10 research outputs found

    An X-ray of the Factors Influencing Individual Knowledge Sharing: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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    Knowledge and its management is a quintessential source of competitive edge. This is more precious and desirous in knowledge-intensive settings i.e. academes, where the stocks in trade (resources) are virtually knowledge driven. And for knowledge to be of essence, it must be transmitted (shared) among individuals. Accordingly, performance is maximized by giving individuals useful knowledge. The objective of this study is to empirically conduct a confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) of the dimensions of knowledge sharing(KS) among individual academic staff.  A valid response rate of 391 was utilized in this study which was obtained from five hundred and ten (510) questionnaires administered to academic staff. Data collection was conducted in all 13 public universities in north central region, Nigeria. The findings reveal that the four factors – nature of knowledge, motivation to share, opportunities to share and working culture as theorized by Ipe (2003) were empirically affirmed to be dimensions of KS in that, the parameters of the CFA were sufficiently achieved given standard thresholds as suggested by scholars/experts. By implication, these factors shape the level of KS practices amongst individual academics in Nigerian public universities. It also reveals that the influence of KS is better predicted by appreciating how these factors interact to shape the KS practices amongst academics. Consequently, Ipe’s factors may not be the only dimensions of individual knowledge sharing owing to the multidimensional nature of the construct. Hence, a call on future studies to replicate, affirm or modify the affirmation in a bid to widen the dimensionality of the construct by factoring in other possible relevant dimensions to minimize the degree of unexplained variance in the construct. Keywords: knowledge, knowledge Sharing, Individual knowledge


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    ABSTRAKTujuan – Menghasilkan kajian tentang kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen melalui penciptaan iklim organisasi yang kondusif, dukungan organisasi dan berbagi pengetahuan.Desain / metode / pendekatan – Gabungan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif, alat uji menggunakan uji rata-rata untuk hipotesis deskriptif dan SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) untuk hipotesis verifikatif. Sedangkan untuk penelitian kualitatif dengan FGD dan wawancara. Orisinalitas / nilai – berdasarkan beberapa kajian penelitian terdahulu, belum pernah ada penelitian tentang kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen dikaitkan dengan iklim organisasi, dukungan organisasi dan berbagi pengetahuan. Sehingga penelitian ini dapat dijadikan literatur dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen di Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Barat.  Temuan -  Peningkatkan Kinerja Publikasi Ilmiah Dosen di Indonesia khususnya di Jawa Barat dapat terwujud, apabila fakultas dan universitas dapat menciptakan iklim organisasi yang kondusif, meningkatkan dukungan organisasi dan terjadi proses berbagi pengetahuan diantara para dosen dan pimpinan.Kata kunci: Kinerja Publikasi Ilmiah Dosen, Iklim Organisasi, Dukungan Organisasi, Berbagi Pengetahuan.  ABSTRACTThe purpose - Generate study of scientific publications faculty performance through the creation of a conducive organizational climate, organizational support and knowledge sharing. Design / method / approach - The Association of qualitative and quantitative research, test equipment used to test the hypothesis average descriptive and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) for hypothesis verification. As for the qualitative research with focus group discussions and interviews. Originality / value - based on some previous research studies, there has never been a scientific publication of research on the performance of lecturers associated with the organizational climate, organizational support and knowledge sharing. So this research can be used as literature in improving the performance of scientific publications lecturers in Indonesia, especially in West Java. Findings - Increasing Performance Scientific Publications Lecturer in Indonesia, especially in West Java can be realized, if the faculty and the university can create a conducive organizational climate, increasing the organizational support and a process of sharing knowledge between teachers and leaders.Keywords: Performance Scientific Publications Lecturer, Organizational Climate, Organizational Support, Knowledge Sharing.


