18 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Skin Color Detection and Segmentation in HSV and YCbCr Color Space

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    AbstractThis paper presented a comparative study of human skin color detection HSV and YCbCr color space. Skin color detection is the process of separation between skin and non-skin pixels. It is difficult to develop uniform method for the segmentation or detection of human skin detection because the color tone of human skin is drastically varied for people from one region to another. Literature survey shows that there is a variety of color space is applied for the skin color detection. RGB color space is not preferred for color based detection and color analysis because of mixing of color (chrominance) and intensity (luminance) information and its non uniform characteristics. Luminance and Hue based approaches discriminate color and intensity information even under uneven illumination conditions. Experimental result shows the efficiency of YCbCr color space for the segmentation and detection of skin color in color images

    Region-based Skin Color Detection.

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    Skin color provides a powerful cue for complex computer vision applications. Although skin color detection has been an active research area for decades, the mainstream technology is based on the individual pixels. This paper presents a new region-based technique for skin color detection which outperforms the current state-of-the-art pixel-based skin color detection method on the popular Compaq dataset (Jones and Rehg, 2002). Color and spatial distance based clustering technique is used to extract the regions from the images, also known as superpixels. In the first step, our technique uses the state-of-the-art non-parametric pixel-based skin color classifier (Jones and Rehg, 2002) which we call the basic skin color classifier. The pixel-based skin color evidence is then aggregated to classify the superpixels. Finally, the Conditional Random Field (CRF) is applied to further improve the results. As CRF operates over superpixels, the computational overhead is minimal. Our technique achieves 91.17% true positive rate with 13.12% false negative rate on the Compaq dataset tested over approximately 14,000 web images

    Skin Colour Segmentation using Fintte Bivariate Pearsonian Type-IV a Mixture Model

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    The human computer interaction with respect to skin colour is an important area of research due to its ready applications in several areas like face recognition, surveillance, image retrievals, identification, gesture analysis, human tracking etc.  For efficient skin colour segmentation statistical modeling is a prime desiderata.  In general skin colour segment is done based on Gaussian mixture model.  Due to the limitations on GMM like symmetric and mesokurtic nature the accuracy of the skin colour segmentation is affected.  To improve the accuracy of the skin colour segmentation system, In this paper the skin colour is modeled by a finite bivariate Pearsonian type-IVa mixture distribution under HSI colour space of the image.  The model parameters are estimated by EM algorithm.  Using the Bayesian frame the segmentation algorithm is proposed.  Through experimentation it is observed that the proposed skin colour segmentation algorithm perform better with respect to the segmentation quality metrics like PRI, GCE and VOI.  The ROC curves plotted for the system also revealed that the developed algorithm segment pixels in the image more efficiently. Keywords: Skin colour segmentation, HSI colour space, Bivariate Pearson type IVa mixture model, Image segmentation metrics

    Blocking Adult Images Based on Statistical Skin Detection

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    This work is aimed at the detection of adult images that appear in Internet. Skin detection is of the paramount importance in the detection of adult images. We build a maximum entropy model for this task. This model, called the First Order Model in this paper, is subject to constraints on the color gradients of neighboring pixels. Parameter estimation as well as optimization cannot be tackled without approximations. With Bethe tree approximation, parameter estimation is eradicated and the Belief Propagation algorithm permits to obtain exact and fast solution for skin probabilities at pixel locations. We show by the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves that our skin detection improves the performance in the previous work in the context of skin pixel detecton rate and false positive rate. The output of skin detection is a grayscale skin map with the gray level indicating the belief of skin. We then calculate 9 simple features from this map which form a feature vector. We use the fit ellipses to catch the characteristics of skin distribution. Two fit ellipses are used for each skin map---the fit ellipse of all skin regions and the fit ellipse of the largest skin region. They are called respectively Global Fit Ellipse and Local Fit Ellipse in this paper. A multi-layer perceptron classifier is trained for these features. Plenty of experimental results are presented including photographs and a ROC curve calculated over a test set of 5,084 photographs, which show stimulating performance for such simple features

    Clasificador para la detección de personas desnudas en imágenes

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    Images constitute an essential component within the digital contents generated and interchanged through telecommunications networks. Since some years ago, the international community has been working in various filtering and contents classification systems. Within these systems, the evaluation of the images plays a crucial role. At this work, the main results are presented in relation to the design, the implementation and testing of an image classification module, whose first task is to detect naked people. This module, MLP (MultiLayer Perceptron) neural networks based, achieves elevated detection levels, which joined to its velocity and easy development, turns it into a serious alternative for its inclusion in content filtering software.Las imágenes constituyen un componente esencial de los contenidos digitales que se generan e intercambian a través de las redes de telecomunicaciones. Desde hace años la comunidad internacional ha trabajado en diversos sistemas de clasificación y filtrado de estos contenidos, dentro de los cuales la evaluación de las imágenes tiene un papel fundamental.En el presente trabajo se exponen los principales resultados del diseño, la implementación y prueba de un módulo clasificador de imágenes, cuya tarea fundamental consiste en la detección de personas desnudas.Este módulo, basado en el empleo de redes neuronales del tipo MLP (MultiLayer Perceptron), logra elevados índices de detección lo cual, unido a su velocidad y fácil desarrollo, lo convierte en una seria alternativa para su inclusión en software destinado al filtrado de contenidos. 

