6,119 research outputs found

    Research in satellite-aided crop inventory and monitoring

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    Automated information extraction procedures for analysis of multitemporal LANDSAT data in non-U.S. crop inventory and monitoring are reviewed. Experiments to develope and evaluate crop area estimation technologies for spring small grains, summer crops, corn, and soybeans are discussed

    Management of late-preterm and term infants with hyperbilirubinaemia in resource-constrained settings.

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    Hyperbilirubinaemia is a ubiquitous transitional morbidity in the vast majority of newborns and a leading cause of hospitalisation in the first week of life worldwide. While timely and effective phototherapy and exchange transfusion are well proven treatments for severe neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia, inappropriate or ineffective treatment of hyperbilirubinaemia, at secondary and tertiary hospitals, still prevails in many poorly-resourced countries accounting for a disproportionately high burden of bilirubin-induced mortality and long-term morbidity. As part of the efforts to curtail the widely reported risks of frequent but avoidable bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (acute bilirubin encephalopathy (ABE) and kernicterus) in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) with significant resource constraints, this article presents a practical framework for the management of late-preterm and term infants (≥ 35 weeks of gestation) with clinically significant hyperbilirubinaemia in these countries particularly where local practice guidelines are lacking. Standard and validated protocols were followed in adapting available evidence-based national guidelines on the management of hyperbilirubinaemia through a collaboration among clinicians and experts on newborn jaundice from different world regions. Tasks and resources required for the comprehensive management of infants with or at risk of severe hyperbilirubinaemia at all levels of healthcare delivery are proposed, covering primary prevention, early detection, diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, and follow-up. Additionally, actionable treatment or referral levels for phototherapy and exchange transfusion are proposed within the context of several confounding factors such as widespread exclusive breastfeeding, infections, blood group incompatibilities and G6PD deficiency, which place infants at high risk of severe hyperbilirubinaemia and bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction in LMICs, as well as the limited facilities for clinical investigations and inconsistent functionality of available phototherapy devices. The need to adjust these levels as appropriate depending on the available facilities in each clinical setting and the risk profile of the infant is emphasised with a view to avoiding over-treatment or under-treatment. These recommendations should serve as a valuable reference material for health workers, guide the development of contextually-relevant national guidelines in each LMIC, as well as facilitate effective advocacy and mobilisation of requisite resources for the optimal care of infants with hyperbilirubinaemia at all levels

    A Classification and Survey of Computer System Performance Evaluation Techniques

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    Classification and survey of computer system performance evaluation technique

    LANDSAT D position determination and correction study

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    An assessment of accuracy of the knowledge of LANDSAT D spacecraft ephemeris data, an evaluation of the impact of expected attitude and alignment accuracies and analysis of the various options for the combining of precision ephemeris and attitude data with scene image data are provided. The potential geometric correction system in order to determine overall system costs and impact on other system elements is characterized

    Monitoring global vegetation

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    An attempt is made to identify the need for, and the current capability of, a technology which could aid in monitoring the Earth's vegetation resource on a global scale. Vegetation is one of our most critical natural resources, and accurate timely information on its current status and temporal dynamics is essential to understand many basic and applied environmental interrelationships which exist on the small but complex planet Earth

    Crowd Size Estimation and Detecting Social Distancing Using Raspberry PI and Opencv

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    In this covid19 pandemic the number of people gathering at public places and festivals are restricted and maintaining social distancing is practiced throughout the world. Managing the crowd is always a challenging task. It requires some kind of monitoring technology. In this paper, we develop a device that detects and provide human count and also detects people who are not maintaining social distancing . The work depicted above was finished using a Raspberry Pi 3 board with OpenCV-Python.This method can effectively manage crowds

    Towards a filmic look and feel in real time computer graphics

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    Film footage has a distinct look and feel that audience can instantly recognize, making its replication desirable for computer generated graphics. This thesis presents methods capable of replicating significant portions of the film look and feel while being able to fit within the constraints imposed by real-time computer generated graphics on consumer hardware

