293 research outputs found


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    The glenohumeral joint is the most dislocated major joint in the body; however despite such a high rate of injury, the proper treatment protocol remains unclear. Rehabilitation has proved to be insufficient with an 80% chance of redislocation in teenagers and 10-15% chance after the age of 40. Following surgical repair, nearly 25% of patients still experience redislocation and complain of joint stiffness and osteoarthritis. In an attempt to improve these results, the normal function of the glenohumeral capsule has been evaluated using both experimental and computational methods. Recent data (strain and force patterns) suggests that the capsule functions multiaxially. Therefore, simple uniaxial methods may not be sufficient to fully characterize the tissue and identify the appropriate constitutive model of the tissue. Inconclusive data has been presented in the literature regarding the collagen fiber architecture and the mechanical properties of the capsule that make it unclear whether the capsule is an isotropic or a transversely isotropic material. For instance, the collagen fiber architecture has been shown by one researcher to be randomly distributed, while another researcher reported the fibers to be aligned. In addition, the axillary pouch has been shown to be the primary stabilizer of the glenohumeral joint in positions of extreme external rotation while the posterior region of the capsule has been shown to stabilize the joint in positions of extreme internal rotation. The rate of dislocations, however, is more frequent in the position of external rotation. Therefore, the overall objective of this work was to utilize a combined experimental - computational methodology to characterize the mechanical properties of the axillary pouch and posterior region of the glenohumeral capsule. Using an isotropic constitutive model, the stress-stretch relationship of the axillary pouch and posterior regions in response to two perpendicular tensile and finite simple shear elongations showed no statistical difference. Further, the constitutive coefficients of pure tensile and simple finite shear elongations in the direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament (longitudinal) were able to predict the response of the same tissue sample in the direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the anterior band (transverse). These similarities between the longitudinal and transverse elongations of the tissue imply that the capsule is an isotropic material and functions to resist dislocation the same in all directions, rather than just along the longitudinal axis of the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament, as previously thought. Further, the coefficients of the axillary pouch and posterior regions of the capsule showed no statistical difference, suggesting that these regions have similar mechanical properties, despite a difference in geometry. Thus, when developing finite element models of the glenohumeral capsule, an isotropic constitutive model should be utilized; and both the axillary pouch and posterior regions could be evaluated using the same coefficients. However, due to discrepancies when comparing the constitutive coefficients of tensile and shear elongations, an update to the constitutive model is required. With the proper representation of the glenohumeral capsule known, finite element models can be developed to pursue the understanding of normal joint function, including the effects of age and gender, as well as injured and surgically repaired joints

    Profile and migration of members of Residency Programs in Family Medicine

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    OBJETIVO Caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e analisar as características migratórias dos integrantes dos Programas de Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade em 2020 no Brasil. MÉTODOS O estudo segue um delineamento observacional transversal de natureza quantitativa a partir da perspectiva dos integrantes dos Programas de Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade. Foram desenvolvidos questionários adaptados para cada grupo participante, aplicados por meio de plataforma on-line. RESULTADOS A maioria dos participantes é do sexo feminino e de cor branca. A maioria dos supervisores e preceptores foi residente de Programas de Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade, contudo, há alguns que não são especialistas na área. A maior parte dos participantes está vinculada às capitais ou regiões metropolitanas. Em relação à fixação, 41,1% dos supervisores e 73,1% dos preceptores estão vinculados a um programa no mesmo município onde foram residentes. Para a maioria dos médicos residentes, o local da residência coincide com o local de nascimento e/ou graduação (57,4%), sendo que 48,5% estão no mesmo local de graduação. CONCLUSÕES A pesquisa reforça a necessidade de políticas de promoção da migração de residentes para Programas de Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade fora das capitais e regiões metropolitanas, bem como estimula a fixação dos egressos formados fora dos grandes centros urbanos para que eles possam contribuir com a distribuição e com o provimento de médicos onde ainda é necessário.OBJECTIVE To describe the sociodemographic profile and analyze the migratory characteristics of the members of the Residency Programs in Family Medicine in 2020 in Brazil. METHODS The study follows a cross-sectional observational design of a quantitative nature from the perspective of the members of the Residency Programs in Family Medicine. Questionnaires adapted for each participating group were developed, applied through an online platform. RESULTS Most participants are female and white. Most supervisors and preceptors were residents of Residency Programs in Family Medicine, however, there are some who are not specialists in the field. Most participants are based in capitals or metropolitan regions. In relation to retention, 41.1% of supervisors and 73.1% of preceptors are affiliated to a program in the same municipality where they lived. For most resident physicians, the place of residence coincides with the place of birth and/or graduation (57.4%), and 48.5% are in the same place of graduation. CONCLUSIONS The research reinforces the need for policies to promote the migration of residents to Residency Programs in Family Medicine outside capital cities and metropolitan regions, as well as encouraging the retention of graduates trained outside large urban centers so that they can contribute to distribution and provision of doctors where they are still needed

