1,965 research outputs found

    The third 'CHiME' speech separation and recognition challenge: Analysis and outcomes

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    This paper presents the design and outcomes of the CHiME-3 challenge, the first open speech recognition evaluation designed to target the increasingly relevant multichannel, mobile-device speech recognition scenario. The paper serves two purposes. First, it provides a definitive reference for the challenge, including full descriptions of the task design, data capture and baseline systems along with a description and evaluation of the 26 systems that were submitted. The best systems re-engineered every stage of the baseline resulting in reductions in word error rate from 33.4% to as low as 5.8%. By comparing across systems, techniques that are essential for strong performance are identified. Second, the paper considers the problem of drawing conclusions from evaluations that use speech directly recorded in noisy environments. The degree of challenge presented by the resulting material is hard to control and hard to fully characterise. We attempt to dissect the various 'axes of difficulty' by correlating various estimated signal properties with typical system performance on a per session and per utterance basis. We find strong evidence of a dependence on signal-to-noise ratio and channel quality. Systems are less sensitive to variations in the degree of speaker motion. The paper concludes by discussing the outcomes of CHiME-3 in relation to the design of future mobile speech recognition evaluations

    TS-SEP: Joint Diarization and Separation Conditioned on Estimated Speaker Embeddings

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    Since diarization and source separation of meeting data are closely related tasks, we here propose an approach to perform the two objectives jointly. It builds upon the target-speaker voice activity detection (TS-VAD) diarization approach, which assumes that initial speaker embeddings are available. We replace the final combined speaker activity estimation network of TS-VAD with a network that produces speaker activity estimates at a time-frequency resolution. Those act as masks for source extraction, either via masking or via beamforming. The technique can be applied both for single-channel and multi-channel input and, in both cases, achieves a new state-of-the-art word error rate (WER) on the LibriCSS meeting data recognition task. We further compute speaker-aware and speaker-agnostic WERs to isolate the contribution of diarization errors to the overall WER performance.Comment: Submitted to IEEE/ACM TASL

    Data augmentation for speech separation

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    CMGAN: Conformer-Based Metric-GAN for Monaural Speech Enhancement

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    Convolution-augmented transformers (Conformers) are recently proposed in various speech-domain applications, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech separation, as they can capture both local and global dependencies. In this paper, we propose a conformer-based metric generative adversarial network (CMGAN) for speech enhancement (SE) in the time-frequency (TF) domain. The generator encodes the magnitude and complex spectrogram information using two-stage conformer blocks to model both time and frequency dependencies. The decoder then decouples the estimation into a magnitude mask decoder branch to filter out unwanted distortions and a complex refinement branch to further improve the magnitude estimation and implicitly enhance the phase information. Additionally, we include a metric discriminator to alleviate metric mismatch by optimizing the generator with respect to a corresponding evaluation score. Objective and subjective evaluations illustrate that CMGAN is able to show superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods in three speech enhancement tasks (denoising, dereverberation and super-resolution). For instance, quantitative denoising analysis on Voice Bank+DEMAND dataset indicates that CMGAN outperforms various previous models with a margin, i.e., PESQ of 3.41 and SSNR of 11.10 dB.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures and 5 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.1514

    HiFi-GAN: High-Fidelity Denoising and Dereverberation Based on Speech Deep Features in Adversarial Networks

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    Real-world audio recordings are often degraded by factors such as noise, reverberation, and equalization distortion. This paper introduces HiFi-GAN, a deep learning method to transform recorded speech to sound as though it had been recorded in a studio. We use an end-to-end feed-forward WaveNet architecture, trained with multi-scale adversarial discriminators in both the time domain and the time-frequency domain. It relies on the deep feature matching losses of the discriminators to improve the perceptual quality of enhanced speech. The proposed model generalizes well to new speakers, new speech content, and new environments. It significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods in both objective and subjective experiments.Comment: Accepted by INTERSPEECH 202

    A Four-Stage Data Augmentation Approach to ResNet-Conformer Based Acoustic Modeling for Sound Event Localization and Detection

