31,618 research outputs found

    Semantically annotated hypermedia services

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    Hypermedia systems’ researchers investigate the various approaches in the way documents and resources are linked, navigated and stored in a distributed environment. Unfortunately, those systems fail to provide effortlessly usable discrete services, since it is difficult both to discover and to invoke any of them. This paper proposes the usage of emerging technologies that try to augment the Web resources with semantics in order to provide Hypermedia services that can be easily discovered, and integrated by potential third party developers. In this context, we analyze the benefits for the Hypermedia community upon the adoption of Semantic Web technologies for the description of Hypermedia services, and we implement an initial corresponding ontology

    Digital Repositories and the Semantic Web: Semantic Search and Navigation for DSpace

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    4th International Conference on Open RepositoriesThis presentation was part of the session : DSpace User Group PresentationsDate: 2009-05-21 08:30 AM – 10:00 AMIn many digital repository implementations, resources are often described against some flavor of metadata schema, popularly the Dublin Core Element Set (DCMES), as is the case with the DSpace system. However, such an approach cannot capture richer semantic relations that exist or may be implied, in the sense of a Semantic Web ontology. Therefore we first suggest a method in order to semantically intensify the underlying data model and develop an automatic translation of the flatly organized metadata information to this new ontology. Then we propose an implementation that provides for inference-based knowledge discovery, retrieval and navigation on top of digital repositories, based on this ontology. We apply this technique to real information stored in the University of Patras Institutional Repository that is based on DSpace, and confirm that more powerful, inference-based queries can indeed be performed

    Applying Semantic Web Technologies to Medieval Manuscript Research

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    Medieval manuscript research is a complex, fragmented, multilingual field of knowledge, which is difficult to navigate, analyse and exploit. Though printed sources are still of great importance and value to researchers, there are now many services on the Web, some commercial and many in the public domain. At present, these services have to be consulted separately and individually. They employ a range of different descriptive standards and vocabularies, and use a variety of technologies to make their information available on the Web. This chapter proposes a new approach to organizing the international collaborative infrastructure for interlinking knowledge and research about medieval European manuscripts, based on technologies associated with the Semantic Web and the Linked Data movement. This collaborative infrastructure will be an open space on the Web where information about medieval manuscripts can be shared, stored, exchanged and updated for research purposes. It will be possible to ask large-scale research questions across the virtual global manuscript collection, in a quicker and more effective way than has ever been feasible in the past. The proposed infrastructure will focus on building links between data and will provide the basis for new kinds of services which exploit these data. It will not aim to impose a single metadata standard on existing manuscript services, but will build on existing databases and vocabularies. The article describes the architecture, services and data which will comprise this infrastructure, and discusses strategies for making th challenging and exciting goal a reality

    Model Theory and Entailment Rules for RDF Containers, Collections and Reification

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    An RDF graph is, at its core, just a set of statements consisting of subjects, predicates and objects. Nevertheless, since its inception practitioners have asked for richer data structures such as containers (for open lists, sets and bags), collections (for closed lists) and reification (for quoting and provenance). Though this desire has been addressed in the RDF primer and RDF Schema specification, they are explicitely ignored in its model theory. In this paper we formalize the intuitive semantics (as suggested by the RDF primer, the RDF Schema and RDF semantics specifications) of these compound data structures by two orthogonal extensions of the RDFS model theory (RDFCC for RDF containers and collections, and RDFR for RDF reification). Second, we give a set of entailment rules that is sound and complete for the RDFCC and RDFR model theories. We show that complexity of RDFCC and RDFR entailment remains the same as that of simple RDF entailment

    Coping with lists in the ifcOWL ontology

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    Over the past few years, several suggestions have been made of how to convert an EXPRESS schema into an OWL ontology. The conversion from EXPRESS to OWL is of particular use to architectural design and construction industry, because one of the key data models in architectural design and construction industry, namely the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is represented using the EXPRESS information modelling language. In each of these conversion options, the way in which lists are converted (e.g. lists of coordinates, lists of spaces in a floor) is key to the structure and eventual strength of the resulting ontology. In this article, we outline and discuss the main decisions that can be made in converting LIST concepts in EXPRESS to equivalent OWL expressions. This allows one to identify which conversion option is appropriate to support proper and efficient information reuse in the domain of architecture and construction

    The Hidden Web, XML and Semantic Web: A Scientific Data Management Perspective

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    The World Wide Web no longer consists just of HTML pages. Our work sheds light on a number of trends on the Internet that go beyond simple Web pages. The hidden Web provides a wealth of data in semi-structured form, accessible through Web forms and Web services. These services, as well as numerous other applications on the Web, commonly use XML, the eXtensible Markup Language. XML has become the lingua franca of the Internet that allows customized markups to be defined for specific domains. On top of XML, the Semantic Web grows as a common structured data source. In this work, we first explain each of these developments in detail. Using real-world examples from scientific domains of great interest today, we then demonstrate how these new developments can assist the managing, harvesting, and organization of data on the Web. On the way, we also illustrate the current research avenues in these domains. We believe that this effort would help bridge multiple database tracks, thereby attracting researchers with a view to extend database technology.Comment: EDBT - Tutorial (2011

    Lost in translation: data integration tools meet the Semantic Web (experiences from the Ondex project)

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    More information is now being published in machine processable form on the web and, as de-facto distributed knowledge bases are materializing, partly encouraged by the vision of the Semantic Web, the focus is shifting from the publication of this information to its consumption. Platforms for data integration, visualization and analysis that are based on a graph representation of information appear first candidates to be consumers of web-based information that is readily expressible as graphs. The question is whether the adoption of these platforms to information available on the Semantic Web requires some adaptation of their data structures and semantics. Ondex is a network-based data integration, analysis and visualization platform which has been developed in a Life Sciences context. A number of features, including semantic annotation via ontologies and an attention to provenance and evidence, make this an ideal candidate to consume Semantic Web information, as well as a prototype for the application of network analysis tools in this context. By analyzing the Ondex data structure and its usage, we have found a set of discrepancies and errors arising from the semantic mismatch between a procedural approach to network analysis and the implications of a web-based representation of information. We report in the paper on the simple methodology that we have adopted to conduct such analysis, and on issues that we have found which may be relevant for a range of similar platformsComment: Presented at DEIT, Data Engineering and Internet Technology, 2011 IEEE: CFP1113L-CD
