14 research outputs found

    SRAM Cells for Embedded Systems

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    Novel High Performance Ultra Low Power Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) Based on Next Generation Technologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed January 27, 2021Dissertation advisor: Masud H. ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (page 107-120)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2019Next Big Thing Is Surely Small: Nanotechnology Can Bring Revolution. Nanotechnology leads the world towards many new applications in various fields of computing, communication, defense, entertainment, medical, renewable energy and environment. These nanotechnology applications require an energy-efficient memory system to compute and process. Among all the memories, Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are high performance memories and occupies more than 50% of any design area. Therefore, it is critical to design high performance and energy-efficient SRAM design. Ultra low power and high speed applications require a new generation memory capable of operating at low power as well as low execution time. In this thesis, a novel 8T SRAM design is proposed that offers significantly faster access time and lowers energy consumption along with better read stability and write ability. The proposed design can be used in the conventional SRAM as well as in computationally intensive applications like neural networks and machine learning classifiers [1]-[4]. Novel 8T SRAM design offers higher energy efficiency, reliability, robustness and performance compared to the standard 6T and other existing 8T and 9T designs. It offers the advantages of a 10T SRAM without the additional area, delay and power overheads of the 10T SRAM. The proposed 8T SRAM would be able to overcome many other limitations of the conventional 6T and other 7T, 8T and 9T designs. The design employs single bitline for the write operation, therefore the number of write drivers are reduced. The defining feature of the proposed 8T SRAM is its hybrid design, which is the combination of two techniques: (i) the utilization of single-ended bitline and (ii) the utilization of virtual ground. The single-ended bitline technique ensures separate read and write operations, which eventually reduces the delay and power consumption during the read and write operations. It's independent read and write paths allow the use of the minimum sized access transistors and aid in a disturb-free read operation. The virtual ground weakens the positive feedback in the SRAM cell and improves its write ability. The virtual ground technique is also used to reduce leakages. The proposed design does not require precharging the bitlines for the read operation, which reduces the area and power overheads of the memory system by eliminating the precharging circuit. The design isolates the storage node from the read path, which improves the read stability. For reliability study, we have investigated the static noise margin (SNM) of the proposed 8T SRAM, for which, we have used two methods – (i) the traditional SNM method with the butterfly curve, (ii) the N-curve method A comparative analysis is performed between the proposed and the existing SRAM designs in terms of area, total power consumption during the read and write operations, and stability and reliability. All these advantages make the proposed 8T SRAM design an ideal candidate for the conventional and computationally intensive applications like machine learning classifier and deep learning neural network. In addition to this, there is need for next generation technologies to design SRAM memory because the conventional CMOS technology is approaching its physical and performance boundaries and as a consequence, becoming incompatible with ultra-low-power applications. Emerging devices such as Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (TFET)) and Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) devices are highly potential candidates to overcome the limitations of MOSFET because of their ability to achieve subthreshold slopes below 60 mV/decade and very low leakage currents [6]-[9]. This research also explores novel TFET and GNRFET based 6T SRAM. The thesis evaluates the standby leakage power in the Tunnel FET (TFET) based 6T SRAM cell for different pull-up, pull-down, and pass-gate transistors ratios (PU: PD: PG) and compared to 10nm FinFET based 6T SRAM designs. It is observed that the 10nm TFET based SRAMs have 107.57%, 163.64%, and 140.44% less standby leakage power compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAMs when the PU: PD: PG ratios are 1:1:1, 1:5:2 and 2:5:2, respectively. The thesis also presents an analysis of the stability and reliability of sub-10nm TFET based 6T SRAM circuit with a reduced supply voltage of 500mV. The static noise margin (SNM), which is a critical measure of SRAM stability and reliability, is determined for hold, read and write operations of the 6T TFET SRAM cell. The robustness of the optimized TFET based 6T SRAM circuit is also evaluated at different supply voltages. Simulations were done in HSPICE and Cadence tools. From the analysis, it is clear that the main advantage of the TFET based SRAM would be the significant improvement in terms of leakage or standby power consumption. Compared to the FinFET based SRAM the standby leakage power of the T-SRAMs are 107.57%, 163.64%, and 140.44% less for 1:1:1, 1:5:2 and 2:5:2 configurations, respectively. Since leakage/standby power is the primary source of power consumption in the SRAM, and the overall system energy efficiency depends on SRAM power consumption, TFET based SRAM would lead to massive improvement of the energy efficiency of the system. Therefore, T-SRAMs are more suitable for ultra-low power applications. In addition to this, the thesis evaluates the standby leakage power of types of Graphene Nanoribbon FETs based 6T SRAM bitcell and compared to 10nm FinFET based 6T SRAM bitcell. It is observed that the 10nm MOS type GNRFET based SRAMs have 16.43 times less standby leakage power compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAMs. The double gate SB-GNRFET based SRAM consumes 1.35E+03 times less energy compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAM during write. However, during read double gate SB-GNRFET based SRAM consume 15 times more energy than FinFET based SRAM. It is also observed that GNRFET based SRAMs are more stable and reliable than FinFET based SRAM.Introduction -- Background -- Novel High Performance Ultra Low Power SRAM Design -- Tunnel FET Based SRAM Design -- Graphene Nanoribbon FET Based SRAM Design -- Double-gate FDSOI Based SRAM Designs -- Novel CNTFET and MEMRISTOR Based Digital Designs -- Conclusio