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    AbstractIn the 21st century, material resources have ceased to be the backbone of organizations; knowledge has assumed that status. For knowledge to be of value, it must be shared. Accordingly, performance can be optimized by providing individuals with useful knowledge. The aim of this study is to empirically examine the influence of knowledge sharing(KS) on individual academic staff performance(IASP). A total of 510 questionnaires were distributed to academic staff with a valid response rate of 391. Data gathering was carried out in all 13 public universities sited in north central region, Nigeria. The findings reveal that KS has a significant positive relationship with IASP. KS and IASP are higher order constructs with four and three dimensions respectively; by implication, the higher the influence of these dimensions on KS, the more influence it exerts on IASP. The results of this study reveal that the factors – nature of knowledge, motivation to share, opportunities to share and working culture basically shape the level of KS practices amongst individual academics in Nigerian public universities which in turn influence their individual performance. It reveals that the influence of KS on IASP is better predicted by appreciating how these factors interact to shape the KS practices amongst academics. Consequently, KS may not be the only predictor of IASP due to the multidimensional nature of academics’ responsibilities. Hence, this study is calling on future research to broaden the model by incorporating other relevant predictors to minimize the degree of unexplained variance in the model

    Examining individual, job and perceived organizational climate factors in relation to the knowledge sharing behavior

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    This study examined the direct relationship between individual capabilities, career advancement, personal values, job characteristics, perceived organizational climate and knowledge- sharing behavior. The study also investigated the moderating effect of subjective norms on the relationship between individual capabilities, career advancement, personal values, job characteristics, perceived organizational climate and knowledge- sharing behavior. A total of 650 questionnaires were personally distributed to respondents from five Tanzanian public hospitals (Muhimbili National Hospital, Ligula Referral Hospital, Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, Sekou Toure Reginal Hospital Mwanza and Mbeya Referral Hospital) after permission was granted by the hospital management. Out of the 650 questionnaires distributed, 476 questionnaires were returned, representing a response rate of 73%. However, only 439 questionnaires were usable for final analysis. The hypotheses for direct and moderating effects were tested using Smart PLS. The findings of the PLS path model indicated that individual capabilities, career advancement, personal values, and perceived organizational climate are significantly and positively related to knowledge- sharing behavior. Regarding the subjective norms as a moderator in the relationship between exogenous latent variables and the endogenous latent variable, subjective norms were found to moderate the relationship between individual capabilities, job characteristics, perceived organizational climate and knowledge- sharing behavior. The research results reported in this study suggest the need to enhance individual capabilities, career advancement, personal values, and perceived organizational climate as a way of encouraging knowledge- sharing behavior among the healthcare professionals. Apart from that, the hospital management also needs to consider the role of subjective norms when planning to enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge- sharing behavior, especially when involving individual capabilities, job characteristics and perceived organizational climate


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    Study the organizational climate has allowed organizations to identify elements that affect the behavior of employees from their perceptions and attitudes. This study in a automotive company aims to analyze the organizational climate through the perceptions of managers and employees. Methodologically, this research is presented as a case study of qualitative and quantitative where the data collection was carried out through interviews with managers and applying a questionnaire for employees. The main results, it identified some disagreements by perceptions placed by those involved as well as an ignorance on the part of managers, about the reality experienced in the organizational context. As a suggestion is the creation of a targeted sector for activities that promote the integration of all involved, thus helping in the effective management and improving the organizational climate.Estudar o clima organizacional tem propiciado às organizações a identificação de elementos que afetam o comportamento dos colaboradores a partir de suas percepções e atitudes. O presente estudo realizado numa empresa do ramo automotivo da região central do Rio Grande do Sul tem como objetivo analisar o clima organizacional por meio das percepções dos gestores e colaboradores. Metodologicamente, esta pesquisa apresenta-se como um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, onde a coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas com os gestores e a aplicação de um questionário para os colaboradores. Como principais resultados, identificou-se algumas discordâncias mediante as percepções colocadas pelos envolvidos, bem como um desconhecimento, por parte dos gestores, acerca da realidade vivenciada no âmbito organizacional. Como sugestão tem-se a criação de um setor voltado para atividades que promovam a integração de todos os envolvidos, auxiliando assim, na eficácia da gestão e melhoria do clima organizacional

