123 research outputs found

    Analyzing challenging aspects of IPv6 over IPv4

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    The exponential expansion of the Internet has exhausted the IPv4 addresses provided by IANA. The new IP edition, i.e. IPv6 introduced by IETF with new features such as a simplified packet header, a greater address space, a different address sort, improved encryption, powerful section routing, and stronger QoS. ISPs are slowly seeking to migrate from current IPv4 physical networks to new generation IPv6 networks. ‎The move from actual IPv4 to software-based IPv6 is very sluggish, since billions of computers across the globe use IPv4 addresses. The configuration and actions of IP4 and IPv6 protocols are distinct. Direct correspondence between IPv4 and IPv6 is also not feasible. In terms of the incompatibility problems, all protocols can co-exist throughout the transformation for a few years. Compatibility, interoperability, and stability are key concerns between IP4 and IPv6 protocols. After the conversion of the network through an IPv6, the move causes several issues for ISPs. The key challenges faced by ISPs are packet traversing, routing scalability, performance reliability, and protection. Within this study, we meticulously analyzed a detailed overview of all aforementioned issues during switching into ipv6 network

    Intent-based network slicing for SDN vertical services with assurance: Context, design and preliminary experiments

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    Network slicing is announced to be one of the key features for 5G infrastructures enabling network operators to provide network services with the flexibility and dynamicity necessary for the vertical services, while relying on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software-defined Networking (SDN). On the other hand, vertical industries are attracted by flexibility and customization offered by operators through network slicing, especially if slices come with in-built SDN capabilities to programmatically connect their application components and if they are relieved of dealing with detailed technicalities of the underlying (virtual) infrastructure. In this paper, we present an Intent-based deployment of a NFV orchestration stack that allows for the setup of Qos-aware and SDN-enabled network slices toward effective service chaining in the vertical domain. The main aim of the work is to simplify and automate the deployment of tenant-managed SDN-enabled network slices through a declarative approach while abstracting the underlying implementation details and unburdening verticals to deal with technology-specific low-level networking directives. In our approach, the intent-based framework we propose is based on an ETSI NFV MANO platform and is assessed through a set of experimental results demonstrating its feasibility and effectiveness

    Low-latency and Resource-efficient Service Function Chaining Orchestration in Network Function Virtualization

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    © 2014 IEEE. Recently, network function virtualization (NFV) has been proposed to solve the dilemma faced by traditional networks and to improve network performance through hardware and software decoupling. The deployment of the service function chain (SFC) is a key technology that affects the performance of virtual network function (VNF). The key issue in the deployment of SFCs is proposing effective algorithms to achieve efficient use of resources. In this article, we propose an SFC deployment optimization (SFCDO) algorithm based on a breadth-first search (BFS). The algorithm first uses a BFS-based algorithm to find the shortest path between the source node and the destination node. Then, based on the shortest path, the path with the fewest hops is preferentially chosen to implement the SFC deployment. Finally, we compare the performances with the greedy and simulated annealing (G-SA) algorithm. The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm is optimized in terms of end-to-end delay and bandwidth resource consumption. In addition, we also consider the load rate of the nodes to achieve network load balancing

    Network functions virtualization: the long road to commercial deployments

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    Network operators are under pressure to offer efficient network-based services while keeping service deployment costs to a minimum. Network functions virtualization (NFV) can potentially revolutionize network-based services bringing low-deployment costs for network operators. The NFV has been introduced to ultimately extend the non-proprietary and open-standard-based model to network and service deployments, significant improvements to today’s proprietary locked implementations. Notwithstanding the continuous efforts of both academia and industry to support the NFV paradigm, the current NFV solutions offered are still in its infancy. In this survey, we provide a detailed background of NFV to establish a comprehensive understanding of the subject, ranging from the basics to more advanced topics. Moreover, we offer a comprehensive overview of the NFV main concepts, standardization efforts, the benefits of NFV, and discussions of the NFV architecture as defined by the European telecommunications standardization institute (ETSI). Furthermore, we discuss the NFV applicability and current open source projects. We then highlight NFV requirements, design considerations, and developmental architectural impairments and barriers to commercial NFV deployments. Finally, we conclude enumerating future directions for NFV developmentpublishe

    Integração do paradigma de cloud computing com a infraestrutura de rede do operador

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaThe proliferation of Internet access allows that users have the possibility to use services available directly through the Internet, which translates in a change of the paradigm of using applications and in the way of communicating, popularizing in this way the so-called cloud computing paradigm. Cloud computing brings with it requirements at two different levels: at the cloud level, usually relying in centralized data centers, where information technology and network resources must be able to guarantee the demand of such services; and at the access level, i.e., depending on the service being consumed, different quality of service is required in the access network, which is a Network Operator (NO) domain. In summary, there is an obvious network dependency. However, the network has been playing a relatively minor role, mostly as a provider of (best-effort) connectivity within the cloud and in the access network. The work developed in this Thesis enables for the effective integration of cloud and NO domains, allowing the required network support for cloud. We propose a framework and a set of associated mechanisms for the integrated management and control of cloud computing and NO domains to provide endto- end services. Moreover, we elaborate a thorough study on the embedding of virtual resources in this integrated environment. The study focuses on maximizing the host of virtual resources on the physical infrastructure through optimal embedding strategies (considering the initial allocation of resources as well as adaptations through time), while at the same time minimizing the costs associated to energy consumption, in single and multiple domains. Furthermore, we explore how the NO can take advantage of the integrated environment to host traditional network functions. In this sense, we study how virtual network Service Functions (SFs) should be modelled and managed in a cloud environment and enhance the framework accordingly. A thorough evaluation of the proposed solutions was performed in the scope of this Thesis, assessing their benefits. We implemented proof of concepts to prove the added value, feasibility and easy deployment characteristics of the proposed framework. Furthermore, the embedding strategies evaluation has been performed through simulation and Integer Linear Programming (ILP) solving tools, and it showed that it is possible to reduce the physical infrastructure energy consumption without jeopardizing the virtual resources acceptance. This fact can be further increased by allowing virtual resource adaptation through time. However, one should have in mind the costs associated to adaptation processes. The costs can be minimized, but the virtual resource acceptance can be also reduced. This tradeoff has also been subject of the work in this Thesis.A proliferação do acesso à Internet permite aos utilizadores usar serviços disponibilizados diretamente através da Internet, o que se traduz numa mudança de paradigma na forma de usar aplicações e na forma de comunicar, popularizando desta forma o conceito denominado de cloud computing. Cloud computing traz consigo requisitos a dois níveis: ao nível da própria cloud, geralmente dependente de centros de dados centralizados, onde as tecnologias de informação e recursos de rede têm que ser capazes de garantir as exigências destes serviços; e ao nível do acesso, ou seja, dependendo do serviço que esteja a ser consumido, são necessários diferentes níveis de qualidade de serviço na rede de acesso, um domínio do operador de rede. Em síntese, existe uma clara dependência da cloud na rede. No entanto, o papel que a rede tem vindo a desempenhar neste âmbito é reduzido, sendo principalmente um fornecedor de conectividade (best-effort) tanto no dominio da cloud como no da rede de acesso. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta Tese permite uma integração efetiva dos domínios de cloud e operador de rede, dando assim à cloud o efetivo suporte da rede. Para tal, apresentamos uma plataforma e um conjunto de mecanismos associados para gestão e controlo integrado de domínios cloud computing e operador de rede por forma a fornecer serviços fim-a-fim. Além disso, elaboramos um estudo aprofundado sobre o mapeamento de recursos virtuais neste ambiente integrado. O estudo centra-se na maximização da incorporação de recursos virtuais na infraestrutura física por meio de estratégias de mapeamento ótimas (considerando a alocação inicial de recursos, bem como adaptações ao longo do tempo), enquanto que se minimizam os custos associados ao consumo de energia. Este estudo é feito para cenários de apenas um domínio e para cenários com múltiplos domínios. Além disso, exploramos como o operador de rede pode aproveitar o referido ambiente integrado para suportar funções de rede tradicionais. Neste sentido, estudamos como as funções de rede virtualizadas devem ser modeladas e geridas num ambiente cloud e estendemos a plataforma de acordo com este conceito. No âmbito desta Tese foi feita uma avaliação extensa das soluções propostas, avaliando os seus benefícios. Implementámos provas de conceito por forma a demonstrar as mais-valias, viabilidade e fácil implantação das soluções propostas. Além disso, a avaliação das estratégias de mapeamento foi realizada através de ferramentas de simulação e de programação linear inteira, mostrando que é possível reduzir o consumo de energia da infraestrutura física, sem comprometer a aceitação de recursos virtuais. Este aspeto pode ser melhorado através da adaptação de recursos virtuais ao longo do tempo. No entanto, deve-se ter em mente os custos associados aos processos de adaptação. Os custos podem ser minimizados, mas isso implica uma redução na aceitação de recursos virtuais. Esta compensação foi também um tema abordado nesta Tese

    Service-aware multi-resource allocation in software-defined next generation cellular networks

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    Şefik Şuayb Arslan (MEF Author)Network slicing is one of the major solutions needed to meet the requirements of next generation cellular networks, under one common network infrastructure, in supporting multiple vertical services provided by mobile network operators. Network slicing makes one shared physical network infrastructure appear as multiple logically isolated virtual networks dedicated to different service types where each Network Slice (NS) benefits from on-demand allocated resources. Typically, the available resources distributed among NSs are correlated and one needs to allocate them judiciously in order to guarantee the service, MNO, and overall system qualities. In this paper, we consider a joint resource allocation strategy that weights the significance of the resources per a given NS by leveraging the correlation structure of different quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of the services. After defining the joint resource allocation problem including the correlation structure, we propose three novel scheduling mechanisms that allocate available network resources to the generated NSs based on different type of services with different QoS requirements. Performance of the proposed schedulers are then investigated through Monte-Carlo simulations and compared with each other as well as against a traditional max-min fairness algorithm benchmark. The results reveal that our schedulers, which have different complexities, outperform the benchmark traditional method in terms of service-based and overall satisfaction ratios, while achieving different fairness index levels.WOS:000430793600019Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072Science Citation Index ExpandedQ1 - Q2ArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIRMart2018YÖK - 2017-1

    Software-defined satellite cloud RAN

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ahmed, T., Dubois, E., Dupé, J.-B., Ferrús, R., Gélard, P., and Kuhn, N. (2018) Software-defined satellite cloud RAN. Int. J. Satell. Commun. Network., 36: 108–133, which has been published in final form at 10.1002/sat.1206. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.This paper provides an assessment study on the virtualization of a Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite - Second Generation (DVB-S2)/ Digital Video Broadcasting - Return Channel Satellite - Second Generation (DVB-RCS2) satellite ground infrastructure and proposes a framework, named Satellite Cloud Radio Access Network (SatCloudRAN), that aims to ease the integration of satellite components in forthcoming 5G systems. Special attention is given to the design of SatCloudRAN by considering the split and placement of virtualized and nonvirtualized functions while taking into account the characteristics of the transport links connecting both type of functions. We assess how virtualization and softwarization technologies, namely, network function virtualization and software-defined networking, can deliver part of the satellite gateway functionalities as virtual network functions and achieve a flexible and programmable control and management of satellite infrastructure. Under the network function virtualization paradigm, building virtual network function blocks that compose a satellite gateway have been identified, and their interaction exhibited. This paper also gives insights on how the SatCloudRAN approach can allow operators to provide software-defined networking-based (1) bandwidth on demand, (2) dynamic Quality of Service, and (3) satellite gateway diversity.Peer ReviewedPreprin