113 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm for Shared Heterogeneous Cluster Systems

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    Cluster computing systems have recently generated enormous interest for providing easily scalable and cost-effective parallel computing solution for processing large-scale applications. Various adaptive space-sharing scheduling algorithms have been proposed to improve the performance of dedicated and homogeneous clusters. But commodity clusters are naturally non-dedicated and tend to be heterogeneous over the time as cluster hardware is usually upgraded and new fast machines are also added to improve cluster performance. The existing adaptive policies for dedicated homogeneous and heterogeneous parallel systems are not suitable for such conditions. Most of the existing adaptive policies assume a priori knowledge of certain job characteristics to take scheduling decisions. However such information is not readily available without incurring great cost. This paper fills these gaps by designing robust and effective space-sharing scheduling algorithm for non-dedicated heterogeneous cluster systems, assuming no job characteristics to reduce mean job response time. Evaluation results show that the proposed algorithm provide substantial improvement over existing algorithms at moderate to high system utilizations

    Towards Optimality in Parallel Scheduling

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    To keep pace with Moore's law, chip designers have focused on increasing the number of cores per chip rather than single core performance. In turn, modern jobs are often designed to run on any number of cores. However, to effectively leverage these multi-core chips, one must address the question of how many cores to assign to each job. Given that jobs receive sublinear speedups from additional cores, there is an obvious tradeoff: allocating more cores to an individual job reduces the job's runtime, but in turn decreases the efficiency of the overall system. We ask how the system should schedule jobs across cores so as to minimize the mean response time over a stream of incoming jobs. To answer this question, we develop an analytical model of jobs running on a multi-core machine. We prove that EQUI, a policy which continuously divides cores evenly across jobs, is optimal when all jobs follow a single speedup curve and have exponentially distributed sizes. EQUI requires jobs to change their level of parallelization while they run. Since this is not possible for all workloads, we consider a class of "fixed-width" policies, which choose a single level of parallelization, k, to use for all jobs. We prove that, surprisingly, it is possible to achieve EQUI's performance without requiring jobs to change their levels of parallelization by using the optimal fixed level of parallelization, k*. We also show how to analytically derive the optimal k* as a function of the system load, the speedup curve, and the job size distribution. In the case where jobs may follow different speedup curves, finding a good scheduling policy is even more challenging. We find that policies like EQUI which performed well in the case of a single speedup function now perform poorly. We propose a very simple policy, GREEDY*, which performs near-optimally when compared to the numerically-derived optimal policy

    ReSHAPE: A Framework for Dynamic Resizing and Scheduling of Homogeneous Applications in a Parallel Environment

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    Applications in science and engineering often require huge computational resources for solving problems within a reasonable time frame. Parallel supercomputers provide the computational infrastructure for solving such problems. A traditional application scheduler running on a parallel cluster only supports static scheduling where the number of processors allocated to an application remains fixed throughout the lifetime of execution of the job. Due to the unpredictability in job arrival times and varying resource requirements, static scheduling can result in idle system resources thereby decreasing the overall system throughput. In this paper we present a prototype framework called ReSHAPE, which supports dynamic resizing of parallel MPI applications executed on distributed memory platforms. The framework includes a scheduler that supports resizing of applications, an API to enable applications to interact with the scheduler, and a library that makes resizing viable. Applications executed using the ReSHAPE scheduler framework can expand to take advantage of additional free processors or can shrink to accommodate a high priority application, without getting suspended. In our research, we have mainly focused on structured applications that have two-dimensional data arrays distributed across a two-dimensional processor grid. The resize library includes algorithms for processor selection and processor mapping. Experimental results show that the ReSHAPE framework can improve individual job turn-around time and overall system throughput.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables Submitted to International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'07

    Untying RMS from Application Scheduling

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    As both resources and applications are becoming more complex, resource management also becomes a more challenging task. For example, scheduling code-coupling applications on federations of clusters such as Grids results in complex resource selection algorithms. The abstractions provided by current Resource Management Systems (RMS) - usually rigid jobs or advance reservations - are insufficient to enable such applications to efficiently select resources. This paper studies an RMS architecture that delegates resource selection to applications while the RMS still keeps control over the resources. The proposed architecture is evaluated using a simulator which is then validated with a proof-of-concept implementation. Results show that such a system is feasible and performs well with respect to fairness and scalability.Comme les ressources ainsi que les applications deviennent de plus en plus complexes, la gestion des ressources devient également plus complexe. Par exemple, l'ordonnancement d'application à base de couplage de code sur une fédération des grappes, comme par exemples les grilles, demande des algorithmes complexes pour la sélection de ressources. Les abstractions offertes par les gestionnaires de ressources (RMS - Resource Management Systems) - les tâches rigide ou les réservations en avance - sont insuffisantes pour que de telles applications puissent sélectionner les ressources d'une manière efficace. Cet article s'intéresse à une architecture RMS qui délègue la sélection des ressources aux lanceurs d'applications mais qui continue de garder le contrôle des ressources. L'architecture proposée est évaluée avec des simulations, qui sont validées avec un prototype. Les résultats montrent qu'un tel système est faisable et qu'il se comporte bien vis à vis de l'extensibilité et de l'équité

