11 research outputs found

    Estado del arte en procesos de zonificacion

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    Los procesos de partición espacial implican la división de un espacio geográfico en diferentes unidades o zonas según un conjunto específico de criterios. En ámbitos relacionados con las ciencias geoespaciales, la delimitación de estas zonas se realiza por agrupación de otras unidades básicas de área existentes en el espacio de trabajo. En este artículo se ofrece una revisión de los métodos de solución diseñados para este tipo de problemas, comenzando por una introducción a las técnicas heurísticas y modelos matemáticos más utilizados desde los años 60, para finalizar describiendo los recientes algoritmos aplicados a diagramas de Voronoi. También se revisan las aplicaciones en las que se han implementado algunos de estos modelos, quedando patente que son herramientas diseñadas para el tratamiento de problemas específicos, dada la dificultad de diseñar modelos genéricos y versátiles para este tipo de particiones espaciales o zonificacione

    Sample supervised search centric approaches in geographic object-based image analysis

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    Sample supervised search centric image segmentation denotes a general method where quality segments are generated based on the provision of a selection of reference segments. The main purpose of such a method is to correctly segment a multitude of identical elements in an image based on these reference segments. An efficient search algorithm traverses the parameter space of a given segmentation algorithm. A supervised quality measure guides the search for the best segmentation results, or rather the best performing parameter set. This method, which is academically pursued in the context of remote sensing and elsewhere, shows promise in assisting the generation of earth observation information products. The method may find applications specifically within the context of user driven geographic object-based image analysis approaches, mainly in respect of very high resolution optical data. Rapid mapping activities as well as general land-cover mapping or targeted element identification may benefit from such a method. In this work it is suggested that sample supervised search centric geographic segment generation forms the basis of a set of methods, or rather a methodological avenue. The original formulation of the method, although promising, is limited in the quality of the segments it can produce – it is still limited by the inherent capability of the given segmentation algorithm. From an optimisation viewpoint, various structures may be encoded forming the fitness or search landscape traversed by a given search algorithm. These structures may interact or have an interplay with the given segmentation algorithm. Various method variants considering expanded fitness landscapes are possible. Additional processes, or constituents, such as data mapping, classification and post-segmentation heuristics may be embedded into such a method. Three distinct and novel method variants are proposed and evaluated based on this concept of expanded fitness landscapes

    Creation of a hydrological modelling environment to assist in the decision making of water-related activities

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    Thesis (M. Tech.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2007In South Africa, water is a scarce resource and it has become very important to manage this resource effectively. The State developed a regulating framework, under the hospice of the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, which protects the country‟s water resources from over-exploitation by ensuring that it is protected, used, developed, conserved, and managed, in a sustainable and equitable manner. The laws and policies governing the use of water resources are contained in the National Water Act (South Africa, 1998), the National Water Policy (South Africa, 1997a), the National Water Resource Strategy, and the Water Services Act (South Africa, 1997b). In addition some water-related functions were transferred to Catchment Management Agencies and Water Users‟ Associations, and it is their task to ensure that the strategies, laws and policies are implemented. Effective water management can only be performed by making use of hydroinformatics which assists with simulations and estimations. As a result input data will be collected, added to a Relational Database Management System and output results generated. A Geographic Information System with the support of a geodatabase will allow users to store spatial and temporal data. The research project investigated different water-related data models (ArcHydro, Hydstra, GML, HYMOS, and WinHSPF), as well as hydrological modelling frameworks (BASINS, OMS, OpenMI, SPATSIM, and TIME) to determine whether they were adequate to assist with the decision making of water-related activities. It was found that these data models and hydrological modelling frameworks did not allow users to add new datasets to their existing data structures and in many cases only had a limited set of functions. For these reasons it was decided to develop a comprehensive, modifiable, geodatabase that will function in a modelling environment which will allow users to save their data in a centralised database. Additionally the functionality provided by other data models and modelling frameworks may be linked and used in the new modelling environment. A methodology that has been followed was to first establish the objectives of the research project, gather the necessary data, investigate various data models and hydrological modelling frameworks, determine the requirements for the modelling environment, design and create the modelling environment, design and create the geodatabase, and finally selecting the study area which will provide the research project with the necessary data. The following findings were made concerning the research project: firstly, that ArcHydro will be used as example data model to assist in designing the geodatabase. Secondly, that UML will be used as a development tool to assist with the development of the geodatabase. Thirdly, that the geodatabase will be generated from the XML schema and be made available to ArcCatalog. Fourthly, that data from different users/providers (Hydstra, Stats SA, Weather Bureau, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, etc.) be inserted into the geodatabase. Fifthly, that any other hydrological modelling framework may make use of the data stored in the geodatabase. Finally, ArcGIS was selected as GIS application and Microsoft Access as a storage area

    GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies., 14-16 September 2016, University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC): open access e-book

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    Gridfields: Model-Driven Data Transformation in the Physical Sciences

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    Scientists\u27 ability to generate and store simulation results is outpacing their ability to analyze them via ad hoc programs. We observe that these programs exhibit an algebraic structure that can be used to facilitate reasoning and improve performance. In this dissertation, we present a formal data model that exposes this algebraic structure, then implement the model, evaluate it, and use it to express, optimize, and reason about data transformations in a variety of scientific domains. Simulation results are defined over a logical grid structure that allows a continuous domain to be represented discretely in the computer. Existing approaches for manipulating these gridded datasets are incomplete. The performance of SQL queries that manipulate large numeric datasets is not competitive with that of specialized tools, and the up-front effort required to deploy a relational database makes them unpopular for dynamic scientific applications. Tools for processing multidimensional arrays can only capture regular, rectilinear grids. Visualization libraries accommodate arbitrary grids, but no algebra has been developed to simplify their use and afford optimization. Further, these libraries are data dependent—physical changes to data characteristics break user programs. We adopt the grid as a first-class citizen, separating topology from geometry and separating structure from data. Our model is agnostic with respect to dimension, uniformly capturing, for example, particle trajectories (1-D), sea-surface temperatures (2-D), and blood flow in the heart (3-D). Equipped with data, a grid becomes a gridfield. We provide operators for constructing, transforming, and aggregating gridfields that admit algebraic laws useful for optimization. We implement the model by analyzing several candidate data structures and incorporating their best features. We then show how to deploy gridfields in practice by injecting the model as middleware between heterogeneous, ad hoc file formats and a popular visualization library. In this dissertation, we define, develop, implement, evaluate and deploy a model of gridded datasets that accommodates a variety of complex grid structures and a variety of complex data products. We evaluate the applicability and performance of the model using datasets from oceanography, seismology, and medicine and conclude that our model-driven approach offers significant advantages over the status quo

    Zonificación del espacio por agrupación de unidades superficiales. Aplicación a la gestión de sistemas extensivos del tipo cereal-ovino

