reduction of overfitting and cost for gathering the data needed to compute the features. The final result is a novel Class A\textit{Class A} classifier, general enough to thwart overfitting, lightweight thanks to the usage of the less costly features, and still able to correctly classify more than 95% of the accounts of the original training set. We ultimately perform an information fusion-based sensitivity analysis, to assess the global sensitivity of each of the features employed by the classifier. The findings reported in this paper, other than being supported by a thorough experimental methodology and interesting on their own, also pave the way for further investigation on the novel issue of fake Twitter followers

    A case study of predicting banking customers behaviour by using data mining

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    Data Mining (DM) is a technique that examines information stored in large database or data warehouse and find the patterns or trends in the data that are not yet known or suspected. DM techniques have been applied to a variety of different domains including Customer Relationship Management CRM). In this research, a new Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) framework based on data mining is proposed. The proposed data mining framework in this study manages relationships between banking organizations and their customers. Two typical data mining techniques - Neural Network and Association Rules - are applied to predict the behavior of customers and to increase the decision-making processes for recalling valued customers in banking industries. The experiments on the real world dataset are conducted and the different metrics are used to evaluate the performances of the two data mining models. The results indicate that the Neural Network model achieves better accuracy but takes longer time to train the model

    Multilabel Consensus Classification

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    In the era of big data, a large amount of noisy and incomplete data can be collected from multiple sources for prediction tasks. Combining multiple models or data sources helps to counteract the effects of low data quality and the bias of any single model or data source, and thus can improve the robustness and the performance of predictive models. Out of privacy, storage and bandwidth considerations, in certain circumstances one has to combine the predictions from multiple models or data sources to obtain the final predictions without accessing the raw data. Consensus-based prediction combination algorithms are effective for such situations. However, current research on prediction combination focuses on the single label setting, where an instance can have one and only one label. Nonetheless, data nowadays are usually multilabeled, such that more than one label have to be predicted at the same time. Direct applications of existing prediction combination methods to multilabel settings can lead to degenerated performance. In this paper, we address the challenges of combining predictions from multiple multilabel classifiers and propose two novel algorithms, MLCM-r (MultiLabel Consensus Maximization for ranking) and MLCM-a (MLCM for microAUC). These algorithms can capture label correlations that are common in multilabel classifications, and optimize corresponding performance metrics. Experimental results on popular multilabel classification tasks verify the theoretical analysis and effectiveness of the proposed methods