46 research outputs found


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    A Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) is an ad hoc network that consists of devices that surround an individual or an object. Bluetooth® technology is especially suitable for formation of WPANs due to the pervasiveness of devices with Bluetooth® chipsets, its operation in the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, Medical (ISM) frequency band, and its interference resilience. Bluetooth® technology has great potential to become the de facto standard for communication between heterogeneous devices in WPANs. The piconet, which is the basic Bluetooth® networking unit, utilizes a Master/Slave (MS) configuration that permits only a single master and up to seven active slave devices. This structure limitation prevents Bluetooth® devices from directly participating in larger Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) and Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs). In order to build larger Bluetooth® topologies, called scatternets, individual piconets must be interconnected. Since each piconet has a unique frequency hopping sequence, piconet interconnections are done by allowing some nodes, called bridges, to participate in more than one piconet. These bridge nodes divide their time between piconets by switching between Frequency Hopping (FH) channels and synchronizing to the piconet\u27s master. In this dissertation we address scatternet formation, routing, and security to make Bluetooth® scatternet communication feasible. We define criteria for efficient scatternet topologies, describe characteristics of different scatternet topology models as well as compare and contrast their properties, classify existing scatternet formation approaches based on the aforementioned models, and propose a distributed scatternet formation algorithm that efficiently forms a scatternet topology and is resilient to node failures. We propose a hybrid routing algorithm, using a bridge link agnostic approach, that provides on-demand discovery of destination devices by their address or by the services that devices provide to their peers, by extending the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) to scatternets. We also propose a link level security scheme that provides secure communication between adjacent piconet masters, within what we call an Extended Scatternet Neighborhood (ESN)

    CBS: constraint-based approach for scheduling in bluetooth networks

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    In Bluetooth networks, devices are organized into small piconets and large scatternets, and each node acts as the role of master, slave or gateway. Due to dynamic topology changes, different bandwidth available and unpredictable interference of media in Bluetooth networks, the congestion of data flow will inevitably emerges on the link, and the gateway has to switch between piconets on a time division basis, so its presence in the different piconet has to be controlled by scheduling mechanism such as inter- and intra -piconet scheduling. However, the time division in gateways will limit the network capacity and introduce bottleneck points in the network, and the switch between piconets will prevent the packet from transmitting smoothly and efficiently. Most of the published work on Bluetooth scheduling has focused on the polling scheme between master and slaves. In this paper, we put our approach on the inner constraints of Bluetooth networks and present a constraint-based scheduler (CBS), to adaptively cater to the changing role of each node throughout Bluetooth ad hoc networks, thereby it will save time and definitely enhance fairness and efficiency on packet scheduling in Bluetooth environment.Facultad de Informátic

    Bluetooth Low PowerModes Applied to the Data Transportation Network in Home Automation Systems

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    Even though home automation is a well-known research and development area, recent technological improvements in different areas such as context recognition, sensing, wireless communications or embedded systems have boosted wireless smart homes. This paper focuses on some of those areas related to home automation. The paper draws attention to wireless communications issues on embedded systems. Specifically, the paper discusses the multi-hop networking together with Bluetooth technology and latency, as a quality of service (QoS) metric. Bluetooth is a worldwide standard that provides low power multi-hop networking. It is a radio license free technology and establishes point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links, known as piconets, or multi-hop networks, known as scatternets. This way, many Bluetooth nodes can be interconnected to deploy ambient intelligent networks. This paper introduces the research on multi-hop latency done with park and sniff low power modes of Bluetooth over the test platform developed. Besides, an empirical model is obtained to calculate the latency of Bluetooth multi-hop communications over asynchronous links when links in scatternets are always in sniff or the park mode. Smart home devices and networks designers would take advantage of the models and the estimation of the delay they provide in communications along Bluetooth multi-hop networks

    Improving forwarding mechanisms for mobile personal area networks

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    This thesis presents novel methods for improving forwarding mechanisms for personal area networks. Personal area networks are formed by interconnecting personal devices such as personal digital assistants, portable multimedia devices, digital cameras and laptop computers, in an ad hoc fashion. These devices are typically characterised by low complexity hardware, low memory and are usually batterypowered. Protocols and mechanisms developed for general ad hoc networking cannot be directly applied to personal area networks as they are not optimised to suit their specific constraints. The work presented herein proposes solutions for improving error control and routing over personal area networks, which are very important ingredients to the good functioning of the network. The proposed Packet Error Correction (PEC) technique resends only a subset of the transmitted packets, thereby reducing the overhead, while ensuring improved error rates. PEC adapts the number of re-transmissible packets to the conditions of the channel so that unnecessary retransmissions are avoided. It is shown by means of computer simulation that PEC behaves better, in terms of error reduction and overhead, than traditional error control mechanisms, which means that it is adequate for low-power personal devices. The proposed C2HR routing protocol, on the other hand, is designed such that the network lifetime is maximised. This is achieved by forwarding packets through the most energy efficient paths. C2HR is a hybrid routing protocol in the sense that it employs table-driven (proactive) as well as on-demand (reactive) components. Proactive routes are the primary routes, i.e., packets are forwarded through those paths when the network is stable; however, in case of failures, the protocol searches for alternative routes on-demand, through which data is routed temporarily. The advantage of C2HR is that data can still be forwarded even when routing is re-converging, thereby increasing the throughput. Simulation results show that the proposed routing method is more energy efficient than traditional least hops routing, and results in higher data throughput. C2HR relies on a network leader for collecting and distributing topology information, which in turn requires an estimate of the underlying topology. Thus, this thesis also proposes a new cooperative leader election algorithm and techniques for estimating network characteristics in mobile environments. The proposed solutions are simulated under various conditions and demonstrate appreciable behaviour

    Routing in SWAN using Bluetooth

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    Distributed Topology Organization and Transmission Scheduling in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    An ad hoc network is a set of nodes that spontaneously form a multi-hop all-wireless infrastructure without centralized administration. We study two fundamental issues arising in this setting: topology organization and transmission scheduling. In topology organization we consider a system where nodes need to coordinate their transmissions on a non-broadcast frequency hopping channel to discover each other. We devise a symmetric technique where two nodes use a randomized schedule to synchronize and connect in minimum time. This forms the basis for a topology construction protocol where a set of initially unsynchronized nodes are quickly grouped in multiple interconnected communication channels such that the resulting topology is connected subject to channel membership constraints imposed by the physical layer. In the transmission scheduling problem we consider Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)the network operates with a schedule where at each slot transmissions can be scheduled without conflicts at the intended receivers. TDMA can provide deterministic allocations but typically relies on two restrictive assumptions: network-wide slot synchronization and global knowledge of network topology and traffic requirements. We first introduce an asynchronous TDMA communication model where slot reference for each link is provided locally by the clock of one of the node endpoints. We study the overhead introduced when nodes switch among multiple time references and propose algorithms for its minimization. We then introduce a distributed asynchronous TDMA protocol where nodes dynamically adjust the rates their adjacent links via local slot reassignments to reach a schedule that realizes a set of optimal link rates. We introduce fairness models for both links and multi-hop sessions sharing the network and devise convergent distributed algorithms for computing the optimal rates for each model. These rates are enforced by a distributed algorithm that decides the slots reassigned during each link rate adjustment. For tree topologies we introduce an algorithm that incrementally converges to the optimal schedule in finite time; for arbitrary topologies an efficient heuristic is proposed. Both topology organization and transmission scheduling protocols are implemented over Bluetooth, a technology enabling ad hoc networking applications. Through extensive simulations they demonstrate excellent performance in both static and dynamic scenarios

    Energy efficiency in short and wide-area IoT technologies—A survey

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    In the last years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a key application context in the design and evolution of technologies in the transition toward a 5G ecosystem. More and more IoT technologies have entered the market and represent important enablers in the deployment of networks of interconnected devices. As network and spatial device densities grow, energy efficiency and consumption are becoming an important aspect in analyzing the performance and suitability of different technologies. In this framework, this survey presents an extensive review of IoT technologies, including both Low-Power Short-Area Networks (LPSANs) and Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs), from the perspective of energy efficiency and power consumption. Existing consumption models and energy efficiency mechanisms are categorized, analyzed and discussed, in order to highlight the main trends proposed in literature and standards toward achieving energy-efficient IoT networks. Current limitations and open challenges are also discussed, aiming at highlighting new possible research directions

    Modeling of the Transmission Delay in Bluetooth Piconets under Serial Port Profile

