876 research outputs found

    General Report - Session 3

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    This General Report summarizes the 84 papers accepted for the Session 3 focused on: - 3a. Case Histories on Failure and Remediation of Slopes, Dams, Embankments and Landfills (53 papers), - 3b. Case Histories on Failure and Remediation of Retaining Structures, Slurry Walls, and Deep Excavations, Dewatering, Stability (27 papers), - 3c. Improving the Stability and Maintenance of Monuments (4 papers). The papers originate from 26 countries (11 European countries, 3 American countries, 11 Asian countries and 1 African country). The papers cover a number of relevant topics divided into three different sub - sessions. As for the two papers included in Session 3c, only one deals with maintenance and retrofit of historical monuments. Indeed paper 3.03c is more pertinent to session 3b. On the other hand some papers included in Session 3a could also be considered in Session 3b and vice versa

    Tunnel pile interaction in clay

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    Advanced Underground Space Technology

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    The recent development of underground space technology makes underground space a potential and feasible solution to climate change, energy shortages, the growing population, and the demands on urban space. Advances in material science, information technology, and computer science incorporating traditional geotechnical engineering have been extensively applied to sustainable and resilient underground space applications. The aim of this Special Issue, entitled “Advanced Underground Space Technology”, is to gather original fundamental and applied research related to the design, construction, and maintenance of underground space

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering

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    This open access book is a collection of accepted papers from the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE2021). Researchers and engineers have discussed and presented around three major topics, i.e., construction and structural mechanics, building materials, and transportation and traffic. The content provide new ideas and practical experiences for both scientists and professionals

    Modelling the construction and long-term response of G\uf6ta Tunnel

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    This paper presents a benchmark of a rate-dependent constitutive model for soft soils, implemented in a 2D finite element code, against the response of an instrumented excavation in sensitive clay: G\uf6ta Tunnel in Gothenburg. The monitoring data, which comprise time-series of pore water pressures, displacements, earth pressures and strut forces, provide valuable insights of the time-dependent response during the construction period. The long-term response, in terms of the ongoing settlement rates, is assessed using remote sensing data. The results of the numerical simulations demonstrate that the constitutive model, Creep-SCLAY1S, is capable of capturing the observed response. The trends of vertical and horizontal displacements are captured well until the stage of dewatering, and the evolution of pore pressures and earth pressures is computed with high accuracy, excluding peaks in the measurement values arising from pile and rock anchor installation. Most importantly, the results demonstrate that the rate-dependent model enables to model the complete service life of the tunnel, from construction of the excavation to the tunnel operation, with one unified model parameter set. Furthermore, the comparisons highlight the importance of assessing installation effects both in the choice of construction methods and modelling

    Tunnel Engineering

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    This volume presents a selection of chapters covering a wide range of tunneling engineering topics. The scope was to present reviews of established methods and new approaches in construction practice and in digital technology tools like building information modeling. The book is divided in four sections dealing with geological aspects of tunneling, analysis and design, new challenges in tunnel construction, and tunneling in the digital era. Topics from site investigation and rock mass failure mechanisms, analysis and design approaches, and innovations in tunnel construction through digital tools are covered in 10 chapters. The references provided will be useful for further reading

    Contribution to the numerical analysis of the effect of movements induced by underground structures on nearby foundations

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    L objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer l'effet des additifs minéraux sur les propriétés physico-mécaniques du béton de sable à haute performance (BSHP) en utilisant le logiciel d'analyse statistique JMP7 de SAS pour exprimer un modèle mathématique. Le ciment a été partiellement remplacé par deux ajouts minéraux, la fumée de silice (FS) et le laitier de haut fourneau (LHF), dans des proportions pouvant atteindre 20 % de la masse de ciment pour optimiser les mélanges ; Où une approche de modélisation de plans de mélange est appliquée au béton de sable pour optimiser les mélanges qui minimisent le nombre d'expériences. Cette méthode analytique est utilisée en laboratoire pour préparer 15 mélanges de béton de sable en utilisant cette technique analytique dans des combinaisons de systèmes binaires et ternaires pour estimer l'ouvrabilité, la résistance à la flexion (Ft) et la résistance à la compression (CS) du béton de sable à 7 et 28 jours. . Les résultats obtenus ont montré que l'utilisation de modèles dérivés basés sur l'approche par plans d'expériences grandement admettait à comprendre les interactions entre les différents paramètres des mélanges étudiés, dans ce contexte, les modèles mathématiques présentent d'excellents coefficients de corrélation (R²=0.96 pour CS7 jours, R²=0.93 pour CS28 jours, R²=0.93 pour Ft28 jours, et R²=0.95 pour l'affaissement) pour toutes les réponses étudiées. Par ailleurs, il a été constaté aussi que l'inclusion d'additifs (FS et LHF) dans le mélange binaire BS12 et les mélanges ternaires BS8 conduit à une amélioration significative de la résistance mécanique par rapport au béton de sable de référence BS15. Ces résultats permettent d'obtenir une formulation de BSHP. A partir les résultats d'étude de la durabilité, la substitution du ciment par 10% de FS a diminué la sorptivité de 40%. Après 180 jours de conservation dans l'acide chlorhydrique HCl et dans l'acide sulfurique H2SO4, les bétons BS8 et le BS12 représentent une bonne résistance à l’attaque chimique par rapport les autres bétons