30 research outputs found

    ISO 9001 & ISO 14000 diffusion analysis according to activity sectors

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    [ENG] There is no doubt that the interest that ISO standard has aroused in the academic field has its parallel in industry. Up to the end of December 2009, at least 1,064,785 ISO 9001 (2000 and 2008) certificates had been issued in 178 countries and economies. The 2009 total represents an increase of 81,953 (+ 8%) over 2008, when the total was 982,832 in 176 countries and economies. On the other hand, regarding to the other family of standards, also up to the end of December 2009, at least 223,149 ISO 14001:2004 certificates had been issued in 159 countries and economies. Annual growth is stabilized at almost the same level as in 2008 – 34,334 in 2009, compared to 34,242 in 2008, when the total was 188,815 in 155 countries and economies (ISO 2010). The diffusion of the both standards (ISO 9001 and ISO 14011) have in fact been widely analysed, but there is a bias in the perspective used: there are some papers that focus on the patterns of evolution in its geographical dissemination (e.g., Saraiva and Duarte, 2003, Franceschini et al., 2004, Marimon et al., 2006 and 2009, Albuquerque et al., 2007, Casadesus et al., 2008; Sampaio et al., 2009, Franceschini et al., 2010), while we have not found literature that focus on the dissemination within the industrial or service activity sectors, independently of the localization of the companies certificated. The objective of the paper is, therefore, to analyse the way the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards spread in a particular sector: is this pattern similar for all sectors or does each sector have its own peculiarities? Whether it is the same or not, the analysis of mature sectors with regard to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications might give a clue to practitioners about other sectors that are at earlier stages in terms of diffusion. The structure of the paper in order to achieve the objective has five sections. After this introduction, a literature review will be explored in the second section. In the third section the methodology will be described, as well as the methodology and results. The discussion and conclusions will be done in the last section.This study is part of a larger research project entitled “Customers’ satisfaction improvement in Spanish organizations through standardization” (ECO2009-12754-CO2-01), which is financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the aid program for research & development projects

    A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Adoption Behavior at a Crowdfunding Platform

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    Recently crowdfunding has emerged as an important source of funding for creative projects and ventures around the world. In this paper we examine how peer adoption of crowdfunding influences a spatial diffusion of crowdfunding adoption by creators over time. We obtained data on the creation of crowdfunded projects from a leading crowdfunding campaign from 2009 to 2013. We find that creators from socially similar areas are influential to later creators while those from geographically proximate areas are rarely influential. Furthermore, the influence of creators from socially similar areas generally increases over time. Overall, our study provides an insight into the spatial diffusion of crowdfunding and offers implications for platform providers and project creators

    Renewing environmental certification in times of crisis

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    The certification of environmental management systems based on international meta-standards such as ISO 14001 and the Eco Management and Audit Scheme has become one of the most common environmental practices. Nevertheless, the financial and economic difficulties faced by many organizations raise the issue of certification renewal and may have an impact on the trends toward decertification recently observed, notably in the case of the later standard. Surprisingly, this issue remains almost unexplored in the literature. The objective of this paper is to analyze the intention to renew environmental certifications in time of crisis in light of the motivations, obstacles and benefits of this standard. For that purpose, correlation and regression analyses were used with data obtained from 361 Spanish certified firms. The novelty of the study lies in analyzing for the first time in the literature how the intention to renew environmental certifications is shaped by several factors within a context of deep economic crisis. The article contains practical implications for the stakeholders of third party environmental certification, notably managers and policy-makers

    An examination of NPD models in the context of business models

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    Most prior new product diffusion (NPD) models do not specifically consider the role of the business model in the process. However, the context of NPD in today's market has been changed dramatically by the introduction of new business models. Through reinterpretation and extension, this paper empirically examines the feasibility of applying Bass-type NPD models to products that are commercialized by different business models. More specifically, the results and analysis of this study consider the subscription business model for service products, the freemium business model for digital products, and a pre-paid and post-paid business model that is widely used by mobile network providers. The paper offers new insights derived from implementing the models in real-life cases. It also highlights three themes for future research

    A qualitative study on integrated management systems in a non-leading country in certifications

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the integration of management systems (MSs) in a country with low certifications number and growth rate and propose a research agenda towards improving the competitiveness of organisations that implement multiple MSs. The main research questions focus on the implementation process itself and the effect of low level of national certification to the integration process. To serve this research purpose, an exploratory research is designed in Greece (a country with relatively low certification counts and rates to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management standards). A case study approach is employed to enable deeper and comprehensive reasoning. A cross-case analysis is presented to explore patterns, similarities and differences among organisations. Findings show that four out of five organisations analysed are integrating its MSs at different levels, the integration methodology applied is similar for all organisations but audits are the most dissimilar aspect. This study is one of the first that addresses MSs' integration in Greece exploring contingency factors

