7 research outputs found

    TRACIS: transformations on Ada for circuit synthesis a report on the methodology for a silicon compiler

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    technical reportThis report describes in detail, the ongoing design and implementation of a transformation system, for compiling specifications of integrated circuits into silicon. There are many levels in this process, and the area that we focus on produces target specifications of asynchronous and synchronous control units and the associated data paths. This target is compatible with the ASSASSIN system [1] which generates layouts from specifications of control units. The input to our system is an Ada program (restricted to a single Procedure Body) which specifies a certain computation. The Procedure Body is itself assumed to contain no package or task declarations or inatantiations and no Entry call statements. The result of the transformations performed by the system is a program consisting of the original specifications, with the target description appended to it

    ADA to silicon transformations: the outline of a method

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    technical reportThis report explores the contention that a high-order language specification of a machine (such as an Ada program) can be methodically transformed into a hardware representation of that machine. One series of well-defined steps through which such transformations can take place is presented in this initial study

    Fast structured design of VLSI circuits

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    technical reportWe believe that a structured, user-friendly, cost-effective tool for rapid implementation of VLSI circuits which encourages students to participate directly in research projects are the key components in digital integrated circuit (IC) education. In this paper, we introduce our VLSI education activities, with t h e emphasis on t h e presentation of Path Programmable Logic (PPL) design methodology, in addition to a short description of a representative student project. Students using PPL are able to implement MOS or GaAs VLSI circuits with several thousands to over 100,000 transistors in a few weeks. They have designed and built numerous VLSI architectures and computer systems which play an influential role in various research areas. Our educational activities and the Utah Annual Student VLSI Design Contest supported by over a dozen leading American firms have attracted multiple university involvement in recent years

    Computer aided design

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    technical reportThe report is based on the proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation in September 1981, as part of the Coordinated Experimental Computer Science Research Program. The sections covering the budget and biographical data on the senior research personnel have not been included. Also, the section describing the department facilities at the time of the proposal submission is not included, because it would be only of historical interest

    Some recent asynchronous system design methodologies

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    Journal ArticleWe present an in-depth study of some techniques for asynchronous system design, analysis, and verification. After defining basic terminology, we take one simple example - a four-phase t o two-phase converter - and present its design using (a) classical flow-tables; (b) Signal Transition Graphs of [8]; and (c) Trace Theory of [15]. We then present necessary and sufficient conditions for Delay Insensitivity, proposed by [38], and illustrate it on our example. Finally, we present the work of [13] on the verification of asynchronous circuits, and illustrate it on the circuits derived in the paper. The following points are emphasized: (i) presentation of techniques at more depth than in a general survey; (ii) illustration of all t h e aspects discussed on a common example; (hi) comparative study of the works presented. Many interesting works had to be left out, solely because of our lack of space and time

    The 1982 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    A NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Research Program was conducted to further the professional knowledge of qualified engineering and science faculty members, to stimulate an exchange of ideas between participants and NASA, to enrich and refresh the research and teaching activities of participants' institutions, and to contribute to the research objectives of the NASA Centers

    Arquitectura asim茅trica multicore con procesador de Petri

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    Se ha determinado, en una arquitectura multi-Core SMP, el lugar donde incorporar el PP o el HPP sin alterar el ISA del resto de los core. Se ha obtenido una familia de procesadores que ejecutan los algoritmos de Petri para dar soluci贸n a sistemas reactivos y concurrentes, con una s贸lida verificaci贸n formal que permite la programaci贸n directa de los procesadores. Para esto, se ha construido el hardware de un PP y un HPP, con un IP-Core en una FPGA, integrado a un sistema multi-Core SMP, que ejecuta distintos tipo de RdP. Esta familia de procesadores es configurable en distintos aspectos: - Tama帽o del procesador (cantidad de plazas y transiciones). - Procesadores con tiempo y procesadores temporales. - Arquitectura heterog茅nea, que permite distribuir los recursos empleados para instanciar el procesador seg煤n se requiera, y obtener un ahorro sustancial. - La posibilidad de configurar el procesador en pos de obtener los requerimientos y minimizar los recursos. Muy valorado en la construcci贸n de sistemas embebidos. En los sistemas con alta necesidad de concurrencia y sincronizaci贸n, donde se ha evaluado este procesador, las prestaciones han mostrado una importante mejora en el desempe帽o. El procesador tiene la capacidad de resolver simult谩neamente, por conjuntos m煤ltiples disparos, lo que disminuye los tiempos de consulta y decisi贸n, adem谩s los programas ejecutados cumplen con los formalismos de las RdP extendidas y sincronizadas, y los resultados de su ejecuci贸n son determin铆sticos. Los tiempos de respuesta para determinar una sincronizaci贸n son de dos ciclos por consulta (entre la solicitud de un disparo y la respuesta).Facultad de Inform谩tic