2,880 research outputs found

    Climate Change Reporting: A Resource Based Perspective

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    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji tahap serta faktor yang mengalakkan laporan pemanasan global di antara syarikat-syarikat yang tersenarai di Bursa Malaysia. This study investigates the extent of climate change disclosure among Malaysian public listed companies

    Risk Mitigation Of Outsourcing Manufacturing Process: A Study On The Semiconductor Manufacturing Organizations In Malaysia

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    Penggunaan perkhidmatan pihak ketiga daripada proses pembuatan semikonduktor menjadi sebahagian daripada strategi korporat sebuah organisasi yang didorong oleh kelebihan kos dan fleksibiliti dalam ketidakpastian. Outsourcing of semiconductor manufacturing process is becoming integral part of the corporate strategy of an organization which is driven by cost advantage and flexibility during uncertainty

    Data Analytics as an Enabler to Strengthen Supply Chain Resilience

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    This thesis examines the role of data analytics in building supply chain resilience. The aim of the study is to investigate how companies can use data analytics to identify potential supply chain disruptions, mitigate risks, and improve supply chain performance. To achieve this aim, case studies of a companies that has successfully implemented data analytics in its supply chain operations was conducted. The case study analytics included an examination of the specific tools and techniques used, the data sources and types of data analysed, and the insights gained from the analytics. The study also explored the challenges faced during the implementation of data analytics and analysed the effectiveness of these analytics in building supply chain resilience. Case firms were selected based on business and product type. This study includes companies with electronic product and component supply chains. Interviewees were selected based on their data-driving experience and supply chain operations exposure. Seven supply chain specialists from six case firms were interviewed semi-structured. The results show that data analytics provide valuable insights for supply chain management and help companies to proactively identify and mitigate risks. The study also highlights the importance of data quality, data integration, and the need for new skills and capabilities in implementing data analytics in the supply chain. The findings of 4 the study have practical implications for supply chain managers and provide a basis for future research in this area. Overall, the thesis contributes to the growing body of literature on the role of data analytics in building supply chain resilience and provides insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing these analytics in practice

    Multi-level Analytic Network Process Model to Mitigate Supply Chain Disruptions in Disaster Recovery Planning

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    Over the past few decades, environmental changes have led to more frequent occurrences and greater intensities of natural disasters worldwide. In terms of globally connected supply chains, this has resulted in an enormous economical loss for corporations. Therefore, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) planning and management has become essential for businesses in order to protect their critical business flow. Yet there is a lack of systematic and transparent methodologies for companies to handle this problem. Hence, this thesis introduces a novel approach to combine consecutive steps of the Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) process within one application. The multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) tool called the Analytic Network Process (ANP) is employed to identify critical products of a business and match them with optimal disruption mitigation strategies based on an evaluation of benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks (BOCR). To validate the method developed in this thesis, a case study using historical data of a U.S. company (Company XYZ) is introduced. The results of the ANP mathematical modeling demonstrate that the developed methodology provides a valuable approach to analyze and confirm BC/DR planning decisions. Moreover, an expert of Company XYZ confirmed that the suggested solution established through this case study is in agreement with the preferable choice based on his expertise and professional decision-making. Further research could extend the proposed methodology to other fields of BC/DR planning, such as IT Disaster Recovery Planning or Human Disaster Relief

    Supply chain resilience strategies: the case of pharmaceutical firms in Morocco

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    The current environment is featured by disruptions such as fluctuations in demand, risks of relations with suppliers,…. Accordingly, the company needs resilience to alleviate these risks and continue operating its activities through main strategies that are underlined broadly by recent researches such as flexibility, redundancy and agility. This research aims to minimize the dearth of empirical researches in the realm of supply chain resilience strategies by investigating empirically the proactive and reactive strategies that improve resilience in pharmaceutical firms. In this research, the supply chain resilience strategies are basically related to. An empirical study was conducted in 33 the pharmaceutical firms. Afterwards, the response rates of participants were calculated for each of the supply chain resilience strategies (in “very great extent”). Accordingly, the results demonstrated that most of the strategies related to supply flexibility, demand flexibility, redundancy and the supply chain risk management process are applied very frequently. However, the strategies formulating the production flexibility are applied frequently (very extent) but not very intensively (not in “very great extent”). On the other side, these strategies aim to achieve resilience through proactive or reactive ability. Then, the analysis of results demonstrates that a large part of supply chain resilience strategies used by pharmaceutical firms are proactive and appertain to all elements of supply chain resilience (supply flexibility, demand flexibility, ….)

    Supply chain agility in semiconductor shortage

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    The semiconductor shortage is an ongoing global crisis that has operationally and financially impacted companies’ supply chains due to the supply disruptions it caused. This crisis is a wake-up call for organizations to rethink agility in the supply chain. This Master’s thesis aims to study how supply chain agility can be utilized in disruption management during the semiconductor shortage. The conceptual framework of the thesis provides a link between the theories of supply chain agility and supply disruption management, which acts as a guideline for companies to plan agility in managing supply disruptions caused by the semiconductor shortage or similar crises. This research was conducted based on qualitative multi-case study through semi-structured interviews with five companies from different industries. The case companies are those operating mainly in Finland, whose product offerings are associated with semiconductors. The collected data was analyzed with thematic analysis to identify the implications of agility elements at different phases of the disruption management cycle. The conceptual framework of the thesis was developed through a synthesis of existing literature and refined based on the empirical findings. The findings suggest that it is important to apply supply chain agility in managing supply disruptions caused by the semiconductor shortage, due to this crisis's unpredictability and severity. In pre-disruption phase, successful implementation of proactive approaches requires alertness and accessibility enabled by risk management, market sensitivity and supply chain alignment. During and after the disruption, quick and flexible responses to sudden changes in supply are enabled by utilizing existing risk management practices in addition to operational flexibility and demand management. It is also important to have a recovery plan and to foster continuous learning from the crisis. Furthermore, maintaining agility throughout the whole crisis requires a culture of change, supportive top management, and strategic collaboration between supply chain partners as well as information technology capabilities

