1,379 research outputs found

    Simplex search-based brain storm optimization

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    Through modeling human's brainstorming process, the brain storm optimization (BSO) algorithm has become a promising population-based evolutionary algorithm. However, BSO is pointed out that it possesses a degenerated L-curve phenomenon, i.e., it often gets near optimum quickly but needs much more cost to improve the accuracy. To overcome this question in this paper, an excellent direct search-based local solver, the Nelder-Mead Simplex method is adopted in BSO. Through combining BSO's exploration ability and NMS's exploitation ability together, a simplex search-based BSO (Simplex-BSO) is developed via a better balance between global exploration and local exploitation. Simplex-BSO is shown to be able to eliminate the degenerated L-curve phenomenon on unimodal functions, and alleviate significantly this phenomenon on multimodal functions. Large number of experimental results shows that Simplex-BSO is a promising algorithm for global optimization problems

    A Data-driven Methodology Towards Mobility- and Traffic-related Big Spatiotemporal Data Frameworks

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    Human population is increasing at unprecedented rates, particularly in urban areas. This increase, along with the rise of a more economically empowered middle class, brings new and complex challenges to the mobility of people within urban areas. To tackle such challenges, transportation and mobility authorities and operators are trying to adopt innovative Big Data-driven Mobility- and Traffic-related solutions. Such solutions will help decision-making processes that aim to ease the load on an already overloaded transport infrastructure. The information collected from day-to-day mobility and traffic can help to mitigate some of such mobility challenges in urban areas. Road infrastructure and traffic management operators (RITMOs) face several limitations to effectively extract value from the exponentially growing volumes of mobility- and traffic-related Big Spatiotemporal Data (MobiTrafficBD) that are being acquired and gathered. Research about the topics of Big Data, Spatiotemporal Data and specially MobiTrafficBD is scattered, and existing literature does not offer a concrete, common methodological approach to setup, configure, deploy and use a complete Big Data-based framework to manage the lifecycle of mobility-related spatiotemporal data, mainly focused on geo-referenced time series (GRTS) and spatiotemporal events (ST Events), extract value from it and support decision-making processes of RITMOs. This doctoral thesis proposes a data-driven, prescriptive methodological approach towards the design, development and deployment of MobiTrafficBD Frameworks focused on GRTS and ST Events. Besides a thorough literature review on Spatiotemporal Data, Big Data and the merging of these two fields through MobiTraffiBD, the methodological approach comprises a set of general characteristics, technical requirements, logical components, data flows and technological infrastructure models, as well as guidelines and best practices that aim to guide researchers, practitioners and stakeholders, such as RITMOs, throughout the design, development and deployment phases of any MobiTrafficBD Framework. This work is intended to be a supporting methodological guide, based on widely used Reference Architectures and guidelines for Big Data, but enriched with inherent characteristics and concerns brought about by Big Spatiotemporal Data, such as in the case of GRTS and ST Events. The proposed methodology was evaluated and demonstrated in various real-world use cases that deployed MobiTrafficBD-based Data Management, Processing, Analytics and Visualisation methods, tools and technologies, under the umbrella of several research projects funded by the European Commission and the Portuguese Government.A população humana cresce a um ritmo sem precedentes, particularmente nas áreas urbanas. Este aumento, aliado ao robustecimento de uma classe média com maior poder económico, introduzem novos e complexos desafios na mobilidade de pessoas em áreas urbanas. Para abordar estes desafios, autoridades e operadores de transportes e mobilidade estão a adotar soluções inovadoras no domínio dos sistemas de Dados em Larga Escala nos domínios da Mobilidade e Tráfego. Estas soluções irão apoiar os processos de decisão com o intuito de libertar uma infraestrutura de estradas e transportes já sobrecarregada. A informação colecionada da mobilidade diária e da utilização da infraestrutura de estradas pode ajudar na mitigação de alguns dos desafios da mobilidade urbana. Os operadores de gestão de trânsito e de infraestruturas de estradas (em inglês, road infrastructure and traffic management operators — RITMOs) estão limitados no que toca a extrair valor de um sempre crescente volume de Dados Espaciotemporais em Larga Escala no domínio da Mobilidade e Tráfego (em inglês, Mobility- and Traffic-related Big Spatiotemporal Data —MobiTrafficBD) que estão a ser colecionados e recolhidos. Os trabalhos de investigação sobre os tópicos de Big Data, Dados Espaciotemporais e, especialmente, de MobiTrafficBD, estão dispersos, e a literatura existente não oferece uma metodologia comum e concreta para preparar, configurar, implementar e usar uma plataforma (framework) baseada em tecnologias Big Data para gerir o ciclo de vida de dados espaciotemporais em larga escala, com ênfase nas série temporais georreferenciadas (em inglês, geo-referenced time series — GRTS) e eventos espacio- temporais (em inglês, spatiotemporal events — ST Events), extrair valor destes dados e apoiar os RITMOs nos seus processos de decisão. Esta dissertação doutoral propõe uma metodologia prescritiva orientada a dados, para o design, desenvolvimento e implementação de plataformas de MobiTrafficBD, focadas em GRTS e ST Events. Além de uma revisão de literatura completa nas áreas de Dados Espaciotemporais, Big Data e na junção destas áreas através do conceito de MobiTrafficBD, a metodologia proposta contem um conjunto de características gerais, requisitos técnicos, componentes lógicos, fluxos de dados e modelos de infraestrutura tecnológica, bem como diretrizes e boas práticas para investigadores, profissionais e outras partes interessadas, como RITMOs, com o objetivo de guiá-los pelas fases de design, desenvolvimento e implementação de qualquer pla- taforma MobiTrafficBD. Este trabalho deve ser visto como um guia metodológico de suporte, baseado em Arqui- teturas de Referência e diretrizes amplamente utilizadas, mas enriquecido com as característi- cas e assuntos implícitos relacionados com Dados Espaciotemporais em Larga Escala, como no caso de GRTS e ST Events. A metodologia proposta foi avaliada e demonstrada em vários cenários reais no âmbito de projetos de investigação financiados pela Comissão Europeia e pelo Governo português, nos quais foram implementados métodos, ferramentas e tecnologias nas áreas de Gestão de Dados, Processamento de Dados e Ciência e Visualização de Dados em plataformas MobiTrafficB

