660 research outputs found

    Network coding meets multimedia: a review

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    While every network node only relays messages in a traditional communication system, the recent network coding (NC) paradigm proposes to implement simple in-network processing with packet combinations in the nodes. NC extends the concept of "encoding" a message beyond source coding (for compression) and channel coding (for protection against errors and losses). It has been shown to increase network throughput compared to traditional networks implementation, to reduce delay and to provide robustness to transmission errors and network dynamics. These features are so appealing for multimedia applications that they have spurred a large research effort towards the development of multimedia-specific NC techniques. This paper reviews the recent work in NC for multimedia applications and focuses on the techniques that fill the gap between NC theory and practical applications. It outlines the benefits of NC and presents the open challenges in this area. The paper initially focuses on multimedia-specific aspects of network coding, in particular delay, in-network error control, and mediaspecific error control. These aspects permit to handle varying network conditions as well as client heterogeneity, which are critical to the design and deployment of multimedia systems. After introducing these general concepts, the paper reviews in detail two applications that lend themselves naturally to NC via the cooperation and broadcast models, namely peer-to-peer multimedia streaming and wireless networkin

    Configuring heterogeneous wireless sensor networks under quality-of-service constraints

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are useful for a diversity of applications, such as structural monitoring of buildings, farming, assistance in rescue operations, in-home entertainment systems or to monitor people's health. A WSN is a large collection of small sensor devices that provide a detailed view on all sides of the area or object one is interested in. A large variety of WSN hardware platforms is readily available these days. Many operating systems and protocols exist to support essential functionality such as communication, power management, data fusion, localisation, and much more. A typical sensor node has a number of settings that affect its behaviour and the function of the network itself, such as the transmission power of its radio and the number of measurements taken by its sensor per minute. As the number of nodes in a WSN may be very large, the collection of independent parameters in these networks – the configuration space – tends to be enormous. The user of the WSN would have certain expectations on the Quality of Service (QoS) of the network. A WSN is deployed for a specific purpose, and has a number of measurable properties that indicate how well the network's task is being performed. Examples of such quality metrics are the time needed for measured information to reach the user, the degree of coverage of the area, or the lifetime of the network. Each point in the configuration space of the network gives rise to a certain value in each of the quality metrics. The user may place constraints on the quality metrics, and wishes to optimise the configuration to meet their goals. Work on sensor networks often focuses on optimising only one metric at the time, ignoring the fact that improving one aspect of the system may deteriorate other important performance characteristics. The study of trade-offs between multiple quality metrics, and a method to optimally configure a WSN for several objectives simultaneously – until now a rather unexplored field – is the main contribution of this thesis. There are many steps involved in the realisation of a WSN that is fulfilling a task as desired. First of all, the task needs to be defined and specified, and appropriate hardware (sensor nodes) needs to be selected. After that, the network needs to be deployed and properly configured. This thesis deals with the configuration problem, starting with a possibly heterogeneous collection of nodes distributed in an area of interest, suitable models of the nodes and their interaction, and a set of task-level requirements in terms of quality metrics. We target the class of WSNs with a single data sink that use a routing tree for communication. We introduce two models of tasks running on a sensor network – target tracking and spatial mapping – which are used in the experiments in this thesis. The configuration process is split in a number of phases. After an initialisation phase to collect information about the network, the routing tree is formed in the second configuration phase. We explore the trade-off between two attributes of a tree: the average path length and the maximum node degree. These properties do not only affect the quality metrics, but also the complexity of the remaining optimisation trajectory. We introduce new algorithms to efficiently construct a shortest-path spanning tree in which all nodes have a degree not higher than a given target value. The next phase represents the core of the configuration method: it features a QoS optimiser that determines the Pareto-optimal configurations of the network given the routing tree. A configuration contains settings for the parameters of all nodes in the network, plus the metric values they give rise to. The Pareto-optimal configurations, also known as Pareto points, represent the best possible trade-offs between the quality metrics. Given the vastness of the configuration space, which is exponential in the size of the network, it is impossible to use a brute-force approach and try all possibilities. Still our method efficiently finds all Pareto points, by incrementally searching the configuration space, and discarding potential solutions immediately when they appear to be not Pareto optimal. An important condition for this to work is the ability to compute quality metrics for a group of nodes from the quality metrics of smaller groups of nodes. The precise requirements are derived and shown to hold for the example tasks. Experimental results show that the practical complexity of this algorithm is approximately linear in the number of nodes in the network, and thus scalable to very large networks. After computing the set of Pareto points, a configuration that satisfies the QoS constraints is selected, and the nodes are configured accordingly (the selection and loading phases). The configuration process can be executed in either a centralised or a distributed way. Centralised means that all computations are carried out on a central node, while the distributed algorithms do all the work on the sensor nodes themselves. Simulations show run times in the order of seconds for the centralised configuration of WSNs of hundreds of TelosB sensor nodes. The distributed algorithms take in the order of minutes for the same networks, but have a lower communication overhead. Hence, both approaches have their own pros and cons, and even a combination is possible in which the heavy work is performed by dedicated compute nodes spread across the network. Besides the trade-offs between quality metrics, there is a meta trade-off between the quality and the cost of the configuration process itself. A speed-up of the configuration process can be achieved in exchange for a reduction in the quality of the solutions. We provide complexity-control functionality to fine-tune this quality/cost trade-off. The methods described thus far configure a WSN given a fixed state (node locations, environmental conditions). WSNs, however, are notoriously dynamic during operation: nodes may move or run out of battery, channel conditions may fluctuate, or the demands from the user may change. The final part of this thesis describes methods to adapt the configuration to such dynamism at run time. Especially the case of a mobile sink is treated in detail. As frequently doing global reconfigurations would likely be too slow and too expensive, we use localised algorithms to maintain the routing tree and reconfigure the node parameters. Again, we are able to control the quality/cost trade-off, this time by adjusting the size of the locality in which the reconfiguration takes place. To conclude the thesis, a case study is presented, which highlights the use of the configuration method on a more complex example containing a lot of heterogeneity


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    The nowadays ubiquitous and effortless digital data capture and processing capabilities offered by the majority of devices, lead to an unprecedented penetration of multimedia content in our everyday life. To make the most of this phenomenon, the rapidly increasing volume and usage of digitised content requires constant re-evaluation and adaptation of multimedia methodologies, in order to meet the relentless change of requirements from both the user and system perspectives. Advances in Multimedia provides readers with an overview of the ever-growing field of multimedia by bringing together various research studies and surveys from different subfields that point out such important aspects. Some of the main topics that this book deals with include: multimedia management in peer-to-peer structures & wireless networks, security characteristics in multimedia, semantic gap bridging for multimedia content and novel multimedia applications

    Resilient scalable internet routing and embedding algorithms

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    On spectrum allocation strategies in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Due to the temporal and spatial underutilization of licensed spectrum bands, as well as the crowdedness of unlicensed bands, a new spectrum access paradigm has been recently proposed namely, Cognitive Radio (CR). CR enables users to adjust their transceivers\u27 frequencies depending on the availability of licensed frequency bands which are otherwise unused by their licensees, called Primary Users (PUs). Thus, unlicensed wireless users, called Secondary Users (SUs) can dynamically and opportunistically access unused licensed bands in order to improve their throughput and service reliability. Whenever the licensed users, or the PUs, become active, SUs must vacate their bands. This dissertation is concerned with the operation of Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs), and deals with four important problems. First, a performance model to study heterogeneous channel access in CRNs is presented. In this model, there are two types of licensed channels, where one type has a larger bandwidth, and hence a higher service rate for SUs. Therefore, SUs prefer to use such channels, if available, over channels in the second type which have a lower service rate. SUs may also switch from the second to the first type of channels when they become available, even if their current channels are still available. We also model the SUs\u27 sensing process, and derive several SUs\u27 performance metrics including average waiting time. Numerical results show that our proposed operational model outperforms a baseline model that does not support prioritized access. Second, we introduce a low overhead scheme for the uplink channel allocation within a single cell of CRNs operating as Wireless Mesh Networks (CR-WMNs). The scheme does not rely on using a Common Control Channel (CCC). The proposed mechanism is based on the use of Physical Layer Network Coding (PNC), in which two (or three) Secondary Users (SUs) who are requesting uplink channel allocation are allowed to transmit synchronously over a randomly selected channel from a set of available channels, and without coordination. A Mesh Router (MR) which is listening to these transmissions, and is in charge of channel allocation, can detect up to 2 (or 3) requests, on the same channel due to the use of PNC, and replies back with a control packet which contains information about channel assignment. Our proposed mechanisms significantly outperform traditional schemes that rely on using one CCC, or do not use PNC, in terms of channel allocation overhead time. Third, we also propose to enable SUs to recover their packets which collide with PUs\u27 transmissions when a PU becomes active for two scenarios, based on the received phase shifts. When a collision occurs between an SU and a PU transmitters, the SU\u27s receiver considers the PU\u27s transmission as an interference, and hence, cancels its effect in order to recover its corresponding received packet\u27s signals. Recovering collided packets, instead of retransmitting them saves transmitters\u27 energy. Numerical results show that a high percentage of energy can be saved over the traditional scheme, in which our packets recovery mechanisms are not employed. Finally, we propose a novel multicast resilient