3,383 research outputs found

    An Approach to Finding Parking Space Using the CSI-based WiFi Technology

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    With ever-increasing number of vehicles and shortages of parking spaces, parking has always been a very important issue in transportation. It is necessary to use advanced intelligent technologies to help drivers find parking spaces, quickly. In this thesis, an approach to finding empty spaces in parking lots using the CSI-based WiFi technology is presented. First, the channel state information (CSI) of received WiFi signals is analyzed. The features of CSI data that are strongly correlated with the number of empty slots in parking lots are identified and extracted. A machine learning technique to perform multi-class classification that categorizes the input data into classes representing the number of empty slots is employed. A prototype system of the proposed approach is developed. Experiments are performed and it is shown that the system is feasible. Compared with traditional approaches based on magnetic sensors deployed on individual parking slots, the proposed approach is non-intrusive as it does not require to install specialized devices in a parking lot, and is cost-effective since it utilizes either existing WiFi infrastructure or only a pair of WiFi devices. As a result, the average classification accuracy of system is 80.8%, and the accuracy is improved to 93.8% with a tolerance of one empty slot

    Indoor positioning with deep learning for mobile IoT systems

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    2022 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.The development of human-centric services with mobile devices in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) has opened the possibility of merging indoor positioning technologies with various mobile applications to deliver stable and responsive indoor navigation and localization functionalities that can enhance user experience within increasingly complex indoor environments. But as GPS signals cannot easily penetrate modern building structures, it is challenging to build reliable indoor positioning systems (IPS). Currently, Wi-Fi sensing based indoor localization techniques are gaining in popularity as a means to build accurate IPS, benefiting from the prevalence of 802.11 family. Wi-Fi fingerprinting based indoor localization has shown remarkable performance over geometric mapping in complex indoor environments by taking advantage of pattern matching techniques. Today, the two main information extracted from Wi-Fi signals to form fingerprints are Received Signal Strength Index (RSSI) and Channel State Information (CSI) with Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation, where the former can provide the average localization error around or under 10 meters but has low hardware and software requirements, while the latter has a higher chance to estimate locations with ultra-low distance errors but demands more resources from chipsets, firmware/software environments, etc. This thesis makes two novel contributions towards realizing viable IPS on mobile devices using RSSI and CSI information, and deep machine learning based fingerprinting. Due to the larger quantity of data and more sophisticated signal patterns to create fingerprints in complex indoor environments, conventional machine learning algorithms that need carefully engineered features suffer from the challenges of identifying features from very high dimensional data. Hence, the abilities of approximation functions generated from conventional machine learning models to estimate locations are limited. Deep machine learning based approaches can overcome these challenges to realize scalable feature pattern matching approaches such as fingerprinting. However, deep machine learning models generally require considerable memory footprint, and this creates a significant issue on resource-constrained devices such as mobile IoT devices, wearables, smartphones, etc. Developing efficient deep learning models is a critical factor to lower energy consumption for resource intensive mobile IoT devices and accelerate inference time. To address this issue, our first contribution proposes the CHISEL framework, which is a Wi-Fi RSSI- based IPS that incorporates data augmentation and compression-aware two-dimensional convolutional neural networks (2D CAECNNs) with different pruning and quantization options. The proposed model compression techniques help reduce model deployment overheads in the IPS. Unlike RSSI, CSI takes advantages of multipath signals to potentially help indoor localization algorithms achieve a higher level of localization accuracy. The compensations for magnitude attenuation and phase shifting during wireless propagation generate different patterns that can be utilized to define the uniqueness of different locations of signal reception. However, all prior work in this domain constrains the experimental space to relatively small-sized and rectangular rooms where the complexity of building interiors and dynamic noise from human activities, etc., are seldom considered. As part of our second contribution, we propose an end-to-end deep learning based framework called CSILoc for Wi-Fi CSI-based IPS on mobile IoT devices. The framework includes CSI data collection, clustering, denoising, calibration and classification, and is the first study to verify the feasibility to use CSI for floor level indoor localization with minimal knowledge of Wi-Fi access points (APs), thus avoiding security concerns during the offline data collection process

    Learning Human Behaviour Patterns by Trajectory and Activity Recognition

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    The world’s population is ageing, increasing the awareness of neurological and behavioural impairments that may arise from the human ageing. These impairments can be manifested by cognitive conditions or mobility reduction. These conditions are difficult to be detected on time, relying only on the periodic medical appointments. Therefore, there is a lack of routine screening which demands the development of solutions to better assist and monitor human behaviour. The available technologies to monitor human behaviour are limited to indoors and require the installation of sensors around the user’s homes presenting high maintenance and installation costs. With the widespread use of smartphones, it is possible to take advantage of their sensing information to better assist the elderly population. This study investigates the question of what we can learn about human pattern behaviour from this rich and pervasive mobile sensing data. A deployment of a data collection over a period of 6 months was designed to measure three different human routines through human trajectory analysis and activity recognition comprising indoor and outdoor environment. A framework for modelling human behaviour was developed using human motion features, extracted in an unsupervised and supervised manner. The unsupervised feature extraction is able to measure mobility properties such as step length estimation, user points of interest or even locomotion activities inferred from an user-independent trained classifier. The supervised feature extraction was design to be user-dependent as each user may have specific behaviours that are common to his/her routine. The human patterns were modelled through probability density functions and clustering approaches. Using the human learned patterns, inferences about the current human behaviour were continuously quantified by an anomaly detection algorithm, where distance measurements were used to detect significant changes in behaviour. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework that revealed an increase potential to learn behaviour patterns and detect anomalies