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationElectron microscopy can visualize synapses at nanometer resolution, and can thereby capture the fine structure of these contacts. However, this imaging method lacks three key elements: temporal information, protein visualization, and large volume reconstruction. For my dissertation, I developed three methods in electron microscopy that overcame these limitations. First, I developed a method to freeze neurons at any desired time point after a stimulus to study synaptic vesicle cycle. Second, I developed a method to couple super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy to pinpoint the location of proteins in electron micrographs at nanometer resolution. Third, I collaborated with computer scientists to develop methods for semi-automated reconstruction of nervous system. I applied these techniques to answer two fundamental questions in synaptic biology. Which vesicles fuse in response to a stimulus? How are synaptic vesicles recovered at synapses after fusion? Only vesicles that are in direct contact with plasma membrane fuse upon stimulation. The active zone in C. elegans is broad, but primed vesicles are concentrated around the dense projection. Following exocytosis of synaptic vesicles, synaptic vesicle membrane was recovered rapidly at two distinct locations at a synapse: the dense projection and adherens junctions. These studies suggest that there may be a novel form of ultrafast endocytosis

    Spike train distances and neuronal coding

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    Data analytics 2016: proceedings of the fifth international conference on data analytics

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    A monitoring and threat detection system using stream processing as a virtual function for big data

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    The late detection of security threats causes a significant increase in the risk of irreparable damages, disabling any defense attempt. As a consequence, fast realtime threat detection is mandatory for security guarantees. In addition, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) provides new opportunities for efficient and low-cost security solutions. We propose a fast and efficient threat detection system based on stream processing and machine learning algorithms. The main contributions of this work are i) a novel monitoring threat detection system based on stream processing; ii) two datasets, first a dataset of synthetic security data containing both legitimate and malicious traffic, and the second, a week of real traffic of a telecommunications operator in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; iii) a data pre-processing algorithm, a normalizing algorithm and an algorithm for fast feature selection based on the correlation between variables; iv) a virtualized network function in an open-source platform for providing a real-time threat detection service; v) near-optimal placement of sensors through a proposed heuristic for strategically positioning sensors in the network infrastructure, with a minimum number of sensors; and, finally, vi) a greedy algorithm that allocates on demand a sequence of virtual network functions.A detecção tardia de ameaças de segurança causa um significante aumento no risco de danos irreparáveis, impossibilitando qualquer tentativa de defesa. Como consequência, a detecção rápida de ameaças em tempo real é essencial para a administração de segurança. Além disso, A tecnologia de virtualização de funções de rede (Network Function Virtualization - NFV) oferece novas oportunidades para soluções de segurança eficazes e de baixo custo. Propomos um sistema de detecção de ameaças rápido e eficiente, baseado em algoritmos de processamento de fluxo e de aprendizado de máquina. As principais contribuições deste trabalho são: i) um novo sistema de monitoramento e detecção de ameaças baseado no processamento de fluxo; ii) dois conjuntos de dados, o primeiro ´e um conjunto de dados sintético de segurança contendo tráfego suspeito e malicioso, e o segundo corresponde a uma semana de tráfego real de um operador de telecomunicações no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; iii) um algoritmo de pré-processamento de dados composto por um algoritmo de normalização e um algoritmo para seleção rápida de características com base na correlação entre variáveis; iv) uma função de rede virtualizada em uma plataforma de código aberto para fornecer um serviço de detecção de ameaças em tempo real; v) posicionamento quase perfeito de sensores através de uma heurística proposta para posicionamento estratégico de sensores na infraestrutura de rede, com um número mínimo de sensores; e, finalmente, vi) um algoritmo guloso que aloca sob demanda uma sequencia de funções de rede virtual

