75,485 research outputs found

    Audiovisual to Sign Language Translator

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    Communication between conventionally-abled and hearing-challenged individuals can pose difficulties. Although sign language partially alleviates problems, it requires an interlocutor to know sign language. Sign language varies with region of the world, and while a conventionally-abled interlocutor can learn a particular sign language, it is difficult or impractical to learn more than one sign language. This disclosure describes an audiovisual to sign language translator. The translator captures, with user permission, speech and video of a conventionally-abled speaker and translates it in real time to a video of the speaker acting out a sign language in an emotion-preserving manner. The sign language video can be presented to the hearing-challenged person, e.g., in a picture-in-picture format, such that sign language symbolisms appear in one window, while raw video of the interlocutor appears in another. The techniques of this disclosure enable a conventionally-abled speaker to communicate with a hearing-challenged individual without needing to learn a sign language


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    On the one hand, the image of the translated examples of “Oriental Poems” gives a full picture of the talent of J.G. Byron, on the other hand, it clarifies the talent and ability of the translator in the field of translation, the use of language, its poetic layer, richness of phrases. The expressiveness created by artistic figures, phraseological combinations, as well as fixed word patterns, shows a perfect fullness at the level of speech etiquette within the text. Phraseological units come to the fore as a component of imagery and a means of providing it throughout the text.On the one hand, the image of the translated examples of “Oriental Poems” gives a full picture of the talent of J.G. Byron, on the other hand, it clarifies the talent and ability of the translator in the field of translation, the use of language, its poetic layer, richness of phrases. The expressiveness created by artistic figures, phraseological combinations, as well as fixed word patterns, shows a perfect fullness at the level of speech etiquette within the text. Phraseological units come to the fore as a component of imagery and a means of providing it throughout the text

    Implementasi Penerjemah Bahasa Isyarat Pada Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BISINDO) Dengan Metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

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    Deaf people can communicate with other normal people by utilizing hearing impairment or by using sign language. Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BISINDO) is a sign language promoted by Gerakan Kesejahteraan Tunarungu Indonesia (GERKATIN). An application is required to make people easier to communicate and recognize sign language especially Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BISINDO). This research aimed to develop a translator application that can translate a movement of sign language into a text form that can be understood by the normal person. The method used in this research is PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to identify patterns in the data and then express the data to other forms to show differences and similarities between patterns. To recognize the object, this research used a viola-jones method that gives a specific indication of a picture or image. This research will produce an application that can translate 26 letters sign language to the form of letters in general

    Culture in translation: the case of British Pathé News

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    At the risk of serving and betraying two masters, the intellectual and practical work of the translator is best characterized as an ethical problem: to navigate our anxieties of otherness by making difference accessible while also protecting the ‘other’ from appropriation. This article locates these concerns within the context of international motion picture news production, during which the need to make far-off people, events, and cultural practices accessible to audiences at home suggests a similar translation process. Using Paul Ricoeur's notion of ‘linguistic hospitality’ as its point of entry, it maintains that as cultural translations engaged in the description and explanation of frames of reference different to those of the spectator, newsreels took their audiences on an intercultural journey of discovery, bridging both the physical and the metaphorical gulf that separated them from the images projected on their cinema screens and the experience of life elsewhere. By placing this discussion within the concrete practice of British PathĂ© News, this article advances a powerful example of not only the complex intercultural negotiations that exist at the heart of newsreel production as a form of cultural translation but also the ways in which these negotiations echo across our relationship to otherness more generally


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    As a country that is famous for her natural beauty and friendly people, Indonesia becomes one of worldtourism destinations and many foreign people visit this country. In order to provide better service, manybilingual public signs, Indonesian – English, are placed in public areas. Unfortunately, due to structuraand cultural differences between Indonesian and English, the intention of providing information is oftenhampered. Further, because of translation ignorance there are many misleading bilingual public signsthat may create confusion. In fact, public signs, regardless the language command, should evoke similareffect to the readers so that the terms used should be familiar to the target readers. On the other hand,there is no standard in translating public sign so that different public facilities may put different versionfor similar sign. This paper is going to map the method of translation applied in translating signs inseveral public areas in Surabaya and analyse the common mistake of the signs. It is expected that peoplerealise the importance of proper bilingual signs and the authorities will pay more attention to thetranslation activity, especially in producing bilingual signs and thus reducing translation ignorance

    Early Modern Science in Translation: Texts in Transit Between Italy and England

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    This paper aims to take a fresh look at the emergence of a new linguistic culture at the end of the seventeenth century in England, when the Restoration, the birth of the Royal Society and the spread of the experimental scientific method posed the question of the standardization of English more strongly than ever before, in a quest for a clear, less ambiguous language capable of scientific expression. While members of the Royal Society could read Latin – which would remain the undisputed language of science for quite some time to come – nonetheless a rising number of important works that circulated in English translation testifies to a shift in sensibilities and a growing sentiment that cultivated Englishmen deserved to read the works of the new science in their own language. Within this broader context, which the paper aims to briefly reconstruct and reconsider, special attention will be paid to the entry points of Galilean and post-Galilean thought into England, in particular the English translation of the experiments of the Accademia del Cimento by Richard Waller. A consideration of linguistic features, translation strategies and culture-specific issues will aim to explore some of the ways in which seventeenth-century English continued to look to the Continent for its enrichment and refinement, as was customary in previous ages and in particular for literary texts, while at the same time claiming for itself the practice of specialized communication in the vernacular, which would pave the way for the rise of English as the language of science

    The Production and Reproduction of Translation: System Theory and Historical Context

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    A human evaluation of English-Irish statistical and neural machine translation

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    With official status in both Ireland and the EU, there is a need for high-quality English-Irish (EN-GA) machine translation (MT) systems which are suitable for use in a professional translation environment. While we have seen recent research on improving both statistical MT and neural MT for the EN-GA pair, the results of such systems have always been reported using automatic evaluation metrics. This paper provides the first human evaluation study of EN-GA MT using professional translators and in-domain (public administration) data for a more accurate depiction of the translation quality available via MT

    Techniques of Translating Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University

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    The study deals with the techniques of translation on thesis abstracts inEconomics Department. The objectives of study were to identify the types oftranslation techniques, to find out the most dominant type of translationtechniques used, and to describe the reasons of the translation techniques used intranslating thesis abstract. The study used descriptive qualitative design.Nazir(1998: 34) states that descriptive qualitative is a method of research thatmakes the description of the situation of events or occurrences clearer. It isunderstood that descriptive qualitative is a method of research which provides thedescription of situation, events or occurrences, so this method is an intention toaccumulate the basic data. Qualitative research involves analysis of data such aswords and phrases written in abstracts. The data were taken from twentytranslated thesis abstracts of Economic Department. The findings show that therewere eight techniques of eighteen techniques used in thesis abstracts. The mostdominant type of translation techniques was established equivalent due to thetranslator intention to avoid misunderstanding by using the dictionaries andparticular equivalent known by target language. It is recommended that in doingany translation, the most essential thing is to keep the meaning or the message ofthe source language remains the same when it is being translated into the targetlanguage