routing approach to select primary and backup paths from an SU source to SUs destinations. Our approach employs a multilayer hyper-graph, in order to model the network, e.g., channels. The primary paths to destination SUs are selected to minimize the end-to-end delay which takes into consideration channels switching latency and transmission delay. To protect the multicast session, we find a backup path for primary path, if feasible, such that these two paths are shared risk hyper-edge disjoint, in order to prevent a concurrent failure for these two paths, when the corresponding PU for this hyper-edge becomes active. Our simulation results show that increasing the number of available channels, increase the number of feasible primary and backup paths, and the maximum path delay decreases almost linearly

    Energy efficient and latency aware adaptive compression in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are composed of a few to several thousand sensors deployed over an area or on specific objects to sense data and report that data back to a sink either directly or through a series of hops across other sensor nodes. There are many applications for wireless sensor networks including environment monitoring, wildlife tracking, security, structural heath monitoring, troop tracking, and many others. The sensors communicate wirelessly and are typically very small in size and powered by batteries. Wireless sensor networks are thus often constrained in bandwidth, processor speed, and power. Also, many wireless sensor network applications have a very low tolerance for latency and need to transmit the data in real time. Data compression is a useful tool for minimizing the bandwidth and power required to transmit data from the sensor nodes to the sink; however, compression algorithms often add a significant amount of latency or require a great deal of additional processing. The following papers define and analyze multiple approaches for achieving effective compression while reducing latency and power consumption far below what would be required to process and transmit the data uncompressed. The algorithms target many different types of sensor applications from lossless compression on a single sensor to error tolerant, collaborative compression across an entire network of sensors to compression of XML data on sensors. Extensive analysis over many different real-life data sets and comparison of several existing compression methods show significant contribution to efficient wireless sensor communication --Abstract, page iv

    Cloud transactions and caching for improved performance in clouds and DTNs

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    In distributed transactional systems deployed over some massively decentralized cloud servers, access policies are typically replicated. Interdependencies ad inconsistencies among policies need to be addressed as they can affect performance, throughput and accuracy. Several stringent levels of policy consistency constraints and enforcement approaches to guarantee the trustworthiness of transactions on cloud servers are proposed. We define a look-up table to store policy versions and the concept of Tree-Based Consistency approach to maintain a tree structure of the servers. By integrating look-up table and the consistency tree based approach, we propose an enhanced version of Two-phase validation commit (2PVC) protocol integrated with the Paxos commit protocol with reduced or almost the same performance overhead without affecting accuracy and precision. A new caching scheme has been proposed which takes into consideration Military/Defense applications of Delay-tolerant Networks (DTNs) where data that need to be cached follows a whole different priority levels. In these applications, data popularity can be defined not only based on request frequency, but also based on the importance like who created and ranked point of interests in the data, when and where it was created; higher rank data belonging to some specific location may be more important though frequency of those may not be higher than more popular lower priority data. Thus, our caching scheme is designed by taking different requirements into consideration for DTN networks for defense applications. The performance evaluation shows that our caching scheme reduces the overall access latency, cache miss and usage of cache memory when compared to using caching schemes --Abstract, page iv

