35 research outputs found

    Pengukuran Kinerja Pada UKM Kerudung Menggunakan Metode Supply Chain Operator Reference (SCOR) Dan AHP

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    The supply chain is very important in the sustainability of an industry. Not only large-scale industries, an SME must be able to run and develop its business supply chain well in order to have good sustainability. Because SMEs operate in a limited manner and have a flat structure, the level of complexity in implementing the supply chain model is also simple but also complex. Measurement of supply chain performance will be very helpful for SMEs in running and developing their supply chains. The purpose of this study is to measure the supply chain performance of the veil SMEs with the make to stock type in order to develop their performance and be able to compete with other competitors. In this performance measurement, Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) version 12.0 and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used for the development of performance measurementmodels and decision making. There are 30 matrix indicators for KPI (Key Performance Indicator). Creating an appropriate initial hierarchical model for SMEs Kerudung, then calculating the normalization of the normalization and calculation of AHP to determine the weight using the Expert Choice 11 Software. In the core process, which has the greatest influence is the source performance value of 28.65918439 and the lowest value is the enable performance value of 4.7.Rantai pasok menjadi suatu hal yang sangat penting dalam keberlangsungan sebuah industri. Tidak hanya industri skala besar, sebuah UKM harus dapat menjalankan dan mengembangkan rantai pasok bisnisnya dengan baik supaya mempunyai keberlanjutan yang baik. Karena UKM beroperasi terbatas dan memiliki struktur yang datar, sehingga tingkat kerumitan dalam pelaksanaan model rantai pasok nya juga sederhana tapi juga kompleks. Pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok akan sangat membantu bagi UKM dalam menjalankan dan mengembangkan rantai pasoknya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur kinerja rantai pasok pada UKM kerudung dengan tipe make to stok agar dapat mengembangkan kinerjanya dan dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor lainnya. Dalam pengukuran kinerja ini, Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) versi 12.0 dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk pengembangan model pengukuran kinerja dan pengambilan keputusan. Penentuan KPI (Key Performance Indicator) ada 30 indikator matrik. Membuat model hierarki awal yang sesuai pada UKM Kerudung, kemudian dilakukan perhitungan normalisasi snorm de boer dan perhitungan AHP untuk menentukan bobot dengan Software Choice Expert 11. Hasil dari pengukuran kinerja Supply Chain didapatkan nilai akhir yaitu 81,23 yang termasuk kategori Good. pada proses inti, yang memiliki pengaruh terbesar yaitu nilai kinerja source sebesar 28,65918439 dan memiliki nilai terendah yaitu nilai kinerja enable sebesar 4,7.

    Performance Analysis of the Soybean Agroindustry Supply Chain

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    Soybean is one of the primary commodities of food after rice and corn. Soybean in Indonesia is one of the strategic food crops. The problem of local soybean supply chain compared to the important soybean chain is the supply of local soybeans involving many parties in soybeans. The number of distribution channels for the supply of local soybeans is also a trend for changes in price variations. More effective than efficient and efficient supply chains in local soybeans. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify conditions and protection in the soybean supply chain; (2) Analyzing the performance of the soybean agroindustry supply chain. To analyze the investment supply chain using the Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN), SCOR-AHP is used to analyze supply chain performance. The structure of soybean agroindustry supply chain in Cianjur Regency involves farmer, breeder, collector, Indonesian Tofu and Tempe Producers Cooperatives (KOPTI), agro-industry, local traders and inter-regional traders. The results of the calculation of the valuation of the market at the farmer level are 85,325%, traders are 92,926%, and agroindustry is 87,004%

    Efektivitas Metode SCOR Untuk Mengukur Performa SCM (Sebuah Studi Literatur)

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    Supply Chain Management merupakan komponen penting sebagai salah satu faktor pendukung keberhasilan perusahaan untuk menghadapi peresaingan di dunia bisnis. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengetahui suatu rantai pasok dapat berjalan sesuai harapan yang telah direncanakan, salah satu caranya dengan mengukur kinerja dari supply chain tersebut. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pengukuran kinerja menggunakan pendekatan metode SCOR, mengetahui solusi yang yang dihasilkan dari pengimplementasian metode SCOR untuk meningkatkan kinerja rantai pasok, serta melakukan telaah terhadap keefektivitasan metode SCOR dalam mengukur performa kinerja supply chain management. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka dan metode yang digunakan yaitu studi literatur sedangkan jenis data yang digunakan untuk litelatur ini merupakan  jenis data  yang sekunder. Hasil pengkasjian dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi metode SCOR merupakan salah satu alat ukur pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok yang cukup efektif

    SCOR-Based Information Modeling for Managing Supply Chain Performance of Palm Oil Industry at Riau and Jambi Provinces, Indonesia