    Understanding new products’ market performance using Google Trends

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    This paper seeks to empirically examine diffusion models and Google Trends’ ability to explain and nowcast the new product growth phenomenon. In addition to the selected diffusion models and Google Trends, this study proposes a new model that incorporates the two. The empirical analysis is based on the cases of the iPhone and the iPad. The results show that the new model exhibits a better curve fit among all the studied ones. In terms of nowcasting, although the performance of the new model differs from that of Google Trends in the two cases, they both produce more accurate results than the selected diffusion models

    Difusão de sistemas de gestão integrados nos países do Sul da Europa

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da QualidadeA preocupação com a procura da satisfação de novas partes interessadas, por parte das organizações, tem vindo a crescer nos últimos anos. Consequentemente, de maneira a corresponder às expectativas da sociedade, estas têm vindo a adotar e a implementar diferentes sistemas de gestão, o que leva à sua coexistência e à necessidade da sua integração, estabelecendo assim um novo ramo de investigação que tem vindo a ser estudado por diversos investigadores da área. O presente estudo procura analisar a evolução do número de sistema de gestão integrados (SGIs) ao longo dos anos para países da zona sul da Europa. Para isso foram recolhidos dados para Espanha, Grécia, Itália e Portugal. Inicialmente é feita uma análise aos dados recolhidos e das tendências evolutivas descritas por estes. De modo a prever qual seria a dinâmica de crescimento futuro do número destes sistemas foram aplicados modelos de difusão que seguem um comportamento em S, sendo estes os modelos de Gompertz e Logístico Simples. Estes modelos permitiram aferir qual a situação da evolução atual e futura para os quatro países. Adicionalmente foi realizada uma análise da correlação entre a percentagem de empresas com SGIs e alguns indicadores referentes a cada país. Este trabalho permitiu verificar que, apesar da proximidade geográfica, existem disparidades nos resultados obtidos. Não foi possível escolher apenas um dos modelos para descrição das dinâmicas de crescimento dos diferentes países. Relativamente ao estudo dos indicadores, constatou-se que indicadores relacionados com a educação, número de publicações de artigos sobre a temática dos sistemas de gestão integrados e o número de reconhecimentos EFQM apresentam uma relação linear positiva com a percentagem de empresas com SGIs implementados. Também foi possível verificar que diferentes países têm diferentes resultados relativamente a outros indicadores analisados. A principal limitação do estudo desenvolvido foi a falta de dados relativos aos SGIs, tanto em extensão temporal, como na quantidade de países que participaram no estudo.The concerns of the organizations related with new stakeholders have increased over the last few years. Hence, organizations seek to respond to various stakeholders through the adoption and implementation of different certification standards, which leads to the coexistence of several systems and the necessity of their integration, thus establishing a broad research field that has been explored extensively by management scholars. This study investigates the evolution of the integrated management systems (IMS) over the years for South European countries. So, it was collected data from Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal. At first it was made an analysis of the collected data and the evolutionary trends described by these. Then, in order to predict what will be the dynamics of growth of these systems it was applied diffusion models that follow a behaviour in S-shape, in this case Gompertz and Simple Logistic models. These allowed to know which is the situation of the current and future developments of the number of IMS for the four countries. It was also made an investigation about the correlation between the percentage of companies with IMS and some indicators for each country. This work has shown that despite the geographic proximity, there are disparities in the results obtained. Also it was concluded that a single model does not fit all the paths described for the countries studied. Regarding the study of indicators, it was found that indicators related to education, number of articles published about integrated management systems and the EFQM number of recognitions have a positive linear relationship with the percentage of companies with IMS implemented. It was observed that different countries have different results in relation to other indicators analysed. The main limitation of the study developed was the lack of data on IMS, short temporal extension and low number of countries participating

    Internalization of Quality Management Standards: A Literature Review

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    This work examines the literature on the internalization of quality management standards via database searches (Web of Science, Emerald, ScienceDirect, and ABI/Inform-ProQuest). This review describes the characteristics of the relevant literature (theoretical or empirical, countries of study, and methods used), the internalization process (two constructs to measure internalization and items under each construct), drivers (reasons for seeking certification, quality culture, leadership, and training), and the effects of internalization (customer, people, and social results). Engineering managers can consider these aspects and associated drivers when they seek to improve the current processes and performance of their firms. On the basis of this review, this article identifies gaps in the literature and proposes future research areas.This work has been carried out as part of the research project ECO2012-36316 funded by the Science and Innovation Ministry (Plan Nacional de I+D+i)