10 research outputs found

    An Early Warning Method for Basic Commodities Price Based on Artificial Neural Networks

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    The prices of products belonging to the basic family basket are an important component in the income of producers and consumer spending; its excessive variations constitute a source of uncertainty and risk that affects producers, since it prevents the realization of long-term investment plans, and can refuse lenders to grant them credit. His study to identify these variations, as well as to detect their sources, is then of great importance. The analysis of the variations of the prices of the basic products over time, include seasonal patterns, annual fluctuations, trends, cycles and volatility. Because of the advance in technology, applications have been developed based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) which have helped the development of massive sales forecast on consumer products, improving the accuracy of traditional forecasting systems. This research uses the RNA to develop an early warning system for facing the increase in basic agricultural products, considering seasonal factors

    A refined approach for forecasting based on neutrosophic time series

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    This research introduces a neutrosophic forecasting approach based on neutrosophic time series (NTS). Historical data can be transformed into neutrosophic time series data to determine their truth, indeterminacy and falsity functions. The basis for the neutrosophication process is the score and accuracy functions of historical data. In addition, neutrosophic logical relationship groups (NLRGs) are determined and a deneutrosophication method for NTS is presented. The objective of this research is to suggest an idea of first-and high-order NTS. By comparing our approach with other approaches, we conclude that the suggested approach of forecasting gets better results compared to the other existing approaches of fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy, and neutrosophic time series

    The Application of Genetic Programming on the Stock Movement Forecasting System

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    The financial tsunami is a crisis that happened in 2007. It broke out in the United States, and then spread to the whole world. Taiwanese economy exhibited a negative growth of 7.53%, and the fluctuation is manifest in Taiwan stock index. It has been even dramatically losing 60%. Now, TAIEX has exceeded the level before the financial crisis. TAIEX closed at 10,383.94 on September 30, 2017. The establishment of the Stock Movement Forecasting System has become an important issue. This paper intends to demonstrate the application of an artificial intelligence system named GPLAB on the prediction of stock price movement in TWSE. GPLAB was built on biological evolutionary concept to realize fittest surviving rules in the natural selection process. This concept has been applied on the field of finance to build up forecasting models predicting future price movement within one day, one month and one season. The empirical results of this inter-discipline study has revealed this bio-financial hybrid system successfully predicted the stock price movement in a one-month forecasting range by 23% and 22% lower than the appointed benchmark during a random chosen period and a bear market period respectively. This empirical evidence suggests the market efficiency in TWSE is a semi-strong form market that stock price movement could be predicted with the analysis of historical data. This paper also further indicates the credibility of different technical and fundamental factors regarding to the prediction of future price movement in four different market situations including non-specific, static, bull and bear market period. At the end of this paper also revealed the strength and weakness of GPLAB as a financial forecasting tool. A short discussion concerning the system improvements regarding to the application of GPLAB is also included. Keywords: Stock Movement Forecasting, GP , Genetic Programming JEL Classifications: G1, C9, C

    Development of 2D Curve-Fitting Genetic/Gene-Expression Programming Technique for Efficient Time-series Financial Forecasting

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    Stock market prediction is of immense interest to trading companies and buyers due to high profit margins. Therefore, precise prediction of the measure of increase or decrease of stock prices also plays an important role in buying/selling activities. This research presents a specialised extension to the genetic algorithms (GA) known as the genetic programming (GP) and gene expression programming (GEP) to explore and investigate the outcome of the GEP criteria on the stock market price prediction. The research presented in this paper aims at the modelling and prediction of short-to-medium term stock value fluctuations in the market via genetically tuned stock market parameters. The technique uses hierarchically defined GP and GEP techniques to tune algebraic functions representing the fittest equation for stock market activities. The proposed methodology is evaluated against five well-known stock market companies with each having its own trading circumstances during the past 20+ years. The proposed GEP/GP methodologies were evaluated based on variable window/population sizes, selection methods, and Elitism, Rank and Roulette selection methods. The Elitism-based approach showed promising results with a low error-rate in the resultant pattern matching with an overall accuracy of 93.46% for short term 5-day and 92.105 for medium-term 56-day tradin

    Fusing Nature with Computational Science for Optimal Signal Extraction

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    open access articleFusing nature with computational science has been proved paramount importance and researchers have also shown growing enthusiasm on inventing and developing nature inspired algorithms for solving complex problems across subjects. Inevitably, these advancements have rapidly promoted the development of data science, where nature-inspired algorithms are changing the traditional way of data processing. This paper proposes the hybrid approach, namely SSA-GA, which incorporates the optimization merits of genetic algorithm (GA) for the advancements of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). This approach further boosts the performance of SSA forecasting via better and more efficient grouping. Given the performances of SSA-GA on 100 real-time series data across various subjects, this newly proposed SSA-GA approach is proved to be computationally efficient and robust with improved forecasting performance


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    Sistem Perkiraan Penggunaan Listrik Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy (Studi Kasus: PLN Area Pasuruan)

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    Di salah satu wilayah Indonesia yakni Pasuruan, di beberapa tahun terakhir telah terjadi peningkatan pesat dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi, sehingga terjadi peningkatan yang besar terhadap kebutuhan energi listrik sampai melampaui skenario yang semula direncanakan oleh pemerintah. Sistem kelistrikan kota Pasuruan sendiri merupakan sistem kelistrikan yang kompleks dimana terdapat kesulitan dalam memperkirakan besar pemakaian listrik yang dapat mempengaruhi kesiapan dari unit pembangkit untuk menyediakan pasokan listrik kepada konsumen. Berdasarkan pertimangan tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan perkiraan penggunaan listrik jangka panjang terutama untuk sektor rumah tangga dalam melakukan perencanaan penambahan pembangkit listrik yang baru, perluasan jaringan distribusi dan kebutuhan perencanaan penjadwalan pengoperasian pembangkit energi listrik, agar daya yang dibangkitkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan beban. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode logika fuzzy untuk melakukan perkiraan atau peramalan. Data yang digunakan sebanyak 70 data histori dari bulan Januari 2012 sampai dengan Oktoer 2017 didapatkan dari PLN Area Pasuruan. Hasil implementasi dan pengujian akurasi pada penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai parameter terbaik dengan hasil nilai MSE terendah sebesar 1,602823095 dan MAPE 3,84%. Pengujian yang dilakukan mendapatkan jumlah fuzzy set terbaik pada nilai 16, sedangkan nilai terburuk sejumlah 7 fuzzy set

    Gene expression programming for Efficient Time-series Financial Forecasting

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    Stock market prediction is of immense interest to trading companies and buyers due to high profit margins. The majority of successful buying or selling activities occur close to stock price turning trends. This makes the prediction of stock indices and analysis a crucial factor in the determination that whether the stocks will increase or decrease the next day. Additionally, precise prediction of the measure of increase or decrease of stock prices also plays an important role in buying/selling activities. This research presents two core aspects of stock-market prediction. Firstly, it presents a Networkbased Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) methodology to integrate the capabilities of neural networks with that of fuzzy logic. A specialised extension to this technique is known as the genetic programming (GP) and gene expression programming (GEP) to explore and investigate the outcome of the GEP criteria on the stock market price prediction. The research presented in this thesis aims at the modelling and prediction of short-tomedium term stock value fluctuations in the market via genetically tuned stock market parameters. The technique uses hierarchically defined GP and gene-expressionprogramming (GEP) techniques to tune algebraic functions representing the fittest equation for stock market activities. The technology achieves novelty by proposing a fractional adaptive mutation rate Elitism (GEP-FAMR) technique to initiate a balance between varied mutation rates between varied-fitness chromosomes thereby improving prediction accuracy and fitness improvement rate. The methodology is evaluated against five stock market companies with each having its own trading circumstances during the past 20+ years. The proposed GEP/GP methodologies were evaluated based on variable window/population sizes, selection methods, and Elitism, Rank and Roulette selection methods. The Elitism-based approach showed promising results with a low error-rate in the resultant pattern matching with an overall accuracy of 95.96% for short-term 5-day and 95.35% for medium-term 56-day trading periods. The contribution of this research to theory is that it presented a novel evolutionary methodology with modified selection operators for the prediction of stock exchange data via Gene expression programming. The methodology dynamically adapts the mutation rate of different fitness groups in each generation to ensure a diversification II balance between high and low fitness solutions. The GEP-FAMR approach was preferred to Neural and Fuzzy approaches because it can address well-reported problems of over-fitting, algorithmic black-boxing, and data-snooping issues via GP and GEP algorithmsSaudi Cultural Burea