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    Abstract— The challenges for providing a concise performance reports along all components in Palm Oil agro-industry supply chain are urgent particularly in terms of managing each metrics of the stakeholders. This SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference)-based information model attempts to represent real requirements of each stakeholder. Initially, all relevance stakeholders are identified through field observation and interviews. Each SCOR model attribute, i.e. agility, assets, cost, reliability and responsiveness are mapped into respectfully definition in the field of Palm Oil agro-industry. The related attribute is derived into metrics of evaluation for measuring specific performance according to the formulation. In order to report a definitive performance measurement in each attribute, benchmarking from best practice is taken. This model functionality is evaluated by using real world data derived from two major provinces of Palm Oil agro-industry in Indonesia, namely Jambi and Riau provinces. Object relational database is generated and stationed in a cloud-based server. A framework of business process modeling and notation integrates these required processes of the model with the cloud-based database access. The integration of JavaScript (Bonita soft) based front-end with the SCOR-based database operation is ready for mobile and desktop usage. A series of visualization is provided to support fast understanding in each performance measurement, such us spider chart, histogram and line chart as well as ETL (extract, transform, load) features. A full comparison based on geographical location is ready for inquiry for each user level (farmer, trader and palm oil mill).Keywords—Agro-industry, Information, Palm Oil, Performance, SCO


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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengukur kinerja dalam supply chain management yang menggunakan model Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan kuantitatif. Obyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian PT. Rumpun Sari Kemuning I yang bergerak dalam bidang pertanian khususnya teh hijau. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuantitatif dengan memberikan kuesioner. Proses penganalisis data pada kinerja rantai pasokan dengan diukur menggunakan indikatator pada metode Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) selanjutnya melakukan validasi Key Performance Indocator (KPI) yang terakhir memberikan pembobotan pada KPI menggunakan AHP

    An Empirical of Supply Chain Management Strategy as Mediation on Organizational and Operation Performance: A Study on Indonesia’s Retail Shops

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    According to the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association, the retail business or retail business in Indonesia has continued to develop in the last five years in line with the growth of the Indonesian economy. The retail industry is defined here as an industry that sells products and services that have been added value to meet the needs of individuals, families, groups or end users. Besides that, the retail industry in Indonesia provides a large contribution to the Gross Domestic Product and also absorbs a large number of workers. Purpose, An empirical of supply chain management strategy as mediation on organizational and operation performance: a study on Indonesia’s retail shops. Methodology/approach, the study sample consists of 175 companies operating in retail shops in East Java. As a standard research instrument, it was used as the data collection was used as the data collection, which was distributed to the managers or supervisors of retail shops. Findings, the results of hypothesis testing have a positive and significant effect on supply chain management strategy as mediation on organizational and operation performance of supply chain at retail shops. Research limitations, it was found that supply chain management strategy has a mediating role in the relationship on supply chain organizational and supply chain operation performance at retail shops. Originality, the results of this study will directly increase the amount of literature related to innovation in supply chain management implementatio

    Evaluation of SCOR KPIs using a predictive MILP model under fuzzy parameters.

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    The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model is a well-recognized process reference model in the supply chain management field. Based on the literature, there is no research work that proposes a method to estimate and predict SCOR key performance indicators (KPIs) of a company. The objective of this paper is to propose a methodology to assess the SCOR KPIs under uncertainties based on level 2 of the SCOR-Make process metric, including nine KPIs. The proposed methodology consists of predictive MILP models with fuzzy parameters and some algorithms to assess the KPIs related to agility. A case study of a bottled-water factory is conducted to demonstrate the application of the proposed methodology. From the fact that some parameters are fuzzy numbers, the obtained SCOR KPIs are fuzzy numbers, which provide more information than constant values. The findings indicate that the proposed methodology is capable of developing the relationship between the manufacturing parameters and the SCOR KPIs, which enable the effective prediction process especially when the manufacturing parameters are changed or improved

    Modelos de decisão para avaliação de desempenho de cadeias de suprimentos baseados no Scor®: uma revisão da literatura / Decision models for Scor®-based supply chain performance evaluation: a literature review

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    A avaliação do desempenho de uma cadeia de suprimentos é um processo complexo, que envolve vários atores cooperando para alcançar objetivos estratégicos e logísticos. Na literatura são encontrados modelos de avaliação de desempenho de cadeias de suprimentos conceituais e quantitativos. Vários dos modelos quantitativos são baseados no SCOR® (Supply Chain Operations Reference), o que possibilita analisar o desempenho dos processos de planejamento, abastecimento, produção, entrega e retorno, ao longo dos elos de uma ou mais cadeias de suprimentos, bem como fazer benchmarking em nível global. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse estudo é traçar um panorama da literatura sobre modelos quantitativos de apoio à avaliação de desempenho de cadeias de suprimentos baseados no SCOR®, a fim de caracterizar o estado da arte e identificar oportunidades de pesquisa. Para isso, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico sistematizado que analisou 15 artigos extraídos dos principais periódicos da literatura de gestão de operações. Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma predominância de técnicas voltadas para a modelagem de incerteza e uma maior incidência de aplicações reais baseadas na opinião de especialistas. Também indicaram uma baixa preocupação dos pesquisadores quanto à validação dos resultados. Algumas oportunidades de pesquisa sugeridas são o uso de algumas técnicas ainda não exploradas nesse domínio de problema, o desenvolvimento de modelos preditivos e de estudos comparativos para avaliar a adequação das técnicas usadas e a aplicação em cadeias que adotam estratégicas lean, ágil, flexível e green.