    Performance optimization and energy efficiency of big-data computing workflows

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    Next-generation e-science is producing colossal amounts of data, now frequently termed as Big Data, on the order of terabyte at present and petabyte or even exabyte in the predictable future. These scientific applications typically feature data-intensive workflows comprised of moldable parallel computing jobs, such as MapReduce, with intricate inter-job dependencies. The granularity of task partitioning in each moldable job of such big data workflows has a significant impact on workflow completion time, energy consumption, and financial cost if executed in clouds, which remains largely unexplored. This dissertation conducts an in-depth investigation into the properties of moldable jobs and provides an experiment-based validation of the performance model where the total workload of a moldable job increases along with the degree of parallelism. Furthermore, this dissertation conducts rigorous research on workflow execution dynamics in resource sharing environments and explores the interactions between workflow mapping and task scheduling on various computing platforms. A workflow optimization architecture is developed to seamlessly integrate three interrelated technical components, i.e., resource allocation, job mapping, and task scheduling. Cloud computing provides a cost-effective computing platform for big data workflows where moldable parallel computing models are widely applied to meet stringent performance requirements. Based on the moldable parallel computing performance model, a big-data workflow mapping model is constructed and a workflow mapping problem is formulated to minimize workflow makespan under a budget constraint in public clouds. This dissertation shows this problem to be strongly NP-complete and designs i) a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for a special case with a pipeline-structured workflow executed on virtual machines of a single class, and ii) a heuristic for a generalized problem with an arbitrary directed acyclic graph-structured workflow executed on virtual machines of multiple classes. The performance superiority of the proposed solution is illustrated by extensive simulation-based results in Hadoop/YARN in comparison with existing workflow mapping models and algorithms. Considering that large-scale workflows for big data analytics have become a main consumer of energy in data centers, this dissertation also delves into the problem of static workflow mapping to minimize the dynamic energy consumption of a workflow request under a deadline constraint in Hadoop clusters, which is shown to be strongly NP-hard. A fully polynomial-time approximation scheme is designed for a special case with a pipeline-structured workflow on a homogeneous cluster and a heuristic is designed for the generalized problem with an arbitrary directed acyclic graph-structured workflow on a heterogeneous cluster. This problem is further extended to a dynamic version with deadline-constrained MapReduce workflows to minimize dynamic energy consumption in Hadoop clusters. This dissertation proposes a semi-dynamic online scheduling algorithm based on adaptive task partitioning to reduce dynamic energy consumption while meeting performance requirements from a global perspective, and also develops corresponding system modules for algorithm implementation in the Hadoop ecosystem. The performance superiority of the proposed solutions in terms of dynamic energy saving and deadline missing rate is illustrated by extensive simulation results in comparison with existing algorithms, and further validated through real-life workflow implementation and experiments using the Oozie workflow engine in Hadoop/YARN systems

    Topology-aware equipartitioning with coscheduling on multicore systems

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    Over the last decade, multicore architectures have become omnipresent. Today, they are used in the whole product range from server systems to handheld computers. The deployed software still undergoes the slow transition from sequential to parallel. This transition, however, is gaining more and more momentum due to the increased availability of more sophisticated parallel programming environments, which replace the some-times crude results of ad-hoc parallelization. Combined with the ever increasing complexity of multicore architectures, this results in a scheduling problem that is different from what it has been, because features such as non-uniform memory access, shared caches, or simultaneous multithreading have to be considered. In this paper, we compare different ways of scheduling multiple parallel applications. Due to emerging parallel programming environments, we only consider malleable applications, i. e., applications where the parallelism degree can be changed on the fly. We propose a topology-aware scheduling scheme that combines equipartitioning and coscheduling. It does not suffer from the drawbacks of the individual concepts and also allows to run applications at different degrees of parallelisms without compromising fairness. We find that topology-awareness increases performance for all evaluated workloads. The combination with coscheduling is more sensitive towards the executed workloads. However, the gained versatility allows new use cases to be explored, which were not possible before

    Ordonnancement avec tolérance aux pannes pour des tâches parallèles à nombre de processeurs programmable

