10,316 research outputs found

    Zirkus Empathico 2.0, A serious game to foster emotional and collaborative skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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    Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (ASD) ist eine neurologische Entwicklungsstörung, die durch eine Reihe von Entwicklungsstörungen gekennzeichnet ist, die zu einem Mangel an sozialen, kommunikativen und kooperativen Fähigkeiten führen. Sozio-kommunikative Beeinträchtigungen können durch von Verhaltenstherapeuten konzipierte und durchgeführte Trainingsprogramme für soziale Kompetenzen verbessert werden. Computergestützte Therapien zur Lösung sozio-kommunikativer Schwierigkeiten bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit ASD haben ermutigende Ergebnisse gezeigt. Das Serious-Game-Format ist eine Form der Intervention. Seriöse Spiele sind pädagogisch wertvoll, aber oft attraktiver als offensichtliche pädagogische Hilfsmittel. Zirkus Empathico 2.0 ist ein Serious Game für mehrere Spieler mit verschiedenen Levels und Bühnen in einer Zirkusumgebung. Die Auswertung erfolgte über einen Zeitraum von acht Wochen. Sechzig Kinder mit ASD im Alter von fünf bis elf Jahren wurden vor und nach der Behandlung untersucht. Zu den primären Ergebnissen gehörten die Empathiebewertung durch die Eltern und objektiv gemessene Fähigkeiten zur Emotionserkennung. Die Bewertung der Effektivität und Verwendbarkeit des Spiels für das Training sozialer Kompetenzen zeigte, dass es eine plausible Lernumgebung schuf, indem es das Bewusstsein der Studienteilnehmer für Fähigkeiten und neurotypisches Verhalten steigerte und ihre vorhergesagte Angst in zukünftigen sozialen Situationen verringerte. Nach der Behandlung wurden signifikante Behandlungseffekte festgestellt. Sowohl bei Kurz- als auch bei Langzeitbeurteilungen. Zirkus Empathico 2.0 ist erfolgreich bei der langfristigen Verbesserung der sozio-emotionalen Fähigkeiten in realen Situationen. Zukünftige Forschung sollte sich auf die spezifischen Prozesse konzentrieren, die den Übertragungs- und Aufrechterhaltungsvorteilen von Empathie und Emotionserkennung zugrunde liegen.Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a spectrum of developmental abnormalities that result in a lack of social, communicative, and collaborative abilities. Socio-communicative impairments can be improved through behavioral therapist-designed and delivered social-skills training programs. Computer-based therapies to resolve socio-communicative difficulties in children, adolescents, and adults with ASD have demonstrated encouraging outcomes. The serious game format is one type of intervention. Serious games are educational but often appeal more than overt pedagogical tools. Zirkus Empathico 2.0 is a multi-player serious game set with various levels and stages in a circus environment. It was evaluated over eight weeks. Sixty children with ASD aged five to eleven years were evaluated before treatment and post-treatment. Primary outcomes included empathy rating by parents and objectively measured emotion recognition abilities. Secondary outcomes were assessed as emotional awareness, emotion management, well-being, and personal therapy goals. The assessment of the game's effectiveness and usability for social-skills training indicated that it established a plausible learning environment by boosting trial participants' awareness of abilities and neurotypical behavior and decreasing their predicted fear in future social situations. Following treatment, significant treatment effects were detected. In both short- and long-term assessments, moderate impacts were observed on emotional awareness, emotion management, and autistic social symptomatology. Parents reported that therapy goals were met, and that treatment was transferred well. Zirkus Empathico 2.0 is successful at improving long-term socio-emotional abilities in real-world situations. Future research should focus on the specific processes behind empathy and emotion recognition's transmission and maintenance benefits

    The effects of cooperative and competitive games on classroom interaction frequencies

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    This research looks at the effects of playing cooperative and competitive computer games on pupils’ classroom interaction frequency, as an index of their cooperation and engagement in class. It was predicted that students who played a cooperative game would receive higher teacher ratings of classroom interaction frequency, whereas students who played a competitive game would receive lower teacher ratings of classroom interaction frequency. Thirty-two school children with behaviour and learning difficulties played either a cooperative or competitive version of the Wii for a week. The pre- and post-game classroom interaction scores were different for the cooperative and competitive game conditions in the predicted directions. The findings suggest that cooperative games may benefit the social interaction of pupils within the classroom

