797 research outputs found

    Aerial Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance

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    Aerial robots with perception, navigation, and manipulation capabilities are extending the range of applications of drones, allowing the integration of different sensor devices and robotic manipulators to perform inspection and maintenance operations on infrastructures such as power lines, bridges, viaducts, or walls, involving typically physical interactions on flight. New research and technological challenges arise from applications demanding the benefits of aerial robots, particularly in outdoor environments. This book collects eleven papers from different research groups from Spain, Croatia, Italy, Japan, the USA, the Netherlands, and Denmark, focused on the design, development, and experimental validation of methods and technologies for inspection and maintenance using aerial robots

    Développement et évaluation d'une stratégie d'atterrissage pour drones semi-autonome sur lignes électriques dans différentes conditions de vent

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    Au cours des dernières années, le recours aux drones pour l’inspection des lignes électriques à haute tension s’est répandu en raison de leur efficacité, de leur rentabilité et de leur ca- pacité à atteindre des zones autrement inaccessibles. Cependant, faire atterrir en toute sécurité ces drones sur les lignes électriques, notamment dans des conditions venteuses, constitue un défi majeur. Cette recherche présente un modèle de contrôle semi-autonome pour permettre l’atterrissage sur une ligne électrique à l’aide de la plateforme NADILE (un drone conçu spécifiquement pour l’inspection des lignes électriques) et évalue le fonc- tionnement dans différentes conditions de vent. L’analyse de la probabilité de réussite de l’atterrissage en fonction de l’état initial du drone a été effectuée à l’aide de la méthode de Monte Carlo. Les performances du système ont été évaluées pour deux stratégies d’atter- rissage différentes, divers paramètres de contrôle, et quatre niveaux de vent. Les résultats ont montré qu’une stratégie d’atterrissage en deux étapes donne de meilleures chances de réussite de l’atterrissage et fournissent des indications précieuses sur les paramètres de contrôle optimaux et le niveau maximal de vent pour lequel le système est fiable. Une dé- monstration expérimentale de l’atterrissage autonome du système sur une ligne électrique a également été réalisée

    Transmission line inspection using suspended robot: Cost effective analysis and operational routing identification

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    High voltage transmission lines form a crucial part of the energy infrastructure of a country. Effective maintenance is required to maintain its reliability and reduce the probability of the occurrence of the outage. Conventionally, the routine inspection of the transmission line was conducted by linemen with the assistance of hot stick and helicopter, which is considered dangerous, time-consuming, and expensive. In this thesis, we focus on the initial study of seeking the state of the art robotics technology to by largely replace human beings in transmission line inspection. The existing robotics technologies that are interested by utility companies, as well as the background information of transmission system, are first briefly reviewed. The motivation and objective of the thesis are given. Then, a cost model for using a suspended robot in transmission line inspection following a heuristic routing strategy that guides the motion of the ground support team is introduced. Numerical case study considering various terrain characteristics is implemented to demonstrate the cost related performance of the inspection task using the suspended robot. After that, a revised A-Star routing algorithm is derived to identify the travel path of the ground team to reduce the travel time and distance to further improve the cost-effectiveness of using the suspended robot in transmission line inspection. A true segment of transmission line in Missouri (MO) is used in case study to illustrate the effectiveness of the derived routing algorithm. Finally, the conclusion of the thesis is drawn, and the future work is discussed --Abstract, page iii

    Inspecção Visual de Isoladores Eléctricos -Abordagem baseada em Deep Learning

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    To supply the electrical population’s demand is necessary to have a good quality power distribution systems. Electrical asset inspection, like electrical towers, dam or power line is a high risk and expensive task. Nowadays it is done with traditional methods like using a helicopter equipped with several sensors or with specialised human labour. In the last years, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) exponential growth (most common called drones) make them very accessible for different applications. They are cheaper and easy to adapt. Adopting this technology will be in the future the next step on electrical asset inspection. It will provide a better service (safer, faster and cheaper), particularly in power line distribution. This thesis brings forward an alternative to traditional methods using a UAV for images processing during the insulator visual inspection. The developed work implement real-time insulators visual detection using na Artificial Neural Network (ANN), You Only Look Once (YOLO) in this case, on medium and high voltage power lines. YOLO was trained with different types and sizes of insulators. Isn’t always possible to see what the UAV is recording so it has a gimbal system which controls the camera orientation/position. It will centre the insulator on the image and this way getting a better view of it. All the training and tests were performed on board Jetson TX2.A inspeção de ativos elétricos, sejam eles torres elétricas, barragens ou linhas elétricas, é realizada com recurso a helicópteros, equipados com sensores para o efeito ou, de uma forma mais minuciosa, com o recurso a mão-de-obra especializada. Ambas as situações são trabalhos de risco elevado. Nos últimos anos temos assistido a um enorme crescimento de veículos aéreos não tripulados, vulgarmente chamados de drones. Estes sistemas estão bastante desenvolvidos e são economicamente acessíveis, o que os torna perfeitos para variadíssimas funções. A inspeção de linhas elétricas não ´e exceção. Esta dissertação, pretende ser uma primeira abordagem `a utilização de drones para uma inspeção autónoma de linhas elétricas, nomeadamente no processamento de imagem para inspeção visual de isoladores. O trabalho desenvolvido, consiste na implementação de um sistema que funciona em tempo real para a deteção visual de isoladores. A deteção ´e feita com recurso a uma rede neuronal, neste caso específico a fico a You Only Look Once (YOLO), que foi treinada com isoladores de diferentes tamanhos e materiais. Uma vez que nem sempre ´e possível acompanhar o que está a ser filmado, o drone consta de um sistema capaz de orientar a câmara, chamado gimbal, para centrar o isolador na imagem e assim conseguir obter um melhor enquadramento do ativo a ser inspecionado. Todos este desenvolvimentos e consequentes testes foram realizados com a utilização de processamento paralelo, que neste caso foi utilizada a placa Jetson TX2

