7,861 research outputs found

    Generating collaborative systems for digital libraries: A model-driven approach

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    This is an open access article shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Copyright @ 2010 The Authors.The design and development of a digital library involves different stakeholders, such as: information architects, librarians, and domain experts, who need to agree on a common language to describe, discuss, and negotiate the services the library has to offer. To this end, high-level, language-neutral models have to be devised. Metamodeling techniques favor the definition of domainspecific visual languages through which stakeholders can share their views and directly manipulate representations of the domain entities. This paper describes CRADLE (Cooperative-Relational Approach to Digital Library Environments), a metamodel-based framework and visual language for the definition of notions and services related to the development of digital libraries. A collection of tools allows the automatic generation of several services, defined with the CRADLE visual language, and of the graphical user interfaces providing access to them for the final user. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated by presenting digital libraries generated with CRADLE, while the CRADLE environment has been evaluated by using the cognitive dimensions framework

    An Evaluation of Inter-Organizational Workflow Modelling Formalisms

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    This paper evaluates the dynamic aspects of the UML in the context of inter-organizational workflows. Two evaluation methodologies are used. The first one is ontological and is based on the BWW (Bunge-Wand-Weber) models. The second validation is based on prototyping and consists in the development of a workflow management system in the aerospace industry. Both convergent and divergent results are found from the two validations. Possible enhancements to the UML formalism are suggested from the convergent results. On the other hand, the divergent results suggest the need for a contextual specification in the BWW models. Ce travail consiste en une Ă©valuation des aspects dynamiques du language UML dans un contexte de workflow inter-organisationnel. Le choix du language par rapport Ă  d'autres est motivĂ© par sa richesse grammaticale lui offrant une trĂšs bonne adaptation Ă  ce contexte. L'Ă©valuation se fait par une validation ontologique basĂ©e sur les modĂšles BWW (Bunge-Wand-Weber) et par la rĂ©alisation d'un prototype de systĂšme de gestion de workflows inter-organisationnels. À partir des rĂ©sultats convergents obtenus des deux diffĂ©rentes analyses, des amĂ©liorations au formalisme UML sont suggĂ©rĂ©es. D'un autre cotĂ©, les analyses divergentes suggĂšrent une possibilitĂ© de spĂ©cifier les modĂšles BWW Ă  des contextes plus particuliers tels que ceux des workflows et permettent Ă©galement de suggĂ©rer d'autres amĂ©liorations possibles au langage.Ontology, Conceptual study, Prototype Validation, UML, IS development methods and tools., Ontologie, Ă©tude conceptuelle, validation du prototype, UML, mĂ©thodes et outils de dĂ©veloppement IS

    Research Articles in Simplified HTML: a Web-first format for HTML-based scholarly articles

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    Purpose. This paper introduces the Research Articles in Simplified HTML (or RASH), which is a Web-first format for writing HTML-based scholarly papers; it is accompanied by the RASH Framework, a set of tools for interacting with RASH-based articles. The paper also presents an evaluation that involved authors and reviewers of RASH articles submitted to the SAVE-SD 2015 and SAVE-SD 2016 workshops. Design. RASH has been developed aiming to: be easy to learn and use; share scholarly documents (and embedded semantic annotations) through the Web; support its adoption within the existing publishing workflow. Findings. The evaluation study confirmed that RASH is ready to be adopted in workshops, conferences, and journals and can be quickly learnt by researchers who are familiar with HTML. Research Limitations. The evaluation study also highlighted some issues in the adoption of RASH, and in general of HTML formats, especially by less technically savvy users. Moreover, additional tools are needed, e.g., for enabling additional conversions from/to existing formats such as OpenXML. Practical Implications. RASH (and its Framework) is another step towards enabling the definition of formal representations of the meaning of the content of an article, facilitating its automatic discovery, enabling its linking to semantically related articles, providing access to data within the article in actionable form, and allowing integration of data between papers. Social Implications. RASH addresses the intrinsic needs related to the various users of a scholarly article: researchers (focussing on its content), readers (experiencing new ways for browsing it), citizen scientists (reusing available data formally defined within it through semantic annotations), publishers (using the advantages of new technologies as envisioned by the Semantic Publishing movement). Value. RASH helps authors to focus on the organisation of their texts, supports them in the task of semantically enriching the content of articles, and leaves all the issues about validation, visualisation, conversion, and semantic data extraction to the various tools developed within its Framework

    The Semantic Automated Discovery and Integration (SADI) Web service Design-Pattern, API and Reference Implementation

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The complexity and inter-related nature of biological data poses a difficult challenge for data and tool integration. There has been a proliferation of interoperability standards and projects over the past decade, none of which has been widely adopted by the bioinformatics community. Recent attempts have focused on the use of semantics to assist integration, and Semantic Web technologies are being welcomed by this community.

SADI – Semantic Automated Discovery and Integration – is a lightweight set of fully standards-compliant Semantic Web service design patterns that simplify the publication of services of the type commonly found in bioinformatics and other scientific domains. Using Semantic Web technologies at every level of the Web services “stack”, SADI services consume and produce instances of OWL Classes following a small number of very straightforward best-practices. In addition, we provide codebases that support these best-practices, and plug-in tools to popular developer and client software that dramatically simplify deployment of services by providers, and the discovery and utilization of those services by their consumers.

SADI Services are fully compliant with, and utilize only foundational Web standards; are simple to create and maintain for service providers; and can be discovered and utilized in a very intuitive way by biologist end-users. In addition, the SADI design patterns significantly improve the ability of software to automatically discover appropriate services based on user-needs, and automatically chain these into complex analytical workflows. We show that, when resources are exposed through SADI, data compliant with a given ontological model can be automatically gathered, or generated, from these distributed, non-coordinating resources - a behavior we have not observed in any other Semantic system. Finally, we show that, using SADI, data dynamically generated from Web services can be explored in a manner very similar to data housed in static triple-stores, thus facilitating the intersection of Web services and Semantic Web technologies

    A content-based retrieval system for UAV-like video and associated metadata

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    In this paper we provide an overview of a content-based retrieval (CBR) system that has been specifically designed for handling UAV video and associated meta-data. Our emphasis in designing this system is on managing large quantities of such information and providing intuitive and efficient access mechanisms to this content, rather than on analysis of the video content. The retrieval unit in our system is termed a "trip". At capture time, each trip consists of an MPEG-1 video stream and a set of time stamped GPS locations. An analysis process automatically selects and associates GPS locations with the video timeline. The indexed trip is then stored in a shared trip repository. The repository forms the backend of a MPEG-211 compliant Web 2.0 application for subsequent querying, browsing, annotation and video playback. The system interface allows users to search/browse across the entire archive of trips and, depending on their access rights, to annotate other users' trips with additional information. Interaction with the CBR system is via a novel interactive map-based interface. This interface supports content access by time, date, region of interest on the map, previously annotated specific locations of interest and combinations of these. To develop such a system and investigate its practical usefulness in real world scenarios, clearly a significant amount of appropriate data is required. In the absence of a large volume of UAV data with which to work, we have simulated UAV-like data using GPS tagged video content captured from moving vehicles

    IVOA Recommendation: SAMP - Simple Application Messaging Protocol Version 1.3

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    SAMP is a messaging protocol that enables astronomy software tools to interoperate and communicate. IVOA members have recognised that building a monolithic tool that attempts to fulfil all the requirements of all users is impractical, and it is a better use of our limited resources to enable individual tools to work together better. One element of this is defining common file formats for the exchange of data between different applications. Another important component is a messaging system that enables the applications to share data and take advantage of each other's functionality. SAMP builds on the success of a prior messaging protocol, PLASTIC, which has been in use since 2006 in over a dozen astronomy applications and has proven popular with users and developers. It is also intended to form a framework for more general messaging requirements

    Portability of Serious Game Software Components

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    Weaving aspects into web service orchestrations

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    Web Service orchestration engines need to be more open to enable the addition of new behaviours into service-based applications. In this paper, we illus- trate how, in a BPEL engine with aspect-weaving ca- pabilities, a process-driven application based on the Google Web Service can be dynamically adapted with new behaviours and hot-fixed to meet unforeseen post- deployment requirements. Business processes (the ap- plication skeletons) can be enriched with additional fea- tures such as debugging, execution monitoring, or an application-specific GUI. Dynamic aspects are also used on the processes themselves to tackle the problem of hot-fixes to long running processes. In this manner, composing a Web Service ’on-the-fly’ means weaving its choreography in- terface into the business process