    “To be quite honest, if it wasn’t for video games I wouldn’t have a social life at all”: Motivations of young adults with autism spectrum disorder for playing video games as leisure

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    Leisure activities are underutilized as a context for intervention in the field of speech-language pathology despite the fact that leisure can be an important context for skill development. The current study investigated the perceptions of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who play videogames as their primary leisure activity regarding the role of videogames in their lives and their motivations for playing videogames. Qualitative interview methodology was used to investigate the experiences of 10 18-24-year-olds with ASD. Information was collected about the role of videogames in the lives of adolescents and young adults with ASD and the perceived benefits of playing videogames. Results indicated the participants perceived playing videogames to have a positive impact on their lives and their development. The motivations for playing videogames described are similar to those reported by typically developing populations. Videogaming is a popular leisure pursuit for adolescents and young adults with and without ASD. Speech-language pathologists should consider how videogame play may be a useful context for teaching new communication, social, and language

    Educational E-book For Children With and Without Developmental Disorders

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    In the last decade, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) prevalence rate has signifcantly increased, which consequently led to the expansion of research and expenditure in the feld,predominantly focusing on searching for the cause. In a typical classroom scenario, working with children with ASD very often requires 1:1 teacher to child ratio, which makes it very expensive and difcult to implement. Serious games have been utilised as a medium for teaching various developmental skills, such as social interaction, speech, motor skills development, emotion recognition, and other basic concepts. Designing serious games for ASD population difers from other games and even other serious games signifcantly. It requires a holistic approach with extensive knowledge and expertise from felds other than computer science, such as psychology, sociology and cognitive science. However, once harnessed correctly, such games can be used by children with ASD on their own time, with or without supervision and they can be educational. In addition, they can adjust the appropriate pace while at the same time providing feedback in form of reinforcement and correction. Applying the rules of science of learning and teaching, one can design games that are educational for all types of learners, including children with ASD. In this paper, two independent user studies have been conducted, demonstrating how serious gaming and e-learning principles can be harnessed in order to intervene, develop or strengthen pivotal developmental skills, like learning novel vocabulary, counting, identifying numbers and colours, and responding to inference questions. We have tested the educational e-book with children diagnosed with ASD and with typically developing children to assess skill acquisition in native language for children with ASD and in English, a foreign language, for typically developing children to demonstrate the educational aspect of the game for all types of learners. We showed that the same e-book in two languages can be used for teaching diferent types of learners through a fun and engaging medium

    Tablet Use and Social Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    The use of computer tablets can be beneficial for communication deficits in Autism. Studies have shown that tablets can have positive effects on individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who have trouble communicating and expressing emotions. A systematic review was conducted to examine if tablets helped people with ASD develop social skills and expression of emotion. A search was conducted through PubMed. From the initial search, 117 articles were found. Of these 117 articles, 10 met the criteria for review along with 2 additional articles found from an additional source. These 12 articles underwent a systematic review. Tablet applications and video modeling were used to help the individuals with autism be able to learn emotions, recognize facial expressions, and communicate how they are feeling. Studies showed positive results when using multiple apps and videos. Although many more studies should be conducted in order to further support these results, this systematic review elucidated positive outcomes of tablet use

    Community Based Program for Young Adults with High Functioning Autism: Social Participation and Dating