    Understanding teacher career stages and the role of leadership in professional development

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    The goal of professional development is to continually increase the knowledge and skills necessary for teachers to help their students succeed in their classrooms. Just as our students learn and grow throughout the course of their educational careers, teachers and administrators should also be expected to change, expand their professional skills, and develop their craft over time. This case study focused on one district and examined the role of leadership in providing professional development opportunities and how those opportunities were perceived by teachers. Using the adult learning frameworks of andragogy and transformative learning provided a focus on adult learning and the needs of adult learners. This case study involved interviews with district leaders, school leaders, and instructional coaches. Teachers at all three district schools were invited to complete a survey on their experiences with and perceptions of professional development. Findings from interview and survey data showed that a clear vision, organizational structure, and focus on adult learning can provide teachers with opportunities that meet their ever-changing needs. District leaders were purposeful in their design of adult learning and school leaders also worked to further that vision. In turn, teachers felt support for participating in various professional development opportunities. The contractual requirement for an annual coaching plan also provided opportunities for teachers to set their own learning goals and choose from a variety of options for professional development. One implication is that it takes a vision for professional development and a system of support at the district and building level to offer teachers choice and differentiated opportunities for learning. Further research on effective ways to differentiate professional development for teachers as well as research on districts where teachers perceive their instructional practices to be benefiting from individualized and differentiated professional development can help leaders as they design adult learning opportunities for teachers

    Right place. Right time. Right tool: guidance for using target analysis to increase the likelihood of invasive species detection

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    In response to the National Invasive Species Council’s 2016–2018 Management Plan, this paper provides guidance on applying target analysis as part of a comprehensive framework for the early detection of and rapid response to invasive species (EDRR). Target analysis is a strategic approach for detecting one or more invasive species at a specific locality and time, using a particular method and/or technology(ies). Target analyses, which are employed across a wide range of disciplines, are intended to increase the likelihood of detection of a known target in order to maximize survey effectiveness and cost-efficiency. Although target analyses are not yet a standard approach to invasive species management, some federal agencies are employing target analyses in principle and/or in part to improve EDRR capacities. These initiatives can provide a foundation for a more standardized and comprehensive approach to target analyses. Guidance is provided for improving computational information. Federal agencies and their partners would benefit from a concerted effort to collect the information necessary to perform rigorous target analyses and make it available through open access platforms

    The Chronicle [April 18, 1986]

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    The Chronicle, April 18, 1986https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/chron/3558/thumbnail.jp

    Lanthorn, vol. 31, no. 18, January 16, 1997

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    Lanthorn is Grand Valley State\u27s student newspaper, published from 1968 to the present

    Spartan Daily, March 23, 1981

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    Volume 76, Issue 39https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/6743/thumbnail.jp

    The Chronicle [March 28, 1986]

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    The Chronicle, March 28, 1986https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/chron/3552/thumbnail.jp

    A bilevel model for transit vehicle allocation

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja formuliranje i rješenje projektantskih problema za dvorazinske tranzitne mreže u intermodalnom mrežnom okruženju. Niža razina dvorazinskog problema sastoji se od kombiniranog izbora i raspoređivanja intermodalne mrežne ravnoteže s asimetričnim interakcijskim povezivanjem i promjenjivim tranzitnim frekvencijama. Gornja razina je problem maksimizacije broja putnika koji koriste određeni oblik javnog prijevoza s brojem tranzitnih vozila dodijeljenih prema tranzitnim pravcima kao projektnih varijabli. Kao rješenje za dvorazinski problem predlaže se algoritam temeljen na osjetljivosti.The formulation and resolution of a bi-level transit network design problem in an intermodal network environment is presented in the paper. The lower level of this bi-level problem is a combined mode-choice/assignment intermodal network equilibrium with asymmetric link interactions and variable transit frequencies. The upper level is a transit ridership maximization problem, with the number of transit vehicles allocated toward transit routes as a design variable. A sensitivity based algorithm is proposed for resolution of the bi-level problem