10,465 research outputs found

    Process migration in UNIX environments

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    To support process migration in UNIX environments, the main problem is how to encapsulate the location dependent features of the system in such a way that a host independent virtual environment is maintained by the migration handlers on the behalf of each migrated process. An object-oriented approach is used to describe the interaction between a process and its environment. More specifically, environmental objects were introduced in UNIX systems to carry out the user-environment interaction. The implementation of the migration handlers is based on both the state consistency criterion and the property consistency criterion

    Process Management in Distributed Operating Systems

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    As part of designing and building the Amoeba distributed operating system, we have come up with a simple set of mechanisms for process management that allows downloading process migration, checkpointing, remote debugging and emulation of alien operating system interfaces.\ud The basic process management facilities are realized by the Amoeba Kernel and can be augmented by user-space services: Debug Service, Load-Balancing Service, Unix-Emulation Service, Checkpoint Service, etc.\ud The Amoeba Kernel can produce a representation of the state of a process which can be given to another Kernel where it is accepted for continued execution. This state consists of the memory contents in the form of a collection of segments, and a Process Descriptor which contains the additional state, program counters, stack pointers, system call state, etc.\ud Careful separation of mechanism and policy has resulted in a compact set of Kernel operations for process creation and management. A collection of user-space services provides process management policies and a simple interface for application programs.\ud In this paper we shall describe the mechanisms as they are being implemented in the Amoeba Distributed System at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam. We believe that the mechanisms described here can also apply to other distributed systems

    Correctness criteria for process migration

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    Two correctness criteria, the state consistency criterion and the property consistency criterion for process migration are discussed. The state machine approach is used to model the interactions between a user process and its environment. These criteria are defined in terms of the model. The idea of environment view was introduced to distinguish what a user process observes about its environment from what its environment state really is and argue that a consistent view of the environment must be maintained for every migrating process

    HP-CERTI: Towards a high performance, high availability open source RTI for composable simulations (04F-SIW-014)

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    Composing simulations of complex systems from already existing simulation components remains a challenging issue. Motivations for composable simulation include generation of a given federation driven by operational requirements provided "on the fly". The High Level Architecture, initially developed for designing fully distributed simulations, can be considered as an interoperability standard for composing simulations from existing components. Requirements for constructing such complex simulations are quite different from those discussed for distributed simulations. Although interoperability and reusability remain essential, both high performance and availability have also to be considered to fulfill the requirements of the end user. ONERA is currently designing a High Performance / High Availability HLA Run-time Infrastructure from its open source implementation of HLA 1.3 specifications. HP-CERTI is a software package including two main components: the first one, SHM-CERTI, provides an optimized version of CERTI based on a shared memory communication scheme; the second one, Kerrighed-CERTI, allows the deployment of CERTI through the control of the Kerrighed Single System Image operating system for clusters, currently designed by IRISA. This paper describes the design of both high performance and availability Runtime Infrastructures, focusing on the architecture of SHM-CERTI. This work is carried out in the context of the COCA (High Performance Distributed Simulation and Models Reuse) Project, sponsored by the DGA/STTC (Délégation Générale pour l'Armement/Service des Stratégies Techniques et des Technologies Communes) of the French Ministry of Defense

    An occam Style Communications System for UNIX Networks

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    This document describes the design of a communications system which provides occam style communications primitives under a Unix environment, using TCP/IP protocols, and any number of other protocols deemed suitable as underlying transport layers. The system will integrate with a low overhead scheduler/kernel without incurring significant costs to the execution of processes within the run time environment. A survey of relevant occam and occam3 features and related research is followed by a look at the Unix and TCP/IP facilities which determine our working constraints, and a description of the T9000 transputer's Virtual Channel Processor, which was instrumental in our formulation. Drawing from the information presented here, a design for the communications system is subsequently proposed. Finally, a preliminary investigation of methods for lightweight access control to shared resources in an environment which does not provide support for critical sections, semaphores, or busy waiting, is made. This is presented with relevance to mutual exclusion problems which arise within the proposed design. Future directions for the evolution of this project are discussed in conclusion

    EMASS (trademark): An expandable solution for NASA space data storage needs

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    The data acquisition, distribution, processing, and archiving requirements of NASA and other U.S. Government data centers present significant data management challenges that must be met in the 1990's. The Earth Observing System (EOS) project alone is expected to generate daily data volumes greater than 2 Terabytes (2 x 10(exp 12) Bytes). As the scientific community makes use of this data, their work will result in larger, increasingly complex data sets to be further exploited and managed. The challenge for data storage systems is to satisfy the initial data management requirements with cost effective solutions that provide for planned growth. The expendable architecture of the E-Systems Modular Automated Storage System (EMASS(TM)), a mass storage system which is designed to support NASA's data capture, storage, distribution, and management requirements into the 21st century is described

    Logging and bookkeeping, Administrator's guide

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    Logging and Bookkeeping (LB for short) is a Grid service that keeps a short-term trace of Grid jobs as they are processed by individual Grid component
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