    Transportation Risk Management Approach in a food company: A Business Continuity Plan

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    Transportation is an essential aspect to fast-moving consumer goods supply chains. The risks associated with transport operations are of great concern when trying to ensure business continuity of a company. The dissertation is based on the Distribution & Export Business Unit at Kraft Heinz inter-national, which ships to over 25 countries in Eastern Europe, and also to the US and Israel. The complex logistics system that goes into planning transportation for so many countries makes it so that risks within transportation are highly present. The main identified issue at the case study organization was the lack of a structured approach towards transportation risk manage-ment. Most of the contingency measures applied by the company to act on these risks are of a reactive nature instead of proactive. The goal of this research is to create such structured approach towards risk management. To achieve this goal, transportation risks were mapped within the company through semi-structured interviews with employees working in supply chain operations. Additionally, current literature was analyzed and later compared with the interview findings to learn possible strategies and solutions to manage transportation risks. Finally, the gathered knowledge was used to propose a Business Continuity Plan based, which provides insights on how to assess and prepare for current and future transportation risks. The main findings and proposed guidelines for transportation risk management relied on shifting the company's work culture from cost to consumer oriented, increasing communi-cation flows throughout the supply chain with help of cross-functional integration and stand-ardizing the way the case study organization identifies, evaluates, and acts upon transportation risks, as well as actions that can be integrated into supply chain operations, such as assessing risk key performance indicators, determining ownership of tasks and spreading awareness of transportation risks throughout the supply chain.Os transportes são um aspeto essencial nas cadeias de abastecimento de bens de consumo rápido. Os riscos associados às suas operações são de grande preocupação para as empresas que querem garantir continuidade de negócio. O estudo baseia-se na Distribution & Export Business Unit da Kraft Heinz International, que exporta para mais de 25 países na Europa Oriental, e também Estados Unidos e Israel. A complexidade da logística envolvida em exportar para tantos países diferentes leva a que a sua cadeia de abastecimento esteja altamente exposta a riscos de transporte. O principal problema identificado na empresa estudo de caso foi de não terem uma abordagem estruturada para gerir os riscos no transporte dos produtos. A maioria das medidas realizadas pela empresa, para atenuar esses riscos, têm sido de natureza reativa em vez de proativa. O objetivo deste estudo é a criação de um plano estruturado para gestão de riscos, de modo a melhorar a preparação da empresa relativamente a riscos de transporte. Com este objetivo, foram analisados os riscos de transporte da empresa estudo de caso através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com funcionários que trabalham nas operações da cadeia de abastecimento da empresa. Adicionalmente, foi analisada a literatura existente para ser posteriormente comparada com os resultados das entrevistas e concluir possíveis estratégias e soluções para a gestão de riscos. Os resultados foram utilizados para propor um Business Continuity Plan , que revela como a empresa se deve preparar para atuais e futuros riscos. As principais conclusões e diretrizes propostas para a gestão de risco, referem a necessidade de alterar a cultura da empresa de um foco em custos para um foco no cliente, melhorar as redes de comunicação em toda a cadeia de abastecimento com ajuda de uma equipa multifuncional ou equipa multidepartamental e standardizar a maneira como a empresa identifica, avalia, e age sobre possíveis riscos de transporte, bem como ações que podem ser integradas nas operações da cadeia de abastecimento, como a avaliação através de key performance indicators para riscos, definir responsabilidades e espalhar conhecimento sobre riscos de transportação por toda a cadeia de abastecimentos

    Proactive inventory policy intervention to mitigate risk within cooperative supply chains

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    This exploratory paper will investigate the concept of supply chain risk management involving supplier monitoring within a cooperative supply chain. Inventory levels and stockouts are the key metrics. Key to this concept is the assumptions that (1) out-of-control supplier situations are causal triggers for downstream supply chain disruptions, (2) these triggers can potentially be predicted using statistical process monitoring tools, and (3) carrying excess inventory only when needed is preferable as opposed to carrying excess inventory on a continual basis. Simulation experimentation will be used to explore several supplier monitoring strategies based on statistical runs tests, specifically "runs up and down" and/or "runs above and below" tests. The sensitivity of these tests in detecting non-random supplier behavior will be explored and their performance will be investigated relative to stock-outs and inventory levels. Finally, the effects of production capacity and yield rate will be examined. Results indicate out-of-control supplier signals can be detected beforehand and stock-outs can be significantly reduced by dynamically adjusting inventory levels. The largest benefit occurs when both runs tests are used together and when the supplier has sufficient production capacity to respond to downstream demand (i.e., safety stock) increases. When supplier capacity is limited, the highest benefit is achieved when yield rates are high and, thus, yield loss does not increase supplier production requirements beyond its available capacity