223 research outputs found

    Is Your Smartphone Really Safe? A Wake-up Call on Android Antivirus Software Effectiveness

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    A decade ago, researchers raised severe concerns about Android smartphones’ security by extensively assessing and recognising the limitations of Android antivirus software. Considering the significant increase in the economic role of smartphones in recent years, we would expect that security measures are significantly improved by now. To test this assumption, we conducted a relatively extensive study to evaluate the effectiveness of off-the-shelf antivirus software in detecting malicious applications injected into legitimate Android applications. We specifically repackaged seven widely used Android applications with 100 obfuscated malware instances. We submitted the 700 samples to the VirusTotal web portal, testing the effectiveness of the over 70 free and commercial antiviruses available in detecting them. For the obfuscation part, we intentionally employed publicly available tools that could be used by “just” a tech-savvy adversary. We used a combination of well-known and novel (but still simple) obfuscation techniques. Surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly?), our findings indicate that almost 76% of the samples went utterly undetected. Even when our samples were detected, this occurred for a handful (never more than 4) of Android antivirus software available on VirusTotal. This lack of awareness of the effectiveness of Android antivirus is critical because the false sense of security given by antivirus software could prompt users to install applications from untrusted sources, allowing attackers to install a persistent threat within another application easily

    Leveraging WebAssembly for Numerical JavaScript Code Virtualization

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    Code obfuscation built upon code virtualization technology is one of the viable means for protecting sensitive algorithms and data against code reverse engineering attacks. Code virtualization has been successfully applied to programming languages like C, C++, and Java. However, it remains an outstanding challenge to apply this promising technique to JavaScript, a popular web programming language. This is primarily due to the open visibility of JavaScript code and the expensive runtime overhead associated with code virtualization. This paper presents JSPro , a novel code virtualization system for JavaScript. JSPro is the first JavaScript code obfuscation tool that builds upon the emerging WebAssembly language standard. It is designed to provide more secure code protection but without incurring a significant runtime penalty, explicitly targeting numerical JavaScript kernels. We achieve this by first automatically translating the target JavaScript code into WebAssembly and then performing code obfuscation on the compiled WebAssembly binary. Our design has two advantages over existing solutions: (1) it increases the code reverse entering complexity by implementing code obfuscation at a lower binary level and (2) it significantly reduces the performance impact of code virtualization over the native JavaScript code by using the performance-tuned WebAssembly language. We evaluate JSPro on a set of numerical JavaScript algorithms widely used in many applications. To test the performance, we apply JSPro to four mainstream web browsers running on three distinct mobile devices. Compared to state-of-the-art JavaScript obfuscation tools, JSPro not only provides stronger protection but also reduces the runtime overhead by at least 15% (up to 38.2%) and the code size by 28.2% on average

    KotlinDetector:Towards Understanding the Implications of Using Kotlin in Android Applications

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    Java programming language has been long used to develop native Android mobile applications. In the last few years many companies and freelancers have switched into using Kotlin partially or entirely. As such, many projects are released as binaries and employ a mix of Java and Kotlin language constructs. Yet, the true security and privacy implications of this shift have not been thoroughly studied. In this work, a state-of-the-art tool, KotlinDetector, is developed to directly extract any Kotlin presence, percentages, and numerous language features from Android Application Packages (APKs) by performing heuristic pattern scanning and invocation tracing. Our evaluation study shows that the tool is considerably efficient and accurate. We further provide a use case in which the output of the KotlinDetector is combined with the output of an existing vulnerability scanner tool called AndroBugs to infer any security and/or privacy implications

    Code clone detection in obfuscated Android apps

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    The Android operating system has long become one of the main global smartphone operating systems. Both developers and malware authors often reuse code to expedite the process of creating new apps and malware samples. Code cloning is the most common way of reusing code in the process of developing Android apps. Finding code clones through the analysis of Android binary code is a challenging task that becomes more sophisticated when instances of code reuse are non-contiguous, reordered, or intertwined with other code. We introduce an approach for detecting cloned methods as well as small and non-contiguous code clones in obfuscated Android applications by simulating the execution of Android apps and then analyzing the subsequent execution traces. We first validate our approach’s ability on finding different types of code clones on 20 injected clones. Next we validate the resistance of our approach against obfuscation by comparing its results on a set of 1085 apps before and after code obfuscation. We obtain 78-87% similarity between the finding from non-obfuscated applications and four sets of obfuscated applications. We also investigated the presence of code clones among 1603 Android applications. We were able to find 44,776 code clones where 34% of code clones were seen from different applications and the rest are among different versions of an application. We also performed a comparative analysis between the clones found by our approach and the clones detected by Nicad on the source code of applications. Finally, we show a practical application of our approach for detecting variants of Android banking malware. Among 60,057 code clone clusters that are found among a dataset of banking malware, 92.9% of them were unique to one malware family or benign applications

