198 research outputs found

    Parallel Scalability of Adaptive Mesh Refinement in a Finite Difference Solution to the Shallow Water Equations

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    The Shallow Water Equations model the fluid dynamics of deep ocean flow, and are used to simulate tides, tsunamis, and storm surges. Numerical solutions using finite difference methods are computationally expensive enough to mandate the use of large computing clusters, and the cost grows not only with the amount of fluid, but also the duration of the simulated event, and the resolution of the approximation. The benefits of increased resolution are mostly connected to regions where complex fluid interactions occur, and are not required globally for the entire simulation. In this paper, we nvestigate the potential for conserving computational resources by applying Adaptive Mesh Refinement to dynamically determined areas of the fluid urface. We implement adaptive mesh refinement in a MacCormack finite difference solver, develop a performance model to predict its behavior on large-scale parallel platforms, and validate its predictions experimentally on two computing clusters. We find that the solver itself has highly favorable parallel scalability, and that the addition of refined areas introduces a performance penalty due to load imbalance that is at most proportional to the refinement degree raised to the third power

    REBOUND: An open-source multi-purpose N-body code for collisional dynamics

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    REBOUND is a new multi-purpose N-body code which is freely available under an open-source license. It was designed for collisional dynamics such as planetary rings but can also solve the classical N-body problem. It is highly modular and can be customized easily to work on a wide variety of different problems in astrophysics and beyond. REBOUND comes with three symplectic integrators: leap-frog, the symplectic epicycle integrator (SEI) and a Wisdom-Holman mapping (WH). It supports open, periodic and shearing-sheet boundary conditions. REBOUND can use a Barnes-Hut tree to calculate both self-gravity and collisions. These modules are fully parallelized with MPI as well as OpenMP. The former makes use of a static domain decomposition and a distributed essential tree. Two new collision detection modules based on a plane-sweep algorithm are also implemented. The performance of the plane-sweep algorithm is superior to a tree code for simulations in which one dimension is much longer than the other two and in simulations which are quasi-two dimensional with less than one million particles. In this work, we discuss the different algorithms implemented in REBOUND, the philosophy behind the code's structure as well as implementation specific details of the different modules. We present results of accuracy and scaling tests which show that the code can run efficiently on both desktop machines and large computing clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted by A&A, source code available at https://github.com/hannorein/reboun

    On a general implementation of hh- and pp-adaptive curl-conforming finite elements

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    Edge (or N\'ed\'elec) finite elements are theoretically sound and widely used by the computational electromagnetics community. However, its implementation, specially for high order methods, is not trivial, since it involves many technicalities that are not properly described in the literature. To fill this gap, we provide a comprehensive description of a general implementation of edge elements of first kind within the scientific software project FEMPAR. We cover into detail how to implement arbitrary order (i.e., pp-adaptive) elements on hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes. First, we set the three classical ingredients of the finite element definition by Ciarlet, both in the reference and the physical space: cell topologies, polynomial spaces and moments. With these ingredients, shape functions are automatically implemented by defining a judiciously chosen polynomial pre-basis that spans the local finite element space combined with a change of basis to automatically obtain a canonical basis with respect to the moments at hand. Next, we discuss global finite element spaces putting emphasis on the construction of global shape functions through oriented meshes, appropriate geometrical mappings, and equivalence classes of moments, in order to preserve the inter-element continuity of tangential components of the magnetic field. Finally, we extend the proposed methodology to generate global curl-conforming spaces on non-conforming hierarchically refined (i.e., hh-adaptive) meshes with arbitrary order finite elements. Numerical results include experimental convergence rates to test the proposed implementation

    Parallel Lagrangian particle transport : application to respiratory system airways