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    Bluetooth is a key connectivity technology for the deployment of wireless Personal Area Networks as far as it is the most popular low power communication feature incorporated in devices such as laptops or smartphones. This paper proposes an analytical model to predict the delay of the transmissions in Bluetooth piconets employing Serial Port Profile (SPP), which is massively implemented by Bluetoothenabled equipments. The characterization includes the impact of the overhead and the segmentation imposed by the different protocols involved in the transmission as well as the delay provoked by the polling process that is executed to regulate the activity of the different slaves in the piconet. The model has been empirically evaluated and tested in actual Bluetooth piconetsMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2009-13763-C02-0

    Push-to-Talk över Bluetooth

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    Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) är en teknologi som möjliggör en radiotelefonlik service över GPRS vilken väckt ökande popularitet. I skrivande stund pågår specifiering av en öppen PoC-standard inom Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). OMA planerar att baser PoC på en IP/UDP/RTP protokollstack samt en server-clientarkitektur. Systemet utnyttjar även SIP-signaleringsegenskaperna hos IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). PoC-nätelement handhar bl.a. gruppförvaltning och taltursfördelning. Forskningsproblemet för denna avhandling är: "Hur kan en PoC-liknande service erbjudas gratis åt mobiltelefonsanvändare med hjälp av Bluetooth-teknologi?" Den primära målsättningen för detta arbete är därmed att skissa upp ett förslag för hur man kunde utveckla en Push-to-Talk (PTT)-funktion som utnyttjar ett Bluetooth scatternet-nät samt PAN-profilen för att överföra data. En måttlig räckvidd kan uppnås med hjälp av Bluetooth apparater av effektklass 1 vars räckvidd kan vara t.o.m. 100 m. En sekundär målsättning är att beskriva PoC samt de protokoll PoC utnyttjar (t.ex. SIP och SDP). Denna beskrivning utgör både en utgångspunkt för att uppnå den primära målsättningen och erbjuder även en introduktion till OMA PoC som lämpar sig för både studeranden och yrkesmän. Det uppskissade förslaget för Push-to-Talk över Bluetooth (PoB) innefattar metoder för skapande av grupper och nät, dataöverföring samt taltursfördelning. Metoden för nätskapande (som kan vara användbar även för andra ändamål) baserar sig på att skapa ett scatternet emellan apparater som tillhör en på förhand specifierad grupp av apparater samt på att undvika slingor. Detta möjliggör enkel kommunikation genom att skicka data till alla apparater inom nätet, förutsatt att de apparater som sammanbinder piconet-näten till ett scatternet fungerar som repeterare. Ytterligare uppskissas en metod för att kombinera PoB och PoC. Avsikten med detta är att möjliggöra PTT-kommunikation med både lokalt och avlägset belägna gruppmedlemmar med hjälp av Bluetooth respektive GPRS.Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) is an emerging technology enabling a walkie-talkie-like service over GPRS. At the time of writing, an open standard for PoC is being specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). As specified by the OMA standard drafts, PoC is based on an IP/UDP/RTP protocol stack and a client-server based architecture. The systems exploits the SIP signalling capabilities of the the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Group management, floor control etc are administered by the network elements of PoC. The research problem of this thesis is: "How can mobile phone users be provided with a free-of-charge PTT-feature with PoC-like user experience by means of Bluetooth technology?" The primary objective of the study is thus to propose an outline for developing a Push-to-Talk (PTT) feature that utilizes a Bluetooth scatternet and the PAN profile for data communications. A reasonable range can be obtained with Bluetooth class 1 devices, which provide a range of up to 100 m. A subsidiary objective is to provide a description of OMA PoC and the protocols it relies upon. The description serves both as a basis for pursuing the primary objective and as a tutorial, which is suitable for students or professionals desiring to acquaint themselves with OMA PoC. The proposed outline for Push-to-Talk over Bluetooth (PoB) comprises e.g. methods for group formation, network formation, communication, and floor control. The network formation method, which can be utilized in other applications as well, is based on creating a scatternet among a predefined set of devices and on avoiding loops. This approach enables usage of a simple broadcasting based communication method, in which the devices bridging the piconets into a scatternet act as repeaters. A method for combining PoB and PoC is also outlined. It is intended for enabling PTT-communication with both local and distant group members over Bluetooth and GPRS respectively