109 research outputs found

    A smart wearable sensor system for counter-fighting overweight in teenagers

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    PEGASO is a FP7-funded project whose goal is to develop an ICT and mobile-based platform together with an appropriate strategy to tackle the diffusion of obesity and other lifestyle-related illnesses among teenagers. Indeed, the design of an engaging strategy, leveraging a complementary set of technologies, is the approach proposed by the project to promote the adoption of healthy habits such as active lifestyle and balanced nutrition and to effectively counter-fight the emergence of overweight and obesity in the younger population. A technological key element of such a strategy sees the adoption of wearable sensors to monitor teenagersâ\u80\u99 activities, which is at the basis of developing awareness about the current lifestyle. This paper describes the experience carried out in the framework of the PEGASO project in developing and evaluating wearable monitoring systems addressed to adolescents. The paper describes the methodological approach based on the co-designing of such a wearable system and the main results that, in the first phase, involved a total of 407 adolescents across Europe in a series of focus groups conducted in three countries for the requirements definition phase. Moreover, it describes an evaluation process of signal reliability during the usage of the wearable system. The main results described here are: (a) a prototype of the standardized experimental protocol that has been developed and applied to test signal reliability in smart garments; (b) the requirements definition methodology through a co-design activity and approach to address user requirements and preferences and not only technological specifications. Such co-design approach is able to support a higher system acceptance and usability together with a sustained adoption of the solution with respect to the traditional technology push system development strategy

    Mobile exergaming in adolescents’ everyday life—contextual design of where, when, with whom, and how: the SmartLife case

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    Exergames, more specifically console-based exergames, are generally enjoyed by adolescents and known to increase physical activity. Nevertheless, they have a reduced usage over time and demonstrate little effectiveness over the long term. In order to increase playing time, mobile exergames may increase potential playing time, but need to be engaging and integrated in everyday life. The goal of the present study was to examine the context of gameplay for mobile exergaming in adolescents’ everyday life to inform game design and the integration of gameplay into everyday life. Eight focus groups were conducted with 49 Flemish adolescents (11 to 17 years of age). The focus groups were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed by means of thematic analysis via Nvivo 11 software (QSR International Pty Ltd., Victoria, Australia). The adolescents indicated leisure time and travel time to and from school as suitable timeframes for playing a mobile exergame. Outdoor gameplay should be restricted to the personal living environment of adolescents. Besides outdoor locations, the game should also be adaptable to at-home activities. Activities could vary from running outside to fitness exercises inside. Furthermore, the social context of the game was important, e.g., playing in teams or meeting at (virtual) meeting points. Physical activity tracking via smart clothing was identified as a motivator for gameplay. By means of this study, game developers may be better equipped to develop mobile exergames that embed gameplay in adolescents’ everyday life

    Defining Requirements and Related Methods for Designing Sensorized Garments

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    Designing smart garments has strong interdisciplinary implications, specifically related to user and technical requirements, but also because of the very different applications they have: medicine, sport and fitness, lifestyle monitoring, workplace and job conditions analysis, etc. This paper aims to discuss some user, textile, and technical issues to be faced in sensorized clothes development. In relation to the user, the main requirements are anthropometric, gender-related, and aesthetical. In terms of these requirements, the user’s age, the target application, and fashion trends cannot be ignored, because they determine the compliance with the wearable system. Regarding textile requirements, functional factors—also influencing user comfort—are elasticity and washability, while more technical properties are the stability of the chemical agents’ effects for preserving the sensors’ efficacy and reliability, and assuring the proper duration of the product for the complete life cycle. From the technical side, the physiological issues are the most important: skin conductance, tolerance, irritation, and the effect of sweat and perspiration are key factors for reliable sensing. Other technical features such as battery size and duration, and the form factor of the sensor collector, should be considered, as they affect aesthetical requirements, which have proven to be crucial, as well as comfort and wearability

    The Factors Influencing the Behavioural Intention of Overweight Adults to Use Wearable Devices for Sustained Health Monitoring

