4,965 research outputs found

    Looking Beyond Appearances: Synthetic Training Data for Deep CNNs in Re-identification

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    Re-identification is generally carried out by encoding the appearance of a subject in terms of outfit, suggesting scenarios where people do not change their attire. In this paper we overcome this restriction, by proposing a framework based on a deep convolutional neural network, SOMAnet, that additionally models other discriminative aspects, namely, structural attributes of the human figure (e.g. height, obesity, gender). Our method is unique in many respects. First, SOMAnet is based on the Inception architecture, departing from the usual siamese framework. This spares expensive data preparation (pairing images across cameras) and allows the understanding of what the network learned. Second, and most notably, the training data consists of a synthetic 100K instance dataset, SOMAset, created by photorealistic human body generation software. Synthetic data represents a good compromise between realistic imagery, usually not required in re-identification since surveillance cameras capture low-resolution silhouettes, and complete control of the samples, which is useful in order to customize the data w.r.t. the surveillance scenario at-hand, e.g. ethnicity. SOMAnet, trained on SOMAset and fine-tuned on recent re-identification benchmarks, outperforms all competitors, matching subjects even with different apparel. The combination of synthetic data with Inception architectures opens up new research avenues in re-identification.Comment: 14 page

    EU DataGRID testbed management and support at CERN

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    In this paper we report on the first two years of running the CERN testbed site for the EU DataGRID project. The site consists of about 120 dual-processor PCs distributed over several testbeds used for different purposes: software development, system integration, and application tests. Activities at the site included test productions of MonteCarlo data for LHC experiments, tutorials and demonstrations of GRID technologies, and support for individual users analysis. This paper focuses on node installation and configuration techniques, service management, user support in a gridified environment, and includes considerations on scalability and security issues and comparisons with "traditional" production systems, as seen from the administrator point of view.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 7 pages, LaTeX. PSN THCT00

    Solutions and Tools for Secure Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Secure communication is considered a vital requirement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications. Such a requirement embraces different aspects, including confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of exchanged information, proper management of security material, and effective prevention and reaction against security threats and attacks. However, WSNs are mainly composed of resource-constrained devices. That is, network nodes feature reduced capabilities, especially in terms of memory storage, computing power, transmission rate, and energy availability. As a consequence, assuring secure communication in WSNs results to be more difficult than in other kinds of network. In fact, trading effectiveness of adopted solutions with their efficiency becomes far more important. In addition, specific device classes or technologies may require to design ad hoc security solutions. Also, it is necessary to efficiently manage security material, and dynamically cope with changes of security requirements. Finally, security threats and countermeasures have to be carefully considered since from the network design phase. This Ph.D. dissertion considers secure communication in WSNs, and provides the following contributions. First, we provide a performance evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 security services. Then, we focus on the ZigBee technology and its security services, and propose possible solutions to some deficiencies and inefficiencies. Second, we present HISS, a highly scalable and efficient key management scheme, able to contrast collusion attacks while displaying a graceful degradation of performance. Third, we present STaR, a software component for WSNs that secures multiple traffic flows at the same time. It is transparent to the application, and provides runtime reconfigurability, thus coping with dynamic changes of security requirements. Finally, we describe ASF, our attack simulation framework for WSNs. Such a tool helps network designers to quantitatively evaluate effects of security attacks, produce an attack ranking based on their severity, and thus select the most appropriate countermeasures

    Optimistic Adaptation of Decentralised Role-based Software Systems

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    The complexity of computer networks has been rising over the last decades. Increasing interconnectivity between multiple devices, growing complexity of performed tasks and a strong collaboration between nodes are drivers for this phenomenon. An example is represented by Internet-of-Things devices, whose relevance has been rising in recent years. The increasing number of devices requiring updates and supervision makes maintenance more difficult. Human interaction, in this case, is costly and requires a lot of time. To overcome this, self-adaptive software systems (SAS) can be used. SAS are a subset of autonomous systems which can monitor themselves and their environment to adapt to changes without human interaction. In the literature, different approaches for engineering SAS were proposed, including techniques for executing adaptations on multiple devices based on generated plans for reacting to changes. Among those solutions, also decentralised approaches can be found. To the best of our knowledge, no approach for engineering a SAS exists which tolerates errors during the execution of adaptation in a decentralised setting. While some approaches for role-based execution reset the application in case of a single failure during the adaptation process, others do not make assumptions about errors or do not consider an erroneous environment. In a real-world environment, errors will likely occur during run-time, and the adaptation process could be disturbed. This work aims to perform adaptations in a decentralised way on role-based systems with a relaxed consistency constraint, i.e., errors during the adaptation phase are tolerated. This increases the availability of nodes since no rollbacks are required in case of a failure. Moreover, a subset of applications, such as drone swarms, would benefit from an approach with a relaxed consistency model since parts of the system that adapted successfully can already operate in an adapted configuration instead of waiting for other peers to apply the changes in a later iteration. Moreover, if we eliminate the need for an atomic adaptation execution, asynchronous execution of adaptation would be possible. In that case, we can supervise the adaptation process for a long time and ensure that every peer takes the planned actions as soon as the internal task execution allows it. To allow for a relaxed consistent way of adaptation execution, we develop a decentralised adaptation execution protocol, which supports the notion of eventual consistency. As soon as devices reconnect after network congestion or restore their internal state after local failures, our protocol can coordinate the recovery process among multiple devices to attempt recovery of a globally consistent state after errors occur. By superseding the need for a central instance, every peer who received information about failing peers can start the recovery process. The developed approach can restore a consistent global configuration if almost all peers fail. Moreover, the approach supports asynchronous adaptations, i.e., the peers can execute planned adaptations as soon as they are ready, which increases overall availability in case of delayed adaptation of single nodes. The developed protocol is evaluated with the help of a proof-of-concept implementation. The approach was run in five different experiments with thousands of iterations to show the applicability and reliability of this novel approach. The time for execution of the protocol and the number of exchanged messages has been measured to compare the protocol for different error cases and system sizes, as well as to show the scalability of the approach. The developed solution has been compared to a blocking approach to show the feasibility compared to an atomic approach. The applicability in a real-world scenario has been described in an empirical study using an example of a fire-extinguishing drone swarm. The results show that an optimistic approach to adaptation is suitable and specific scenarios can benefit from the improved availability since no rollbacks are required. Systems can continue their work regardless of the failures of participating nodes in large-scale systems.:Abstract VI 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Motivational Use-Case 2 1.2. Problem Definition 3 1.3. Objectives 4 1.4. Research Questions 5 1.5. Contributions 5 1.6. Outline 6 2. Foundation 7 2.1. Role Concept 7 2.2. Self-Adaptive Software Systems 13 2.3. Terminology for Role-Based Self-Adaptation 15 2.4. Consistency Preservation and Consistency Models 17 2.5. Summary 20 3. Related Work 21 3.1. Role-Based Approaches 22 3.2. Actor Model of Computation and Akka 23 3.3. Adaptation Execution in Self-Adaptive Software Systems 24 3.4. Change Consistency in Distributed Systems 33 3.5. Comparison of the Evaluated Approaches 40 4. The Decentralised Consistency Compensation Protocol 43 4.1. System and Error Model 43 4.2. Requirements to the Concept 44 4.3. The Usage of Roles in Adaptations 45 4.4. Protocol Overview 47 4.5. Protocol Description 51 4.6. Protocol Corner- and Error Cases 64 4.7. Summary 66 5. Prototypical Implementation 67 5.1. Technology Overview 67 5.2. Reused Artifacts 68 5.3. Implementation Details 70 5.4. Setup of the Prototypical Implementation 76 5.5. Summary 77 6. Evaluation 79 6.1. Evaluation Methodology 79 6.2. Evaluation Setup 80 6.3. Experiment Overview 81 6.4. Default Case: Successful Adaptation 84 6.5. Compensation on Disconnection of Peers 85 6.6. Recovery from Failed Adaptation 88 6.7. Impact of Early Activation of Adaptations 91 6.8. Comparison with a Blocking Approach 92 6.9. Empirical Study: Fire Extinguishing Drones 95 6.10. Summary 97 7. Conclusion and Future Work 99 7.1. Recap of the Research Questions 99 7.2. Discussion 101 7.3. Future Work 101 A. Protocol Buffer Definition 103 Acronyms 108 Bibliography 10

    Envirosuite: An Environmentally-Immersive Programming Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Networked, embedded sensors allow for an instrumentation of the physical world at unprecedented granularities and from unimagined perspectives. The advent of a ubiquitous sensing era is evident. Yet, sensor network techniques are still far from entering mainstream adoption due to multiple unresolved research challenges, especially due to the high development cost of sensor network applications. Therefore, in this dissertation, we propose to design, implement, and evaluate an environmentally-immersive programming framework, called EnviroSuite, to reduce sensor network software development cost. The goal of our research is to create reusable sensor network development support for the community and reduce the adoption barriers for a broader category of users, ultimately leading to a transition of sensor networks from a research concept to a general-purpose technology available for use for a wide variety of research, government, industry, and everyday purposes. Current sensor network programming practice remains very cumbersome and inefficient for several reasons. First, most existing programming abstractions for sensor networks are either too low-level (thus too tedious and error-prone) or too high-level (unable to support the diversity of sensor network applications). Second, there is no clear separation between application-level programming and system-level programming. A significant concern is the lack of a general middleware library to isolate application developers from low-level details. Finally, testing sensor network systems is particularly challenging. Sensor systems interact heavily with a (non-repeatable) physical environment, making lab experiments not representative and on-site experiments very costly. This dissertation is targeted for a comprehensive solution that addresses all the above-mentioned problems. The EnviroSuite framework consists of (i) a new programming paradigm that exports environment-based abstractions, (ii) critical middleware services that support the abstractions and separate application programmers from tedious, low-level details, and (iii) testing tools geared for in-situ experimenting, debugging, and troubleshooting. First, we introduce a new programming paradigm, called environmentally-immersive programming (EIP), to capture the common characteristics of sensor network applications, the rich, distributed interactions with the physical environment. EIP refers to an object-based programming model in which individual objects represent physical elements in the external environment. It allows the programmer to think directly in terms of physical objects or events of interest. We provide language primitives for programmers to easily implement their environmental tracking and monitoring applications in EIP. A preprocessor translates such EIP code transparently into a library of support middleware services, central to which are object management algorithms, responsible for maintaining a unique mapping between physical and logical objects. The major outcome of sensor networks is observations of the instrumented environment, in other words, sensory data. Implementing an application mainly involves encoding how to generate, store, and collect such data. EIP object abstractions provide simple means for programmers to define how observations of the environment should be made via distributed coordination among multiple nodes, thus simplifying data generation. Yet, the next steps, namely, data storage and collection, remain complicated and fastidious. To isolate programmers from such concerns, we also include in the support library a set of data management services, comprising both network protocols and storage systems to allow data to be collected either in real-time or in a delay-tolerant manner. The final phase in sensor network software development life-cycle is testing, typically performed in-field, where the effects of environmental realities can be studied. However, physical events from the dynamic environment are normally asynchronous and non-repeatable. This lack of repeatability makes the last phase particularly difficult and costly. Hence, it is essential to have the capability to capture and replay sensing events, providing a basis not only for software testing, but also for realistic protocol comparison and parameter tuning. To achieve that, EnviroSuite also provides testing and debugging facilities that enable controllable and repeatable in-field experiments. Finally, to demonstrate the benefits of our framework, we build multiple representative applications upon EnviroSuite, drawn from both tracking systems such as military surveillance, and monitoring systems such as environmental acoustic monitoring. We install these applications into off-the-shelf hardware platforms and physically deploy the hardware into realistic environments. Empirical results collected from such deployments demonstrate the efficacy of EnviroSuite
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