89 research outputs found

    Certificateless and provably-secure digital signature scheme based on elliptic curve

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    With the internet today available at the user’s beck, and call data or Information Security plays a vital role. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, and Non-repudiation are the pillars of security on which every application on the web is based on. With these basic requirements the users also need the security in low resource constrained environments making it more challenging for the security experts to design secured cryptographic algorithms. Digital Signatures play a pivotal role in Authentication. They help in verifying the integrity of the data being exchanged. Elliptical curves are the strongest contenders in Digital Signatures, and much research is being done to enhance the method in many ways. The paper briefs a secured and improved ECDSA Elliptical Curve Digital Signature Algorithm which is an improved and secured version of the Digital Signature Algorithm

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-Platforms, Applications, Security and Services

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    Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Tropea, M. (2020). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-Platforms, Applications, Security and Services. Electronics. 9(6):1-3. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9060975S1396Stellin, M., Sabino, S., & Grilo, A. (2020). LoRaWAN Networking in Mobile Scenarios Using a WiFi Mesh of UAV Gateways. Electronics, 9(4), 630. doi:10.3390/electronics9040630Hiba, A., Sántha, L. M., Zsedrovits, T., Hajder, L., & Zarandy, A. (2020). Onboard Visual Horizon Detection for Unmanned Aerial Systems with Programmable Logic. Electronics, 9(4), 614. doi:10.3390/electronics9040614Tropea, M., Fazio, P., De Rango, F., & Cordeschi, N. (2020). A New FANET Simulator for Managing Drone Networks and Providing Dynamic Connectivity. Electronics, 9(4), 543. doi:10.3390/electronics9040543Chen, C.-L., Deng, Y.-Y., Weng, W., Chen, C.-H., Chiu, Y.-J., & Wu, C.-M. (2020). A Traceable and Privacy-Preserving Authentication for UAV Communication Control System. Electronics, 9(1), 62. doi:10.3390/electronics9010062Khan, M. A., Qureshi, I. M., Ullah, I., Khan, S., Khanzada, F., & Noor, F. (2019). An Efficient and Provably Secure Certificateless Blind Signature Scheme for Flying Ad-Hoc Network Based on Multi-Access Edge Computing. Electronics, 9(1), 30. doi:10.3390/electronics9010030Wubben, J., Fabra, F., Calafate, C. T., Krzeszowski, T., Marquez-Barja, J. M., Cano, J.-C., & Manzoni, P. (2019). Accurate Landing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Ground Pattern Recognition. Electronics, 8(12), 1532. doi:10.3390/electronics8121532Zhou, Y., Wu, C., Wu, Q., Eli, Z. M., Xiong, N., & Zhang, S. (2019). Design and Analysis of Refined Inspection of Field Conditions of Oilfield Pumping Wells Based on Rotorcraft UAV Technology. Electronics, 8(12), 1504. doi:10.3390/electronics812150

    Certificateless Signature Scheme Based on Rabin Algorithm and Discrete Logarithm

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    Certificateless signature can effectively immue the key escrow problem in the identity-based signature scheme. But the security of the most certificateless signatures usually depends on only one mathematical hard problem, which makes the signature vulnerable when the underlying hard problem has been broken. In order to strengthen the security, in this paper, a certificateless signature whose security depends on two mathematical hard problems, discrete logarithm and factoring problems, is proposed. Then, the proposed certificateless signature can be proved secure in the random oracle, and only both of the two mathematical hard problems are solved, can the proposed signature be broken. As a consequence, the proposed certificateless signature is more secure than the previous signatures. On the other hand, with the pre-computation of the exponential modular computation, it will save more time in the signature signing phase. And compared with the other schemes of this kind, the proposed scheme is more efficient

    Certificateless Public Auditing Protocol with Constant

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    To provide the integrity of outsourced data in the cloud storage services, many public auditing schemes which allow a user to check the integrity of the outsourced data have been proposed. Since most of the schemes are constructed on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), they suffer from several concerns like management of certificates. To resolve the problems, certificateless public auditing schemes also have been studied in recent years. In this paper, we propose a certificateless public auditing scheme which has the constant-time verification algorithm. Therefore, our scheme is more efficient than previous certificateless public auditing schemes. To prove the security of our certificateless public auditing scheme, we first define three formal security models and prove the security of our scheme under the three security models

    A Pairing-free Provable Secure and Efficient Identity-based Identification Scheme with Anonymity

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    In this paper, we propose a Blind Identity-Based Identification (Blind IBI) scheme based on the Guillou-Quisquater (GQ) scheme. Our proposed scheme combines the benefits of traditional Identity-Based Identification (IBI) schemes that can authenticate a user’s identity without rely ing on a trusted third party with the Blind Signature (BS) scheme that provides anonymity. As a result, the proposed scheme assures absolute user privacy during the authentication process. It does not rely on a third party, yet the verifier can still be assured of the user’s identity with out the user actually revealing it. In our work, we show that the proposed scheme is provably secure under the random oracle model, with the assumption that the one-more-RSA-inversion problem is difficult. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme is secure against passive, active, and concurrent impersonation attacks. In conclusion, the proposed scheme is able to achieve the desired blindness property without compromising the security of the GQ-IBI scheme it is based upon

    Cryptanalysis of Certificateless Signcryption Schemes and an Efficient Construction Without Pairing

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    Certificateless cryptography introduced by Al-Riyami and Paterson eliminates the key escrow problem inherent in identity based cryptosystems. Even though building practical identity based signcryption schemes without bilinear pairing are considered to be almost impossible, it will be interesting to explore possibilities of constructing such systems in other settings like certificateless cryptography. Often for practical systems, bilinear pairings are considered to induce computational overhead. Signcryption is a powerful primitive that offers both confidentiality and authenticity to noteworthy messages. Though some prior attempts were made for designing certificateless signcryption schemes, almost all the known ones have security weaknesses. Specifically, in this paper we demonstrate the security weakness of the schemes in \cite{BF08}, \cite{DRJR08} and \cite{CZ08}. We also present the first provably secure certificateless signcryption scheme without bilinear pairing and prove it in the random oracle model

    Certificateless Proxy Signature from RSA

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    Although some good results were achieved in speeding up the computation of pairing function in recent years, it is still interesting to design efficient cryptosystems with less bilinear pairing operation. A proxy signature scheme allows a proxy signer to sign messages on behalf of an original signer within a given context. We propose a certificateless proxy signature (CLPS) scheme from RSA and prove its security under the strongest security model where the Type I/II adversary is a super Type I/II adversary
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