    Flood Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methods

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Flood Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methods that was published in Wate

    Data mining techniques for complex application domains

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    The emergence of advanced communication techniques has increased availability of large collection of data in electronic form in a number of application domains including healthcare, e- business, and e-learning. Everyday a large amount of records are stored electronically. However, finding useful information from such a large data collection is a challenging issue. Data mining technology aims automatically extracting hidden knowledge from large data repositories exploiting sophisticated algorithms. The hidden knowledge in the electronic data may be potentially utilized to facilitate the procedures, productivity, and reliability of several application domains. The PhD activity has been focused on novel and effective data mining approaches to tackle the complex data coming from two main application domains: Healthcare data analysis and Textual data analysis. The research activity, in the context of healthcare data, addressed the application of different data mining techniques to discover valuable knowledge from real exam-log data of patients. In particular, efforts have been devoted to the extraction of medical pathways, which can be exploited to analyze the actual treatments followed by patients. The derived knowledge not only provides useful information to deal with the treatment procedures but may also play an important role in future predictions of potential patient risks associated with medical treatments. The research effort in textual data analysis is twofold. On the one hand, a novel approach to discovery of succinct summaries of large document collections has been proposed. On the other hand, the suitability of an established descriptive data mining to support domain experts in making decisions has been investigated. Both research activities are focused on adopting widely exploratory data mining techniques to textual data analysis, which require overcoming intrinsic limitations for traditional algorithms for handling textual documents efficiently and effectively

    Reliability evaluation and an update algorithm for the latent Dirichlet allocation

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    Modeling text data is becoming increasingly popular. Topic models and in particular the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) represent a large field in text data analysis. In this context, the problem exists that running LDA repeatedly on the same data yields different results. This lack of reliability can be improved by repeated modeling and a reasonable choice of a representative. Further, updating existing LDA models with new data is another common challenge. Many dynamic models, when adding new data, also update parameters of past time points, thus do not ensure the temporal consistency of the results. In this cumulative dissertation, I summarize in particular my methodological papers from the two areas of improving the reliability of LDA results and updating LDA results in a temporally consistent manner for use in monitoring scenarios. For this purpose, I first introduce the state of research for each of the two areas. After explaining the idea of the corresponding method, I give examples of applications in which the method has already been used and explain the implementation as an R package. Finally, for both fields I provide an outlook on potential further research.Die Modellierung von Textdaten erfährt wachsende Popularität. Einen großen Bereich in der Textdatenanalyse bilden Topic Modelle und dabei im Speziellen das Modell latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). Dabei existiert die Problematik, dass sich bei einer wiederholten Ausführung der LDA auf denselben Daten verschiedene Resultate ergeben. Dieser Mangel an Reliabilität lässt sich durch eine wiederholte Modellierung und eine sinnvolle Wahl eines Repräsentanten verbessern. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt das Aktualisieren von bestehenden LDA-Modellen anhand neuer Daten dar. Viele dynamische Modelle aktu- alisieren im Falle einer Hinzunahme neuer Daten auch Parameter vergangener Zeitpunkte und verletzen damit die zeitliche Konsistenz der Ergebnisse. In dieser kumulativen Dissertation fasse ich insbesondere meine methodischen Paper aus den beiden Themenbereichen der Verbesserung der Reliabilität von LDA-Ergebnissen und der zeitlich konsistenten Aktualisierung von LDA-Ergebnissen zur Nutzung in Monitoring- Szenarien zusammen. Dafür stelle ich zunächst jeweils den Forschungsstand dar. Nach einer Erläuterung der Idee der Methode, werden jeweils Beispiele gegeben, in denen die Methode bereits Anwendung fand und die Implementierung als R Paket erläutert. Zuletzt gebe ich für beide Themenbereiche einen Ausblick auf mögliche weitere Forschung