    A Novel Stock Forecasting Model based on Fuzzy Time Series and Genetic Algorithm

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    Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VI

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    This sixth volume of Collected Papers includes 74 papers comprising 974 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2015-2021 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 121 co-authors from 19 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel Nasser H. Zaied, Abduallah Gamal, Amir Abdullah, Firoz Ahmad, Nadeem Ahmad, Ahmad Yusuf Adhami, Ahmed Aboelfetouh, Ahmed Mostafa Khalil, Shariful Alam, W. Alharbi, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Amira S. Ashour, Asmaa Atef, Assia Bakali, Ayoub Bahnasse, A. A. Azzam, Willem K.M. Brauers, Bui Cong Cuong, Fausto Cavallaro, Ahmet Çevik, Robby I. Chandra, Kalaivani Chandran, Victor Chang, Chang Su Kim, Jyotir Moy Chatterjee, Victor Christianto, Chunxin Bo, Mihaela Colhon, Shyamal Dalapati, Arindam Dey, Dunqian Cao, Fahad Alsharari, Faruk Karaaslan, Aleksandra Fedajev, Daniela Gîfu, Hina Gulzar, Haitham A. El-Ghareeb, Masooma Raza Hashmi, Hewayda El-Ghawalby, Hoang Viet Long, Le Hoang Son, F. Nirmala Irudayam, Branislav Ivanov, S. Jafari, Jeong Gon Lee, Milena Jevtić, Sudan Jha, Junhui Kim, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, W.B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Darjan Karabašević, Songül Karabatak, Abdullah Kargın, M. Karthika, Ieva Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, Madad Khan, Majid Khan, Manju Khari, Kifayat Ullah, K. Kishore, Kul Hur, Santanu Kumar Patro, Prem Kumar Singh, Raghvendra Kumar, Tapan Kumar Roy, Malayalan Lathamaheswari, Luu Quoc Dat, T. Madhumathi, Tahir Mahmood, Mladjan Maksimovic, Gunasekaran Manogaran, Nivetha Martin, M. Kasi Mayan, Mai Mohamed, Mohamed Talea, Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Gulistan, Raja Muhammad Hashim, Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Saeed, Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain, Nada A. Nabeeh, Deivanayagampillai Nagarajan, Xenia Negrea, Nguyen Xuan Thao, Jagan M. Obbineni, Angelo de Oliveira, M. Parimala, Gabrijela Popovic, Ishaani Priyadarshini, Yaser Saber, Mehmet Șahin, Said Broumi, A. A. Salama, M. Saleh, Ganeshsree Selvachandran, Dönüș Șengür, Shio Gai Quek, Songtao Shao, Dragiša Stanujkić, Surapati Pramanik, Swathi Sundari Sundaramoorthy, Mirela Teodorescu, Selçuk Topal, Muhammed Turhan, Alptekin Ulutaș, Luige Vlădăreanu, Victor Vlădăreanu, Ştefan Vlăduţescu, Dan Valeriu Voinea, Volkan Duran, Navneet Yadav, Yanhui Guo, Naveed Yaqoob, Yongquan Zhou, Young Bae Jun, Xiaohong Zhang, Xiao Long Xin, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas