6 research outputs found

    Qualitative Evaluation of RFID Implementation on Warehouse Management System

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    Logistic sector actors need innovation to improve competitiveness in providing their best services to consumers, one of them on Warehouse Management System (WMS) because the system is used to control the movement of the supply chain. There is a problem in one of Indonesia logistics companies on the process of selecting goods, so the warehouseman still difficulties in this process. Thus, RFID implementation on WMS becomes one of the solutions to handle the goods selection process. This research uses Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) which focuses on developing and improving the model performance of a system and using waterfall model for system development. Then the authors will analyze the test results with the validity test and reliability test of the questionnaire, and the results of the data analysis will determine the feasibility of this research to be applied

    Case-based product development of a high-pressure die casting injection subset using design science research

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    High pressure die casting is widely used in metalworking industry. Many of the components and devices directly linked to the hot parts are subjected to severe wear. However, some design updates can enlarge the lifespan of these components and devices. This paper proposes to show how a sustainable maintenance can be obtained by focusing resources on the analysis of the critical problem and its consequent mitigation, whereas they are originated on the human, machine/process or supplier level. Design science research (DSR) was the iterative research methodology chosen to integrate this work. The completion of the objective with the implementation of this new injection subset concept brought extremely beneficial results, such as reduction of its consumption, reduction of acquisition cost and waste generated, and reduction of the intervention time during maintenance operations, as well as increase in equipment availability time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rapid discharge failure prediction model for solar charged lithium-ion batteries

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    Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) at Strathmore UniversityLithium-ion batteries are continually being deployed in many appliances. This is due to their high energy density and cost effectiveness. Most of these have been around for years in portable devices such as mobile phones. With the onset of smartphones, there is an ever increasing need to have batteries with superior performance. This can be viewed from the context of the need for fast charging and an ability to support a fully multitasked smartphone. Lithium-ion batteries have become the defacto battery type in many of these and similar applications due to their inherent characteristics. They have found use in not just mobile phones but also in innovative products designed to light homes as well provide for mobile phone charging in rural Africa. These products include a battery pack of Lithium-ion batteries cells charged by solar panels. There are a number of challenges facing the companies dealing with such products. There is a need to provide a superior product while at the same time ensure efficiency in the production line so as to bring down costs. All these need to be done while maintaining the elusive customer loyalty. One of the major issues faced is accelerated degradation which cannot be noticed using conventional approaches. Currently the main mode of triage for failure is visualization of graphs from data collected from the sensors attached to the batteries and observing for irregularities in the charge and discharging patterns. Existing literature talks about models used on linear data for forecasting in various fields of research. It also proposes an approach to predict battery life in batteries used on various applications such as hybrid electric vehicles. The proposed method will take advantage of predictive analytics in time series analysis to predict failure based on data from the batteries. Data from the batteries spanning 30 days was used to generate gradients of daily charging gradients. These were used as the training data with a binary class of faulty and good. We are able to train a model using the nearest neighbor algorithm to obtain over 80% accuracy with only a sample of 200 batteries data

    Constituição comunicativa da empresa MM Intermedia

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    It is a fact that technology has revolutionized communication for companies and beyond. We are living the digital age and, increasingly, entrepreneurs and individuals feel the need to communicate their businesses and their brands online. Thus, the market for communication and content production agencies is growing, but it is also expected that, in the same proportion, competition in this sector will increase, with the emergence of new players competing among themselves. During an economic crisis with no end in sight, it is also expected that the client will become more demanding, with restrictions on the investments available for the communication of their products, services, and brands. Communication and content production companies must take advantage of this economic and business panorama to become more efficient, while at the same time needing to foster creativity to stand out and be successful. In this project, we proceeded to the communicative constitution of the company MM Intermedia - agency providing communication advisory services and content production, according to Scheinsohn's theory, which advocates a new approach to communication, to respond to the new challenges that the company may face and that assumes communication as a dynamic and unfinished process, involving a set of interconnected elements, namely personality, culture, identity, bond and positioning, communication and organizational image. Also in order to define the communication mix according to this theory, it was necessary to analyze the internal and external environment of the company MM Intermedia, performing a SWOT analysis, reinforcing it with a proposed definition of the communication mix based on the 8 Ps of Marketing. Based on the Design Science Research methodology, we tried to propose a solution (creation of the MM Intermedia company) for an identified opportunity and then presented concrete proposals for all elements of Scheinsohn's communication mix, complemented by communication strategies in the online environment of the MM Intermedia company.É um facto que a tecnologia veio revolucionar a comunicação das empresas e não só. Estamos a viver a era do digital e, cada vez mais, os empresários e os particulares sentem necessidade de comunicar os seus negócios e as suas marcas online. Assim, cresce o mercado para as agências de comunicação e de produção de conteúdos, mas é expectável também que, na mesma proporção, aumente a concorrência neste sector, com o surgimento de novos players competindo entre si. Em plena época de crise económica ainda sem fim à vista, prevê-se também que o cliente se torne mais exigente, com restrições aos investimentos disponíveis para a comunicação dos seus produtos, serviços e marcas. As empresas de comunicação e de produção de conteúdos devem aproveitar este panorama económico e empresarial para se tornarem mais eficientes, ao mesmo tempo que necessitarão de fomentar a criatividade para se evidenciarem e serem bem-sucedidas. Neste projeto procedeu-se à constituição comunicativa da empresa MM Intermedia - agência de prestação de serviços de assessoria de comunicação e produção de conteúdos, segundo a teoria de Scheinsohn, que defende uma nova abordagem de comunicação, para dar resposta aos novos desafios que a empresa poderá enfrentar e que assume a comunicação como um processo dinâmico e inacabado, envolvendo um conjunto de elementos interligados, nomeadamente a personalidade, a cultura, a identidade, o vínculo e posicionamento, a comunicação e a imagem organizacional. Também para que se possa definir o mix de comunicação segundo esta teoria, foi necessário analisar a envolvente interna e externa da empresa MM Intermedia, efetuando uma análise SWOT, reforçando com uma proposta de definição do mix de comunicação com base nos 8 Ps do Marketing. Com base na metodologia Design Science Research, procurou-se propor uma solução (criação da empresa MM Intermedia) para uma oportunidade identificada e seguidamente apresentou-se propostas concretas para todos os elementos do mix de comunicação de Scheinsohn, complementados por estratégias de comunicação, no ambiente online, da empresa MM Intermedia

    What is the Level of Cyber Security Awareness Amongst Young Adults Aged 16 to 18 in the UK?

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    Technology is becoming more integrated into our lives by the day. With the COVID-19 global pandemic, this has become even more prominent with society having a heavier reliance on technology. This research aimed to understand the level of cyber security awareness amongst young adults between the ages of 16 and 18 in the UK, to determine whether this age demographic understand the security risks of emerging technologies and how to react to cyber threats. The methodology for this research involved using the Human Aspects of Information Security Questionnaire (HAIS-Q) to survey young adults who live in the UK. This questionnaire covers the spectrum of cyber security by defining cyber security into seven key categories: Password Management, Email Use, Internet Use, Social Media, Mobile Devices, Information Handling, and Incident Reporting. The results of the questionnaire allowed us to assess a participant’s level of cyber security awareness. In addition to the HAIS-Q questions, demographic questions related to age and gender were asked in addition to parents’ education and free school meals, to determine the socioeconomic status of participants. These questions were asked as an aim of this research was to test whether a person’s level of cyber security awareness is affected by their age, gender, or socioeconomic status. Participants were recruited online via forums, social media, and academic research participant recruitment boards. In total, 811 participants took part in the research, with 691 valid responses. The results of the research showed that young adults have an average level of cyber security awareness, with potential action that needs to be taken to improve the overall level of cyber security awareness. An intervention strategy is recommended to improve this level, such as providing general cyber security awareness training in schools and colleges

    Microload Management in Generation Constrained Power Systems

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    The reasons for power systems' outages can be complicated and difficult to pinpoint, but an obvious shortfall in generation compared to electricity demand has been identified as the major cause of load shedding in generation constrained power systems. A sudden rise in demand for electricity on these networks at any time could result in a total collapse of the entire grid. Therefore, in this thesis, algorithms to efficiently allocate the available generation are investigated to prevent the associated hardships and lose experience by the final consumers and the electric utility suppliers, respectively. Heuristic technique is utilised by developing various dynamic programming-based algorithms to achieve the constraints of uniquely controlling home appliances to reduce the overall demands for electricity by the consumers within the grid in context. These algorithms are focused on the consumers' comfort and the associated benefits to the electricity utility company in the long run. The evaluation of the proposed approach is achieved through microload management by employing three main techniques; General Shedding (GS), Priority Based Shedding (PBS) and Excess Reuse Shedding (ERS). These techniques were evaluated using both Grouped and “UnGrouped” microloads based on how efficient the microload managed the available generation to prevent total blackouts. A progressive reduction in excess microload shedding experienced by GS, PBS, and the ERS shows the proposed algorithms' effectiveness. Further, predictive algorithms are investigated for microload forecasting towards microload management to prepare both consumers and the electric utility companies for any impending load shedding. Measuring the forecasting accuracy and the root mean square errors of the models evaluated proved the potential for microload demand prediction