63 research outputs found

    Multi-stage secure clusterhead selection using discrete rule-set against unknown attacks in wireless sensor network

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    Security is the rising concern of the wireless network as there are various forms of reonfigurable network that is arised from it. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is one such example that is found to be an integral part of cyber-physical system in upcoming times. After reviewing the existing system, it can be seen that there are less dominant and robust solutions towards mitigating the threats of upcoming applications of WSN. Therefore, this paper introduces a simple and cost-effective modelling of a security system that offers security by ensuring secure selection of clusterhead during the data aggregation process in WSN. The proposed system also makes construct a rule-set in order to learn the nature of the communication iin order to have a discrete knowledge about the intensity of adversaries. With an aid of simulation-based approach over MEMSIC nodes, the proposed system was proven to offer reduced energy consumption with good data delivery performance in contrast to existing approach

    Supplementing an AD-HOC Wireless Network Routing Protocol with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have a broad and varied range of applications, yet all of these are limited by the resources available to the sensor nodes that make up the WSN. The most significant resource is energy. A WSN may be deployed to an inhospitable or unreachable area, leaving it with a non-replenishable power source. This research examines a way of reducing energy consumption by augmenting the nodes with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags that contain routing information. It was expected that RFID tags would reduce the network throughput, the ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing traffic sent, and the amount of energy consumed. However, the results show that RFID tags have little effect on the network throughput or the AODV routing traffic sent. They also increase ETE delays in sparse networks as well as the amount of energy consumed in both sparse and dense networks. Furthermore, there was no statistical difference in the amount of user data throughput received. The density of the network is shown to have an effect on the variation of the data but the trends are the same for both sparse and dense networks. This counter-intuitive result is explained, and conditions for such a scheme to be effective are discussed

    Algorithms for stable clustering in vanets (vehicular ad hoc networks)

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    Σημείωση: διατίθεται συμπληρωματικό υλικό σε ξεχωριστό αρχείο

    Group Rekeying Schemes for Secure Group Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are promising solutions for many applications. However, wireless sensor nodes suffer from many constraints such as low computation capability, small memory, limited energy resources, and so on. Grouping is an important technique to localize computation and reduce communication overhead in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we use grouping to refer to the process of combining a set of sensor nodes with similar properties. We propose two centralized group rekeying (CGK) schemes for secure group communication in sensor networks. The lifetime of a group is divided into three phases, i.e., group formation, group maintenance, and group dissolution. We demonstrate how to set up the group and establish the group key in each phase. Our analysis shows that the proposed two schemes are computationally efficient and secure

    Tactical approach to identify and quarantine spurious node participation request in sensory application

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    Securing Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) from variable forms of adversary is still an open end challenge. Review of diversified security apprroaches towards such problems that they are highly symptomatic with respect to resiliency strength against attack. Therefore, the proposed system highlights a novel and effective solution that is capable of identify the spurios request for participating in teh network building process from attacker and in return could deviate the route of attacker to some virtual nodes and links. A simple trust based mechanism is constructed for validating the legitimacy of such request generated from adversary node. The proposed system not only presents a security solution but also assists in enhancing the routing process significantly. The simulated outcome of the study shows that proposed system offers significantly good energy conservation, satisfactory data forwarding performance, reduced processing time in contrast to existing standard security practices

    Energy conservation in wireless sensor networks

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    This dissertation presents a system-level approach for minimizing the power expended in achieving communication between a ground-based sensor network and an overhead Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). A subset of sensor nodes, termed a transmit cluster, aggregates data gathered by the network and forms a distributed antenna array, concentrating the radiated transmission into a beam aimed towards the UAV. We present a method for more uniformly distributing the energy burden across the sensor network, specifying the time that should elapse between reassignments of the transmit cluster and the number of hops that should be placed between successive transmit clusters. We analyze the performance of two strategies for reconfiguring the communication burden between the sensor network and the UAV in order to bring the UAV and the sensor network's beam into alignment quickly, while minimizing the energy expenditure. We analyze the optimal number of nodes that should participate in a beamforming process in order to minimize the energy expended by the network, and we provide a framework to analyze the minimum energy expended in a simple beamforming algorithm. Finally, we analyze the probability that an arbitrarily selected sensor node is connected to a specified number of other nodes and we present an algorithm for the formation of near-linear arrays given random placement of nodes.http://archive.org/details/energyconservati1094510228Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Self-organization and management of wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a newly deployed networking technology consisting of multifunctional sensor nodes that are small in size and communicate over short distances. These sensor nodes are mainly in large numbers and are densely deployed either inside the phenomenon or very close to it. They can be used for various application areas (e.g. health, military, home). WSNs provide several advantages over traditional networks, such as large-scale deployment, highresolution sensed data, and application adaptive mechanisms. However, due to their unique characteristics (having dynamic topology, ad-hoc and unattended deployment, huge amount of data generation and traffic flow, limited bandwidth and energy), WSNs pose considerable challenges for network management and make application development nontrivial. Management of wireless sensor networks is extremely important in order to keep the whole network and application work properly and continuously. Despite the importance of sensor network management, there is no generalize solution available for managing and controlling these resource constrained WSNs. In network management of WSNs, energy-efficient network selforganization is one of the main challenging issues. Self-organization is the property which the sensor nodes must have to organize themselves to form the network. Selforganization of WSNs is challenging because of the tight constraints on the bandwidth and energy resources available in these networks. A self organized sensor network can be clustered or grouped into an easily manageable network. However, existing clustering schemes offer various limitations. For example, existing clustering schemes consume too much energy in cluster formation and re-formation. This thesis presents a novel cellular self-organizing hierarchical architecture for wireless sensor networks. The cellular architecture extends the network life time by efficiently utilizing nodes energy and support the scalability of the system. We have analyzed the performance of the architecture analytically and by simulations. The results obtained from simulation have shown that our cellular architecture is more energy efficient and achieves better energy consumption distribution. The cellular architecture is then mapped into a management framework to support the network management system for resource constraints WSNs. The management framework is self-managing and robust to changes in the network. It is application-co-operative and optimizes itself to support the unique requirements of each application. The management framework consists of three core functional areas i.e., configuration management, fault management, and mobility management. For configuration management, we have developed a re-configuration algorithm to support sensor networks to energy-efficiently re-form the network topology due to network dynamics i.e. node dying, node power on and off, new node joining the network and cells merging. In the area of fault management we have developed a new fault management mechanism to detect failing nodes and recover the connectivity in WSNs. For mobility management, we have developed a two phase sensor relocation solution: redundant mobile sensors are first identified and then relocated to the target location to deal with coverage holes. All the three functional areas have been evaluated and compared against existing solutions. Evaluation results show a significant improvement in terms of re-configuration, failure detection and recovery, and sensors relocation