    Learning Local Features Using Boosted Trees for Face Recognition

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    Face recognition is fundamental to a number of significant applications that include but not limited to video surveillance and content based image retrieval. Some of the challenges which make this task difficult are variations in faces due to changes in pose, illumination and deformation. This dissertation proposes a face recognition system to overcome these difficulties. We propose methods for different stages of face recognition which will make the system more robust to these variations. We propose a novel method to perform skin segmentation which is fast and able to perform well under different illumination conditions. We also propose a method to transform face images from any given lighting condition to a reference lighting condition using color constancy. Finally we propose methods to extract local features and train classifiers using these features. We developed two algorithms using these local features, modular PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and boosted tree. We present experimental results which show local features improve recognition accuracy when compared to accuracy of methods which use global features. The boosted tree algorithm recursively learns a tree of strong classifiers by splitting the training data in to smaller sets. We apply this method to learn features on the intrapersonal and extra-personal feature space. Once trained each node of the boosted tree will be a strong classifier. We used this method with Gabor features to perform experiments on benchmark face databases. Results clearly show that the proposed method has better face recognition and verification accuracy than the traditional AdaBoost strong classifier

    Enhanced face detection framework based on skin color and false alarm rejection

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    Fast and precise face detection is a challenging task in computer vision. Human face detection plays an essential role in the first stage of face processing applications such as recognition tracking, and image database management. In the applications, face objects often come from an inconsequential part of images that contain variations namely different illumination, pose, and occlusion. These variations can decrease face detection rate noticeably. Besides that, detection time is an important factor, especially in real time systems. Most existing face detection approaches are not accurate as they have not been able to resolve unstructured images due to large appearance variations and can only detect human face under one particular variation. Existing frameworks of face detection need enhancement to detect human face under the stated variations to improve detection rate and reduce detection time. In this study, an enhanced face detection framework was proposed to improve detection rate based on skin color and provide a validity process. A preliminary segmentation of input images based on skin color can significantly reduce search space and accelerate the procedure of human face detection. The main detection process is based on Haar-like features and Adaboost algorithm. A validity process is introduced to reject non-face objects, which may be selected during a face detection process. The validity process is based on a two-stage Extended Local Binary Patterns. Experimental results on CMU-MIT and Caltech 10000 datasets over a wide range of facial variations in different colors, positions, scales, and lighting conditions indicated a successful face detection rate. As a conclusion, the proposed enhanced face detection framework in color images with the presence of varying lighting conditions and under different poses has resulted in high detection rate and reducing overall detection time

    Generating realistic, animated human gestures in order to model, analyse and recognize Irish Sign Language

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    The aim of this thesis is to generate a gesture recognition system which can recognize several signs of Irish Sign Language (ISL). This project is divided into three parts. The first part provides background information on ISL. An overview of the ISL structure is a prerequisite to identifying and understanding the difficulties encountered in the development of a recognition system. The second part involves the generation of a data repository: synthetic and real-time video. Initially the synthetic data is created in a 3D animation package in order to simplify the creation of motion variations of the animated signer. The animation environment in our implementation allows for the generation of different versions of the same gesture with slight variations in the parameters of the motion. Secondly a database of ISL real-time video was created. This database contains 1400 different signs, including motion variation in each gesture. The third part details step by step my novel classification system and the associated prototype recognition system. The classification system is constructed as a decision tree to identify each sign uniquely. The recognition system is based on only one component of the classification system and has been implemented as a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

    Automatic human face detection in color images

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    Automatic human face detection in digital image has been an active area of research over the past decade. Among its numerous applications, face detection plays a key role in face recognition system for biometric personal identification, face tracking for intelligent human computer interface (HCI), and face segmentation for object-based video coding. Despite significant progress in the field in recent years, detecting human faces in unconstrained and complex images remains a challenging problem in computer vision. An automatic system that possesses a similar capability as the human vision system in detecting faces is still a far-reaching goal. This thesis focuses on the problem of detecting human laces in color images. Although many early face detection algorithms were designed to work on gray-scale Images, strong evidence exists to suggest face detection can be done more efficiently by taking into account color characteristics of the human face. In this thesis, we present a complete and systematic face detection algorithm that combines the strengths of both analytic and holistic approaches to face detection. The algorithm is developed to detect quasi-frontal faces in complex color Images. This face class, which represents typical detection scenarios in most practical applications of face detection, covers a wide range of face poses Including all in-plane rotations and some out-of-plane rotations. The algorithm is organized into a number of cascading stages including skin region segmentation, face candidate selection, and face verification. In each of these stages, various visual cues are utilized to narrow the search space for faces. In this thesis, we present a comprehensive analysis of skin detection using color pixel classification, and the effects of factors such as the color space, color classification algorithm on segmentation performance. We also propose a novel and efficient face candidate selection technique that is based on color-based eye region detection and a geometric face model. This candidate selection technique eliminates the computation-intensive step of window scanning often employed In holistic face detection, and simplifies the task of detecting rotated faces. Besides various heuristic techniques for face candidate verification, we developface/nonface classifiers based on the naive Bayesian model, and investigate three feature extraction schemes, namely intensity, projection on face subspace and edge-based. Techniques for improving face/nonface classification are also proposed, including bootstrapping, classifier combination and using contextual information. On a test set of face and nonface patterns, the combination of three Bayesian classifiers has a correct detection rate of 98.6% at a false positive rate of 10%. Extensive testing results have shown that the proposed face detector achieves good performance in terms of both detection rate and alignment between the detected faces and the true faces. On a test set of 200 images containing 231 faces taken from the ECU face detection database, the proposed face detector has a correct detection rate of 90.04% and makes 10 false detections. We have found that the proposed face detector is more robust In detecting in-plane rotated laces, compared to existing face detectors. +D2