413 research outputs found

    Uso de dispositivos portátiles para estimular a los estudiantes el motor de la actividad física y la consecuencia de la respuesta fisiológica

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Presentaron los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene

    Using Wearable Devices to Stimulate Students Motor of Physical Activity and Consequence Physcological Responce

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm

    Student Sleep Patterns when Exposed to Mindfulness Reminders

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    University students are plagued with increased levels of stress and anxiety which can lead to poor sleep quality and quantity. Breathing techniques have demonstrated counteractive effects to the chronic stresses that the population encounters on an everyday basis. Wearable technology, such as Apple Watches, contain a mindfulness feature that encourages its users to pause throughout the day and engage in mindfulness through resonant breathing. Wearable technology has become increasingly accessible and is also growing in accuracy to measure different biometrics such as sleep quality and quantity. The purpose of the present study was to examine if the mindfulness reminders initiated by the Apple Watch will positively correlate with better sleep quality and quantity. Participants were encouraged to participate in at least one mindfulness reminder a day, which consisted of one minute of mindful breathing, as well as sleep while wearing their Apple Watch to record sleep data on the Sleep++ application. This study suggests that the Apple Watch mindfulness reminders slightly decrease restful sleep by about 1%. It was also found that the more time the participant sleeps, the more restful sleep they will have overall. Lastly, it was suggested that exercise has a positive effect on restful sleep

    Tecnologia assistiva para crianças com transtorno do espectro autista que vivenciam estresse e ansiedade

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    With the development of current technology and influences that have been made by the Industry 4.0 utilizing ICTs, IoT, smart systems and products and many others, Assistive Technology (AT) is an important and integral part of the daily life of many people who experience disabilities. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a special category of disorder that can greatly benefit from its use. The purpose of this research is to collect data of Assistive Technology aimed at the detection, prevention and improvement of anxiety and stress (a characteristic of which has been proven to exist and is expressed in various ways in people with ASD). In the introduction, basic definitions regarding the neurobiology of stress and ASD are analyzed. In the main part AT, stress and anxiety correlations are made with ASD and AT devices are described and documented regarding their use for anxiety and stress in children and adolescents with ASD. The Assistive equipment and devices are divided into 2 main categories, 1) Low-tech and 2) Mid-High tech. The results of the research reveal a significant research gap in the use of AT to combat stress and anxiety and the difficulty of many promising options (especially in the domain of Mid-High tech) to be an easy and economical solution in integrating them into the daily life of people with ASD.Con el desarrollo de la tecnología actual y las influencias que ha tenido la Industria 4.0 utilizando TIC, IoT, sistemas y productos inteligentes y muchos otros, la Tecnología de asistencia (TA) es una parte importante e integral de la vida diaria de muchas personas que sufren de discapacidad. . . El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) es una categoría especial de trastorno que puede beneficiarse enormemente de su uso. El objetivo de esta investigación es recopilar datos de Tecnología Asistiva dirigidos a detectar, prevenir y mejorar la ansiedad y el estrés (una característica que está comprobada y se expresa de diferentes formas en las personas con TEA). En la introducción se analizan definiciones básicas sobre la neurobiología del estrés y el TEA. En su mayor parte se realizan correlaciones de TA, estrés y ansiedad con los TEA y se describen y documentan los dispositivos de TA en relación a su uso para la ansiedad y el estrés en niños y adolescentes con TEA. Los equipos y dispositivos de asistencia se dividen en 2 categorías principales, 1) Tecnología baja y 2) Tecnología media-alta. Los resultados de la encuesta revelan una importante brecha de investigación en el uso de TA para combatir el estrés y la ansiedad y la dificultad de que muchas opciones prometedoras (especialmente en el dominio tecnológico medio-alto) sean una solución fácil y rentable para integrarlas en la vida cotidiana. de personas con TEA.Com o desenvolvimento da tecnologia atual e as influências que foram feitas pela Indústria 4.0 utilizando TICs, IoT, sistemas e produtos inteligentes e muitos outros, a Tecnologia Assistiva (TA) é uma parte importante e integrante da vida diária de muitas pessoas que sofrem de deficiência. O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) é uma categoria especial de transtorno que pode se beneficiar muito com seu uso. O objetivo desta pesquisa é coletar dados de Tecnologia Assistiva voltados para a detecção, prevenção e melhora da ansiedade e do estresse (característica que comprovadamente existe e se expressa de diversas formas em pessoas com TEA). Na introdução, são analisadas definições básicas sobre a neurobiologia do estresse e do TEA. Na parte principal, são feitas correlações de TA, estresse e ansiedade com ASD e dispositivos de TA são descritos e documentados em relação ao seu uso para ansiedade e estresse em crianças e adolescentes com TEA. Os equipamentos e dispositivos assistivos são divididos em 2 categorias principais, 1) Low-tech e 2) Mid-High tech. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam uma lacuna significativa de pesquisa no uso de TA para combater o estresse e a ansiedade e a dificuldade de muitas opções promissoras (especialmente no domínio da tecnologia média-alta) serem uma solução fácil e econômica em integrá-las ao cotidiano de pessoas com TEA

    Smart technologies and beyond: exploring how a smart band can assist in monitoring children’s independent mobility & well-being

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    The problem which is being investigated through this thesis is not having a device(s) or method(s) which are appropriate for monitoring a child’s vital and tracking a child’s location. This aspect is being explored by other researchers which are yet to find a viable solution. This work focuses on providing a solution that would consider using the Internet of Things for measuring and improving children’s health. Additionally, the focus of this research is on the use of technology for health and the needs of parents who are concerned about their child’s physical health and well-being. This work also provides an insight into how technology is used during the pandemic. This thesis will be based on a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research, which will have been used to review the following areas covering key aspects and focuses of this study which are (i) Children’s Independent Mobility (ii) Physical activity for children (iii) Emotions of a child (iv) Smart Technologies and (v) Children’s smart wearables. This will allow a review of the problem in detail and how technology can help the health sector, especially for children. The deliverable of this study is to recommend a suitable smart band device that enables location tracking of the child, activity tracking as well as monitoring the health and wellbeing of the child. The research also includes an element of practical research in the form of (i) Surveys, the use of smart technology and a perspective on the solution from parents. (ii) Focus group, in the form of a survey allowing opinions and collection of information on the child and what the parents think of smart technology and how it could potentially help with their fears. (iii) Observation, which allows the collection of data from children who were given six activities to conduct while wearing the Fitbit Charge HR. The information gained from these elements will help provide guidelines for a proposed solution. In this thesis, there are three frameworks which are about (i) Research process for this study (ii) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which are findings from the literature review and (iii) Proposed framework for the solution, all three combined frameworks can help health professionals and many parents who want an efficient and reliable device, also deployment of technologies used in the health industry for children in support of independent mobility. Current frameworks have some considerations within the technology and medical field but were not up to date with the latest elements such as parents fears within today’s world and the advanced features of technology

    Exploring Sleep Knowledge and Predictors of Sleep Hygiene in College Students

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    Sleep: something so crucial to successful daily functioning, yet also something so easily discarded in turn for something more stimulating. In college, there are late nights, early mornings, use of electronic devices, and the constant “always-on” mentality, all of which impacts student sleep hygiene. To define, the American Academy for Sleep Medicine (AASM) considers “sleep hygiene” as a pattern of healthy sleep behaviors that improve one’s ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and awake more refreshed (2020). The current study has two goals: 1) assess knowledge of recommended sleep practices in the college population, and 2) identify predictors (among sleep knowledge, habits, and/or sociocultural demands) of student sleep hygiene. Participants (N = 205) took part in the online survey to assess student knowledge of sleep recommendations, sleep habits, sociocultural activities, and sleep hygiene. While students exhibited moderate knowledge of sleep habits, scoring an average of 71.4% on the healthy sleep habits test, this knowledge was not correlated to sleep quality (PSQI). The only significant predictor of sleep quality (PSQI) in students was the number of all-nighters per semester. However, PSQI correlated with each of the three academic variables (GPA, academic self-satisfaction rating, and peer comparison academic rating). These results can be used to more accurately guide education and interventions to improve sleep hygiene in college students. Further explanations and implications for future research are discussed