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    This thesis is focused on particle transport in the context of high computing performance (HPC) in its widest range, from the numerical modeling to the physics involved, including its parallelization and post-process. The main goal is to obtain a general framework that enables understanding all the requirements and characteristics of particle transport using the Lagrangian frame of reference. Although the idea is to provide a suitable model for any engineering application that involves particle transport simulation, this thesis uses the respiratory system framework. This means that all the simulations are focused on this topic, including the benchmarks for testing, verifying and optimizing the results. Other applications, such as combustion, ocean residuals, or automotive, have also been simulated by other researchers using the same numerical model proposed here. However, they have not been included here in the interest of allowing the project to advance in a specific direction, and facilitate the structure and comprehension of this work. Human airways and respiratory system simulations are of special interest for medical purposes. Indeed, human airways can be significantly different in every individual. This complicates the study of drug delivery efficiency, deposition of polluted particles, etc., using classic in-vivo or in-vitro techniques. In other words, flow and deposition results may vary depending on the geometry of the patient and simulations allow customized studies using specific geometries. With the help of the new computational techniques, in the near future it may be possible to optimize nasal drugs delivery, surgery or other medical studies for each individual patient though a more personalized medicine. In summary, this thesis prioritizes numerical modeling, wide usability, performance, parallelization, and the study of the physics that affects particle transport. In addition, the simulation of the respiratory system should carry out interesting biological and medical results. However, the interpretation of these results will be only done from a pure numerical point of view.Aquesta tesi se centra en el transport de partícules dins el context de la computació d'alt rendiment (HPC), en el seu ventall més ampli; des del model numèric fins a la física involucrada, incloent-hi la part de paral·lelització del codi i de post-procés. L'objectiu principal és obtenir un esquema general que permeti entendre tant els requeriments com les característiques del transport de partícules fent servir el marc de referència Lagrangià. Encara que la idea sigui definir un model capaç¸ de simular qualsevol aplicació en el camp de l'enginyeria que involucri el transport de partícules, aquesta tesi utilitza el sistema respiratori com a temàtica de referència. Això significa que totes les simulacions estan emmarcades en aquest camp d'estudi, incloent-hi els tests de referència, verificacions i optimitzacions de resultats. L'estudi d'altres aplicacions, com ara la combustió, els residus oceànics, l'automoció o l'aeronàutica també han estat dutes a terme per altres investigadors utilitzant el mateix model numèric proposat aquí. Tot i així, aquests resultats no han estat inclosos en aquesta tesi per simplificar-la i avançar en una sola direcció; facilitant així l'estructura i millor comprensió d'aquest treball. Pel que fa al sistema respiratori humà i les seves simulacions, tenen especial interès per a propòsits mèdics. Particularment, la geometria dels conductes respiratoris pot variar de manera considerable en cada persona. Això complica l'estudi en aspectes com el subministrament de medicaments o la deposició de partícules contaminants, per exemple, utilitzant les tècniques clàssiques de laboratori (in-vivo o in-vitro). En altres paraules, tant el flux com la deposició poden canviar en funció de la geometria del pacient i aquí és on les simulacions permeten estudis adaptats a geometries concretes. Gràcies a les noves tècniques de computació, en un futur proper és probable que puguem optimitzar el subministrament de medicaments per via nasal, la cirurgia o altres estudis mèdics per a cada pacient mitjançant una medicina més personalitzada. En resum, aquesta tesi prioritza el model numèric, l'amplitud d'usos, el rendiment, la paral·lelització i l'estudi de la física que afecta directament a les partícules. A més, el fet de basar les nostres simulacions en el sistema respiratori dota aquesta tesi d'un interès biològic i mèdic pel que fa als resultats

    An extreme-scale implicit solver for complex PDEs: highly heterogeneous flow in earth's mantle

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    Mantle convection is the fundamental physical process within earth's interior responsible for the thermal and geological evolution of the planet, including plate tectonics. The mantle is modeled as a viscous, incompressible, non-Newtonian fluid. The wide range of spatial scales, extreme variability and anisotropy in material properties, and severely nonlinear rheology have made global mantle convection modeling with realistic parameters prohibitive. Here we present a new implicit solver that exhibits optimal algorithmic performance and is capable of extreme scaling for hard PDE problems, such as mantle convection. To maximize accuracy and minimize runtime, the solver incorporates a number of advances, including aggressive multi-octree adaptivity, mixed continuous-discontinuous discretization, arbitrarily-high-order accuracy, hybrid spectral/geometric/algebraic multigrid, and novel Schur-complement preconditioning. These features present enormous challenges for extreme scalability. We demonstrate that---contrary to conventional wisdom---algorithmically optimal implicit solvers can be designed that scale out to 1.5 million cores for severely nonlinear, ill-conditioned, heterogeneous, and anisotropic PDEs