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    Purpose: In the United States, autism spectrum disorders affect 1 in 88 individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Autism spectrum disorders affect individuals throughout their lifespan (Alexander, 2011). The most significant impairment in individuals with high functioning autism experience is qualitative impairment in social interaction (Sadock & Sadock, 2008). Services for individuals with autism spectrum disorders are available until the age of 21. Therefore, adults with autism spectrum disorders have limited access to intervention even though they continue to struggle (Shattuck, Wagner, Narendorf, Sterzinger, & Hansley, 2011). The focus of this project is young adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorder and the social interactions that occur in relationships, specifically dating. Methods: An extensive literature review was conducted in order to understand difficulties individuals face in dating along with evidenced-based interventions for social participation. The information obtained from the literature review was then analyzed using the Person Environment Occupation model (Law et al., 1996). Through the use of the Person Environment Occupation model, a systematic analysis of the occupational performances issues was conducted. Areas of need were then identified and interventions were created to improve occupational performance specific to dating. Results: Based upon the methodology described above, we developed a community based dating intervention protocol for young adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorders. The program includes weekly 90 minute sessions for 14 weeks. Each session focuses on a deficit area identified in the literature review as well as the systematic analysis. Sessions are graded to build upon one another in order to facilitate successful acquisition of dating skills. Conclusion: Several barriers may limit this programs implementation, such as the length of dedicated time to the program, limited funding and resources, and the effectiveness and validity of the program have not yet been researched. Despite these weaknesses, the program has several areas of strength including filling a current need, serving adults with autism spectrum disorders. The program is also based on research and grounded in a model

    Gaining Computational Insight into Psychological Data: Applications of Machine Learning with Eating Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Over the past 100 years, assessment tools have been developed that allow us to explore mental and behavioral processes that could not be measured before. However, conventional statistical models used for psychological data are lacking in thoroughness and predictability. This provides a perfect opportunity to use machine learning to study the data in a novel way. In this paper, we present examples of using machine learning techniques with data in three areas: eating disorders, body satisfaction, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We explore clustering algorithms as well as virtual reality (VR). Our first study employs the k-means clustering algorithm to explore eating disorder behaviors. Our results show that the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and Clinical Impairment Assessment (CIA) are good predictors of eating disorder behavior. Our second study uses a hierarchical clustering algorithm to find patterns in the dataset that were previously not considered. We found four clusters that may highlight the unique differences between participants who had positive body image versus participants who had negative body image. The final chapter presents a case study with a specific VR tool, Bob’s Fish Shop, and users with ASD and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We hypothesize that, through the repetition and analysis of these virtual interactions, users can improve social and conversational understanding. Through the implementation of various machine learning algorithms and programs, we can study the human experience in a way that has never been done. We can account for neurodiverse populations and assist them in ways that are not only helpful but also educational

    Musical Robots For Children With ASD Using A Client-Server Architecture

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    Presented at the 22nd International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2016)People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are known to have difficulty recognizing and expressing emotions, which affects their social integration. Leveraging the recent advances in interactive robot and music therapy approaches, and integrating both, we have designed musical robots that can facilitate social and emotional interactions of children with ASD. Robots communicate with children with ASD while detecting their emotional states and physical activities and then, make real-time sonification based on the interaction data. Given that we envision the use of multiple robots with children, we have adopted a client-server architecture. Each robot and sensing device plays a role as a terminal, while the sonification server processes all the data and generates harmonized sonification. After describing our goals for the use of sonification, we detail the system architecture and on-going research scenarios. We believe that the present paper offers a new perspective on the sonification application for assistive technologies

    Facing the challenge of teaching emotions to individuals with low- and high-functioning autism using a new Serious game: a pilot study

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    Adolescence, autism and technology: how technology can impact the social lives and wellbeing of adolescents with an autism diagnosis

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    Section A Section A is a narrative review of social skills interventions that have been used to enhance the social skills of adolescents with a diagnosis of autism. The review examined the types of interventions used as well as their efficacy, acceptability and generalisability. Exploration of the research revealed some limited evidence supporting the use of technology-delivered social skills interventions. Interventions offered little benefit over in-person interventions and limited generalisability. However, such interventions were positively received by young people which may improve intervention adherence. Clinical and research implications are provided. Section B Section B is a mixed-methods study examining the social media experiences of 222 adolescents with and without autistic traits. Participants’ views on the advantages and disadvantages of using social media and its impact on their social life were collected. A number of hypotheses concerning social media’s impact on social capital and wellbeing were tested, including the moderating role of autistic traits. Results show that social media use can have a positive impact on adolescents’ social lives and improve online social capital. Its impact on wellbeing appeared to vary depending on autistic traits. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for clinical practice. Limitations are considered and implications for future research are provided
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