    Physical Activity Levels in Total Hip Arthroplasty Comparing the Direct Anterior Approach to the Direct Lateral Approach: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a cost-effective surgical procedure to treat patients with end-stage hip arthritis with high patient satisfaction. Different surgical approaches to the hip have been used to successfully perform THA. However, the role of these surgical approaches on physical activity and early functional recovery in THA patients remains controversial. In this thesis, we prospectively evaluated physical activity levels in patients with end-stage hip OA whom are undergoing elective THA. The primary focus was to evaluate the impact of different surgical approaches on physical activity levels as a measure of functional recovery in the immediate postoperative period. Due to the muscle sparing nature, the DA approach demonstrated faster functional recovery in the early postoperative period compared to the DL approach. Further examination regarding the economic implications of the improved early function from the perspective of the patient, caregiver, and care payer may be indicated

    Effectiveness analysis of traditional and mixed reality simulations in medical training: a methodological approach for the assessment of stress, cognitive load and performance

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    La simulazione nell'educazione in medicina è considerata un metodo di formazione in grado di migliorare le competenze cliniche e il comportamento degli operatori sanitari e, di conseguenza, la qualità dell'assistenza per il paziente. Inoltre, l'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie come la Realtà Aumentata, offre ai discenti l'opportunità di esercitarsi in un ambiente immersivo. L'opportunità di sperimentare questo innovativo metodo didattico è efficace non solo nel ridurre il rischio di errori e approcci sbagliati ma anche nel provare ansia e stress simili a quelli avvertiti nella pratica reale. La sfida sta nel trovare il giusto equilibrio. I discenti devono infatti provare lo stesso stress che avvertirebbero lavorando ad un vero caso clinico ma, allo stesso tempo, devono essere controllati ed evitati possibili disturbi da stress post-traumatico, verificabili soprattutto nel campo della gestione delle emergenze (pronto soccorso). Inoltre, è fondamentale anche ottenere alte prestazioni e un apprendimento adeguato, evitando sovraccarichi cognitivi che influenzerebbero negativamente l’apprendimento. Tuttavia, ad oggi mancano ancora studi approfonditi sull'impatto che le simulazioni mediche hanno su stress, frustrazione, carico cognitivo e apprendimento dei discenti. Per questo motivo, l'obiettivo principale di questo studio è valutare l'efficacia del training tramite simulazione, analizzando prestazioni, ansia, stress e carico cognitivo durante simulazioni cliniche tradizionali (con manichino) ed avanzate (in realtà mista). A questo scopo, è stato sviluppato un approccio metodologico strutturato e completo per valutare le prestazioni, le condizioni emotive e cognitive degli studenti. Questo comprende l'acquisizione e l'analisi di parametri psicologici (valutazione soggettiva), segnali biometrici (valutazione oggettiva) e prestazioni. Questa indagine consente di evidenziare i punti deboli delle simulazioni e offre l'opportunità di definire utili linee guida per la riprogettazione e l'ottimizzazione delle stesse. La metodologia è stata applicata su tre casi studio: il primo si riferisce a simulazioni ad alta fedeltà per la gestione del paziente in pronto soccorso, il secondo si riferisce a simulazioni a bassa fedeltà per la pratica della rachicentesi. Per il terzo caso studio, è stato progettato e sviluppato un prototipo di simulatore in realtà mista per la rachicentesi, con l'obiettivo di migliorare il senso di realismo e immersione della simulazione a bassa fedeltà. 148 studenti sono stati coinvolti nei primi due casi studio osservazionali, mentre soltanto 36 studenti hanno preso parte allo studio pilota sulla simulazione in realtà mista. In tutti i casi di studio sono state effettuate analisi descrittive delle prestazioni, degli stati cognitivi ed emotivi. Per le simulazioni ad alta e bassa fedeltà, le analisi di regressione statistica hanno evidenziato quali variabili influenzano le prestazioni, lo stress e il carico cognitivo degli studenti. Per lo studio pilota sulla realtà mista, l'analisi della user experience ha sottolineato i limiti tecnici della nuova tecnologia.Simulation in medical education is considered a training method capable of improving clinical competence and practitioners’ behaviour, and, consequently quality of care and patient’s outcome. Moreover, the use of new technologies, such as augmented reality, offers to the learners the opportunity to engage themselves in an immersive environment. The opportunity to experiment with this innovative instructional method is effective not only in reducing the risk of errors and wrong approaches but also in experiencing anxiety and stress as in real practice. The challenge is to find the right stress balance: learners have to feel as if they were practicing in the real stressful clinical case, and, at the same time, post-traumatic stress disorders, verifiable especially in the emergency field, must be controlled and avoided. Moreover, it is fundamental also to obtain high performance and learning, thus avoiding cognitive overloads. However, extensive researches about the impact of medical simulations on students’ stress, frustration, cognitive load, and learning are still lacking. For this reason, the main objective of this study is to assess simulation training effectiveness by analysing performance, anxiety, stress, and cognitive load during traditional (with manikin) and advanced (with augmented reality) clinical simulations. A structured and comprehensive methodological approach to assess performance, emotional and cognitive conditions of students has been developed. It includes the acquisition and analysis of psychological parameters (subjective assessment), biometric signals (objective assessment), and task performance. This investigation allows to point out simulations’ weaknesses and offers the opportunity to define useful optimisation guidelines. The methodology has been applied to three case studies: the first one refers to high-fidelity simulations, for the patient management in the emergency room, the second one refers to low-fidelity simulation for rachicentesis. For the third case study, a prototype of a mixed reality simulator for the rachicentesis practice has been designed and developed aiming at improving the sense of realism and immersion of the low-fidelity simulation. While 148 students have been enrolled in the first two case studies, only 36 students have taken part in the pilot study about mixed reality simulation. Descriptive analysis about performance, cognitive and emotional states have been done in all the case studies. For the high-fidelity and low-fidelity simulations, the statistical regression analysis has pointed out which variables affect students’ performance, stress, and cognitive load. For the pilot study about mixed reality, the user experience analysis highlighted the technical limitations of the new technology

