10 research outputs found


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    The objective of the project is to design and implement a car security system integrated with the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Short Messaging Services (SMS) technology. This security system is capable of protecting the car from thief while the tracking system has the ability to locate the car location in real time. In case the thief managed to break the security system, the tracking system will start to get the location information from the GPS receiver. The location information will then be transmitted to the user hand phone using SMS. The user can decide to stop the car engine by sending the SMS back to the system. If the system receives the SMS "STOP_CAR"; the engine will be turned OFF and all the doors will be locked. The thief will be trapped inside the car. This project can be divided into four major parts which are the hardware, microcontroller, GPS receiver and computer terminal (GSM modem). The hardware part consists of four sub components which are sensors, power distribution, relays and serial circuitry. Microcontroller is the brain which controls all the operation of the system. It receive the input from the sensors and give the output to the relays and alarm. The computer terminal (GSM modem), act as medium of communication between the hardware part and GSM network. The computer terminal also receives coordinate information from the GPS receiver in a format called NMEA code

    Incorporating Resource Safety Verification to Executable Model-based Development for Embedded Systems

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    This paper formulates and illustrates the integration of resource safety verification into a design methodology for development of verified and robust real-time embedded systems. Resource-related concerns are not closely linked with current xUML model-based software development although they are critical for embedded systems. We describe how to integrate resource analysis techniques into the early phase of an xUML-based development cycle. Our hybrid framework for resource safety verification combines static resource analysis and runtime monitoring. A case study based on an embedded controller for satellite simulation, TableSat, illustrates the benefits obtained by incorporating resource verification into design and combining static analysis and runtime monitoring. 1

    Flexible and Efficient Measurement of Dynamic Bytecode Metrics

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    Code instrumentation is finding more and more practical applications, but the required program transformations are often difficult to implement, due to the lack of dedicated, high-level tools. In this paper we present a novel instrumentation framework that supports the partial evaluation of compiled Java code transformation templates, with the goal of efficiently measuring chosen dynamic bytecode and control flow metrics. This framework, as well as the instrumentation code it generates, is implemented in pure Java and hence completely platform-independent. We show the benefits of our approach in several application areas, such as platform-independent resource management and profiling of software components

    Program Transformations for Light-Weight CPU Accounting and Control in the Java Virtual Machine - A Systematic Review

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    This article constitutes a thorough presentation of an original scheme for portable CPU accounting and control in Java, which is based on program transformation techniques at the bytecode level and can be used with every standard Java Virtual Machine. In our approach applications, middleware, and even the standard Java runtime libraries (i.e., the Java Development Kit) are modified in a fully portable way, in order to expose details regarding the execution of threads. These transformations however incur a certain overhead at runtime. Further contributions of this article are the systematic review of the origin of such overheads and the description of a new static path prediction scheme targeted at reducing them

    Profilage continu et efficient de verrous pour Java pour les architectures multicœurs

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    Today, the processing of large dataset is generally parallelised and performed on computers with many cores. However, locks can serialize the execution of these cores and hurt the latency and the processing throughput. Spotting theses lock contention issues in-vitro (i.e. during the development phase) is complex because it is difficult to reproduce a production environment, to create a realistic workload representative of the context of use of the software and to test every possible configuration of deployment where will be executed the software. This thesis introduces Free Lunch, a lock profiler that diagnoses phases of high lock contention due to locks in-vivo (i.e. during the operational phase). Free Lunch is designed around a new metric, the Critical Section Pressure (CSP), which aims to evaluate the impact of lock contention on overall thread progress. Free Lunch is integrated in Hotpost in order to minimize the overhead and regularly reports the CSP during the execution in order to detect temporary issues due to locks. Free Lunch is evaluated over 31 benchmarks from Dacapo 9.12, SpecJVM08 and SpecJBB2005, and over the Cassandra database. We were able to pinpoint the phases of lock contention in 6 applications for which some of these were not detected by existing profilers. With this information, we have improved the performance of Xalan by 15% just by rewriting one line of code and identified a phase of high lock contention in Cassandra during the replay of transactions after a crash of a node. Free Lunch has never degraded performance by more than 6%, which makes it suitable to be deployed continuously in an operational environment.Aujourd’hui, le traitement de grands jeux de données est généralement parallélisé et effectué sur des machines multi-cœurs. Cependant, les verrous peuvent sérialiser l'exécution de ces coeurs et dégrader la latence et le débit du traitement. Détecter ces problèmes de contention de verrous in-vitro (i.e. pendant le développement du logiciel) est complexe car il est difficile de reproduire un environnement de production, de créer une charge de travail réaliste représentative du contexte d’utilisation du logiciel et de tester toutes les configurations de déploiement possibles où s'exécutera le logiciel. Cette thèse présente Free Lunch, un profiler permettant d'identifier les phases de contention dues aux verrous in-vivo (i.e. en production). Free Lunch intègre une nouvelle métrique appelée Critical Section Pressure (CSP) évaluant avec précision l'impact de la synchronisation sur le progrès des threads. Free Lunch est directement intégré dans la JVM Hotspot pour minimiser le surcoût d'exécution et reporte régulièrement la CSP afin de pouvoir détecter les problèmes transitoires dus aux verrous. Free Lunch est évalué sur 31 benchmarks issus de Dacapo 9.12, SpecJVM08 et SpecJBB2005, ainsi que sur la base de données Cassandra. Nous avons identifié des phases de contention dans 6 applications dont certaines n'étaient pas détectées par les profilers actuels. Grâce à ces informations, nous avons amélioré la performance de Xalan de 15% en modifiant une seule ligne de code et identifié une phase de haute contention dans Cassandra. Free Lunch n’a jamais dégradé les performances de plus de 6% ce qui le rend approprié pour être déployé continuellement dans un environnement de production

    Profilage continu et efficient de verrous pour Java pour les architectures multicœurs

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    Today, the processing of large dataset is generally parallelised and performed on computers with many cores. However, locks can serialize the execution of these cores and hurt the latency and the processing throughput. Spotting theses lock contention issues in-vitro (i.e. during the development phase) is complex because it is difficult to reproduce a production environment, to create a realistic workload representative of the context of use of the software and to test every possible configuration of deployment where will be executed the software. This thesis introduces Free Lunch, a lock profiler that diagnoses phases of high lock contention due to locks in-vivo (i.e. during the operational phase). Free Lunch is designed around a new metric, the Critical Section Pressure (CSP), which aims to evaluate the impact of lock contention on overall thread progress. Free Lunch is integrated in Hotpost in order to minimize the overhead and regularly reports the CSP during the execution in order to detect temporary issues due to locks. Free Lunch is evaluated over 31 benchmarks from Dacapo 9.12, SpecJVM08 and SpecJBB2005, and over the Cassandra database. We were able to pinpoint the phases of lock contention in 6 applications for which some of these were not detected by existing profilers. With this information, we have improved the performance of Xalan by 15% just by rewriting one line of code and identified a phase of high lock contention in Cassandra during the replay of transactions after a crash of a node. Free Lunch has never degraded performance by more than 6%, which makes it suitable to be deployed continuously in an operational environment.Aujourd’hui, le traitement de grands jeux de données est généralement parallélisé et effectué sur des machines multi-cœurs. Cependant, les verrous peuvent sérialiser l'exécution de ces coeurs et dégrader la latence et le débit du traitement. Détecter ces problèmes de contention de verrous in-vitro (i.e. pendant le développement du logiciel) est complexe car il est difficile de reproduire un environnement de production, de créer une charge de travail réaliste représentative du contexte d’utilisation du logiciel et de tester toutes les configurations de déploiement possibles où s'exécutera le logiciel. Cette thèse présente Free Lunch, un profiler permettant d'identifier les phases de contention dues aux verrous in-vivo (i.e. en production). Free Lunch intègre une nouvelle métrique appelée Critical Section Pressure (CSP) évaluant avec précision l'impact de la synchronisation sur le progrès des threads. Free Lunch est directement intégré dans la JVM Hotspot pour minimiser le surcoût d'exécution et reporte régulièrement la CSP afin de pouvoir détecter les problèmes transitoires dus aux verrous. Free Lunch est évalué sur 31 benchmarks issus de Dacapo 9.12, SpecJVM08 et SpecJBB2005, ainsi que sur la base de données Cassandra. Nous avons identifié des phases de contention dans 6 applications dont certaines n'étaient pas détectées par les profilers actuels. Grâce à ces informations, nous avons amélioré la performance de Xalan de 15% en modifiant une seule ligne de code et identifié une phase de haute contention dans Cassandra. Free Lunch n’a jamais dégradé les performances de plus de 6% ce qui le rend approprié pour être déployé continuellement dans un environnement de production

    Proceedings of the 18th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

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    These proceedings contain the papers that were accepted for publication at AICS-2007, the 18th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, which was held in the Technological University Dublin; Dublin, Ireland; on the 29th to the 31st August 2007. AICS is the annual conference of the Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AIAI)

    A Portable CPU-Management Framework for Java

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