133 research outputs found

    Online buying behavior in technological and office products

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    The evolution and growth of E-commerce nowadays is irrefutable. The revolution and introduction of new technologies have profound implications in business management, offering tools for the globalization of the market. This evolution and change in the market also leads to different realities towards not just the business itself but also the consumer. It is important to understand what are the main features of information search and purchase behavior online and understand online consumer behavior (what are the characteristics, what motivates somebody to buy online, what are his fears, etc). This study aims, from existing knowledge about information search and purchase behavior online, to deepen the knowledge of Portuguese behavior to give information to companies to better develop their business. In this case, this study will be made for Technological and Office products.A evolução e o crescimento do E-Commerce hoje em dia é irrefutável. A revolução e a introdução de novas tecnologias têm implicações profundas na gestão empresarial, oferecendo ferramentas and a globalização do mercado. Este evolução e mudança no mercado leva a uma diferente realidade não só no negócio em si mas também no consumidor. É importante perceber quais são as principais caracteristícas na procura de informação online e na compra e perceber o comportamento do consumidor online (as suas características, as motivações, os medos, etc). Este estudo procura partir do conhecimento existente sobre o comportamento da procura de informação e compra online, aprofundar o conhecimento do comportamento dos Portugueses de forma a dar informação às compresas de como desenvolver melhor o seu negócio. Neste caso, o estudo será feito sobre produtos de Tecnologia e Escritório

    Consulting report – Agencia B12

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    Agencia B12 is a Spanish company with operations in Mexico, Peru and Spain. Agencia B12 develops its operations mainly in digital marketing and call service center. This type of services offered by the firm are operated in the telecommunications companies (such as Movistar, Claro, Bitel and Entel Peru), Agencia B12 works with the main companies in the telecommunication sector, however, Agencia B12 are currently working with some companies which are from other induastrias such as Direct tv and Banco Pichincha. The current purpose of Agencia B12 is to diversify its portfolio of services in order to acquire new sources of revenues. The new projects that Agencia B12 wishes to develop are due to its client portfolio being strongly linked to the telecommunications industry, in response to this situation Agencia B12 wishes to launch Digital collection in order to expand its customer portfolio, venturing into the collection market, working with new clients, in this case the financial entities. Although, the project will initially be launched as a prototype in Peru, the desire of Agencia B12 is to expand this service to other branches.Agencia B12 es una subsidiaria de un grupo español con operaciones en México, Perú y España. Agencia B12 desarrolla sus operaciones principalmente en marketing digital y servicio de llamadas. Este tipo de servicios ofrecidos por la firma son operados en las compañías de telecomunicaciones (como Movistar, Claro, Bitel and Entel Perú), Agencia B12 trabaja en colaboración con las principales compañías en sector de telecomunicaciones, sin embargo, actualmente se encuentra trabajando con algunas compañías que son de otras industrias como Direct tv y el Banco Pichincha. El actual propósito de Agencia B12 es diversificar su portafolio de servicios con la finalidad de poder adquirir nuevas fuentes de ingreso. Los nuevos proyectos que Agencia B12 desea desarrollar son debido a que su portafolio de clientes está fuertemente ligado a la industria de telecomunicaciones, en respuesta a esta situación Agencia B12 desea lanzar Digital collection con el objetivo de expandir su portafolio de clientes, aventurándose en el mercado cobranza, trabajando con nuevos clientes, en este caso las entidades financieras. Si bien, el proyecto inicialmente será lanzado como prototipo en Perú, el deseo de Agencia B12 es expandir este servicio hacia otras sucursales.Tesi

    The Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report 2018-2019

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    An inclusive, digitally-enabled agricultural transformation could help achieve meaningful livelihood improvements for Africa’s smallholder farmers and pastoralists. It could drive greater engagement in agriculture from women and youth and create employment opportunities along the value chain. At CTA we staked a claim on this power of digitalisation to more systematically transform agriculture early on. Digitalisation, focusing on not individual ICTs but the application of these technologies to entire value chains, is a theme that cuts across all of our work. In youth entrepreneurship, we are fostering a new breed of young ICT ‘agripreneurs’. In climate-smart agriculture multiple projects provide information that can help towards building resilience for smallholder farmers. And in women empowerment we are supporting digital platforms to drive greater inclusion for women entrepreneurs in agricultural value chains

    Development of a Cross-border Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C) System to Enhance Enterprise Performance: A Case Study of Legend Harvest Group

