10 research outputs found

    Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Environments through Bayesian Prediction of Sequential Probability Matrices

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    In order to safely navigate populated environments, an autonomous vehicle must be able to detect human shapes using its sensory systems, so that it can properly avoid a collision. In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian approach to the Viola-Jones algorithm, as a method to automatically detect pedestrians in image sequences. We present a probabilistic interpretation of the basic execution of the original tool and develop a technique to produce approximate convolutions of probability matrices with multiple local maxima

    A Novel Approach for Image Localization Using SVM Classifier and PSO Algorithm for Vehicle Tracking

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    In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for vehicular image localization, by incorporating the surveillance image object identification, using a local gradient model, and vehicle localization using the time of action. The aerial images of different traffic densities are obtained using the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Descriptor. These features are acquired simply based on locations, angles, positions, and height of cameras set on the junction board. The localization of vehicular image is obtained based on the different times of action of the vehicles under consideration. Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier, as well as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), is also proposed in this work. Different experimental analyses are also performed to calculate the efficiency of optimization methods in the new proposed system. Outcomes from experimentations reveal the effectiveness of the classification precision, recall, and F measure

    Clasificador basado en Máquina de Vectores de Soporte Ajustada para Reconocimiento de Peatones en Tráfico Urbano

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    The need for autonomy and intelligent decision-making in automobile flow is booming. For this purpose there are a number of interesting problems related to recognition of features in urban environments. One of the main relevant aspects in this subject is the recognition of pedestrians, a technology that is expected to save millions of lives avoiding or decreasing the rates of pedestrian run away. In this paper we propose the recognition of pedestrians in urban environments using a classifier based on a Support Vector Machine. We used up to 5000 images from the INRIA database to train the classifier and validate its accuracy through the cross-validation method.La búsqueda de autonomía en desplazamiento automotriz está en auge. En dicha búsqueda existen diversos problemas a resolver; uno de ellos es el reconocimiento de características en ambientes urbanos que permitan a un vehículo tomar decisiones autónomas. Uno de los aspectos más relevantes corresponde al reconocimiento de transeúntes, una tecnología que se espera pueda salvar millones de vidas en accidentes de atropellamientos. En este trabajo de investigación se propone el reconocimiento de transeúntes en ambientes urbanos por medio de un clasificador basado en una Máquina de Vectores de Soporte ajustada; se consideraron hasta 5000 imágenes de la base de datos la INRIA con el fin de entrenar el clasificador y validar su precisión por medio del método de validación cruzada

    Comparing Local Descriptors and Bags of Visual Words to Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Recognition

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    The use of machine learning and computer vision methods for recognizing different plants from images has attracted lots of attention from the community. This paper aims at comparing local feature descriptors and bags of visual words with different classifiers to deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on three plant datasets; AgrilPlant, LeafSnap, and Folio. To achieve this, we study the use of both scratch and fine-tuned versions of the GoogleNet and the AlexNet architectures and compare them to a local feature descriptor with k-nearest neighbors and the bag of visual words with the histogram of oriented gradients combined with either support vector machines and multi-layer perceptrons. The results shows that the deep CNN methods outperform the hand-crafted features. The CNN techniques can also learn well on a relatively small dataset, Folio

    Moving Objects Detection in Video Sequences

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    Tato práce se zabývá metodami detekce osob a sledování objektů ve video sekvenci. Její součástí je také návrh a implementace systému, který provádí detekci a následné sledování hráčů v záznamu sportovního utkání, např. hokeje nebo basketbalu. Navržená aplikace používá kombinaci histogramu orientovaných gradientů a SVM (support vector machines) pro detekci hráčů v obraze. Pro sledování hráčů je použit částicový filtr. Celý systém je důkladně otestován a výsledky jsou uvedeny přehledně v grafech a tabulkách včetně slovního popisu.This thesis deals with methods for the detection of people and tracking objects in video sequences. An application for detection and tracking of players in video recordings of sport activities, e.g. hockey or basketball matches, is proposed and implemented. The designed application uses the combination of histograms of oriented gradients and classification based on SVM (Support Vector Machines) for detecting players in the picture. Moreover, a particle filter is used for tracking detected players. The whole system was fully tested and the results are shown in the graphs and tables with verbal descriptions.