    Topology Control, Routing Protocols and Performance Evaluation for Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a temporary network without the support of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. There are many potential applications based the techniques of MANETs, such as disaster rescue, personal area networking, wireless conference, military applications, etc. MANETs face a number of challenges for designing a scalable routing protocol due to their natural characteristics. Guaranteeing delivery and the capability to handle dynamic connectivity are the most important issues for routing protocols in MANETs. In this dissertation, we will propose four algorithms that address different aspects of routing problems in MANETs. Firstly, in position based routing protocols to design a scalable location management scheme is inherently difficult. Enhanced Scalable Location management Service (EnSLS) is proposed to improve the scalability of existing location management services, and a mathematical model is proposed to compare the performance of the classical location service, GLS, and our protocol, EnSLS. The analytical model shows that EnSLS has better scalability compared with that of GLS. Secondly, virtual backbone routing can reduce communication overhead and speedup the routing process compared with many existing on-demand routing protocols for routing detection. In many studies, Minimum Connected Dominating Set (MCDS) is used to approximate virtual backbones in a unit-disk graph. However finding a MCDS is an NP-hard problem. In the dissertation, we develop two new pure localized protocols for calculating the CDS. One emphasizes forming a small size initial near-optimal CDS via marking process, and the other uses an iterative synchronized method to avoid illegal simultaneously removal of dominating nodes. Our new protocols largely reduce the number of nodes in CDS compared with existing methods. We show the efficiency of our approach through both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments. Finally, using multiple redundant paths for routing is a promising solution. However, selecting an optimal path set is an NP hard problem. We propose the Genetic Fuzzy Multi-path Routing Protocol (GFMRP), which is a multi-path routing protocol based on fuzzy set theory and evolutionary computing


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    Addresses the Challenges Associated with System-on-Chip Integration Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration examines the current issues restricting chip-on-chip communication efficiency, and explores Network-on-chip (NoC), a promising alternative that equips designers with the capability to produce a scalable, reusable, and high-performance communication backbone by allowing for the integration of a large number of cores on a single system-on-chip (SoC). This book provides a basic overview of topics associated with NoC-based design: communication infrastructure design, communication methodology, evaluation framework, and mapping of applications onto NoC. It details the design and evaluation of different proposed NoC structures, low-power techniques, signal integrity and reliability issues, application mapping, testing, and future trends. Utilizing examples of chips that have been implemented in industry and academia, this text presents the full architectural design of components verified through implementation in industrial CAD tools. It describes NoC research and developments, incorporates theoretical proofs strengthening the analysis procedures, and includes algorithms used in NoC design and synthesis. In addition, it considers other upcoming NoC issues, such as low-power NoC design, signal integrity issues, NoC testing, reconfiguration, synthesis, and 3-D NoC design. This text comprises 12 chapters and covers: The evolution of NoC from SoC—its research and developmental challenges NoC protocols, elaborating flow control, available network topologies, routing mechanisms, fault tolerance, quality-of-service support, and the design of network interfaces The router design strategies followed in NoCs The evaluation mechanism of NoC architectures The application mapping strategies followed in NoCs Low-power design techniques specifically followed in NoCs The signal integrity and reliability issues of NoC The details of NoC testing strategies reported so far The problem of synthesizing application-specific NoCs Reconfigurable NoC design issues Direction of future research and development in the field of NoC Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration covers the basic topics, technology, and future trends relevant to NoC-based design, and can be used by engineers, students, and researchers and other industry professionals interested in computer architecture, embedded systems, and parallel/distributed systems
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