    Water color and circulation southern Chesapeake Bay, part 1

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    Satellite imagery from two EREP passes over the Rappahannock Estuary of the Chesapeake region is analyzed to chart colored water types, to delineate color boundaries and define circulatory patterns. Surface observations from boats and helicopters concurrent with Skylab overpass define the distributions of suspended sediment, transparency, temperature, salinity, phytoplankton, color of suspended material and optical ratio. Important features recorded by the imagery are a large-scale turbidity maximum and massive red tide blooms. Water movement is revealed by small-scale mixing patterns and tidal plumes of apparent sediment-laden water. The color patterns broadly reflect the bottom topography and the seaward gradient of suspended material between the river and the bay. Analyses of red, green and natural color photos by microdensitometry demonstrate the utility of charting water color types of potential use for managing estuarine water quality. The Skylab imagery is superior to aerial photography and surface observations for charting water color

    Etäisyyden huomioiva kaksiulotteinen viivakoodi mobiilikäyttötapauksiin

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    Global internet use is becoming increasingly mobile, and mobile data usage is growing exponentially. This puts increasing stress on the radio frequency spectrum that cellular and Wi-Fi networks use. As a consequence, research has also been conducted to develop wireless technologies for other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum – namely, visible light. One approach of using the visible light channel for wireless communication leverages barcodes. In this thesis, we propose a 2D barcode that can display different information based on the distance between the barcode and the scanner. Earlier research on distance-sensitive barcodes has focused on providing a closer viewer more information as a closer viewer can see more detail. In contrast, we target use cases where a clear physical separation between users of different roles can be made, such as presentation systems. We evaluate two methods of achieving distance-awareness: color-shifting of individual colors, where a color changes tone at longer distances, and color blending, where two colors blend into a third color at longer viewing distances. Our results show that a modern smartphone is capable of leveraging color-shifting in ideal conditions, but external changes such as ambient lighting render color-shifting unusable in practical scenarios. On the other hand, color blending is robust in varying indoor conditions and can be used to construct a reliable distance-aware barcode. Accordingly, we employ color blending to design a distance-aware barcode. We implement our solution in an off-the-shelf Android smartphone. Experimental results show that our scheme achieves a clear separation between close and far viewers. As a representative use case, we also implement a presentation system where a single barcode provides the presenter access to presentation tools and the audience access to auxiliary presentation material.Maailmanlaajuinen internetin käyttö muuttuu yhä liikkuvammaksi, ja mobiilidatan käyttö kasvaa eksponentiaalisesti. Tämä kohdistaa yhä suurempia vaatimuksia radiotaajuusspektriin, jota mobiili- ja Wi-Fi-verkot käyttävät. Näin ollen tutkijat ovat kehittäneet langattomia teknologioita hyödyntäen myös muita sähkömagneettisen spektrin osia – erityisesti näkyvää valoa. Yksi näkyvän valon sovellus langattomassa viestinnässä ovat viivakoodit. Tässä työssä kehitämme kaksiulotteisen viivakoodin, joka pystyy välittämään eri tietoa katselijoille eri etäisyyksillä. Aiempi etäisyyden huomioivien viivakoodien tutkimus on keskittynyt tarjoamaan lähellä olevalle katselijalle enemmän tietoa, koska läheinen katselija näkee viivakoodin tarkemmin. Sitä vastoin me keskitymme käyttötapauksiin, joissa eri käyttäjäroolien välillä on selkeä etäisyydellinen ero, kuten esimerkiksi esitelmissä puhujan ja yleisön välillä. Tarkastelemme kahta menetelmää: yksittäisten värien muutoksia etäisyyden muuttuessa ja kahden värin sekoittumista etäisyyden kasvaessa. Tulostemme perusteella nykyaikainen älypuhelin pystyy hyödyntämään yksittäisten värien muutoksia ihanteellisissa olosuhteissa, mutta ulkoiset tekijät, kuten ympäristön valaistus, aiheuttavat liian suuria värimuutoksia käytännön käyttötapauksissa. Toisaalta värien sekoittuminen on johdonmukaista muuttuvassa sisäympäristössä ja sitä voidaan käyttää luotettavan viivakoodin luomisessa. Näin ollen me suunnittelemme etäisyyden huomioivan viivakoodin hyödyntäen värien sekoittumista. Toteutamme ratkaisumme yleisesti saatavilla olevalle Android-älypuhelimelle. Kokeellisten tulostemme perusteella menetelmämme saavuttaa selkeän erottelun läheisten ja kaukaisten katselijoiden välillä. Esimerkkikäyttötapauksena toteutamme myös esitelmäjärjestelmän, jossa sama viivakoodi antaa lähellä olevalle puhujalle nopean pääsyn esitystyökaluihin ja kauempana olevalle yleisölle pääsyn esityksen apumateriaaliin