    Methods to improve debug flow for intellectual property protection

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    Abstract. Every company wants to protect their intellectual property and limit customer visibility of confidential information. A company may protect its proprietary information by different ways. This thesis will compare different methods that try to protect intellectual property while maintaining the software debugging capability. Working with binary libraries without debug information makes customer support very difficult. When a company is developing a new product, time to market is important. Usually, the last months are very busy resolving urgent customer issues. Especially during this period, the slow process of debugging customer issues without debug information can cause delays and increase time to market. The goal of this thesis is to compare methods that protects intellectual property by making reverse engineering more difficult. Study of the upcoming GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) features related to debug data formats, such as DWARF5, is also carried out while working with the thesis. The approaches tried were split DWARF, injecting ELF files, stripping debug data, and code obfuscation. Also optimisation and their effect on disassembly was studied. The best solution was to compile the software with debug symbols and strip them to a separate file. This way the symbol data can be loaded separately into GDB. The symbol data layout and addresses are also always correct with the solution.Virheiden etsinnän työnkulun parantaminen immateriaaliomaisuudet huomioiden. Tiivistelmä. Yritykset haluavat suojella immateriaaliomaisuuksiaan ja rajoittaa asiakkaiden näkyvyyttä tietylle tasolle asti. Tämä lopputyö vertailee eri metodeja jotka koittavat suojata immateriaaliomaisuuksia, ilman että ohjelmiston virheidenkorjattavuus kärsii. Binäärikirjastot ilman virheenkorjaustietoja vaikeuttavat asiakkaan tukemista. Uutta tuotetta kehitettäessä, markkinoille tuloaika on yritykselle tärkeää. Yleensä viimeiset kuukaudet ovat kiireisiä asiakkaan ongelmien tutkimuksien kanssa ja kyseiset ongelmat tulisi olla ratkaistuna mahdollisimman nopeasti. Tämän lopputyön tavoitteena on vertailla mahdollisia metodeja, jotka suojaavat immateriaaliomaisuutta takaisinmallinnusta vastaan. Tarkoituksena on myös tutkia tulevia GNU kääntäjä-kokoelman (GCC:n) ominaisuuksia liittyen virheenkorjaustietoformaatteihin, kuten DWARF5. Ongelman ratkaisuun koitettiin pilkottuja virheenkorjaustietoja, ELFtiedoston injektointia, virheenkorjaustiedon riisumista ohjelmistosta ja koodin obfuskointia. Myös optimoinnin vaikutusta konekielestä takaisinmallinnettuun Assembly-muotoon tutkittiin. Paras ratkaisu oli kääntää ohjelmisto virheenkorjaustiedolla ja riisua ne omaan erilliseen tiedostoon. Näin ohjelmiston symbolitieto pystytään latamaan erikseen virheenjäljittemänä käytettyyn GNU Debuggeriin (GDB:hen). Näin symbolitietojen rakenne ja osoitteet ovat myös aina paikkansapitävät

    Evaluation Methodologies in Software Protection Research

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    Man-at-the-end (MATE) attackers have full control over the system on which the attacked software runs, and try to break the confidentiality or integrity of assets embedded in the software. Both companies and malware authors want to prevent such attacks. This has driven an arms race between attackers and defenders, resulting in a plethora of different protection and analysis methods. However, it remains difficult to measure the strength of protections because MATE attackers can reach their goals in many different ways and a universally accepted evaluation methodology does not exist. This survey systematically reviews the evaluation methodologies of papers on obfuscation, a major class of protections against MATE attacks. For 572 papers, we collected 113 aspects of their evaluation methodologies, ranging from sample set types and sizes, over sample treatment, to performed measurements. We provide detailed insights into how the academic state of the art evaluates both the protections and analyses thereon. In summary, there is a clear need for better evaluation methodologies. We identify nine challenges for software protection evaluations, which represent threats to the validity, reproducibility, and interpretation of research results in the context of MATE attacks

    Static and Dynamic Analysis for Android Malware Detection

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    Static analysis relies on features extracted without executing code, while dynamic analysis extracts features based on code execution (or emulation). In general, static analysis is more e cient, while static analysis is often more informative, particularly in cases of highly obfuscated code. Static analysis of an Android application can rely on features extracted from the manifest le or the Java bytecode, while dynamic analysis of Android applications can deal with features involving dynamic code loading and system calls that are collected while the application is running. In this research, we analyzed the e ectiveness of combining static and dynamic features for detecting Android malware using machine learning techniques . We also carefully analyze the robustness of our scoring technique

    Code renewability for native software protection

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    Software protection aims at safeguarding assets embedded in software by preventing and delaying reverse engineering and tampering attacks. This article presents an architecture and supporting tool flow to renew parts of native applications dynamically. Renewed and diversified code and data belonging to either the original application or to linked-in protections are delivered from a secure server to a client on demand. This results in frequent changes to the software components when they are under attack, thus making attacks harder. By supporting various forms of diversification and renewability, novel protection combinations become available and existing combinations become stronger. The prototype implementation is evaluated on several industrial use cases