    The Impact of Leadership Style on Innovation in Iraq's Higher Education Institutions: The Role of Knowledge Sharing

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    Today, the higher education sector in developing countries is facing challenges from a dynamic environment characterised by rapid technological change and increased demand. As innovation becomes critical to the survival of organisations, transformational leadership (TL) has been found to have an important influence on innovation, leading to increased goal-directed behaviour on the part of followers, promoting organisational change, and a spirit of trust, and helping followers to exceed their performance expectations. Knowledge and knowledge sharing are recognised as the most significant resources for competitive advantage and the key to enhancing innovation. It has been shown that knowledge management and the promotion of knowledge sharing among the members of an organisation are an important part of the learning process as they help to convert the tacit knowledge embedded in individuals into explicit knowledge through interaction. Prior literature has pointed out that transformational leadership is one of the most important factors affecting knowledge sharing and enhanced innovation in an organisation. However, there is a lack of models linking transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, and innovation within higher education institutions (HEIs) in general within developing countries, particularly Iraq. This study sought to examine the impact of transformational leadership on innovation through the mediating role of knowledge sharing, and the differences between these impacts in public and private HEIs in Iraq. A mixed-methods approach was taken (quantitative and qualitative) and 486 (253 public and 233 private) valid responses were collected to test the causal relationships between transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, and innovation. Then, 10 interviews were conducted with the leaders of HEIs to explain the unexpected findings from the quantitative stage regarding the differences in transformational leadership practice and the effect relationships. Employing structural equation modelling (SEM) with AMOS 20, the study found that knowledge sharing plays a pivotal role in the relationship between transformational leadership and innovation, and that transformational leadership would be ideal in an educational context, promoting knowledge sharing activities and influencing innovation in both the public and the private sector. The multi-group SEM and the interviews revealed similarities and differences between Iraqi public and private HEIs in terms of the effect relationships. The findings contribute significantly to the theory on the mediating role of knowledge sharing in supporting the relationship between transformational leadership and innovation. They also provide a better understanding of these relationships in the educational environment within developing countries, specifically Iraq, a context that has been neglected in previous studies. The study has further detected sector-based differences, and similarities in terms of the transformational leadership exhibited, and has provided a clearer picture of the status of the HEI system in Iraq. Regarding practical implications, the findings show that leaders in higher education who are looking to establish strategies for achieving innovation would benefit from expending their efforts on promoting knowledge-sharing practices among their teaching staff.Iraqi government/Ministry of Higher Education and scientific researc

    Factors that Affect Faculty Use of Course Management Systems in Traditional Courses at Private 4-year Historically Black Colleges and Universities: An Empirical Approach

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    The use of information technology to supplement and enhance teaching is prevalent in many higher education institutions (HEIs). HEIs throughout the United States have invested in course management systems (CMS); however, despite heavy investments, faculty use of such systems is limited. Many studies were conducted on the use of CMS in HEIs, but they concentrated on faculty use of such systems at non-Historically Black Colleges and Universities (non-HBCUs). Little has been done on the use of CMS in HBCUs. The goal of this study was to examine factors that affect faculty use of CMS in traditional courses at HBCUs. Facilitating conditions (infrastructural and technical support, training), computer efficacy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward technology were examined to see how they affect faculty use of CMS in private 4-year HBCUs. Additionally, this study used the survey methodology to collect information from faculty at eleven private 4-year HBCUs. The survey was designed using the Davis Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) instrument, which has been tested and estimated as valid and reliable for its usefulness in developing a predictive model on the acceptance of technology. Other factors that measure support, training, and self-efficacy were added to the survey. The intent of this study was to develop a predictive model on the factors that affect faculty use of CMS in traditional courses in private 4-year HBCUs. A Likert-type scale survey instrument was administered to faculty at the eleven private 4-year HBCUs via the Web. This study contributed to existing research on CMS. The findings of this study supported the TAM model; the infrastructural support, technical support, training and self-efficacy all predicted both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness toward CMS. It also found that both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness predicted attitude toward CMS, and finally both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness serve as mediators between infrastructural support, technical support, training, self-efficacy and attitude toward CMS. This study provided base knowledge on factors that affect use of CMS at HBCUs, and will help administrators and faculty at HBCUs use CMS more effectively