    Redes neurais em dispositivos Raspberry PI para detecção de pessoas

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Sistemas de Informação.Os avanços observados na área da Visão Computacional nos últimos anos, propiciados pela larga utilização de Redes Neurais Convolucionais, fazem-se notar em tarefas de classificação de imagens, localização de objetos e detecção de objetos. Técnicas consideradas o estado-da-arte nestes tipos de problema baseiam-se na utilização de arquiteturas de redes neurais compostas por diversas camadas de neurônios, e consequentemente, por uma grande quantidade de parâmetros. O treinamento e a inferência realizada com redes como estas demandam grande capacidade computacional, não só em termos de processamento, mas também em consumo de memória. As exigências provenientes de arquiteturas consideradas o estado-da-arte inviabilizam a utilização de tecnologias como estas em ambientes caracterizados pela restrição de recursos computacionais, como sistemas embarcados ou dispositivos utilizados no contexto da Internet das Coisas (IoT), onde a sua aplicação em soluções envolvendo segurança residencial, nas quais tempos de resposta eficientes são requisitos essenciais, pode ser comprometida. Enquanto modelos de classificação ou detecção de objetos baseados em redes neurais podem ser utilizados neste contexto, delegando-se a computação para computadores remotos, o tempo de resposta envolvendo requisições de rede para servidores alocados remotamente pode ser inaceitável para este tipo de aplicação. A popularidade da plataforma Raspberry Pi no ambiente de IoT, aliada ao poder computacional relativamente alto, para dispositivos utilizados neste contexto, fazem com que o desafio de se utilizar Redes Neurais Convolucionais para classificação e detecção de objetos, executando-se a inferência diretamente a partir destes dispositivos torne-se uma tarefa viável. Este trabalho propõe a busca por uma solução baseada em modelos de rede neural, dentre um conjunto de arquiteturas caracterizadas por uma demanda computacional menor, capazes de realizar detecção de pessoas em imagens com baixo tempo de execução e consumo de memória, no contexto de uma aplicação em segurança residencial, diretamente a partir de um Raspberry Pi, apresentando eficiência aceitável. Mais especificamente, são realizados experimentos com os modelos de detecção de objetos TinyYolo, MobileSSD e Pelee, comparando-se tempo de execução e eficiência na tarefa de detecção. Além disso, experimenta-se uma solução composta por uma etapa inicial com um modelo de classificação, seguida de uma etapa posterior utilizando um modelo de detecção de objetos, visando a melhoria do desempenho tanto em tempo de execução quanto na acurácia na tarefa de detecção de pessoas.The recent advances in Computer Vision in last years, mainly due massive utilization of Convolutional Neural Networks, can be observed in tasks such as image classification, object localization and object detection. State of the art techniques in these kind of problems are based on neural net architectures with many layers of neurons, and by consequence, with a large number of parameters. Training and inference with these networks demand huge computational capacity, not only in processing power, but in memory consumption too. Demands presented by architectures considered the state of the art in the field make the utilization of technologies like these not viable in environments denoted by scarce computational resources, such as embedded systems or devices used in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), where applications in residential security systems, where the demands for efficient response times are critical, can be compromised. Although neural network-based image classification and object detection models can be used in this context, delegating the computation to remote computers, the response time of network requests can be unacceptable for such kind of application. The popularity of the Raspberry Pi platform in IoT environments, with the relatively high processing power compared to devices used in such context, implies that the challenge of using Convolutional Neural Networks for image classification and object detection, applying the inference directly from these devices, turn to be a viable task. The present work tries to find a neural net-based solution, within a set of low-demanding processing power architectures, but still able to detect people in images, with low response times and memory consumption, in a residential security system context, with acceptable efficiency. More specifically, an experiment is realized with object detection models, including TinyYolo, MobileSSD and Pelee models, comparing response times and detection quality. Additionally, another experiment with a hybrid solution, composed by a classification step, followed by a detection step, tries to achieve higher response time and detection accuracy


