36 research outputs found

    Parallel Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for Integrated Vision Systems

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    Computer vision is regarded as one of the most complex and computationally intensive problems. An integrated vision system (IVS) is a system that uses vision algorithms from all levels of processing to perform for a high level application (e.g., object recognition). An IVS normally involves algorithms from low level, intermediate level, and high level vision. Designing parallel architectures for vision systems is of tremendous interest to researchers. Several issues are addressed in parallel architectures and parallel algorithms for integrated vision systems

    Multiplus: a modular high-performance multiprocessor

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    The MULTIPLUS project is currently under development at NCE/UFRJ, Brazil, aims at the study of parallel processing problems in MIMD environments. The project includes the development of a parallel shared-memory architecture and a UNIX-like operating operating system called MULTIPLIX. The MULTIPLUS achitecture uses an inverted n-cube multistage network to interconnect clusters of processing nodes designed around a double-bus system. As a consequence, the architecture is partitionable and modular. It cas easily and efficiently supportconfigurations ranging from workstations to powerful parallel supercomputers with up to 2048 processing nodes. The MULTIPLix operating system provides MULTIPLUS with an efficient computing environment for parallel scientific applications. MULTIPLIX uses the concept of thread, implements busy-waiting synchronization primitives very efficiently and carefully considers data locality and scientific processing requirements in the policies adopted for memory management and thread scheduling.O projeto MULTIPLUS, que está atualmente em desenvolvimento no NCE/UFRJ, objetiva o estudo de problemas de processamento paralelo em ambiente MIMD. O projeto inclui o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura paralela com memória compartilhada e um sistema operacional tipo UNIX chamado MULTIPLIX. A arquitetura do MULTIPLUS usa uma rede de interconexão multiestágio do tipo n-cubo invertido para interligar clusters de nós de processamento projetados em torno de um sistema de barramento duplo. Como consequência a arquitetura é patrocinável e modular. Ela pode suportar eficientemente configurações cobrindo um espectro que vai desde estações de trabalho até poderosos supercomputadores contendo 2048 nós de processamento trabalhando em paralelo. O sistema operacional MULTIPLIX provê o MULTIPLUS com um ambiente eficiente de computação para aplicações científicas paralelas.O MULTIPLIX usa o conceito de "thread", implementa primitivas de sincronização de espera ocupara muito eficientemente e considera fortemente aspectos de localidade dos dados e requisitos de processamento científico nas políticas adotadas para gerenciamento de memória e escalonamento de "threads"

    A Practical Hierarchial Model of Parallel Computation: The Model

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    We introduce a model of parallel computation that retains the ideal properties of the PRAM by using it as a sub-model, while simultaneously being more reflective of realistic parallel architectures by accounting for and providing abstract control over communication and synchronization costs. The Hierarchical PRAM (H-PRAM) model controls conceptual complexity in the face of asynchrony in two ways. First, by providing the simplifying assumption of synchronization to the design of algorithms, but allowing the algorithms to work asynchronously with each other; and organizing this control asynchrony via an implicit hierarchy relation. Second, by allowing the restriction of communication asynchrony in order to obtain determinate algorithms (thus greatly simplifying proofs of correctness). It is shown that the model is reflective of a variety of existing and proposed parallel architectures, particularly ones that can support massive parallelism. Relationships to programming languages are discussed. Since the PRAM is a sub-model, we can use PRAM algorithms as sub-algorithms in algorithms for the H-PRAM; thus results that have been established with respect to the PRAM are potentially transferable to this new model. The H-PRAM can be used as a flexible tool to investigate general degrees of locality (“neighborhoods of activity) in problems, considering communication and synchronization simultaneously. This gives the potential of obtaining algorithms that map more efficiently to architectures, and of increasing the number of processors that can efficiently be used on a problem (in comparison to a PRAM that charges for communication and synchronization). The model presents a framework in which to study the extent that general locality can be exploited in parallel computing. A companion paper demonstrates the usage of the H-PRAM via the design and analysis of various algorithms for computing the complete binary tree and the FFT/butterfly graph

    NETRA - A Parallel Architecture for Integrated Vision Systems I: Architecture and Organization

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNational Aeronautics and Space Administration / NASA-NAG-1-61

    Algorithms in fault-tolerant CLOS networks

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    Embedding as a method to improve multichannel bus topology parameters

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    This article attempts to discuss the problems in building new topologies utilizing embedding. We propose to utilize the cartesian product to describe graphs as a right mathematical solution to adjacency matrix. We applied the cartesian product of two and sets of multiple dimensions in analysis. We proposed methodology of building logical topologies based on utilization of regular and symmetric graphs. For three particular products, we performed the analysis to measure traffic intensity in the network

    Interconnection networks: dimensions in design

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    New contributions to spatial partitioning and parallel global illumination algorithms

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    Diese Dissertation ist an der Schnittstelle zweier Disziplinen der Informatik angesiedelt: Computergrafik (Globale Beleuchtung) und Paralleles Rechnen (Dynamisches Partitionieren). Einerseits wird der Hierarchische Radiosity Algorithmus (HRA) - ein berühmter und effizienter Algorithmus zur globalen Beleuchtungssimulation - bzgl. seiner Parallelisierungsfähigkeit untersucht. Andererseits wird ein Werkzeug aus der Gattung der orthogonalen rekursiven Zweiteilungsverfahren zur dynamischen Partitionierung räumlich abgebildeter Aufgaben entwickelt sowie theoretisch und experimentell analysiert. Der HRA ist eine spezielle Instanz von Algorithmen, die als eine Ansammlung von räumlich abgebildeten Aufgaben formuliert werden können. Als Beweis der Praktikabilität unseres Werkzeugs wenden wir das Werkzeug auf den HRA an und beobachten ein gut skalierbares Verhalten und nützliche Werte bzgl. der Steigerung der Berechnungsgeschwindigkeit.This thesis resides around the interface of two disciplines in computer science: computer graphics (global illumination) and parallel computing (dynamic partitioning). On the one hand the hierarchical radiosity algorithm (HRA) - a famous and efficient global illumination algorithm - is examined with respect to its capability of being parallelized. On the other hand a dynamic orthogonal recursive bisection tool for the dynamic partitioning of spatially mapped tasks is developped and analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The HRA is a special instance of algorithms that can be formulated as a collection of spatially mapped tasks. As a proof of practicability of our tool we apply the tool to the HRA and observe a well scalable behaviour and useful speedup values