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    The volume of wearable devices that can be used for sustained health monitoring purposes is continuously growing within the healthcare sector. These devices allow users to track their own activity levels in real time. However, there are factors that may inhibit the behavioural intention to sustain the use of wearable devices for health monitoring in the long term by overweight adults. These factors include privacy concerns, costs of obtaining wearable devices, theft, frequent charging and short battery life of wearable devices and bulkiness of some wearable devices. It is against this backdrop that this study examined the factors influencing the behavioural intention of overweight adults in South Africa to make use of wearable devices for sustained health monitoring. This research made use of the Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) as the theoretical foundation of the study. In achieving the aim of this study, a qualitative research approach was used. The purposive sampling technique was selected to identify twenty (20) overweight adults (aged 18-59 years) who are using wearable devices in East London, South Africa. Interviews were conducted with the twenty participants to identify the factors that will influence their behavioural intention to make use of wearable devices to monitor their health. Through thematic analysis, data provided by participants was grouped and summarised into relevant themes to answer the main research question. The study developed a framework that identifies the factors influencing behavioural intention of overweight adults to continue using wearable devices for sustained health monitoring. The factors that were identified include confirmation, perceived usefulness and satisfaction of wearable devices for sustained health monitoring. The realisation of weight loss, monitoring of daily activities and calories through the use of wearable devices was found to positively influence the behavioural intention of the users of wearable devices to continue their usage. However, the major factors that may inhibit the continuous usage of wearable devices for sustained health monitoring are privacy concerns, costs of obtaining wearable devices, theft, frequent charging and short battery life of wearable devices and bulkiness of some wearable devices. Based on the findings, the study recommended the following: (1) the wearable device manufacturers should assure the users of their privacy and confidentiality by providing the needed ii | P a g e interfaces for this purpose; (2) the manufacturers of wearable devices should make the devices less bulky so that they can be more portable; (3) South African government should provide security operatives in isolated areas where people are not feeling secure; (4) the manufacturers of wearable devices make the purchase prices of wearable devices more affordable, especially for low income people; and (5) the manufacturers of wearable devices should improve on battery life and quality of wearable devices so that the devices are more time efficient and require less charging of the devices

    The Factors Influencing the Behavioural Intention of Overweight Adults to Use Wearable Devices for Sustained Health Monitoring

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    The volume of wearable devices that can be used for sustained health monitoring purposes is continuously growing within the healthcare sector. These devices allow users to track their own activity levels in real time. However, there are factors that may inhibit the behavioural intention to sustain the use of wearable devices for health monitoring in the long term by overweight adults. These factors include privacy concerns, costs of obtaining wearable devices, theft, frequent charging and short battery life of wearable devices and bulkiness of some wearable devices. It is against this backdrop that this study examined the factors influencing the behavioural intention of overweight adults in South Africa to make use of wearable devices for sustained health monitoring. This research made use of the Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) as the theoretical foundation of the study. In achieving the aim of this study, a qualitative research approach was used. The purposive sampling technique was selected to identify twenty (20) overweight adults (aged 18-59 years) who are using wearable devices in East London, South Africa. Interviews were conducted with the twenty participants to identify the factors that will influence their behavioural intention to make use of wearable devices to monitor their health. Through thematic analysis, data provided by participants was grouped and summarised into relevant themes to answer the main research question. The study developed a framework that identifies the factors influencing behavioural intention of overweight adults to continue using wearable devices for sustained health monitoring. The factors that were identified include confirmation, perceived usefulness and satisfaction of wearable devices for sustained health monitoring. The realisation of weight loss, monitoring of daily activities and calories through the use of wearable devices was found to positively influence the behavioural intention of the users of wearable devices to continue their usage. However, the major factors that may inhibit the continuous usage of wearable devices for sustained health monitoring are privacy concerns, costs of obtaining wearable devices, theft, frequent charging and short battery life of wearable devices and bulkiness of some wearable devices. Based on the findings, the study recommended the following: (1) the wearable device manufacturers should assure the users of their privacy and confidentiality by providing the needed ii | P a g e interfaces for this purpose; (2) the manufacturers of wearable devices should make the devices less bulky so that they can be more portable; (3) South African government should provide security operatives in isolated areas where people are not feeling secure; (4) the manufacturers of wearable devices make the purchase prices of wearable devices more affordable, especially for low income people; and (5) the manufacturers of wearable devices should improve on battery life and quality of wearable devices so that the devices are more time efficient and require less charging of the devices

    The right to privacy through the development of smart technologies : how our personal health data is affected

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    L’évolution de la technologie, nonobstant ses apports, peut enfreindre certains de nos droits fondamentaux puisqu’elle se développe plus rapidement que ces derniers. Ce mémoire vise à relever les défis que les technologies intelligentes peuvent poser tant sur la santé des communautés que sur les droits fondamentaux. La thèse porte sur les contraintes juridiques, présentes et à venir, notamment sur le droit à la vie privée à travers le développement et l’usage des technologies intelligentes qui captent notre information personnelle en lien avec la santé. Plus précisément, ce travail analyse si les bénéfices de l’accès à notre information à travers les technologies intelligentes en vue d’améliorer la santé et la sécurité des populations surpassent les conséquences juridiques. Ce travail explore, entre autres, le potentiel des technologies intelligentes, leurs avantages individuels et collectifs, notamment en matière de santé publique, et les violations des droits de l’Homme que leur usage peut générer. Mais encore, il présente des innovations technologiques qui permettent d’améliorer les systèmes de santé étatiques afin d’être en mesure de mieux réagir aux futures épidémies, notamment au niveau international, comme à l’OMS. Ces données, suivies des autres complications possibles du fait d’un usage accru des technologies intelligentes qui restreignent notre vie privée, permettront de conclure si une telle intrusion peut être justifiée dans une société libre et démocratique. Finalement, ce travail regarde les limites de l’acceptabilité sociale de l’intrusion dans la vie privée en échange à de meilleures conditions de santé afin que les organes étatiques et supraétatiques puissent prendre des décisions éclairées, sans que les droits constitutionnels soient violés. Ce travail permettra de comprendre les enjeux que notre système judiciaire inévitablement devra surmonter en proposant des stratégies visant la prévention des maladies et autres problèmes de santé à travers l’usage des technologies intelligentes. Une des solutions principales proposées est la création de bases de données nationale et internationale à l’OMS qui captent les données des appareils intelligents portables.The evolution of technology, notwithstanding its benefits, can negatively impact some of our fundamental rights as it develops faster than the latter. Indeed, this thesis aims to meet challenges generated by smart technologies and the impact they can have on the health of communities as well as on our fundamental rights. This thesis focuses on the legal constraints, present and to come, including the right to privacy, through the development and use of smart technologies that seize our personal health information. More specifically, this work seeks to analyze whether the benefits of accessing our information through smart technologies to improve the health and safety of populations outweigh the legal consequences. This work explores the potential of smart technologies, the interest in using them individually and collectively, especially in the public health sector, and the human rights violations their use can generate. Moreover, it looks at technological innovations that help improve State health systems to be able to better respond to future epidemics, particularly at the international level, such as at the WHO. These data, followed by other possible complications due to the increased use of intelligent technologies that restrict our privacy, will allow us to conclude whether such an intrusion in our right to privacy can be justified in a free and democratic society. Finally, this work examines the limits of the social acceptability of the invasion of privacy in exchange for better health conditions so that States and supra-State bodies can make informed decisions, without violating constitutional rights. This work will help us understand the issues that our judicial system will inevitably face while proposing strategies for the prevention of diseases and other health problems through the use of smart technologies. One of the main proposed solutions is the creation of a national and international database at the WHO generated by the data of smart health devices

