4,228 research outputs found

    Role Signatures for Access Control in Grid Computing

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    Implementing access control efficiently and effectively in an open and distributed grid environment is a challenging problem. One reason for this is that users requesting access to remote resources may be unknown to the authorization service that controls access to the requested resources. Hence, it seems inevitable that pre-defined mappings of principals in one domain to those in the domain containing the resources are needed. A second problem in such environments is that verifying the authenticity of user credentials or attributes can be difficult. In this paper, we propose the concept of role signatures to solve these problems by exploiting the hierarchical structure of a virtual organization within a grid environment. Our approach makes use of a hierarchical identity-based signature scheme whereby verification keys are defined by generic role identifiers defined within a hierarchical namespace. We show that individual member organizations of a virtual organization are not required to agree on principal mappings beforehand to enforce access control to resources. Moreover, user authentication and credential verification is unified in our approach and can be achieved through a single role signature

    Privacy Preserving Cryptographic Protocols for Secure Heterogeneous Networks

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    Disertační práce se zabývá kryptografickými protokoly poskytující ochranu soukromí, které jsou určeny pro zabezpečení komunikačních a informačních systémů tvořících heterogenní sítě. Práce se zaměřuje především na možnosti využití nekonvenčních kryptografických prostředků, které poskytují rozšířené bezpečnostní požadavky, jako je například ochrana soukromí uživatelů komunikačního systému. V práci je stanovena výpočetní náročnost kryptografických a matematických primitiv na různých zařízeních, které se podílí na zabezpečení heterogenní sítě. Hlavní cíle práce se zaměřují na návrh pokročilých kryptografických protokolů poskytujících ochranu soukromí. V práci jsou navrženy celkově tři protokoly, které využívají skupinových podpisů založených na bilineárním párování pro zajištění ochrany soukromí uživatelů. Tyto navržené protokoly zajišťují ochranu soukromí a nepopiratelnost po celou dobu datové komunikace spolu s autentizací a integritou přenášených zpráv. Pro navýšení výkonnosti navržených protokolů je využito optimalizačních technik, např. dávkového ověřování, tak aby protokoly byly praktické i pro heterogenní sítě.The dissertation thesis deals with privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols for secure communication and information systems forming heterogeneous networks. The thesis focuses on the possibilities of using non-conventional cryptographic primitives that provide enhanced security features, such as the protection of user privacy in communication systems. In the dissertation, the performance of cryptographic and mathematic primitives on various devices that participate in the security of heterogeneous networks is evaluated. The main objectives of the thesis focus on the design of advanced privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols. There are three designed protocols which use pairing-based group signatures to ensure user privacy. These proposals ensure the protection of user privacy together with the authentication, integrity and non-repudiation of transmitted messages during communication. The protocols employ the optimization techniques such as batch verification to increase their performance and become more practical in heterogeneous networks.

    Public cloud data auditing with practical key update and zero knowledge privacy

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    Data integrity is extremely important for cloud based storage services, where cloud users no longer have physical possession of their outsourced files. A number of data auditing mechanisms have been proposed to solve this problem. However, how to update a cloud user\u27s private auditing key (as well as the authenticators those keys are associated with) without the user\u27s re-possession of the data remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose a key-updating and authenticator-evolving mechanism with zero-knowledge privacy of the stored files for secure cloud data auditing, which incorporates zero knowledge proof systems, proxy re-signatures and homomorphic linear authenticators. We instantiate our proposal with the state-of-the-art Shacham-Waters auditing scheme. When the cloud user needs to update his key, instead of downloading the entire file and re-generating all the authenticators, the user can just download and update the authenticators. This approach dramatically reduces the communication and computation cost while maintaining the desirable security. We formalize the security model of zero knowledge data privacy for auditing schemes in the key-updating context and prove the soundness and zero-knowledge privacy of the proposed construction. Finally, we analyze the complexity of communication, computation and storage costs of the improved protocol which demonstrates the practicality of the proposal

    New Security Definitions, Constructions and Applications of Proxy Re-Encryption

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    La externalización de la gestión de la información es una práctica cada vez más común, siendo la computación en la nube (en inglés, cloud computing) el paradigma más representativo. Sin embargo, este enfoque genera también preocupación con respecto a la seguridad y privacidad debido a la inherente pérdida del control sobre los datos. Las soluciones tradicionales, principalmente basadas en la aplicación de políticas y estrategias de control de acceso, solo reducen el problema a una cuestión de confianza, que puede romperse fácilmente por los proveedores de servicio, tanto de forma accidental como intencionada. Por lo tanto, proteger la información externalizada, y al mismo tiempo, reducir la confianza que es necesario establecer con los proveedores de servicio, se convierte en un objetivo inmediato. Las soluciones basadas en criptografía son un mecanismo crucial de cara a este fin. Esta tesis está dedicada al estudio de un criptosistema llamado recifrado delegado (en inglés, proxy re-encryption), que constituye una solución práctica a este problema, tanto desde el punto de vista funcional como de eficiencia. El recifrado delegado es un tipo de cifrado de clave pública que permite delegar en una entidad la capacidad de transformar textos cifrados de una clave pública a otra, sin que pueda obtener ninguna información sobre el mensaje subyacente. Desde un punto de vista funcional, el recifrado delegado puede verse como un medio de delegación segura de acceso a información cifrada, por lo que representa un candidato natural para construir mecanismos de control de acceso criptográficos. Aparte de esto, este tipo de cifrado es, en sí mismo, de gran interés teórico, ya que sus definiciones de seguridad deben balancear al mismo tiempo la seguridad de los textos cifrados con la posibilidad de transformarlos mediante el recifrado, lo que supone una estimulante dicotomía. Las contribuciones de esta tesis siguen un enfoque transversal, ya que van desde las propias definiciones de seguridad del recifrado delegado, hasta los detalles específicos de potenciales aplicaciones, pasando por construcciones concretas

    Private search over big data leveraging distributed file system and parallel processing

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    In this work, we identify the security and privacy problems associated with a certain Big Data application, namely secure keyword-based search over encrypted cloud data and emphasize the actual challenges and technical difficulties in the Big Data setting. More specifically, we provide definitions from which privacy requirements can be derived. In addition, we adapt an existing work on privacy-preserving keyword-based search method to the Big Data setting, in which, not only data is huge but also changing and accumulating very fast. Our proposal is scalable in the sense that it can leverage distributed file systems and parallel programming techniques such as the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and the MapReduce programming model, to work with very large data sets. We also propose a lazy idf-updating method that can efficiently handle the relevancy scores of the documents in a dynamically changing, large data set. We empirically show the efficiency and accuracy of the method through extensive set of experiments on real data