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    RESUMEN Los procesos de diseño de zonas o diseño del territorio implican la partición de un espacio geográfico, organizado en un conjunto de unidades de área, en diferentes regiones o zonas según un conjunto especifico de criterios que varían en función del campo de aplicación. En la mayoría de los casos, el objetivo fundamental consiste en crear zonas de tamaño aproximadamente igual respecto a uno o varios atributos de medida -de carácter cuantitativo- (zonas con igual número de habitantes, igual promedio de ventas...). Sin embargo, están apareciendo nuevas aplicaciones, algunas en el contexto de las políticas de desarrollo sostenible, cuya finalidad es la definición de regiones con un tamaño predeterminado, no necesariamente similar. Además, en estos casos las zonas han de formarse en torno a un conjunto específico de posiciones, semillas o generadores. Este tipo de particiones no han sido lo suficientemente investigadas, de manera que no se conocen modelos de solución para la delimitación automática de las zonas. En esta tesis se ha diseñado un nuevo método basado en una versión discreta del diagrama de Voronoi con peso aditivo adaptativo (DVPAA), que permite la partición de un espacio bidimensional en zonas de un tamaño específico, considerando tanto la posición como el peso de cada uno de los generadores. El método consiste en resolver repetidamente un tradicional diagrama de Voronoi con peso aditivo, de forma que los pesos de cada generador se actualizan en cada iteración. En el proceso de cálculo de distancias se usa una métrica basada en el camino más corto, lo que garantiza que la partición obtenida esté formada por un conjunto de zonas conexas. La heurística diseñada se integra en una aplicación prototipo, desarrollada en un entorno SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica), que permite el trazado automático de zonas según los criterios anteriormente expuestos. Para analizar la viabilidad del método se ha utilizado como caso de estudio la gestión de los recursos pastorales para la ganadería extensiva en tres municipios de Castilla-La Mancha. Las pruebas realizadas ponen de manifiesto que la heurística diseñada, adaptada a los criterios que se plantean en el contexto de la gestión de sistemas extensivos agropecuarios, es válida para resolver este tipo de problemas de partición. El método propuesto se caracteriza por su eficacia en el tratamiento de un gran número de unidades superficiales en formato vectorial, generando soluciones que convergen con relativa rapidez y verifican los criterios establecidos. En el caso estudiado, aunque la posición prefijada de los generadores reduce considerablemente la complejidad del problema, existen algunas configuraciones espaciales de estos elementos para las que el algoritmo no encuentra una solución satisfactoria, poniéndose de manifiesto una de las limitaciones de este modelo. Tal y como se ha podido comprobar, la localización de los generadores puede tener un considerable impacto en la zonificación resultante, por lo que, de acuerdo con Kalcsics et al. (2005), una selección "inadecuada" difícilmente puede generar regiones válidas que verifiquen los criterios establecidos. ABSTRACT Tenitory or zone design processes entail partitioning a geographic space, organized as a set of basic areal units, into different regions or zones according to a specific set of entena that are dependent on the application context. In most cases the aim is to create zones that have approximately equal sizes with respect to one or several measure attributes (zones with equal numbers of inhabitants, same average sales, etc). However, some of the new applications that have emerged, particularly in the context of sustainable development policies, are aimed at defining zones of a predetermined, though not necessarily similar, size. In addition, the zones should be built around a given set of positions, seeds or generators. This type of partitioning has not been sufñciently researched; therefore there are no known approaches for automated zone delimitation. This thesis proposes a new method based on a discrete versión of the Adaptive Additively Weighted Voronoi Diagram (AAWVD) that makes it possible to partition a 2D space into zones of specific sizes, taking both the position and the weight of each (seed) generator into account. The method consists of repeatedly solving a traditional additively weighted Voronoi diagram, so that the weights of each generator are updated at every iteration. The partition s zones are geographically connected nsing a metric based 011 the shortest path. The proposed heuristic lias been included in an application, developed in a GIS environment that allows the automated zone delimitation according to the mentioned criteria. The management of the extensive farming system of three municipalities of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) has been used as study case to analyze the viability of the method. The tests carried out have established that the proposed method, adapted to the criteria of this application field, is valid for solving this type of partition problem. The applied algorithm is capable of handling a high number of vector areal units, generating solutions that converge in a reasonable CPU time and comply with the imposed constraints. Although the complexity of this problem is greatly reduced when the generator's positions are fixed, in many cases, these positions impose a spatial confignration that the algorithm proposed is unable to solve, thus revealing one of the limitations of this method. It has been shown that the location of the generators has a considerable impact on the final solution, so that, as Kalcsics et al. (2005) observed, an "inadequate" selection can hardly generate valid zones that comply with the established criteria

    A Process and Environment for Embedding The R Software into TerraLib

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    Geographical information systems (GIS) and statistical software can enhance their functionality using each other capabilities. This paper describes an environment for coupling the statistical program R and the GIS library TerraLib. The implementation uses and adapts the package aRT being the key aspect the fact that both applications share a database connection which is used for exchanging information. The GIS can send commands to be executed by R, retrieving the results directly from the database. An environment for both implementation agents, statisticians and programmers, is therefore provided work together using their own skills, and a third agent, the nal user, having access to R functions through a friendly interface.Pages: 368-37