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    The dissertation undertakes the critical application of establishing smarter surveillance systems to improve security measures in various environments. Human detection and tracking are two image processing methods that can contribute to the development of a smart surveillance system. These techniques are used to identify and detect moving humans in a surveyed area. The research enables the incorporation of personnel detection and tracking algorithms to enhance standard security measures that can be utilized at ports of entry where security is a major hurdle. This system allows authorized operators on any supported console to monitor and receive different alerts levels to indicate human presence.The presented research focuses on two human detectors based on the histogram of oriented gradients detection approach and the Haar-like feature detection approach. According to the conducted experimental results, merging the two detectors, results in a human detector with a high detection rate and lower false positive rate. A novel approach to use both detectors is proposed. This approach is based on a feedback messaging system that inputs parameters from both detectors to output better detection decisions. An object tracker complements the detection step by providing real-time object tracking. An alert system is also proposed to automatically report potential threats occurring in the surveyed area

    Deep Learning para la Detección de Peatones y Vehículos

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    Dado el reciente desarrollo y el impacto que ha tenido el paradigma de Deep Learning en el campo de la Inteligencia Artificial, el presente trabajo tiene como base el interés en este paradigma de aprendizaje, en específico empleando redes neuronales convolucionales (CNNs), para la detección o clasificación de objetos en imágenes; además se analiza las ventajas de implementar estos algoritmos en hardware. El objeto de estudio del aprendizaje automático es tratar de emular la inteligencia humana de forma artificial. Se ha trabajado en este campo por años, con diferentes enfoques y algoritmos. En la última década, el paradigma del Deep Learning ha revolucionado el estado del arte en tareas como reconocimiento de voz, visión artificial y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural; que resultaban difíciles de llevar a cabo por una máquina. Las técnicas que predominan en este paradigma son las CNNs, se utilizan como principal algoritmo en tareas que involucran visión artificial, tales como la detección de objetos. Se ha logrado un despunte importante en el reconocimiento de patrones en imágenes y video empleando estas técnicas, al grado de superar la capacidad humana. Un factor importante para ese desarrollo es la capacidad de procesar altos volúmenes de información en aplicaciones exitosas, lo que ha derivado en que los dispositivos empleados para dicho propósito, como GPUs y CPUs multinúcleo requieran de gran cantidad de energía para su funcionamiento. Recientemente, han surgido investigaciones enfocadas en buscar alternativas de hardware, sobre el cual implementar las CNNs de forma eficiente, sobre todo para aplicaciones embebidas. Una de estas alternativas son los Arreglos de Compuertas Programables en Campo (FPGAs), que ofrecen la capacidad de procesamiento en paralelo espacial y temporal, un menor tiempo de latencia y bajo consumo de potencia; lo que resulta ideal para ese tipo de aplicaciones. El presente trabajo se divide en dos partes, por un lado se hace la implementación del paradigma Deep Learning con una CNN para clasificar imágenes de señales de tránsito vehicular (como primer caso de estudio), con el propósito de medir el tiempo de entrenamiento y su desempeño en la clasificación. Por otro lado, se investiga la tecnología relacionada con FPGAs, para determinar la forma en que se puede acelerar el cómputo implicado en ese tipo de redes con estos dispositivos, validándolos como una alternativa de implementación para sistemas embebidos. Los resultados obtenidos en la presente investigación son: 1) La programación, entrenamiento y prueba de una CNN. Se realizaron una serie de experimentos, encontrando un error en la clasificación de 3.25% y un tiempo de entrenamiento de 0.33 horas, para los mejores casos de los ensayos realizados. 2) Se analizan las ventajas de implementar este tipo de algoritmos en FPGAs, sus restricciones, requisitos y tres alternativas de desarrollo.CONACY