    A Critical Analysis of Key Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing Processes: A Case Study of Bahrain Public Security Forces

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    ABSTRACT In these times of globalisation, knowledge is viewed as a source of competitive advantage and knowledge sharing (KS) as a characteristic of organisational success. In particular, KS has become a key factor for public organisations, which are searching for appropriate ways to manage and use their knowledge efficiently and effectively. This study contributes to the limited research base on knowledge sharing in public sector organisations, particularly police forces, and organisations in the Gulf region through an empirical investigation into the factors that influence knowledge sharing processes (Knowledge Donating and Knowledge Collecting) in the Bahrain Public Security Forces (BPSF). In order to achieve the research objectives, prior studies, relevant literature and theories were reviewed which led to the development of a theoretical framework and set of hypotheses that were used to test the influence of the proposed factors on KS processes. For this purpose, a quantitative approach using a questionnaire-based survey was conducted within the BPSF. Responses from 312 BPSF officers were analysed using sophisticated statistical techniques and software. Initially, Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS 24) was used to analyse demographic variables and exploratory factor analysis. Later, analysis of moment structure (AMOS 24) was used to conduct confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) in order to evaluate the model fit of the study and to test the hypothesised relationships. The results revealed that most factors showed a statistically significant relationship with KS processes. In terms of knowledge donating (KD), organisational structure centralisation (SC), personal benefit (PB) and organisational structure formulisation showed the most significant and positive relationships. However, reciprocity (RC) and rewards (RW) were found to have an insignificant relationship with KD. On the other hand, in the case of knowledge collecting (KC), the results revealed that social interaction (SI), organisational structure centralisation (SC) and rewards (RW) had a significant positive association with KC whereas RC did not show any statistical relationship with KC. This study will contribute to the literature on knowledge sharing in public organisations, particularly for the Gulf countries such as Bahrain, and will assist the public sector managers to develop a knowledge sharing culture within their organisations. Moreover, this study contributes to the knowledge through developing and testing a new model that portrays factors affecting KS processes

    Des conditions du partage des connaissances dans l'administration publique : la contribution des acteurs à la performance organisationnelle