    Design of Hierarchical Intrusion Detection Unit for Ad-hoc Networks Based On Bayesian Networks

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    Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are susceptible to security attacks due to their limited resources and the wireless medium they operate in. These attacks range from snooping to passive eavesdropping to active interference and DOS attacks. Every node should be equipped to deal with all kinds of attacks since there is no central security mechanism. Hence there should be a mechanism for intrusion detection along with trust establishment and secured routing. In this thesis we propose a hierarchical intrusion detection system based on Bayesian networks. Our work builds on the trust model proposed in [1] to establish trust between peers in the network. To detect an intrusion, a subset of nodes is selected for detecting an intrusion. The detecting node snoops on the network and constructs a Bayesian network in order to detect an intrusion. Based on the information collected by the detecting node, the intruding node is identified. Findings and Conclusions: Simulations results show that depending on the trust and the maliciousness of the node, the algorithm efficiently detects intrusive nodes and excludes them from utilizing the network resources. Furthermore due to the conditional probability methods used in conjunction with Bayes Theorem, even if some innocent node misbehaves sometimes, it will not be treated as an intrusive node immediately. The proposed approach is therefore a more robust and accurate method for intrusion detectionComputer Science Departmen

    Design and Evaluation of Memory Efficient Data Structure Scheme for Energy Drainage Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are deployed on a large scale and require protection from malicious energy drainage attacks, particularly those directed at the routing layer. The complexity increases during critical operations like cluster head selection where detection of such attacks is challenging. The dependency of WSN on batteries elevates the concern posed by these threats, making detection and isolation crucial, especially within the framework of energy-efficient clustering protocols such as Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Various approaches have been proposed in prior research to deal with such attacks. However, the use of memory-efficient data structures has yet to be effectively addressed. In this article, considering the limitations of WSN, we utilize memory-efficient data structures named Bloom filters, count-min (CM) sketch, and cellular automata (CA) to address abnormal energy drainage. A CA-based trust model is used to choose the legitimate node as the cluster head. CM sketch is used to control the frequency of a node selected as a cluster head, achieving fairness in the cluster head selection process, and Bloom filters maintain the record of malicious nodes blocked from participating in the communication or cluster head selection process. CA and trust functions collectively keep a record of neighbors' energy and their trust in the network. Grayhole, blackhole, and scheduling attacks are three well-known threats that lead to abnormal energy drainage in legitimate nodes. The proposed solution effectively detects and addresses abnormal energy drainage in WSN. Its impact is simulated and observed using ns2 IEEE 802.15.4 medium access control (MAC) and LEACH clustering protocols, specifically in the context of the mentioned attacks. The effectiveness of the proposed model was rigorously analysed, and it was observed that it reduces the energy consumption of WSN by approximately 16.66%, 48.33%, and 43.33% in the cases of grayhole, blackhole, and scheduling attacks, respectively. In terms of space/time complexity, its growth is linear O(n). The proposed solution also consumes 0.08-0.10 J more energy compared to the original LEACH as a cost of the solution, which is not more than 2% of the total initial energy. The tradeoff of implementing heightened security is worthwhile, as the proposed approach outperforms the original LEACH and related methods, effectively mitigating abnormal energy drainage in WSN and extending network lifetime, especially in challenging environments with persistent battery recharging challenges. INDEX TERMS WSN, LEACH, cellular automata, CM sketch, Bloom filter, energy drainage, blackhole, grayhole, and scheduling attacks, trust model