12 research outputs found

    Cryptographic extensions for custom and GPU-like architectures

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    The PhD thesis work deals with the exploration of hardware architectures dedicated to cryptographic applications, in particular, solutions based on reconfigurable hardware, such as FPGA. The thesis presents the results achieved for the acceleration of operations essential to homomorphic cryptography, specifically, the integer multiplication of very long operands, based on the Schonhage-Strassen algorithm and implemented with an ad-hoc FPGA hardware. Then, the thesis reports the exploration of novelty approaches for cryptographic acceleration, based on vectorial dedicated architectures, software programmable, with the corresponding implementation of symmetric and public key operations (namely, AES encryption and Montgomery multiplication) with improved performances

    Efficient software implementation of elliptic curves and bilinear pairings

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    Orientador: Júlio César Lopez HernándezTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O advento da criptografia assimétrica ou de chave pública possibilitou a aplicação de criptografia em novos cenários, como assinaturas digitais e comércio eletrônico, tornando-a componente vital para o fornecimento de confidencialidade e autenticação em meios de comunicação. Dentre os métodos mais eficientes de criptografia assimétrica, a criptografia de curvas elípticas destaca-se pelos baixos requisitos de armazenamento para chaves e custo computacional para execução. A descoberta relativamente recente da criptografia baseada em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas permitiu ainda sua flexibilização e a construção de sistemas criptográficos com propriedades inovadoras, como sistemas baseados em identidades e suas variantes. Porém, o custo computacional de criptossistemas baseados em emparelhamentos ainda permanece significativamente maior do que os assimétricos tradicionais, representando um obstáculo para sua adoção, especialmente em dispositivos com recursos limitados. As contribuições deste trabalho objetivam aprimorar o desempenho de criptossistemas baseados em curvas elípticas e emparelhamentos bilineares e consistem em: (i) implementação eficiente de corpos binários em arquiteturas embutidas de 8 bits (microcontroladores presentes em sensores sem fio); (ii) formulação eficiente de aritmética em corpos binários para conjuntos vetoriais de arquiteturas de 64 bits e famílias mais recentes de processadores desktop dotadas de suporte nativo à multiplicação em corpos binários; (iii) técnicas para implementação serial e paralela de curvas elípticas binárias e emparelhamentos bilineares simétricos e assimétricos definidos sobre corpos primos ou binários. Estas contribuições permitiram obter significativos ganhos de desempenho e, conseqüentemente, uma série de recordes de velocidade para o cálculo de diversos algoritmos criptográficos relevantes em arquiteturas modernas que vão de sistemas embarcados de 8 bits a processadores com 8 coresAbstract: The development of asymmetric or public key cryptography made possible new applications of cryptography such as digital signatures and electronic commerce. Cryptography is now a vital component for providing confidentiality and authentication in communication infra-structures. Elliptic Curve Cryptography is among the most efficient public-key methods because of its low storage and computational requirements. The relatively recent advent of Pairing-Based Cryptography allowed the further construction of flexible and innovative cryptographic solutions like Identity-Based Cryptography and variants. However, the computational cost of pairing-based cryptosystems remains significantly higher than traditional public key cryptosystems and thus an important obstacle for adoption, specially in resource-constrained devices. The main contributions of this work aim to improve the performance of curve-based cryptosystems, consisting of: (i) efficient implementation of binary fields in 8-bit microcontrollers embedded in sensor network nodes; (ii) efficient formulation of binary field arithmetic in terms of vector instructions present in 64-bit architectures, and on the recently-introduced native support for binary field multiplication in the latest Intel microarchitecture families; (iii) techniques for serial and parallel implementation of binary elliptic curves and symmetric and asymmetric pairings defined over prime and binary fields. These contributions produced important performance improvements and, consequently, several speed records for computing relevant cryptographic algorithms in modern computer architectures ranging from embedded 8-bit microcontrollers to 8-core processorsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Efficient and Side-Channel Resistant Implementations of Next-Generation Cryptography

