5 research outputs found

    A Method for Identification and Ranking of Requirements Sources

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    Context: Requirements engineering (RE) literature acknowledges the importance of early stakeholder identification. The sources of requirements are many and also constantly changing as the market and business constantly change. Identifying and consulting all stakeholders on the market is impractical; thus many companies utilize indirect data sources, e.g. documents and representatives of larger groups of stakeholders. However, companies often collect irrelevant data or develop their products based on the sub-optimal information sources that may lead to missing market opportunities. Objectives: We propose a collaborative method for identification and selection of data sources. The method consists of four steps and aims to build consensus between different perspectives in an organization. Methods: We develop the method following the design science research method. We demonstrate the use of the method with three industrial case studies. Results: Our results show that the method can support the identification and selection of data sources in three ways: (1) by providing systematic steps to identify and prioritize data sources for RE, (2) by highlighting and resolving discrepancies between different perspectives in an organization, and (3) by analyzing the underlying rationale for using certain data sources. Conclusion: We conclude that our proposed method is well suited to support systematic identification of requirements sources in industry. Further work on the method include validation and adaptation for use different contexts, and developing tool support

    O design colaborativo como possível ferramenta complementar a metodologia Lean startup

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    In recent years solutions have emerged that are innovating and revolutionizing the world market through digital products or services. And the birth of these solutions has come mostly from product or service ideas that come to market through organizations called startups. Startups are temporary organizations characterized by uncertainty and high mortality risk in the early years of activity. And in order to try to overcome these difficulties, the lean startup methodology emerged. This methodology emphasizes a lean development model that is fast enough to launch minimum viable products for the solution hypothesis to be tested as soon as possible. The methodology has been an important tool for the success of startups. But over time, these startups are growing and increasing their staff and the number of processes, which can make them less efficient. So the big challenge is staying creative, not only in product or service innovation, but also in the company’s management processes and mechanisms. Collaborative design is a tool that can complement lean startup methodology and assist startups in this challenge. And this paper presents a research that verifies the complementation between the Lean startup methodology and the collaborative design.Nos últimos anos têm surgido soluções que estão inovando e revolucionando o mercado mundial através de produtos ou serviços digitais. E o nascimento dessas soluções vem surgindo, em sua maioria, de ideias de produto ou serviço que chegam ao mercado através das organizações chamadas startups. As startups são organizações temporárias caracterizadas pela incerteza e pelo alto risco de mortalidade nos primeiros anos de atividade. E de forma a tentar superar essas dificuldades, surgiu a metodologia lean startup. Essa metodologia enfatiza um modelo de desenvolvimento enxuto e rápido o suficiente no lançamento de produtos mínimos viáveis para a hipótese de solução seja testada o quanto antes. A metodologia tem se mostrado uma importante ferramenta para o sucesso das startups. Mas ao passar do tempo, essas startups vão crescendo e aumentando seu corpo de colaboradores e a quantidade de processos, o que pode torna-las menos eficientes. Sendo assim, o grande desafio é permanecer criativa, não apenas em inovação de produtos ou serviços, mas também nos processos e mecanismos de gestão da empresa O design colaborativo é uma ferramenta que pode complementar a metodologia lean startup e auxiliar as startups nesse desafio. E este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa que verifica a complementação entre a metodologia Lean startup e o design colaborativ

    A Study in Market-Driven Requirements Engineering

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    Packaged software is recognised as an important segment of software market. Market-driven software development consists of developing packaged software to a market rather than to a specific client. It has been argued that the requirements engineering process for market-driven software differs from customer specific software. This paper presents a study on market-driven requirements engineering. We present ten hypotheses we have collected from the literature in this field. We discuss the implications of these hypotheses and identify areas to conduct further research. 1