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    Certaines organisations publiques mettent en œuvre des stratégies de gestion des connaissances afin de s’adapter à un environnement caractérisé, entre autres, par des départs massifs à la retraite de fonctionnaires et des restrictions budgétaires. Élément essentiel de cette stratégie de gestion, le partage des connaissances pose problème. Fondé principalement sur les théories de l’échange social et de l’action raisonnée, un modèle a été conçu afin de structurer une recherche sur les déterminants de l’adoption d’un comportement de partage des connaissances par des fonctionnaires. De type quantitatif, la méthodologie implique l’utilisation d’un questionnaire auto-administré en ligne afin de collecter des données qui seront analysées au moyen d’équations structurelles. Plusieurs variables sont traitées, notamment, l'altruisme, le soutien organisationnel perçu et l’état du contrat psychologique. S’ajoutent l’attitude, l’intention et la norme subjective concernant le partage des connaissances, ainsi que le comportement de partage, le rendement individuel et la performance organisationnelle. Un échantillon de 1206 personnes a été obtenu à partir de 40 ministères et organismes (N = 50 010 personnes) de la fonction publique québécoise (FPQ). Les répondants sont des femmes à 60 % (58 %). Ils sont âgés en moyenne de 43,1 ans (FPQ = 47,2) et sont des professionnels à 39 % (FPQ = 38 %). Les analyses statistiques ont permis d’obtenir les modèles structurels des figures 4.21 et 4.22 bien ajustés aux données empiriques de l’échantillon (S-Bχ2 = 2637,44***; dl = 757; SRMR = 0,058; CFI = 0,94; NNFI = 0,93; RMSEA = 0,045). Selon ces modèles, l’altruisme est le principal déterminant positif du partage des connaissances entre les fonctionnaires québécois. L’attitude envers le partage et l’intention de partager sont aussi des médiateurs de l’altruisme vers l’adoption des comportements de partage des connaissances (R2 = 0,28). Les résultats de la recherche révèlent aussi une certaine influence négative de l’état du contrat psychologique sur les comportements altruistes et sur l’attitude envers les comportements de partage des connaissances. Par ailleurs, le modèle structurel permet d’expliquer 31 % de la variance de la performance organisationnelle. Cette performance dépend principalement de la perception de soutien organisationnelle (βtotal = 0,38, p < 0,05) et du rendement individuel (βtotal = 0,22, p < 0,05), mais est fortement influencée négativement par l’état du contrat psychologique (βtotal = - 0,44, p < 0,05). L’effet total des comportements de partage des connaissances sur la performance organisationnelle apparaît plutôt faible (βtotal = 0,09, p < 0,05). Ces résultats impliquent que pour améliorer le partage des connaissances et la performance organisationnelle, il faudrait maximaliser l’adoption des comportements altruistes par les fonctionnaires et minimiser le sentiment de violation comme état du contrat psychologique. Ce processus d’amélioration nécessiterait la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie de ressources humaines (RH) orientée vers l’établissement d’un environnement organisationnel collaboratif qui favoriserait la construction d’un contrat psychologique relationnel axé sur un engagement organisationnel affectif et d’un schéma mental identitaire du fonctionnaire québécois fondé sur l’altruisme. Cette stratégie RH ne pourrait s’élaborer, ni être mise en œuvre, sans l’apport d’un leadership de type transformationnel qui favoriserait le followership, la collaboration, l’autonomie et l’expression des compétences des fonctionnaires


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    It has been recognised that the oil sector in developing countries is facing challenges from a dynamic environment characterised by rapid technological change and increased demand. As innovation becomes critical to the survival of organisations, organisational context including organisational culture (OC), structure (OS) and information technology (IT) has been found to have an important influence on innovation, leading to increase social relationships among employees and flow knowledge within organisation through face to face employees interaction and information system. Social capital and knowledge sharing are recognised as the most significant resources for competitive advantage and the key to enhancing innovation. It has long been argued that social capital, a concept represented by the value embedded in the social relationships of individuals and collectives constitute strategic resources for individuals and organisations. Social networks perceived by individuals are a key issue in generating and facilitating knowledge sharing among employees to enhance innovation within organizations. It has also been shown that knowledge management and the promotion of knowledge sharing among the members of an organisation are an important part of the learning process as they help to convert the tacit knowledge embedded in individuals into explicit knowledge through interaction. Prior literature has pointed out that organisational context is one of the most important factors affecting social capital and knowledge sharing and enhanced innovation in an organisation. However, there is a lack of models linking organisational context, social capital and knowledge sharing, and innovation within oil sectors in general within developing countries, particularly Libya. Against this background, the thesis investigates the impact of organisational context on innovation. Using social capital and knowledge sharing, the integrative and comprehensive conceptual model are developed in order to reveal the direct and indirect impacts of organisational context on innovation. The model is then tested with a sample of 418 employees from two sectors; namely, public and the private. These were analysed through a IV multivariate analysis using a variance-based statistical technique known as Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. The findings of this thesis are three-fold. First, with respect to the direct effect of organisational context on innovation, the study finds that both public and private sectors’ innovation are positively affected by organisational context. Second, regarding the indirect impact of organisational context on innovation, the study confirms its indirect nature through the social capital and knowledge sharing in both sectors. Third, the results show that there are significant differences between the public and private oil sectors in terms of the effect of organisational context on social capital, knowledge sharing and innovation, product and process. These findings have both theoretical and practical implications in that the results have provided empirical evidence on the direct and indirect impact of organisational context and can serve as an indication in practice for both firm managers and policy makers who are looking to establish strategies for achieving innovation. These would benefit from expending their efforts on promoting social capital and knowledge-sharing practices among their employees