    Variation-tolerant ultra low-power heterojunction tunnel FET SRAM design

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    Sub-10nm Transistors for Low Power Computing: Tunnel FETs and Negative Capacitance FETs

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    One of the major roadblocks in the continued scaling of standard CMOS technology is its alarmingly high leakage power consumption. Although circuit and system level methods can be employed to reduce power, the fundamental limit in the overall energy efficiency of a system is still rooted in the MOSFET operating principle: an injection of thermally distributed carriers, which does not allow subthreshold swing (SS) lower than 60mV/dec at room temperature. Recently, a new class of steep-slope devices like Tunnel FETs (TFETs) and Negative-Capacitance FETs (NCFETs) have garnered intense interest due to their ability to surpass the 60mV/dec limit on SS at room temperature. The focus of this research is on the simulation and design of TFETs and NCFETs for ultra-low power logic and memory applications. Using full band quantum mechanical model within the Non-Equilibrium Greens Function (NEGF) formalism, source-underlapping has been proposed as an effective technique to lower the SS in GaSb-InAs TFETs. Band-tail states, associated with heavy source doping, are shown to significantly degrade the SS in TFETs from their ideal value. To solve this problem, undoped source GaSb-InAs TFET in an i-i-n configuration is proposed. A detailed circuit-to-system level evaluation is performed to investigate the circuit level metrics of the proposed devices. To demonstrate their potential in a memory application, a 4T gain cell (GC) is proposed, which utilizes the low-leakage and enhanced drain capacitance of TFETs to realize a robust and long retention time GC embedded-DRAMs. The device/circuit/system level evaluation of proposed TFETs demonstrates their potential for low power digital applications. The second part of the thesis focuses on the design space exploration of hysteresis-free Negative Capacitance FETs (NCFETs). A cross-architecture analysis using HfZrOx ferroelectric (FE-HZO) integrated on bulk MOSFET, fully-depleted SOI-FETs, and sub-10nm FinFETs shows that FDSOI and FinFET configurations greatly benefit the NCFET performance due to their undoped body and improved gate-control which enables better capacitance matching with the ferroelectric. A low voltage NC-FinFET operating down to 0.25V is predicted using ultra-thin 3nm FE-HZO. Next, we propose one-transistor ferroelectric NOR type (Fe-NOR) non-volatile memory based on HfZrOx ferroelectric FETs (FeFETs). The enhanced drain-channel coupling in ultrashort channel FeFETs is utilized to dynamically modulate memory window of storage cells thereby resulting in simple erase-, program-and read-operations. The simulation analysis predicts sub-1V program/erase voltages in the proposed Fe-NOR memory array and therefore presents a significantly lower power alternative to conventional FeRAM and NOR flash memories

    Compact DC Modeling of Tunnel-FETs

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    En l'última dècada, el transistor d'efecte de camp amb efecte túnel (TFET) ha guanyat molt interès i es maneja com un possible successor de la tecnologia MOSFET convencional. El transport de càrrega en un TFET es basa en el mecanisme de túnel de banda a banda (B2B) i, per tant, el pendent sub-llindar a temperatura ambient pot superar el límit de 60 mV / dec. Per descriure i analitzar el comportament del TFET en les simulacions de circuits, aquesta dissertació introdueix un model compacte de CC per TFET de doble comporta. L'enfocament de modelatge considera l'efecte túnel B2B amb l'efecte parasitari del corrent túnel assistida per trampes (TAT) en l'estat ON i ambipolar del TFET. Inclou un paquet d'equacions compactes per al potencial 2D per descriure el diagrama de banda del TFET. Basat en el diagrama de banda, el B2B i el corrent TAT es deriven per separat. Per fer-ho, primer es troba una expressió compacta per la llargada túnel, que després s'utilitza juntament amb un enfocament numèric robust de tipus Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) per calcular la probabilitat túnel. Després, usant l'equació de túnel de Landauer, la taxa de generació túnel es calcula i s'aproxima per arribar a una expressió de forma tancada per a la densitat de corrent. Amb una aproximació addicional de la densitat de corrent utilitzant una funció matemàtica, s'aconsegueixen expressions compactes per al túnel B2B resultant i el corrent TAT. La verificació del model es realitza amb l'ajuda de les dades de simulació TCAD Sentaurus per diverses configuracions de simulació. A més, la validesa del model es demostra mitjançant mesuraments de TFET complementaris fabricats. Per demostrar l'estabilitat numèrica i la continuïtat, així com la flexibilitat, es realitzen i analitzen simulacions de circuits lògics basats en TFET com un inversor d'una sola etapa o una cel·la SRAM. La combinació del model CC amb un model TFET AC permet una simulació transitòria d'un oscil·lador en anell de 11 etapes.En la última década, el transistor de efecto de campo con efecto túnel (TFET) ha ganado mucho interés y se maneja como un posible sucesor de la tecnología MOSFET convencional. El transporte de carga en un TFET se basa en el mecanismo de túnel de banda a banda (B2B) y, por lo tanto, la pendiente sub-umbral a temperatura ambiente puede superar el límite de 60 mV / dec. Para describir y analizar el comportamiento del TFET en las simulaciones de circuitos, esta disertación introduce un modelo compacto de CC para TFET de doble compuerta. El enfoque de modelado considera el efecto túnel B2B con el efecto parasitario de la corriente túnel asistida por trampas (TAT) en el estado ON y AMBIPOLAR del TFET. Incluye un paquete de ecuaciones compactas del potencial 2D para describir el diagrama de banda del TFET. Basado en el diagrama de banda, el B2B y la corriente TAT se derivan por separado. Para hacerlo, primero se encuentra una expresión compacta para la longitud túnel, que luego se utiliza junto con un enfoque numérico robusto de tipo Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) para calcular la probabilidad túnel. Luego, usando la ecuación de túnel de Landauer, la tasa de generación túnel se calcula y aproxima para llegar a una expresión de forma cerrada para la densidad de corriente. Con una aproximación adicional de la densidad de corriente por una función matemática, se logran expresiones compactas para el túnel B2B resultante y la corriente TAT. La verificación del modelo se realiza con la ayuda de los datos de simulación TCAD Sentaurus para varias configuraciones de simulación. Además, la validez del modelo se demuestra mediante mediciones de TFET complementarios fabricados. Para demostrar la estabilidad numérica y la continuidad, así como la flexibilidad, se realizan y analizan simulaciones de circuitos lógicos basados en TFET como un inversor de una sola etapa o una celda SRAM. La combinación del modelo CC con un modelo TFET AC permite una simulación transitoria de un oscilador en anillo de 11 etapas.In the last decade, the tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) has gained a lot of interest and is handled as a possible successor of the conventional MOSFET technology. The current transport of a TFET is based on the band-to-band (B2B) tunneling mechanism and therefore, the subthreshold slope at room temperature can overcome the limit of 60 mV/dec. In order to describe and analyze the TFET behavior in circuit simulations, this dissertation introduces a compact DC model for double-gate TFETs. The modeling approach considers the B2B tunneling and the parasitic effect of trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) in the ON- and AMBIPOLAR-state of the TFET. It includes a 2D compact potential equation package to de-scribe the band diagram of the TFET. Based on the band diagram, the B2B tunneling and TAT current part are derived separately. In order to do so, firstly a compact expression for the tunneling length is found, which is then used together with a numerical robust Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approach to calculate the tunneling probability. Afterwards, using Landauer’s tunneling equation, the tunneling generation rate is calculated and approximated to come to a closed-form expression for the current density. Further approximation of the current density by a mathematical function, compact expressions for the resulting B2B tun-neling and TAT current are achieved. The verification of the model is done with the help of TCAD Sentaurus simulation data for various simulation setups. Furthermore, the validity of the model is proven by measurements of fabricated complementary TFETs. In order to demonstrate the numerical stability and continuity as well as the flexibility, simulations of TFET-based logic circuits like a single-stage inverter or an SRAM cell are performed and analyzed. The combination of the DC model with an TFET AC model allows for a transient simulation of an 11-stage ring oscillator

    Compact DC Modeling of Tunnel-FETs

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    En l'última dècada, el transistor d'efecte de camp amb efecte túnel (TFET) ha guanyat molt interès i es maneja com un possible successor de la tecnologia MOSFET convencional. El transport de càrrega en un TFET es basa en el mecanisme de túnel de banda a banda (B2B) i, per tant, el pendent sub-llindar a temperatura ambient pot superar el límit de 60 mV / dec. Per descriure i analitzar el comportament del TFET en les simulacions de circuits, aquesta dissertació introdueix un model compacte de CC per TFET de doble comporta. L'enfocament de modelatge considera l'efecte túnel B2B amb l'efecte parasitari del corrent túnel assistida per trampes (TAT) en l'estat ON i ambipolar del TFET. Inclou un paquet d'equacions compactes per al potencial 2D per descriure el diagrama de banda del TFET. Basat en el diagrama de banda, el B2B i el corrent TAT es deriven per separat. Per fer-ho, primer es troba una expressió compacta per la llargada túnel, que després s'utilitza juntament amb un enfocament numèric robust de tipus Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) per calcular la probabilitat túnel. Després, usant l'equació de túnel de Landauer, la taxa de generació túnel es calcula i s'aproxima per arribar a una expressió de forma tancada per a la densitat de corrent. Amb una aproximació addicional de la densitat de corrent utilitzant una funció matemàtica, s'aconsegueixen expressions compactes per al túnel B2B resultant i el corrent TAT. La verificació del model es realitza amb l'ajuda de les dades de simulació TCAD Sentaurus per diverses configuracions de simulació. A més, la validesa del model es demostra mitjançant mesuraments de TFET complementaris fabricats. Per demostrar l'estabilitat numèrica i la continuïtat, així com la flexibilitat, es realitzen i analitzen simulacions de circuits lògics basats en TFET com un inversor d'una sola etapa o una cel·la SRAM. La combinació del model CC amb un model TFET AC permet una simulació transitòria d'un oscil·lador en anell de 11 etapes.En la última década, el transistor de efecto de campo con efecto túnel (TFET) ha ganado mucho interés y se maneja como un posible sucesor de la tecnología MOSFET convencional. El transporte de carga en un TFET se basa en el mecanismo de túnel de banda a banda (B2B) y, por lo tanto, la pendiente sub-umbral a temperatura ambiente puede superar el límite de 60 mV / dec. Para describir y analizar el comportamiento del TFET en las simulaciones de circuitos, esta disertación introduce un modelo compacto de CC para TFET de doble compuerta. El enfoque de modelado considera el efecto túnel B2B con el efecto parasitario de la corriente túnel asistida por trampas (TAT) en el estado ON y AMBIPOLAR del TFET. Incluye un paquete de ecuaciones compactas del potencial 2D para describir el diagrama de banda del TFET. Basado en el diagrama de banda, el B2B y la corriente TAT se derivan por separado. Para hacerlo, primero se encuentra una expresión compacta para la longitud túnel, que luego se utiliza junto con un enfoque numérico robusto de tipo Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) para calcular la probabilidad túnel. Luego, usando la ecuación de túnel de Landauer, la tasa de generación túnel se calcula y aproxima para llegar a una expresión de forma cerrada para la densidad de corriente. Con una aproximación adicional de la densidad de corriente por una función matemática, se logran expresiones compactas para el túnel B2B resultante y la corriente TAT. La verificación del modelo se realiza con la ayuda de los datos de simulación TCAD Sentaurus para varias configuraciones de simulación. Además, la validez del modelo se demuestra mediante mediciones de TFET complementarios fabricados. Para demostrar la estabilidad numérica y la continuidad, así como la flexibilidad, se realizan y analizan simulaciones de circuitos lógicos basados en TFET como un inversor de una sola etapa o una celda SRAM. La combinación del modelo CC con un modelo TFET AC permite una simulación transitoria de un oscilador en anillo de 11 etapas.In the last decade, the tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) has gained a lot of interest and is handled as a possible successor of the conventional MOSFET technology. The current transport of a TFET is based on the band-to-band (B2B) tunneling mechanism and therefore, the subthreshold slope at room temperature can overcome the limit of 60 mV/dec. In order to describe and analyze the TFET behavior in circuit simulations, this dissertation introduces a compact DC model for double-gate TFETs. The modeling approach considers the B2B tunneling and the parasitic effect of trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) in the ON- and AMBIPOLAR-state of the TFET. It includes a 2D compact potential equation package to de-scribe the band diagram of the TFET. Based on the band diagram, the B2B tunneling and TAT current part are derived separately. In order to do so, firstly a compact expression for the tunneling length is found, which is then used together with a numerical robust Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approach to calculate the tunneling probability. Afterwards, using Landauer’s tunneling equation, the tunneling generation rate is calculated and approximated to come to a closed-form expression for the current density. Further approximation of the current density by a mathematical function, compact expressions for the resulting B2B tun-neling and TAT current are achieved. The verification of the model is done with the help of TCAD Sentaurus simulation data for various simulation setups. Furthermore, the validity of the model is proven by measurements of fabricated complementary TFETs. In order to demonstrate the numerical stability and continuity as well as the flexibility, simulations of TFET-based logic circuits like a single-stage inverter or an SRAM cell are performed and analyzed. The combination of the DC model with an TFET AC model allows for a transient simulation of an 11-stage ring oscillator

    Design and Analysis of Robust Low Voltage Static Random Access Memories.

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    Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is an indispensable part of most modern VLSI designs and dominates silicon area in many applications. In scaled technologies, maintaining high SRAM yield becomes more challenging since they are particularly vulnerable to process variations due to 1) the minimum sized devices used in SRAM bitcells and 2) the large array sizes. At the same time, low power design is a key focus throughout the semiconductor industry. Since low voltage operation is one of the most effective ways to reduce power consumption due to its quadratic relationship to energy savings, lowering the minimum operating voltage (Vmin) of SRAM has gained significant interest. This thesis presents four different approaches to design and analyze robust low voltage SRAM: SRAM analysis method improvement, SRAM bitcell development, SRAM peripheral optimization, and advance device selection. We first describe a novel yield estimation method for bit-interleaved voltage-scaled 8-T SRAMs. Instead of the traditional trade-off between write and read, the trade-off between write and half select disturb is analyzed. In addition, this analysis proposes a method to find an appropriate Write Word-Line (WWL) pulse width to maximize yield. Second, low leakage 10-T SRAM with speed compensation scheme is proposed. During sleep mode of a sensor application, SRAM retaining data cannot be shut down so it is important to minimize leakage in SRAM. This work adopts several leakage reduction techniques while compensating performance. Third, adaptive write architecture for low voltage 8-T SRAMs is proposed. By adaptively modulating WWL width and voltage level, it is possible to achieve low power consumption while maintaining high yield without excessive performance degradation. Finally, low power circuit design based on heterojunction tunneling transistors (HETTs) is discussed. HETTs have a steep subthreshold swing beneficial for low voltage operation. Device modeling and design of logic and SRAM are proposed.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91569/1/daeyeonk_1.pd

    Ultra-Low Power Circuit Design for Cubic-Millimeter Wireless Sensor Platform.

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    Modern daily life is surrounded by smaller and smaller computing devices. As Bell’s Law predicts, the research community is now looking at tiny computing platforms and mm3-scale sensor systems are drawing an increasing amount of attention since they can create a whole new computing environment. Designing mm3-scale sensor nodes raises various circuit and system level challenges and we have addressed and proposed novel solutions for many of these challenges to create the first complete 1.0mm3 sensor system including a commercial microprocessor. We demonstrate a 1.0mm3 form factor sensor whose modular die-stacked structure allows maximum volume utilization. Low power I2C communication enables inter-layer serial communication without losing compatibility to standard I2C communication protocol. A dual microprocessor enables concurrent computation for the sensor node control and measurement data processing. A multi-modal power management unit allowed energy harvesting from various harvesting sources. An optical communication scheme is provided for initial programming, synchronization and re-programming after recovery from battery discharge. Standby power reduction techniques are investigated and a super cut-off power gating scheme with an ultra-low power charge pump reduces the standby power of logic circuits by 2-19× and memory by 30%. Different approaches for designing low-power memory for mm3-scale sensor nodes are also presented in this work. A dual threshold voltage gain cell eDRAM design achieves the lowest eDRAM retention power and a 7T SRAM design based on hetero-junction tunneling transistors reduces the standby power of SRAM by 9-19× with only 15% area overhead. We have paid special attention to the timer for the mm3-scale sensor systems and propose a multi-stage gate-leakage-based timer to limit the standard deviation of the error in hourly measurement to 196ms and a temperature compensation scheme reduces temperature dependency to 31ppm/°C. These techniques for designing ultra-low power circuits for a mm3-scale sensor enable implementation of a 1.0mm3 sensor node, which can be used as a skeleton for future micro-sensor systems in variety of applications. These microsystems imply the continuation of the Bell’s Law, which also predicts the massive deployment of mm3-scale computing systems and emergence of even smaller and more powerful computing systems in the near future.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91438/1/sori_1.pd

    Energy efficient core designs for upcoming process technologies

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    Energy efficiency has been a first order constraint in the design of micro processors for the last decade. As Moore's law sunsets, new technologies are being actively explored to extend the march in increasing the computational power and efficiency. It is essential for computer architects to understand the opportunities and challenges in utilizing the upcoming process technology trends in order to design the most efficient processors. In this work, we consider three process technology trends and propose core designs that are best suited for each of the technologies. The process technologies are expected to be viable over a span of timelines. We first consider the most popular method currently available to improve the energy efficiency, i.e. by lowering the operating voltage. We make key observations regarding the limiting factors in scaling down the operating voltage for general purpose high performance processors. Later, we propose our novel core design, ScalCore, one that can work in high performance mode at nominal Vdd, and in a very energy-efficient mode at low Vdd. The resulting core design can operate at much lower voltages providing higher parallel performance while consuming lower energy. While lowering Vdd improves the energy efficiency, CMOS devices are fundamentally limited in their low voltage operation. Therefore, we next consider an upcoming device technology -- Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors (TFETs), that is expected to supplement CMOS device technology in the near future. TFETs can attain much higher energy efficiency than CMOS at low voltages. However, their performance saturates at high voltages and, therefore, cannot entirely replace CMOS when high performance is needed. Ideally, we desire a core that is as energy-efficient as TFET and provides as much performance as CMOS. To reach this goal, we characterize the TFET device behavior for core design and judiciously integrate TFET units, CMOS units in a single core. The resulting core, called HetCore, can provide very high energy efficiency while limiting the slowdown when compared to a CMOS core. Finally, we analyze Monolithic 3D (M3D) integration technology that is widely considered to be the only way to integrate more transistors on a chip. We present the first analysis of the architectural implications of using M3D for core design and show how to partition the core across different layers. We also address one of the key challenges in realizing the technology, namely, the top layer performance degradation. We propose a critical path based partitioning for logic stages and asymmetric bit/port partitioning for storage stages. The result is a core that performs nearly as well as a core without any top layer slowdown. When compared to a 2D baseline design, an M3D core not only provides much higher performance, it also reduces the energy consumption at the same time. In summary, this thesis addresses one of the fundamental challenges in computer architecture -- overcoming the fact that CMOS is not scaling anymore. As we increase the computing power on a single chip, our ability to power the entire chip keeps decreasing. This thesis proposes three solutions aimed at solving this problem over different timelines. Across all our solutions, we improve energy efficiency without compromising the performance of the core. As a result, we are able to operate twice as many cores with in the same power budget as regular cores, significantly alleviating the problem of dark silicon