    Design methodologies for smart textile products in the field of sport

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    Tese de doutoramento em Design de ModaApesar das fortes implicações no campo interdisciplinar da interação humano-computador (HCI), tem havido um movimento para que a roupa desportiva acolha no seu design inúmeras inovações, tanto nas tecnologias eletrónicas, como nos materiais e acabamentos. Posicionando-se audaciosamente entre o design de moda e os dispositivos vestíveis, estas roupas discorrem entre as tecnologias da informação e comunicação (ICT) e as plataformas da internet das coisas (IoT), trazendo benefícios e funcionalidades, consequentemente novas características de interação entre a roupa e o utilizador. Nesse contexto, e no âmbito das atividades do projeto TSSIPRO – Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Innovative Products, obteve-se o desenvolvimento de conhecimento através de dois estudos de caso, tendo cada um destes sido acompanhado por um método. O estudo “Smartsuit”, que foi orientado pelo método Duplo Diamante, teve como foco o ciclismo. Corresponde a um contacto introdutório e multidisciplinar ao processo de design de vestuário inteligente para o desporto. Permitiu através da experiência empírica, experimental, pessoal do autor, o design e a prototipagem de um skinsuit com elétrodos integrados capazes de monitorizar a frequência cardíaca por eletrocardiografia (ECG). O estudo “Avantgarde” foi orientado pelo método Design Centrado no Utilizador, e teve como foco a esgrima. Corresponde já a uma maturação da temática e identifica os requisitos do utilizador. Permitiu através da experiência conceptual, teórica, metódica e organizada do autor, a conceptualização de um uniforme inteligente com sensor de pressão piezoresistivo flexível integrado no têxtil capaz de capturar o desempenho do toque da arma, facilitando a arbitragem e pontuação do jogo. Dispõe ainda de sensores inerciais (IMU) acoplados no têxteis capazes de capturar e rastrear os movimentos do atleta através da transposição do movimento para um modelo digital. Aqui, foi possível, a seleção e avaliação das tecnologias vestíveis através da agnição de dados quantitativos e qualitativos fornecidos pelos utilizadores. Esta tese contribui para o crescente corpo de pesquisa sobre o uso de computadores vestíveis para a atividade desportiva. Através do utilizador enfatiza-se inovação, usabilidade e design. Mais especificamente, valida o interesse de atletas e treinadores de esgrima, por tecnologias com sensores de pressão e inerciais. Ao nível do processo de design possibilitou investigar e avaliar através de dois modelos destintos e, portanto, identificar as suas diferenças e limitações.Despite the substantial implications in the interdisciplinary field of human-computer interaction (HCI), there has been a movement for sportswear to embrace numerous innovations in its design, both in electronic technologies and in materials and functionalisation. Audaciously situated between fashion design and wearable devices, these clothes roam between information and communications technology (ICT) and the internet of things (IoT) platforms, bringing benefits and functionalities, consequently new features of interaction between clothing and the user. In this context, and within the scope of the activities of the TSSIPRO – Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Innovative Products, the development of knowledge was obtained through two case studies, each of which was accompanied by a method. The “Smartsuit” study, which was guided by the Double Diamond method, focused on cycling. It corresponds to an introductory and multidisciplinary contact to the process of designing smart garments for sport. Through the author's empirical, experimental, personal experience, it allowed the design and prototyping of a skinsuit with embedded electrodes capable of monitoring heart rate by electrocardiogram (ECG). The “Avantgarde” study was guided by the User- Centered Design method and focused on fencing. It corresponds to a maturation of the theme and identifies the user's requirements. It allowed, through the author's conceptual, theoretical, methodical, and organized experience, the conceptualization of a smart uniform with a flexible piezoresistive pressure sensor integrated into the textile capable of capturing the performance of the weapon's touch, facilitating the refereeing, and scoring of the game. It also features with inertial sensors (IMU) coupled to the textiles capable of capturing and tracking the athlete’s movements by transposing the movement to a digital model. Here, it was possible to select and evaluate the wearable technologies through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data provided by users. This thesis contributes to the growing body of research on the use of wearable computers for sports activities. Through the user, innovation, usability, and design are emphasized. More specifically, it validates the interest of athletes and fencing coaches in pressure and inertial sensor technologies. At the level of the design process, it made possible to investigate and evaluate through two distinct models and, therefore, identify their differences and limitations.TSSIPRO - bolsa de investigação UMINHO/BI/123/201

    Quantifying Quality of Life

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    Describes technological methods and tools for objective and quantitative assessment of QoL Appraises technology-enabled methods for incorporating QoL measurements in medicine Highlights the success factors for adoption and scaling of technology-enabled methods This open access book presents the rise of technology-enabled methods and tools for objective, quantitative assessment of Quality of Life (QoL), while following the WHOQOL model. It is an in-depth resource describing and examining state-of-the-art, minimally obtrusive, ubiquitous technologies. Highlighting the required factors for adoption and scaling of technology-enabled methods and tools for QoL assessment, it also describes how these technologies can be leveraged for behavior change, disease prevention, health management and long-term QoL enhancement in populations at large. Quantifying Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine fills a gap in the field of QoL by providing assessment methods, techniques and tools. These assessments differ from the current methods that are now mostly infrequent, subjective, qualitative, memory-based, context-poor and sparse. Therefore, it is an ideal resource for physicians, physicians in training, software and hardware developers, computer scientists, data scientists, behavioural scientists, entrepreneurs, healthcare leaders and administrators who are seeking an up-to-date resource on this subject

    Quantifying Quality of Life

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    Describes technological methods and tools for objective and quantitative assessment of QoL Appraises technology-enabled methods for incorporating QoL measurements in medicine Highlights the success factors for adoption and scaling of technology-enabled methods This open access book presents the rise of technology-enabled methods and tools for objective, quantitative assessment of Quality of Life (QoL), while following the WHOQOL model. It is an in-depth resource describing and examining state-of-the-art, minimally obtrusive, ubiquitous technologies. Highlighting the required factors for adoption and scaling of technology-enabled methods and tools for QoL assessment, it also describes how these technologies can be leveraged for behavior change, disease prevention, health management and long-term QoL enhancement in populations at large. Quantifying Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine fills a gap in the field of QoL by providing assessment methods, techniques and tools. These assessments differ from the current methods that are now mostly infrequent, subjective, qualitative, memory-based, context-poor and sparse. Therefore, it is an ideal resource for physicians, physicians in training, software and hardware developers, computer scientists, data scientists, behavioural scientists, entrepreneurs, healthcare leaders and administrators who are seeking an up-to-date resource on this subject
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