    Consistent Density Scanning and Information Extraction From Point Clouds of Building Interiors

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    Over the last decade, 3D range scanning systems have improved considerably enabling the designers to capture large and complex domains such as building interiors. The captured point cloud is processed to extract specific Building Information Models, where the main research challenge is to simultaneously handle huge and cohesive point clouds representing multiple objects, occluded features and vast geometric diversity. These domain characteristics increase the data complexities and thus make it difficult to extract accurate information models from the captured point clouds. The research work presented in this thesis improves the information extraction pipeline with the development of novel algorithms for consistent density scanning and information extraction automation for building interiors. A restricted density-based, scan planning methodology computes the number of scans to cover large linear domains while ensuring desired data density and reducing rigorous post-processing of data sets. The research work further develops effective algorithms to transform the captured data into information models in terms of domain features (layouts), meaningful data clusters (segmented data) and specific shape attributes (occluded boundaries) having better practical utility. Initially, a direct point-based simplification and layout extraction algorithm is presented that can handle the cohesive point clouds by adaptive simplification and an accurate layout extraction approach without generating an intermediate model. Further, three information extraction algorithms are presented that transforms point clouds into meaningful clusters. The novelty of these algorithms lies in the fact that they work directly on point clouds by exploiting their inherent characteristic. First a rapid data clustering algorithm is presented to quickly identify objects in the scanned scene using a robust hue, saturation and value (H S V) color model for better scene understanding. A hierarchical clustering algorithm is developed to handle the vast geometric diversity ranging from planar walls to complex freeform objects. The shape adaptive parameters help to segment planar as well as complex interiors whereas combining color and geometry based segmentation criterion improves clustering reliability and identifies unique clusters from geometrically similar regions. Finally, a progressive scan line based, side-ratio constraint algorithm is presented to identify occluded boundary data points by investigating their spatial discontinuity

    Targeting occupant feedback using digital twins: Adaptive spatial-temporal thermal preference sampling to optimize personal comfort models

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    Collecting intensive longitudinal thermal preference data from building occupants is emerging as an innovative means of characterizing the performance of buildings and the people who use them. These techniques have occupants giving subjective feedback using smartphones or smartwatches frequently over the course of days or weeks. The intention is that the data will be collected with high spatial and temporal diversity to best characterize a building and the occupant's preferences. But in reality, leaving the occupant to respond in an ad-hoc or fixed interval way creates unneeded survey fatigue and redundant data. This paper outlines a scenario-based (virtual experiment) method for optimizing data sampling using a smartwatch to achieve comparable accuracy in a personal thermal preference model with fewer data. This method uses BIM-extracted spatial data and Graph Neural Network-based (GNN) modeling to find regions of similar comfort preference to identify the best scenarios for triggering the occupant to give feedback. This method is compared to two baseline scenarios that use conventional zoning and a generic 4x4 square meter grid method from two field-based data sets. The results show that the proposed Build2Vec method has an 18-23\% higher overall sampling quality than the spaces-based and square-grid-based sampling methods. The Build2Vec method also performs similar to the baselines when removing redundant occupant feedback points but with better scalability potential

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    The 10th Jubilee Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    A Review of Hybrid Indoor Positioning Systems Employing WLAN Fingerprinting and Image Processing

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    Location-based services (LBS) are a significant permissive technology. One of the main components in indoor LBS is the indoor positioning system (IPS). IPS utilizes many existing technologies such as radio frequency, images, acoustic signals, as well as magnetic sensors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, and other sensors that are usually installed in a mobile device. The radio frequency technologies used in IPS are WLAN, Bluetooth, Zig Bee, RFID, frequency modulation, and ultra-wideband. This paper explores studies that have combined WLAN fingerprinting and image processing to build an IPS. The studies on combined WLAN fingerprinting and image processing techniques are divided based on the methods used. The first part explains the studies that have used WLAN fingerprinting to support image positioning. The second part examines works that have used image processing to support WLAN fingerprinting positioning. Then, image processing and WLAN fingerprinting are used in combination to build IPS in the third part. A new concept is proposed at the end for the future development of indoor positioning models based on WLAN fingerprinting and supported by image processing to solve the effect of people presence around users and the user orientation problem