    An advanced unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) approach via learning-based control for overhead power line monitoring: a comprehensive review

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    Detection and prevention of faults in overhead electric lines is critical for the reliability and availability of electricity supply. The disadvantages of conventional methods range from cumbersome installations to costly maintenance and from lack of adaptability to hazards for human operators. Thus, transmission inspections based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have been attracting the attention of researchers since their inception. This article provides a comprehensive review for the development of UAV technologies in the overhead electric power lines patrol process for monitoring and identifying faults, explores its advantages, and realizes the potential of the aforementioned method and how it can be exploited to avoid obstacles, especially when compared with the state-of-the-art mechanical methods. The review focuses on the development of advanced Learning Control strategies for higher manoeuvrability of the quadrotor. It also explores suitable recharging strategies and motor control for improved mission autonomy

    Assessing Wind Impact on Semi-Autonomous Drone Landings for In-Contact Power Line Inspection

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    In recent years, the use of inspection drones has become increasingly popular for high-voltage electric cable inspections due to their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ability to access hard-to-reach areas. However, safely landing drones on power lines, especially under windy conditions, remains a significant challenge. This study introduces a semi-autonomous control scheme for landing on an electrical line with the NADILE drone (an experimental drone based on original LineDrone key features for inspection of power lines) and assesses the operating envelope under various wind conditions. A Monte Carlo method is employed to analyze the success probability of landing given initial drone states. The performance of the system is evaluated for two landing strategies, variously controllers parameters and four level of wind intensities. The results show that a two-stage landing strategies offers higher probabilities of landing success and give insight regarding the best controller parameters and the maximum wind level for which the system is robust. Lastly, an experimental demonstration of the system landing autonomously on a power line is presented

    Collaborative Unmanned Vehicles for Inspection, Maintenance, and Repairs of Offshore Wind Turbines

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    Operations and maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines (OWTs) are challenging, with manual operators constantly exposed to hazardous environments. Due to the high task complexity associated with the OWT, the transition to unmanned solutions remains stagnant. Efforts toward unmanned operations have been observed using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) but are limited mostly to visual inspections only. Collaboration strategies between unmanned vehicles have introduced several opportunities that would enable unmanned operations for the OWT maintenance and repair activities. There have been many papers and reviews on collaborative UVs. However, most of the past papers reviewed collaborative UVs for surveillance purposes, search and rescue missions, and agricultural activities. This review aims to present the current capabilities of Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) used in OWT for Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair (IMR) operations. Strategies to implement collaborative UVs for complex tasks and their associated challenges are discussed together with the strategies to solve localization and navigation issues, prolong operation time, and establish effective communication within the OWT IMR operations. This paper also briefly discusses the potential failure modes for collaborative approaches and possible redundancy strategies to manage them. The collaborative strategies discussed herein will be of use to researchers and technology providers in identifying significant gaps that have hindered the implementation of full unmanned systems which have significant impacts towards the net zero strategy.</jats:p

    MRS Drone: A Modular Platform for Real-World Deployment of Aerial Multi-Robot Systems

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    This paper presents a modular autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platform called the Multi-robot Systems (MRS) Drone that can be used in a large range of indoor and outdoor applications. The MRS Drone features unique modularity with respect to changes in actuators, frames, and sensory configuration. As the name suggests, the platform is specially tailored for deployment within a MRS group. The MRS Drone contributes to the state-of-the-art of UAV platforms by allowing smooth real-world deployment of multiple aerial robots, as well as by outperforming other platforms with its modularity. For real-world multi-robot deployment in various applications, the platform is easy to both assemble and modify. Moreover, it is accompanied by a realistic simulator to enable safe pre-flight testing and a smooth transition to complex real-world experiments. In this manuscript, we present mechanical and electrical designs, software architecture, and technical specifications to build a fully autonomous multi UAV system. Finally, we demonstrate the full capabilities and the unique modularity of the MRS Drone in various real-world applications that required a diverse range of platform configurations.Comment: 49 pages, 39 figures, accepted for publication to the Journal of Intelligent & Robotic System

    A review on the prospects of mobile manipulators for smart maintenance of railway track

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    Inspection and repair interventions play vital roles in the asset management of railways. Autonomous mobile manipulators possess considerable potential to replace humans in many hazardous railway track maintenance tasks with high efficiency. This paper investigates the prospects of the use of mobile manipulators in track maintenance tasks. The current state of railway track inspection and repair technologies is initially reviewed, revealing that very few mobile manipulators are in the railways. Of note, the technologies are analytically scrutinized to ascertain advantages, unique capabilities, and potential use in the deployment of mobile manipulators for inspection and repair tasks across various industries. Most mobile manipulators in maintenance use ground robots, while other applications use aerial, underwater, or space robots. Power transmission lines, the nuclear industry, and space are the most extensive application areas. Clearly, the railways infrastructure managers can benefit from the adaptation of best practices from these diversified designs and their broad deployment, leading to enhanced human safety and optimized asset digitalization. A case study is presented to show the potential use of mobile manipulators in railway track maintenance tasks. Moreover, the benefits of the mobile manipulator are discussed based on previous research. Finally, challenges and requirements are reviewed to provide insights into future research
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