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    We study the resilient scheduling of moldable parallel jobs on high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. Moldable jobs allow for choosing a processor allocation before execution, and their execution time obeys various speedup models. The objective is to minimize the overall completion time of the jobs, or the makespan, when jobs can fail due to silent errors and hence may need to be re-executed after each failure until successful completion. Our work generalizes the classical scheduling framework for failure-free jobs. To cope with silent errors, we introduce two resilient scheduling algorithms, LPA-List and Batch-List, both of which use the List strategy to schedule the jobs. Without knowing a priori how many times each job will fail, LPA-List relies on a local strategy to allocate processors to the jobs, while Batch-List schedules the jobs in batches and allows only a restricted number of failures per job in each batch. We prove new approximation ratios for the two algorithms under several prominent speedup models (e.g., roofline, communication, Amdahl, power, monotonic, and a mixed model). An extensive set of simulations is conducted to evaluate different variants of the two algorithms, and the results show that they consistently outperform some baseline heuristics. Overall, our best algorithm is within a factor of 1.6 of a lower bound on average over the entire set of experiments, and within a factor of 4.2 in the worst case.Ce rapport étudie l’ordonnancement résilient de tâches sur des plateformes de calcul à haute performance. Dans le problème étudié, il est possible de choisir le nombre constant de processeurs effectuant chaque tâche, en déterminant le temps d’exécution de ces dernières selon différent modèles de rendement. Nous décrivons des algorithmes dont l’objectif est deminimiser le temps total d’exécution, sachant que les tâches sont susceptibles d’échouer et de devoir être ré-effectuées à chaque erreur. Ce problème est donc une généralisation du cadre classique où toutes les tâches sont connues à priori et n’échouent pas. Nous décrivons un algorithme d’ordonnancement par listes de priorité, et prouvons de nouvelles bornes d’approximation pour trois modèles de rendement classiques (roofline, communication, Amdahl, power, monotonic, et un modèle qui mélange ceux-ci). Nous décrivons également un algorithme d’ordonnancement par lots, au sein desquels les tâches pourront échouer un nombre limité de fois, et prouvons alors de nouvelles bornes d’approximation pour des rendements quelconques. Enfin, nous effectuons des expériences sur un ensemble complet d’exemples pour comparer les niveaux de performance de différentes variantes de nos algorithmes, significativement meilleurs que les algorithmes simples usuels. Notre meilleure heuristique est en moyenne à un facteur 1.61.6 d’une borne inférieure de la solution optimale, et à un facteur 4.24.2 dans le pire cas

    An Empirical Evaluation of Multi-Resource Scheduling for Moldable Workflows

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    Resource scheduling plays a vital role in High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems. However, most scheduling research in HPC has focused on only a single type of resource (e.g., computing cores or I/O resources). With the advancement in hardware architectures and the increase in data-intensive HPC applications, there is a need to simultaneously embrace a diverse set of resources (e.g., computing cores, cache, memory, I/O, and network resources) in the design of run-time schedulers for improving the overall application performance. This thesis performs an empirical evaluation of a recently proposed multi-resource scheduling algorithm for minimizing the overall completion time (or makespan) of computational workflows comprised of moldable parallel jobs. Moldable parallel jobs allow the scheduler to select the resource allocations at launch time and thus can adapt to the available system resources (as compared to rigid jobs) while staying easy to design and implement (as compared to malleable jobs). The algorithm was proven to have a worst-case approximation ratio that grows linearly with the number of resource types for moldable workflows. In this thesis, a comprehensive set of simulations is conducted to empirically evaluate the performance of the algorithm using synthetic workflows generated by DAGGEN and moldable jobs that exhibit different speedup profiles. The results show that the algorithm fares better than the theoretical bound predicts, and it consistently outperforms two baseline heuristics under a variety of parameter settings, illustrating its robust practical performance

    Decentralized Online Scheduling of Malleable NP-hard Jobs

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    In this work, we address an online job scheduling problem in a large distributed computing environment. Each job has a priority and a demand of resources, takes an unknown amount of time, and is malleable, i.e., the number of allotted workers can fluctuate during its execution. We subdivide the problem into (a) determining a fair amount of resources for each job and (b) assigning each job to an according number of processing elements. Our approach is fully decentralized, uses lightweight communication, and arranges each job as a binary tree of workers which can grow and shrink as necessary. Using the NP-complete problem of propositional satisfiability (SAT) as a case study, we experimentally show on up to 128 machines (6144 cores) that our approach leads to near-optimal utilization, imposes minimal computational overhead, and performs fair scheduling of incoming jobs within a few milliseconds
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