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    In this paper, we propose a novel four-stage data augmentation approach to ResNet-Conformer based acoustic modeling for sound event localization and detection (SELD). First, we explore two spatial augmentation techniques, namely audio channel swapping (ACS) and multi-channel simulation (MCS), to deal with data sparsity in SELD. ACS and MDS focus on augmenting the limited training data with expanding direction of arrival (DOA) representations such that the acoustic models trained with the augmented data are robust to localization variations of acoustic sources. Next, time-domain mixing (TDM) and time-frequency masking (TFM) are also investigated to deal with overlapping sound events and data diversity. Finally, ACS, MCS, TDM and TFM are combined in a step-by-step manner to form an effective four-stage data augmentation scheme. Tested on the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) 2020 data sets, our proposed augmentation approach greatly improves the system performance, ranking our submitted system in the first place in the SELD task of DCASE 2020 Challenge. Furthermore, we employ a ResNet-Conformer architecture to model both global and local context dependencies of an audio sequence to yield further gains over those architectures used in the DCASE 2020 SELD evaluations.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Recurrent neural networks for multi-microphone speech separation

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    This thesis takes the classical signal processing problem of separating the speech of a target speaker from a real-world audio recording containing noise, background interference — from competing speech or other non-speech sources —, and reverberation, and seeks data-driven solutions based on supervised learning methods, particularly recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Such speech separation methods can inject robustness in automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems and have been an active area of research for the past two decades. We particularly focus on applications where multi-channel recordings are available. Stand-alone beamformers cannot simultaneously suppress diffuse-noise and protect the desired signal from any distortions. Post-filters complement the beamformers in obtaining the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) estimate of the desired signal. Time-frequency (TF) masking — a method having roots in computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) — is a suitable candidate for post-filtering, but the challenge lies in estimating the TF masks. The use of RNNs — in particular the bi-directional long short-term memory (BLSTM) architecture — as a post-filter estimating TF masks for a delay-and-sum beamformer (DSB) — using magnitude spectral and phase-based features — is proposed. The data—recorded in 4 challenging realistic environments—from the CHiME-3 challenge is used. Two different TF masks — Wiener filter and log-ratio — are identified as suitable targets for learning. The separated speech is evaluated based on objective speech intelligibility measures: short-term objective intelligibility (STOI) and frequency-weighted segmental SNR (fwSNR). The word error rates (WERs) as reported by the previous state-of-the-art ASR back-end — when fed with the test data of the CHiME-3 challenge — are interpreted against the objective scores for understanding the relationships of the latter with the former. Overall, a consistent improvement in the objective scores brought in by the RNNs is observed compared to that of feed-forward neural networks and a baseline MVDR beamformer

    Auditory Streaming: Behavior, Physiology, and Modeling

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    Auditory streaming is a fundamental aspect of auditory perception. It refers to the ability to parse mixed acoustic events into meaningful streams where each stream is assumed to originate from a separate source. Despite wide interest and increasing scientific investigations over the last decade, the neural mechanisms underlying streaming still remain largely unknown. A simple example of this mystery concerns the streaming of simple tone sequences, and the general assumption that separation along the tonotopic axis is sufficient for stream segregation. However, this dissertation research casts doubt on the validity of this assumption. First, behavioral measures of auditory streaming in ferrets prove that they can be used as an animal model to study auditory streaming. Second, responses from neurons in the primary auditory cortex (A1) of ferrets show that spectral components that are well-separated in frequency produce comparably segregated responses along the tonotopic axis, no matter whether presented synchronously or consecutively, despite the substantial differences in their streaming percepts when measured psychoacoustically in humans. These results argue against the notion that tonotopic separation per se is a sufficient neural correlate of stream segregation. Thirdly, comparing responses during behavior to those during the passive condition, the temporal correlations of spiking activity between neurons belonging to the same stream display an increased correlation, while responses among neurons belonging to different streams become less correlated. Rapid task-related plasticity of neural receptive fields shows a pattern that is consistent with the changes in correlation. Taken together these results indicate that temporal coherence is a plausible neural correlate of auditory streaming. Finally, inspired by the above biological findings, we propose a computational model of auditory scene analysis, which uses temporal coherence as the primary criterion for predicting stream formation. The promising results of this dissertation research significantly advance our understanding of auditory streaming and perception
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