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    The rapid development of emerging information technologies, such as quantum computing and the Internet of Things (IoT), will have or have already had a huge impact on the world. These technologies can not only improve industrial productivity but they could also bring more convenience to people’s daily lives. However, these techniques have “side effects” in the world of cryptography – they pose new difficulties and challenges from theory to practice. Specifically, when quantum computing capability (i.e., logical qubits) reaches a certain level, Shor’s algorithm will be able to break almost all public-key cryptosystems currently in use. On the other hand, a great number of devices deployed in IoT environments have very constrained computing and storage resources, so the current widely-used cryptographic algorithms may not run efficiently on those devices. A new generation of cryptography has thus emerged, including Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), which remains secure under both classical and quantum attacks, and LightWeight Cryptography (LWC), which is tailored for resource-constrained devices. Research on next-generation cryptography is of importance and utmost urgency, and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in particular has initiated the standardization process for PQC and LWC in 2016 and in 2018 respectively. Since next-generation cryptography is in a premature state and has developed rapidly in recent years, its theoretical security and practical deployment are not very well explored and are in significant need of evaluation. This thesis aims to look into the engineering aspects of next-generation cryptography, i.e., the problems concerning implementation efficiency (e.g., execution time and memory consumption) and security (e.g., countermeasures against timing attacks and power side-channel attacks). In more detail, we first explore efficient software implementation approaches for lattice-based PQC on constrained devices. Then, we study how to speed up isogeny-based PQC on modern high-performance processors especially by using their powerful vector units. Moreover, we research how to design sophisticated yet low-area instruction set extensions to further accelerate software implementations of LWC and long-integer-arithmetic-based PQC. Finally, to address the threats from potential power side-channel attacks, we present a concept of using special leakage-aware instructions to eliminate overwriting leakage for masked software implementations (of next-generation cryptography)

    Koblitz curves over quadratic fields

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    In this work, we retake an old idea that Koblitz presented in his landmark paper, where he suggested the possibility of defining anomalous elliptic curves over the base field F4. We present a careful implementation of the base and quadratic field arithmetic required for computing the scalar multiplication operation in such curves. We also introduce two ordinary Koblitz-like elliptic curves defined over F4 that are equipped with efficient endomorphisms. To the best of our knowledge these endomorphisms have not been reported before. In order to achieve a fast reduction procedure, we adopted a redundant trinomial strategy that embeds elements of the field F4^m, with m a prime number, into a ring of higher order defined by an almost irreducible trinomial. We also present a number of techniques that allow us to take full advantage of the native vector instructions of high-end microprocessors. Our software library achieves the fastest timings reported for the computation of the timing-protected scalar multiplication on Koblitz curves, and competitive timings with respect to the speed records established recently in the computation of the scalar multiplication over binary and prime fields

    Double-Odd Elliptic Curves

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    This article explores the use of elliptic curves with order 2r = 2 mod 4, which we call double-odd elliptic curves. This is a very large class, comprising about 1/4th of all curves over a given field. On such curves, we manage to define a prime order group with appropriate characteristics for building cryptographic protocols: - Element encoding is canonical, and verified upon decoding. For a 2n-bit group (with n-bit security), encoding size is 2n + 1 bits, i.e. as good as compressed points on classic prime order curves. - Unified and complete formulas allow secure and efficient computations in the group. - Efficiency is on par with twisted Edwards curves, and in some respects slightly better; e.g. half of double-odd curves have formulas for computing point doublings with only six multiplications (down to 1M+5S per doubling on some curves). We describe here various formulas and discuss implementations. We also define two specific parameter choices for curves with 128-bit security, called do255e and do255s. Our own implementations on 64-bit x86 (Coffee Lake) and low-end ARM Cortex M0+ achieve generic point multiplication in 76696 and 2.19 million cycles, respectively, with curve do255e

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Proceedings 2017

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