    Efectividad de un programa de aprendizaje físicamente activo sobre indicadores de actividad física, bienestar y rendimiento académico en escolares

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    The aim was to analyze the effect of a physically active lesson program on school-time physical activity, physical condition, satisfaction with their school life and academic achievement of primary school students. A quasi-experimental study was developed in which 50 students from the fifth grade of primary education participated (Mage = 10.62; DT = 0.57). Students in the experimental group (n = 25) participated in a physically active learning program during eight-week within the bilingual natural science subject, that included a weekly physically active lesson that added to the two physical education lessons. The results showed that the implementation of a physically active learning program significantly increased school-time physical activity levels, certain values of their physical condition (p < .05), the relationship of students with their teacher, the interest in the subject and the perception of their health status. These results highlight the importance of including physically active lessons during the school day, which improve the low levels of physical activity that students present today.El objetivo fue analizar el efecto de un programa de lecciones físicamente activas sobre el nivel de actividad física escolar, condición física, satisfacción del alumnado con su vida escolar y resultados académicos de los alumnos de educación primaria. Se desarrolló una metodología cuasi-experimental en el que participaron 50 alumnos de quinto curso de educación primaria (Medad = 10,62; DT = 0,57). El grupo experimental (n = 25) participó en un programa de aprendizaje físicamente activo en la asignatura de ciencias naturales bilingüe durante ocho semanas. Se incluyó una lección físicamente activa semanal, sumada a las dos sesiones de educación física. Los resultados demostraron que el programa de aprendizaje físicamente activo provocó un incremento significativo de la actividad física en el periodo escolar (p < .05), de ciertos valores de condición física, en la relación alumno-profesor, el interés por la asignatura y sobre la percepción de su estado de salud. Estos resultados reflejan la importancia de incluir clases físicamente activas durante la jornada escolar, que mejoren los bajos niveles de actividad física que presenta el alumnado de Educación Primaria en la actualidad.Actividad Física y DeporteEducació