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    This research focused on the efforts of Legend Harvest Group (LHG), a California startup, to realise its cross-border business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) e-commerce business opportunities. The issues identified during the research demonstrated that an operational B2B2C system is more complicated than a manually operated business-to-business (B2B) trade. The complexities of cross-border e-commerce platforms include insufficient data transparency, logistical obstacles, and Customs hurdles. LHG encountered difficulties in understanding and dealing with these obstacles. My research focused on analysing the technological, operational and organisational requirements and finding the critical elements and leverage points of adopting a new B2B2C system. I developed a platform–system–technology–human (PSTH) conceptual framework based on my literature review that served as the theoretical blueprint of this action research. I adopted a participatory action research (PAR) method and a purposeful sampling strategy to conduct an action research study. The sampling population comprised LHG’s executives, as well as board members, officers, employees, and consultants associated with the company. I applied a qualitative approach as the most suitable choice in action research study, using interviews, semi-structured discussions, and observations to collect data. This research was based on three action cycles. Each action cycle consisted of four phases: reflect, plan, act and observe. The first action cycle (AC1) focused on scanning the environment to identify the barriers preventing LHG from adopting a B2B2C system. The second action cycle (AC2) addressed the technological, operational and organisational requirements, and collaborated with a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider to implement a trial run and collect actual data. The third action cycle (AC3) involved an in-depth thematic analysis to evaluate the trial-run results and proposed an integrators network for LHG’s future B2B2C system development. Research accomplishments include initial identification of sixty-one emergent codes as barriers to LHG’s supply chain automation quest, categorisation of these codes into fifteen actionable themes, and, finally, selection of five actionable themes as critical elements to follow in adopting a B2B2C system, namely, process automation (A), SaaS adoption (S), supply chain integration (I), collaboration (C) and trust (T). From post-trial-run analysis, I recognised these five themes as the key integrators and proposed a B2B2C supply chain model to cope with the cross-border e-commerce platforms. The interdependent nature of these five integrators led to the conceptualisation of an “ASICT” network that can be used to tackle the platforms’ demands. Based on the research findings, I learned that a sustainable B2B2C system will depend not only on technology implementation such as SaaS adoption, supply chain integration and process automation, but also on human interaction such as collaboration and trust. This research concluded that these five “ASICT” integrators are critical elements, and that trust and collaboration are the key leverage points in the company’s efforts to develop a cross-border B2B2C system. The benefits projected by adopting the B2B2C system included not only reducing LHG’s transactional costs but also enhancing its enterprise performance by automating and integrating the supply chain, allowing the management to map operational efficiency with financial outcome and to transform the e-commerce supply chain into a value chain

    The moderating effects of personal characteristics and motivational factors on the propensity to use sports events tourism websites

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    Despite plenty of research related to the Internet has been conducted throughout the world, there remains a shortage of knowledge pertaining to personal characteristics and motivational factors as the moderating effects on the propensity to use sports events tourism websites. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate roles of moderating effects on the relationship between customer-perceived value and the propensity to use sports events tourism websites. This study has utilized the Sport Website Acceptance Model (SWAM) and the Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) as the research background theories. Therefore, four components of customer-perceived value which extracted from the factor analysis were accessibility, flexibility, interactivity and reliability, acted as independent variable. While, motivation in terms of informativeness gratification and entertainment gratification acted as the moderating variables. This study has utilized a self-administered questionnaire adapted from a standardized questionnaire based on the literature review. The sample of the study comprised of 530 sports tourists’ (315 males and 215 females) who participated in three major sporting events conducted in Malaysia in 2013. The probability sampling technique was applied to select the respondent. The results of Pearson correlation analyses showed that there was a significant relationship between customer-perceived value and the propensity to use the websites. The stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that amongst four moderating variables of personal characteristics (age, gender, education, and income) except income did not moderate the relationship between customer-perceived value and the propensity to use the websites. The result of the study also indicates that 14.8 percent of the total variance of the propensity to use the websites was explained by customer-perceived value, entertainment gratification, informativeness gratification, the combination of customer-perceived value and entertainment gratification as well as the combination of customer-perceived value and informativeness gratification. The research findings would be practical and useful for sports tourism organizations in providing distinctive sports tourism websites on how to market their products and/or services effectivel

    Business models and key success drivers of agtech start-ups

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    This interpretative phenomenological research focuses on youth-led companies offering digital services to the agrofood sector in West Africa. Youth is considered as per the African Union definition: individuals aged between 15 and 35 years old. Our research questions were to understand the business models adopted by these start-ups; how their business models and business model innovation lead to business success; other key drivers that can support the achievement of success. With this study, we aim to contribute to the limited existing body of knowledge on this nascent but growing business field in West Africa. Though focused on West Africa, analyses go beyond and are of interest to any stakeholders interested in this subject in Africa in particular

