453 research outputs found

    Quantum Information Science

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    Quantum computing is implicated as a next-generation solution to supplement traditional von Neumann architectures in an era of post-Moores law computing. As classical computational infrastructure becomes more limited, quantum platforms offer expandability in terms of scale, energy-consumption, and native three-dimensional problem modeling. Quantum information science is a multidisciplinary field drawing from physics, mathematics, computer science, and photonics. Quantum systems are expressed with the properties of superposition and entanglement, evolved indirectly with operators (ladder operators, master equations, neural operators, and quantum walks), and transmitted (via quantum teleportation) with entanglement generation, operator size manipulation, and error correction protocols. This paper discusses emerging applications in quantum cryptography, quantum machine learning, quantum finance, quantum neuroscience, quantum networks, and quantum error correction

    Advances in Quantum Machine Learning

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    Entropic Geometry of Crowd Dynamics

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    The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Aspects of the Electrodynamic Vacuum-Field Theory Models

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    The  important classical  Ampère’s and Lorentz laws derivations  are revisited and their relationships with  the modern vacuum field theory approach to modern relativistic electrodynamics are demonstrated.  The relativistic models of the vacuum field medium and charged point particle dynamics as well as  related classical electrodynamics problems  jointly with the fundamental principles, characterizing the electrodynamical vacuum-field structure,  based on  the developed field theory concepts are reviewed and analyzed detail. There is also described a new approach to the classical Maxwell theory based on the derived and newly interpreted basic equations making use of the vacuum field theory approach. There are obtained the main classical special relativity theory relationships and their new explanations. The well known Feynman approach to Maxwell electromagnetic equations and the Lorentz type force derivation is also. A related charged point particle dynamics and a hadronic string model analysis is also presented. We also revisited and reanalyzed the classical Lorentz force expression in arbitrary non-inertial reference frames and present some new interpretations of the relations between special relativity theory and its quantum mechanical aspects. Some results related with the charge particle radiation problem and the magnetic potential topological aspects are discussed. The electromagnetic Dirac-Fock-Podolsky problem of the Maxwell and Yang-Mills type dynamical systems is analyzed within the classical Dirac-Marsden-Weinstein symplectic reduction theory. Based on the Gelfand-Vilenkin representation theory of infinite dimensional groups and the Goldin-Menikoff-Sharp theory of generating Bogolubov type functionals the problem of constructing Fock type representations and retrieving their creation-annihilation operator structure is analyzed. An application of the suitable current algebra representation to describing the non-relativistic Aharonov-Bohm paradox is demonstrated. The current algebra coherent functional representations are constructed and their importance subject to the linearization problem of nonlinear dynamical systems in Hilbert spaces is also presented

    Quantum Approaches to Data Science and Data Analytics

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    In this thesis are explored different research directions related to both the use of classical data analysis techniques for the study of quantum systems and the employment of quantum computing to speed up hard Machine Learning task

    Theoretical Concepts of Quantum Mechanics

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    Quantum theory as a scientific revolution profoundly influenced human thought about the universe and governed forces of nature. Perhaps the historical development of quantum mechanics mimics the history of human scientific struggles from their beginning. This book, which brought together an international community of invited authors, represents a rich account of foundation, scientific history of quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics and field theory, and different methods to solve the Schrodinger equation. We wish for this collected volume to become an important reference for students and researchers

    New Directions for Contact Integrators

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    Contact integrators are a family of geometric numerical schemes which guarantee the conservation of the contact structure. In this work we review the construction of both the variational and Hamiltonian versions of these methods. We illustrate some of the advantages of geometric integration in the dissipative setting by focusing on models inspired by recent studies in celestial mechanics and cosmology.Comment: To appear as Chapter 24 in GSI 2021, Springer LNCS 1282

    Universal electromagnetic response relations: applied to the free homogeneous electron gas

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Anwendung des kürzlich entwickelten 'Functional Approach' zur Elektrodynamik in Medien auf das Modell des freien homogenen Elektronengases. Basierend auf einer ausschließlich mikroskopischen Feldtheorie wird gezeigt, dass mittels universell gültiger Relationen zwischen Antwortfunktionen sowohl alle relevanten optischen als auch magnetischen (linearen) Materialeigenschaften allein aus der Strom-Strom-Korrelation gewonnen werden können. Dabei ist es essentiell, alle Berechnungen auf dem vollen Stromdichteoperator aufzubauen, also auf der Summe aus diamagnetischem, orbitalem und spinoriellem Anteil. Weiterhin wird anhand der magnetischen Suszeptibilität demonstriert, dass im Allgemeinen die Unterscheidung zwischen eigenen und direkten Antwortfunktionen nicht zu vernachlässigen ist. Schließlich wird mit dem „Lindhard-Integral-Theorem“ bewiesen, dass nicht nur der longitudinale, sondern auch der transversale Anteil des vollen frequenz- und wellenvektorabhängigen fundamentalen Antworttensors des freien Elektronengases komplett durch das charakteristische Lindhard-Integral bestimmt ist.:Introduction I Microscopic electrodynamics in media 1 Classical electrodynamics 1.1 Covariant formulation 1.2 Temporal gauge 1.3 Free Green function 1.4 Total functional derivatives 2 Electrodynamics in media 2.1 Field identifications 2.2 Fundamental response tensor 2.3 Universal response relations 2.4 Direct and proper response 2.5 Isotropic and combined limits 2.6 Full Green function 2.7 Wave equations in media and dispersion relations II Application to the free electron gas 3 Fundamental response tensor 3.1 Electromagnetic current density 3.2 Kubo-Greenwood formulae 3.3 Diamagnetic, orbital and spinorial contribution 3.4 Spin susceptibility vs. spinorial current response 4 London model and diamagnetic response 4.1 Interpretation as response function 4.2 Application of universal response relations 4.3 Spin correction 5 Full current response 5.1 Dimensionless formulae 5.2 Lindhard integral theorem 5.3 Laurent expansions 5.4 Optical properties 5.5 Magnetic properties Conclusion Appendix A - Notation Appendix B - Formulary B.1 Basic analysis and vector calculus B.2 Special relativity theory B.3 Fourier transformation B.4 Functional derivatives B.5 Projectors and Helmholtz' theorem B.6 Complex analysis Appendix C - Yang-Mills gauge theory C.1 Field strength tensor C.2 Minimal coupling principle C.3 Gauge invariant quantities and equations Appendix D - Periodic solids D.1 Partitioning of reciprocal space D.2 Homogeneous limit Appendix E - Electromagnetic spectrum Bibliography Acknowledgements ErrataThis thesis is concerned with the application of the recently developed 'Functional Approach' to electrodynamics of media to the model of the free homogeneous electron gas. Based on an exclusively microscopic field theory it is shown that with the help of universally valid relations between response functions, all relevant optical and magnetic (linear) materials properties can be extracted from the mere current-current response. For this purpose, it is essential to base all calculations on the full current density operator, i.e. the sum of diamagnetic, orbital and spinorial contributions. Furthermore, we use the example of the magnetic susceptibility to demonstrate that the distinction between proper and direct response functions is in general crucial. Lastly, with the “Lindhard integral theorem” we prove that not only the longitudinal but also the transverse part of the full frequency- and wavevector-dependent fundamental response tensor of the free electron gas is completely determined by the characteristic Lindhard integral.:Introduction I Microscopic electrodynamics in media 1 Classical electrodynamics 1.1 Covariant formulation 1.2 Temporal gauge 1.3 Free Green function 1.4 Total functional derivatives 2 Electrodynamics in media 2.1 Field identifications 2.2 Fundamental response tensor 2.3 Universal response relations 2.4 Direct and proper response 2.5 Isotropic and combined limits 2.6 Full Green function 2.7 Wave equations in media and dispersion relations II Application to the free electron gas 3 Fundamental response tensor 3.1 Electromagnetic current density 3.2 Kubo-Greenwood formulae 3.3 Diamagnetic, orbital and spinorial contribution 3.4 Spin susceptibility vs. spinorial current response 4 London model and diamagnetic response 4.1 Interpretation as response function 4.2 Application of universal response relations 4.3 Spin correction 5 Full current response 5.1 Dimensionless formulae 5.2 Lindhard integral theorem 5.3 Laurent expansions 5.4 Optical properties 5.5 Magnetic properties Conclusion Appendix A - Notation Appendix B - Formulary B.1 Basic analysis and vector calculus B.2 Special relativity theory B.3 Fourier transformation B.4 Functional derivatives B.5 Projectors and Helmholtz' theorem B.6 Complex analysis Appendix C - Yang-Mills gauge theory C.1 Field strength tensor C.2 Minimal coupling principle C.3 Gauge invariant quantities and equations Appendix D - Periodic solids D.1 Partitioning of reciprocal space D.2 Homogeneous limit Appendix E - Electromagnetic spectrum Bibliography Acknowledgements Errat
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