    Towards Efficient and Scalable Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Unsteady Flows

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    openNegli ultimi anni, la crescente disponibilit`a di risorse computazionali ha contribuito alla diffusione della fluidodinamica computazionale per la ricerca e per la progettazione industriale. Uno degli approcci pi promettenti si basa sul metodo agli elementi finiti discontinui di Galerkin (dG). Nell’ambito di queste metodologie, il contributo della tesi e' triplice. Innanzi- tutto, il lavoro introduce un algoritmo di parallelizzazione ibrida MPI/OpenMP per l’utilizzo efficiente di risorse di super calcolo. In secondo luogo, propone strategie di soluzione efficienti, scalabili e con limitata allocazione di memoria per la soluzione di problemi complessi. Infine, confronta le strategie di soluzione introdotte con nuove tecniche di discretizzazione dette “ibridizzabili”, su problemi riguardanti la soluzione delle equazioni di Navier–Stokes non stazionarie. L’efficienza computazionale e' stata valutata su casi di crescente complessita' riguardanti la simulazione della turbolenza. In primo luogo, e' stata considerata la convezione naturale di Rayleigh-Benard e il flusso turbolento in un canale a numeri di Reynolds moderatamente alti. Le strategie di soluzione proposte sono risultate fino a cinque volte piu` veloci rispetto ai metodi standard allocando solamente il 7% della memoria. In secondo luogo, e' stato analizzato il flusso attorno ad una piastra piana con bordo arrotondato sottoposta a diversi livelli di turbolenza in ingresso. Nonostante la maggiore complessità' dovuta all’uso di elementi curvi ed anisotropi, l’algoritmo proposto e' risultato oltre tre volte piu` veloce allocando il 15% della memoria rispetto ad un metodo standard. Concludendo, viene riportata la simulazione del “Boeing Rudimentary Landing Gear” a Re = 10^6. In tutti i casi i risultati ottenuti sono in ottimo accordo con i dati sperimentali e con precedenti simulazioni numeriche pubblicate in letteratura.In recent years the increasing availability of High Performance Computing (HPC) resources strongly promoted the widespread of high fidelity simulations, such as the Large Eddy Simulation (LES), for industrial research and design. One of the most promising approaches to those kind of simulations is based on the discontinuous Galerkin (dG) discretization method. The contribution of the thesis towards this research area is three-fold. First, the work introduces an efficient hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelisation paradigm to fruitfully exploit large HPC facilities. Second, it reports efficient, scalable and memory saving solution strategies for stiff dG discretisations. Third, it compares those solution strategies, for the first time using the same numerical framework, to hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods, including a novel implementation of a p-multigrid preconditioning approach, on unsteady flow problems involving the solution of the NavierStokes equations. The improvements in computational efficiency have been evaluated on cases of growing complexity involving large eddy simulations of turbulent flows. First, the Rayleigh-Benard convection problem and the turbulent channel flow at moderately high Reynolds numbers is presented. The solution strategies proposed resulted up to five times faster than standard matrix-based methods while al- locating the 7% of the memory. A second family of test cases involve the LES simulation of a rounded leading edge flat plate under different levels of free-stream turbulence. Although the increased stiffness of the iteration matrix due to the use of curved and stretched elements, the solver resulted more than three times faster while allocating the 15% of the memory if compared to standard methods. Finally, the large eddy simulation of the Boeing Rudimentary Landing Gear at Re = 10^6 is reported. In all the cases, a remarkable agreement with experimental data as well as previous numerical simulations is documented.INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALEopenFranciolini, Matte