    Southern African Development Community Cybersecurity Maturity Report 2021

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    Cybersecurity has become a priority area in the digital age. The need for well thought-out cybersecurity policies has become even more apparent in a post COVID-19 pandemic world, where the internet is considered a critical resource for almost all aspects of life. Users, organisations, and governments access and offer services and products online and more than ever before. For this reason, there is need to ensure that information and users are safe online. To contribute to having a digital space that promotes the well-being and prosperity of all, it is important for countries to understand their cyber risks, threat, and vulnerability landscape before they can improve on their capacity to deal with cybersecurity. While there are various national and regional reports examining the cybersecurity status of various territories, understandings of regional cybersecurity capacity landscapes are lacking Sub-Saharan Africa. The goal of this study is to evaluate the cybersecurity status of countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and determine the capacity maturity of the region in light of emerging vulnerabilities, threats, and risks. SADC is one of the least explored regions concerning cybersecurity capacity. The study used the Cybersecurity Capacity Maturity Model for Nations (CMM) as an analytical and a benchmarking tool by means of which to evaluate the status of cybersecurity maturity in the region. The granular assessment of the CMM allows for specific regional policy recommendations for the different dimensions of the model with the aim of informing countries, with empirical evidence to take the necessary steps to increase the scale and effectiveness of cybersecurity capacity-building initiatives. This study used both published and unpublished previous CMM assessments conducted by C3SA partners, including the GCSCC, the World Bank, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisations (CTO), which were available at various repositories. In addition, we reviewed other existing metrics and reports on the status of cybersecurity maturity in the region. The reports we reviewed include the NCSI by the e-governance academy foundation, the GCI by the ITU, academic literature such as published papers and grey literature, including regional reports and news articles. To fill any gaps on missing data, subject matter experts were identified and approached to provide more information through semi-structured interviews. The collected data was synthesised according to the relevant dimension for each country, which consequently allowed for a regional analysis based on the five dimensions of the model. Based on these findings, the report makes specific policy recommendations targeted at helping countries in the SADC region to improve their cybersecurity capacity. This report was compiled by C3SA researchers in collaboration with researchers from the GCSCC and NUPI

    Informationelle Privatautonomie - Synchronisierung von Datenschutz- und Vertragsrecht

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    In search of PAN-African Development Agency : a comparative analysis of the 1980 Lagos plan of action, the 1991 ABUJA treaty and the 2001 New Partnership F0r Africa’s Development (NEPAD)

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    Abstract: The aim of this dissertation is to locate and give a comparative analysis of the historical processes of cooperative agency that engendered a decolonised Africa under the aegis of the Pan-African diplomacy and agency. More specifically, it conducts a comparative analytical study of three Pan-African initiatives, namely the Organisation of African Unity’s (OAU) 1980 Lagos Plan of Action (LPA); 1991 Abuja Treaty establishing the African Economic Community (AEC); and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) adopted and ratified by the African Union (AU). The comparative analytical study predicated on integrated meta-theories will provide an intersubjective theoretical and conceptual framework on which to address the two main research questions: What reasons led to the formation of the 1980 LPA, the 1991 Abuja Treaty and the 2002 adoption of NEPAD under the aegis of the AU? Why has Africa’s self-reliant continental aims and objectives not been realised?...M.A. (Politics and African Studies

    Web 3.0 e o e-business

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoNuma altura em que as tecnologias web estão cada vez mais presentes nas nossas vidas, a forma como lidamos com elas evolui. O E-business tem-se desenvolvido permitindo que determinados produtos e serviços cheguem a um maior número de pessoas num maior espaço geográfico com um custo mais reduzido. As empresas adaptam-se a esta nova realidade e dispõem de novas, interativas e mais versáteis opções de compra. A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo estudar o E-business e a ajudar a desmistificar alguns conceitos da Web 3.0, as vantagens e desvantagens encontradas no comércio eletrónico e o efeito nos consumidores. Para a concretização deste estudo foi efetuada uma abordagem quantitativa com base na análise de um inquérito, realizado através de software SPSS, procedendo-se à análise dos resultados obtidos nos questionários. Com este estudo pode afirmar-se que foram atingidos os objetivos propostos, foi explorada a perceção que o utilizador tem do comércio eletrónico e observou-se que o consumidor gosta de fazer uma pré-análise quando pretende adquirir online, comparando preços e optando pelo mais preço mais favorável e que lhe trará mais benefício, para além disso trata-se de uma alternativa mais cómoda.As web technologies are increasingly present in our lives, the way we deal with them evolves. E-business has developed in a way that products and services reach more people in a larger geographic space at the lowest cost. Companies adapt to new reality by being more interactive and have more versatile buying options. The main objective of this dissertation is to study e-business and to help demystify some concepts of Web 3.0, as advantages and disadvantages found in electronic retail and the effect that has on consumers. To achieve the objective of this study we made a quantitative methodology based on the data analysis, through SPSS software, then proceeded to the analysis of the results obtained in the questionnaires. We can say that we have achieved the proposed objectives, we have explored the perception that the user have on electronic retail and we observed that the consumer likes to make some pre-order analyse by comparing the price and by choosing the less expensive and more profit product, becoming a more convenient alternative.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio